Thursday, October 18, 2007


Heimskringla - II

Earl Thorfin went east to Norway, and came to King Olaf, from
whom he received a kind reception, and stayed till late in the
summer. When he was preparing to return westwards again, King
Olaf made him a present of a large and fully-rigged long-ship.
Thorkel the Fosterer joined company with the earl, who gave him
the ship which he brought with him from the west. The king and
the earl took leave of each other tenderly. In autumn Earl
Thorfin came to Orkney, and when Earl Einar heard of it he went
on board his ships with a numerous band of men. Earl Bruse came
up to his two brothers, and endeavoured to mediate between them,
and a peace was concluded and confirmed by oath. Thorkel
Fosterer was to be in peace and friendship with Earl Einar; and
it was agreed that each of them should give a feast to the other,
and that the earl should first be Thorkel's guest at Sandwick.
When the earl came to the feast he was entertained in the best
manner; but the earl was not cheerful. There was a great room,
in which there were doors at each end. The day the earl should
depart Thorkel was to accompany him to the other feast; and
Thorkel sent men before, who should examine the road they had to
travel that day. The spies came back, and said to Thorkel they
had discovered three ambushes. "And we think," said they, "there
is deceit on foot." When Thorkel heard this he lengthened out
his preparations for the journey, and gathered people about him.
The earl told him to get ready, as it was time to be on
horseback. Thorkel answered, that he had many things to put in
order first, and went out and in frequently. There was a fire
upon the floor. At last he went in at one door, followed by an
Iceland man from Eastfjord, called Halvard, who locked the door
after him. Thorkel went in between the fire and the place where
the earl was sitting. The earl asked, "Art thou ready at last,
Thorkel answers, "Now I am ready;" and struck the earl upon the
head so that he fell upon the floor.
Then said the Icelander, "I never saw people so foolish as not to
drag the earl out of the fire;" and took a stick, which he set
under the earl's neck, and put him upright on the bench. Thorkel
and his two comrades then went in all haste out of the other door
opposite to that by which they went in, and Thorkel's men were
standing without fully armed. The earl's men now went in, and
took hold of the earl. He was already dead, so nobody thought of
avenging him: and also the whole was done so quickly; for nobody
expected such a deed from Thorkel, and all supposed that there
really was, as before related, a friendship fixed between the
earl and Thorkel. The most who were within were unarmed, and
they were partly Thorkel's good friends; and to this may be
added, that fate had decreed a longer life to Thorkel. When
Thorkel came out he had not fewer men with him than the earl's
troop. Thorkel went to his ship, and the earl's men went their
way. The same day Thorkel sailed out eastwards into the sea.
This happened after winter; but he came safely to Norway, went as
fast as he could to Olaf, and was well received by him. The king
expressed his satisfaction at this deed, and Thorkel was with him
all winter (A.D. 1091).
After Earl Einar's fall Bruse took the part of the country which
he had possessed; for it was known to many men on what conditions
Einar and Bruse had entered into a partnership. Although Thorfin
thought it would be more just that each of them had half of the
islands, Bruse retained the two-thirds of the country that winter
(A.D. 1021). In spring, however, Thorfin produced his claim, and
demanded the half of the country; but Bruse would not consent.
They held Things and meetings about the business; and although
their friends endeavoured to settle it, Thorfin would not be
content with less than the half of the islands, and insisted that
Bruse, with his disposition, would have enough even with a third
part. Bruse replies, "When I took my heritage after my father I
was well satisfied with a third part of the country, and there
was nobody to dispute it with me; and now I have succeeded to
another third in heritage after my brother, according to a lawful
agreement between us; and although I am not powerful enough to
maintain a feud against thee, my brother, I will seek some other
way, rather than willingly renounce my property." With this
their meeting ended. But Bruse saw that he had no strength to
contend against Thorfin, because Thorfin had both a greater
dominion and also could have aid from his mother's brother, the
Scottish king. He resolved, therefore, to go out of the country;
and he went eastward to King Olaf, and had with him his son
Ragnvald, then ten years old. When the earl came to the king he
was well received. The earl now declared his errand, and told
the king the circumstances of the whole dispute between him and
his brother, and asked help to defend his kingdom of Orkney;
promising, in return, the fullest friendship towards King Olaf.
In his answer, the king began with showing how Harald Harfager
had appropriated to himself all udal rights in Orkney, and that
the earls, since that time, have constantly held the country as a
fief, not as their udal property. "As a sufficient proof of
which," said he, "when Eirik Blood-axe and his sons were in
Orkney the earls were subject to them; and also when my relation
Olaf Trygvason came there thy father, Earl Sigurd, became his
man. Now I have taken heritage after King Olaf, and I will give
thee the condition to become my man and then I will give thee the
islands as a fief; and we shall try if I cannot give thee aid
that will he more to the purpose than Thorfin can get from the
Scottish king. If thou wilt not accept of these terms, then will
I win back my udal property there in the West, as our forefathers
and relations of old possessed it."
The earl carefully considered this speech, laid it before his
friends, and demanded their advice if he should agree to it, and
enter into such terms with King Olaf and become his vassal. "But
I do not see what my lot will be at my departure if I say no; for
the king has clearly enough declared his claim upon Orkney; and
from his great power, and our being in his hands, it is easy for
him to make our destiny what he pleases."
Although the earl saw that there was much to be considered for
and against it he chose the condition to deliver himself and his
dominion into the king's power. Thereupon the king took the
earl's power, and the government over all the earl's lands, and
the earl became his vassal under oath of fealty.
Thorfin the earl heard that his brother Bruse had gone east to
King Olaf to seek support from him; but as Thorfin had been on a
visit to King Olaf before, and had concluded a friendship with
him, he thought his case would stand well with the king, and that
many would support it; but he believed that many more would do so
if he went there himself. Earl Thorfin resolved, therefore, to
go east himself without delay; and he thought there would be so
little difference between the time of his arrival and Bruse's,
that Bruse's errand could not be accomplished before he came to
King Olaf. But it went otherwise than Earl Thorfin had expected;
for when he came to the king the agreement between the king and
Bruse was already concluded and settled, and Earl Thorfin did not
know a word about Bruse's having surrendered his udal domains
until he came to King Olaf. As soon as Earl Thorfin and King
Olaf met, the king made the same demand upon the kingdom of
Orkney that he had done to Earl Bruse, and required that Thorfin
should voluntarily deliver over to the king that part of the
country which he had possessed hitherto. The earl answered in a
friendly and respectful way, that the king's friendship lay near
to his heart: "And if you think, sire, that my help against other
chiefs can be of use, you have already every claim to it; but I
cannot be your vessel for service, as I am an earl of the
Scottish king, and owe fealty to him."
As the king found that the earl, by his answer, declined
fulfilling the demand he had made, he said, "Earl, if thou wilt
not become my vassal, there is another condition; namely, that I
will place over the Orkney Islands the man I please, and require
thy oath that thou wilt make no claim upon these lands, but allow
whoever I place over them to sit in peace. If thou wilt not
accept of either of these conditions, he who is to rule over
these lands may expect hostility from thee, and thou must not
think it strange if like meet like in this business."
The earl begged of the king some time to consider the matter.
The king did so, and gave the earl time to take the counsel of
his friends on the choosing one or other of these conditions.
Then the earl requested a delay until next summer, that he might
go over the sea to the west, for his proper counsellors were all
at home, and he himself was but a child in respect of age; but
the king required that he should now make his election of one or
other of the conditions. Thorkel Fosterer was then with the
king, and he privately sent a person to Earl Thorfin, and told
him, whatever his intentions might be, not to think of leaving
Olaf without being reconciled with him, as he stood entirely in
Olaf's power. From such hints the earl saw there was no other
way than to let the king have his own will. It was no doubt a
hard condition to have no hope of ever regaining his paternal
heritage, and moreover to bind himself by oath to allow those to
enjoy in peace his domain who had no hereditary right to it; but
seeing it was uncertain how he could get away, he resolved to
submit to the king and become his vassal, as Bruse had done. The
king observed that Thorfin was more high-minded, and less
disposed to suffer subjection than Bruse, and therefore he
trusted less to Thorfin than to Bruse; and he considered also
that Thorfin would trust to the aid of the Scottish king, if he
broke the agreement. The king also had discernment enough to
perceive that Bruse, although slow to enter into an agreement,
would promise nothing but what he intended to keep; but as to
Thorfin when he had once made up his mind he went readily into
every proposal and made no attempt to obtain any alteration of
the king's first conditions: therefore the king had his
suspicions that the earl would infringe the agreement.
When the king had carefully considered the whole matter by
himself, he ordered the signal to sound for a General Thing, to
which he called in the earls. Then said the king, "I will now
make known to the public our agreement with the Orkney earls.
They have now acknowledged my right of property to Orkney and
Shetland, and have both become my vassals, all which they have
confirmed by oath; and now I will invest them with these lands as
a fief: namely, Bruse with one third part and Thorfin with one
third, as they formerly enjoyed them; but the other third which
Einar Rangmund had, I adjudge as fallen to my domain, because he
killed Eyvind Urarhorn, my court-man, partner, and dear friend;
and that part of the land I will manage as I think proper. I
have also my earls, to tell you it is my pleasure that ye enter
into an agreement with Thorkel Amundason for the murder of your
brother Einar, for I will take that business, if ye agree
thereto, within my own jurisdiction." The earls agreed to this,
as to everything else that the king proposed. Thorkel came
forward, and surrendered to the king's judgment of the case, and
the Thing concluded. King Olaf awarded as great a penalty for
Earl Einar's murder as for three lendermen; but as Einar himself
was the cause of the act, one third of the mulct fell to the
ground. Thereafter Earl Thorfin asked the king's leave to
depart, and as soon as he obtained it made ready for sea with all
speed. It happened one day, when all was ready for the voyage,
the earl sat in his ship drinking; and Thorkel Amundason came
unexpectedly to him, laid his head upon the earl's knee, and bade
him do with him what he pleased. The earl asked why he did so.
"We are, you know, reconciled men, according to the king's
decision; so stand up, Thorkel."
Thorkel replied, "The agreement which the king made as between me
and Bruse stands good; but what regards the agreement with thee
thou alone must determine. Although the king made conditions for
my property and safe residence in Orkney, yet I know so well thy
disposition that there is no going to the islands for me, unless
I go there in peace with thee, Earl Thorfin; and therefore I am
willing to promise never to return to Orkney, whatever the king
may desire."
The earl remained silent; and first, after a long pause, he said,
"If thou wilt rather, Thorkel, that I shall judge between us than
trust to the king's judgment, then let the beginning of our
reconciliation be, that you go with me to the Orkney Islands,
live with me, and never leave me but with my will, and be bound
to defend my land, and execute all that I want done, as long as
we both are in life."
Thorkel replies, "This shall be entirely at thy pleasure, earl,
as well as everything else in my power." Then Thorkel went on,
and solemnly ratified this agreement. The earl said he would
talk afterwards about the mulct of money, but took Thorkel's oath
upon the conditions. Thorkel immediately made ready to accompany
the earl on his voyage. The earl set off as soon as all was
ready, and never again were King Olaf and Thorfin together.
Earl Bruse remained behind, and took his time to get ready.
Before his departure the king sent for him, and said, "It appears
to me, earl, that in thee I have a man on the west side of the
sea on whose fidelity I can depend; therefore I intend to give
thee the two parts of the country which thou formerly hadst to
rule over; for I will not that thou shouldst be a less powerful
man after entering into my service than before: but I will secure
thy fidelity by keeping thy son Ragnvald with me. I see well
enough that with two parts of the country and my help, thou wilt
be able to defend what is thy own against thy brother Thorfin."
Bruse was thankful for getting two thirds instead of one third of
the country, and soon after he set out, and came about autumn to
Orkney; but Ragnvald, Bruse's son, remained behind in the East
with King Olaf. Ragnvald was one of the handsomest men that
could be seen, -- his hair long, and yellow as silk; and he soon
grew up, stout and tall, and he was a very able and superb man,
both of great understanding and polite manners. He was long with
King Olaf. Otter Svarte speaks of these affairs in the poem he
composed about King Olaf: --
"From Shetland, far off in the cold North Sea,
Come chiefs who desire to be subject to thee:
No king so well known for his will, and his might,
To defend his own people from scaith or unright.
These isles of the West midst the ocean's wild roar,
Scarcely heard the voice of their sovereign before;
Our bravest of sovereigns before could scarce bring
These islesmen so proud to acknowledge their king."
The brothers Thorfin and Bruse came west to Orkney; and Bruse
took the two parts of the country under his rule, and Thorfin the
third part. Thorfin was usually in Caithness and elsewhere in
Scotland; but placed men of his own over the islands. It was
left to Bruse alone to defend the islands, which at that time
were severely scourged by vikings; for the Northmen and Danes
went much on viking cruises in the west sea, and frequently
touched at Orkney on the way to or from the west, and plundered,
and took provisions and cattle from the coast. Bruse often
complained of his brother Thorfin, that he made no equipment of
war for the defence of Orkney and Shetland, yet levied his share
of the scat and duties. Then Thorfin offered to him to exchange,
and that Bruse should have one third and Thorfin two thirds of
the land, but should undertake the defence of the land, for the
whole. Although this exchange did not take place immediately, it
is related in the saga of the earls that it was agreed upon at
last; and that Thorfin had two parts and Bruse only one, when
Canute the Great subdued Norway and King Olaf fled the country.
Earl Thorfin Sigurdson has been the ablest earl of these islands,
and has had the greatest dominion of all the Orkney earls; for he
had under him Orkney, Shetland, and the Hebudes, besides very
great possessions in Scotland and Ireland. Arnor, the earls'
skald, tells of his possessions: --
"From Thurso-skerry to Dublin,
All people hold with good Thorfin --
All people love his sway,
And the generous chief obey."
Thorfin was a very great warrior. He came to the earldom at five
years of age, ruled more than sixty years, and died in his bed
about the last days of Harald Sigurdson. But Bruse died in the
days of Canute the Great, a short time after the fall of Saint
Having now gone through this second story, we shall return to
that which we left, -- at King Olaf Haraldson having concluded
peace with King Olaf the Swedish king, and having the same summer
gone north to Throndhjem (1019). He had then been king in Norway
five years (A.D. 1015-1019). In harvest time he prepared to take
his winter residence at Nidaros, and he remained all winter there
(A.D. 1020). Thorkel the Fosterer, Amunde's son, as before
related, was all that winter with him. King Olaf inquired very
carefully how it stood with Christianity throughout the land, and
learnt that it was not observed at all to the north of
Halogaland, and was far from being observed as it should be in
Naumudal, and the interior of Throndhjem. There was a man by
name Harek, a son of Eyvind Skaldaspiller, who dwelt in an island
called Thjotta in Halogaland. Eyvind had not been a rich man,
but was of high family and high mind. In Thjotta, at first,
there dwelt many small bondes; but Harek began with buying a farm
not very large and lived on it, and in a few years he had got all
the bondes that were there before out of the way; so that he had
the whole island, and built a large head-mansion. He soon became
very rich; for he was a very prudent man, and very successful.
He had long been greatly respected by the chiefs; and being
related to the kings of Norway, had been raised by them to high
dignities. Harek's father's mother Gunhild was a daughter of
Earl Halfdan, and Ingebjorg, Harald Harfager's daughter. At the
time the circumstance happened which we are going to relate he
was somewhat advanced in years. Harek was the most respected man
in Halogaland, and for a long time had the Lapland trade, and did
the king's business in Lapland; sometimes alone, sometimes with
others joined to him. He had not himself been to wait on King
Olaf, but messages had passed between them, and all was on the
most friendly footing. This winter (A.D. 1020) that Olaf was in
Nidaros, messengers passed between the king and Harek of Thjotta.
Then the king made it known that he intended going north to
Halogaland, and as far north as the land's end; but the people of
Halogaland expected no good from this expedition.
Olaf rigged out five ships in spring (A.D. 1020), and had with
him about 300 men. When he was ready for sea he set northwards
along the land; and when he came to Naumudal district he summoned
the bondes to a Thing, and at every Thing was accepted as king.
He also made the laws to be read there as elsewhere, by which the
people are commanded to observe Christianity; and he threatened
every man with loss of life, and limbs, and property who would
not subject himself to Christian law. He inflicted severe
punishments on many men, great as well as small, and left no
district until the people had consented to adopt the holy faith.
The most of the men of power and of the great bondes made feasts
for the king, and so he proceeded all the way north to
Halogaland. Harek of Thjotta also made a feast for the king, at
which there was a great multitude of guests, and the feast was
very splendid. Harek was made lenderman, and got the same
privileges he had enjoyed under the former chiefs of the country.
There was a man called Grankel, or Granketil, who was a rich
bonde, and at this time rather advanced in age. In his youth he
had been on viking cruises, and had been a powerful fighter; for
he possessed great readiness in all sorts of bodily exercises.
His son Asmund was equal to his father in all these, and in some,
indeed, he excelled him. There were many who said that with
respect to comeliness, strength, and bodily expertness, he might
be considered the third remarkably distinguished for these that
Norway had ever produced. The first was Hakon Athelstan's
foster-son; the second, Olaf Trygvason. Grankel invited King
Olaf to a feast, which was very magnificent; and at parting
Grankel presented the king with many honourable gifts and tokens
of friendship. The king invited Asmund, with many persuasions,
to follow him; and as Asmund could not decline the honours
offered him, he got ready to travel with the king, became his
man, and stood in high favour with him. The king remained in
Halogaland the greater part of the summer, went to all the
Things, and baptized all the people. Thorer Hund dwelt at that
time in the island Bjarkey. He was the most powerful man in the
North, and also became one of Olaf's lendermen. Many sons of
great bondes resolved also to follow King Olaf from Halogaland.
Towards the end of summer King Olaf left the North, and sailed
back to Throndhjem, and landed at Nidaros, where he passed the
winter (A.D. 1021). It was then that Thorkel the Fosterer came
from the West from Orkney, after killing Einar Rangmumd, as
before related. This autumn corn was dear in Throndhjem, after a
long course of good seasons, and the farther north the dearer was
the corn; but there was corn enough in the East country, and in
the Uplands, and it was of great help to the people of Throndhjem
that many had old corn remaining beside them.
In autumn the news was brought to King Olaf that the bondes had
had a great feast on the first winter-day's eve, at which there
was a numerous attendance and much drinking; and it was told the
king that all the remembrance-cups to the Asas, or old gods, were
blessed according to the old heathen forms; and it was added,
that cattle and horses had been slain, and the altars sprinkled
with their blood, and the sacrifices accompanied with the prayer
that was made to obtain good seasons. It was also reported that
all men saw clearly that the gods were offended at the Halogaland
people turning Christian. Now when the king heard this news he
sent men into the Throndhjem country, and ordered several bondes,
whose names he gave, to appear before him. There was a man
called Olver of Eggja, so called after his farm on which he
lived. He was powerful, of great family, and the head-man of
those who on account of the bondes appeared before the king.
Now, when they came to the king, he told them these accusations;
to which Olver, on behalf of the bondes, replied, that they had
had no other feasts that harvest than their usual entertainments,
and social meetings, and friendly drinking parties. "But as to
what may have been told you of the words which may have fallen
from us Throndhjem people in our drinking parties, men of
understanding would take good care not to use such language; but
I cannot hinder drunken or foolish people's talk." Olver was a
man of clever speech, and bold in what he said, and defended the
bondes against such accusations. In the end, the king said the
people of the interior of Thorndhjem must themselves give the
best testimony to their being in the right faith. The bondes got
leave to return home, and set off as soon as they were ready.
Afterwards, when winter was advanced, it was told the king that
the people of the interior of Throndhjem had assembled in great
number at Maerin, and that there was a great sacrifice in the
middle of winter, at which they sacrificed offerings for peace
and a good season. Now when the king knew this on good authority
to be true, he sent men and messages into the interior, and
summoned the bondes whom he thought of most understanding into
the town. The bondes held a council among themselves about this
message; and all those who had been upon the same occasion in the
beginning of winter were now very unwilling to make the journey.
Olver, however, at the desire of all the bondes, allowed himself
to be persuaded. When he came to the town he went immediately
before the king, and they talked together. The king made the
same accusation against the bondes, that they had held a midwinter
sacrifice. Olver replies, that this accusation against
the bondes was false. "We had," said he, "Yule feasts and
drinking feasts wide around in the districts; and the bondes do
not prepare their feasts so sparingly, sire, that there is not
much left over, which people consume long afterwards. At Maerin
there is a great farm, with a large house on it, and a great
neighbourhood all around it, and it is the great delight of the
people to drink many together in company." The king said little
in reply, but looked angry, as he thought he knew the truth of
the matter better than it was now represented. He ordered the
bondes to return home. "I shall some time or other," said he,
"come to the truth of what you are now concealing, and in such a
way that ye shall not be able to contradict it. But, however,
that may be, do not try such things again." The bondes returned
home, and told the result of their journey, and that the king was
altogether enraged.
At Easter (A.D. 1021) the king held a feast, to which he had
invited many of the townspeople as well as bondes. After Easter
he ordered his ships to be launched into the water, oars and
tackle to be put on board, decks to be laid in the ships, and
tilts (1) and rigging to be set up, and to be laid ready for sea
at the piers. Immediately after Easter he sent men into Veradal.
There was a man called Thoralde, who was the king's bailiff, and
who managed the king's farm there at Haug; and to him the king
sent a message to come to him as quickly as possible. Thoralde
did not decline the journey, but went immediately to the town
with the messenger. The king called him in and in a private
conversation asked him what truth there was in what had been told
him of the principles and living of the people of the interior
of Throndhjem, and if it really was so that they practised
sacrifices to heathen gods. "I will," says the king, "that thou
declare to me the things as they are, and as thou knowest to be
true; for it is thy duty to tell me the truth, as thou art my
Thoralde replies, "Sire, I will first tell you that I have
brought here to the town my two children, my wife, and all my
loose property that I could take with me, and if thou desirest to
know the truth it shall be told according to thy command; but
if I declare it, thou must take care of me and mine."
The king replies, "Say only what is true on what I ask thee, and
I will take care that no evil befall thee."
Then said Thoralde, "If I must say the truth, king, as it is, I
must declare that in the interior of the Throndhjem land almost
all the people are heathen in faith, although some of them are
baptized. It is their custom to offer sacrifice in autumn for a
good winter, a second at mid-winter, and a third in summer. In
this the people of Eyna, Sparby, Veradal, and Skaun partake.
There are twelve men who preside over these sacrifice-feasts; and
in spring it is Olver who has to get the feast in order, and he
is now busy transporting to Maerin everything needful for it."
Now when the king had got to the truth with a certainty, he
ordered the signal to be sounded for his men to assemble, and for
the men-at-arms to go on board ship. He appointed men to steer
the ships, and leaders for the people, and ordered how the people
should be divided among the vessels. All was got ready in haste,
and with five ships and 300 men he steered up the fjord. The
wind was favourable, the ships sailed briskly before it, and
nobody could have thought that the king would be so soon there.
The king came in the night time to Maerin, and immediately
surrounded the house with a ring of armed men. Olver was taken,
and the king ordered him to be put to death, and many other men
besides. Then the king took all the provision for the feast, and
had it brought to his ships; and also all the goods, both
furniture, clothes, and valuables, which the people had brought
there, and divided the booty among his men. The king also let
all the bondes he thought had the greatest part in the business
be plundered by his men-at-arms. Some were taken prisoners and
laid in irons, some ran away, and many were robbed of their
goods. Thereafter the bondes were summoned to a Thing; but
because he had taken many powerful men prisoners, and held them
in his power, their friends and relations resolved to promise
obedience to the king, so that there was no insurrection against
the king on this occasion. He thus brought the whole people back
to the right faith, gave them teachers, and built and consecrated
churches. The king let Olver lie without fine paid for his
bloodshed, and all that he possessed was adjudged to the king;
and of the men he judged the most guilty, some he ordered to be
executed, some he maimed, some he drove out of the country, and
took fines from others. The king then returned to Nidaros.
(1) The ships appear to have been decked fore and aft only; and
in the middle, where the rowers sat, to have had tilts or
tents set up at night to sleep under. -- L.
There was a man called Arne Arnmodson, who was married to Thora,
Thorstein Galge's daughter. Their children were Kalf, Fin,
Thorberg, Amunde, Kolbjorn, Arnbjorn, and Arne. Their daughter,
who was called Ragnhild, was married to Harek of Thjotta. Arne
was a lenderman, powerful, and of ability, and a great friend of
King Olaf. At that time his sons Kalf and Fin were with the
king, and in great favour. The wife whom Olver of Eggja had left
was young and handsome, of great family, and rich, so that he who
got her might be considered to have made an excellent marriage;
and her land was in the gift of the king. She and Olver had two
sons, who were still in infancy. Kalf Arneson begged of the king
that he would give him to wife the widow of Olver; and out of
friendship the king agreed to it, and with her he got all the
property Olver had possessed. The king at the same time made him
his lenderman, and gave him an office in the interior of the
Throndhjem country. Kalf became a great chief, and was a man of
very great understanding.
When King Olaf had been seven years (A.D. 1015-1021) in Norway
the earls Thorfin and Bruse came to him, as before related, in
the summer, from Orkney, and he became master of their land. The
same summer Olaf went to North and South More, and in autumn to
Raumsdal. He left his ships there, and came to the Uplands, and
to Lesjar. Here he laid hold of all the best men, and forced
them, both at Lesjar and Dovre, either to receive Christianity or
suffer death, if they were not so lucky as to escape. After they
received Christianity, the king took their sons in his hands as
hostages for their fidelity. The king stayed several nights at a
farm in Lesjar called Boar, where he placed priests. Then he
proceeded over Orkadal and Lorodal, and came down from the
Uplands at a place called Stafabrekka. There a river runs along
the valley, called the Otta, and a beautiful hamlet, by name
Loar, lies on both sides of the river, and the king could see far
down over the whole neighbourhood. "A pity it is," said the
king, "so beautiful a hamlet should be burnt." And he proceeded
down the valley with his people, and was all night on a farm
called Nes. The king took his lodging in a loft, where he slept
himself; and it stands to the present day, without anything in it
having been altered since. The king was five days there, and
summoned by message-token the people to a Thing, both for the
districts of Vagar, Lear, and Hedal; and gave out the message
along with the token, that they must either receive Christianity
and give their sons as hostages, or see their habitations burnt.
They came before the king, and submitted to his pleasure; but
some fled south down the valley.
There was a man called Dale-Gudbrand, who was like a king in the
valley (Gudbrandsdal), but was only herse in title. Sigvat the
skald compared him for wealth and landed property to Erling
Skjalgson. Sigvat sang thus concerning Erling: --
"I know but one who can compare
With Erling for broad lands and gear --
Gudbrand is he, whose wide domains
Are most like where some small king reigns.
These two great bondes, I would say,
Equal each other every way.
He lies who says that he can find
One by the other left behind."
Gudbrand had a son, who is here spoken of. Now when Gudbrand
received the tidings that King Olaf was come to Lear, and obliged
people to accept Christianity, he sent out a message-token, and
summoned all the men in the valley to meet him at a farm called
Hundthorp. All came, so that the number could not be told; for
there is a lake in the neighbourhood called Laugen, so that
people could come to the place both by land and by water. There
Gudbrand held a Thing with them, and said, "A man is come to Loar
who is called Olaf, and will force upon us another faith than
what we had before, and will break in pieces all our gods. He
says that he has a much greater and more powerful god; and it is
wonderful that the earth does not burst asunder under him, or
that our god lets him go about unpunished when he dares to talk
such things. I know this for certain, that if we carry Thor, who
has always stood by us, out of our temple that is standing upon
this farm, Olaf's god will melt away, and he and his men be made
nothing so soon as Thor looks upon them." Then the bondes all
shouted as one person that Olaf should never get away with life
if he came to them; and they thought he would never dare to come
farther south through the valley. They chose out 700 men to go
northwards to Breida, to watch his movements. The leader of this
band was Gudbrand's son, eighteen years of age, and with him were
many other men of importance. When they came to a farm called
Hof they heard of the king; and they remained three nights there.
People streamed to them from all parts, from Lesjar, Loar, and
Vagar, who did not wish to receive Christianity. The king and
Bishop Sigurd fixed teachers in Loaf and in Vagar. From thence
they went round Vagarost, and came down into the valley at Sil,
where they stayed all night, and heard the news that a great
force of men were assembled against them. The bondes who were in
Breida heard also of the king's arrival, and prepared for battle.
As soon as the king arose in the morning he put on his armour,
and went southwards over the Sil plains, and did not halt until
he came to Breida, where he saw a great army ready for battle.
Then the king drew up his troops, rode himself at the head of
them, and began a speech to the bondes, in which he invited them
to adopt Christianity. They replied, "We shall give thee
something else to do to-day than to be mocking us;" and raised a
general shout, striking also upon their shields with their
weapons. Then the king's men ran forward and threw their spears;
but the bondes turned round instantly and fled, so that only few
men remained behind. Gudbrand's son was taken prisoner; but the
king gave him his life, and took him with him. The king was four
days here. Then the king said to Gudbrand's son, "Go home now to
thy father, and tell him I expect to be with him soon."
He went accordingly, and told his father the news, that they had
fallen in with the king, and fought with him; but that their
whole army, in the very beginning, took flight. "I was taken
prisoner," said he, "but the king gave me my life and liberty,
and told me to say to thee that he will soon be here. And now we
have not 200 men of the force we raised against him; therefore I
advise thee, father, not to give battle to that man."
Says Gudbrand, "It is easy to see that all courage has left thee,
and it was an unlucky hour ye went out to the field. Thy
proceeding will live long in the remembrance of people, and I see
that thy fastening thy faith on the folly that man is going about
with has brought upon thee and thy men so great a disgrace."
But the night after, Gudbrand dreamt that there came to him a man
surrounded by light, who brought great terror with him, and said
to him, "Thy son made no glorious expedition against King Olaf;
but still less honour wilt thou gather for thyself by holding a
battle with him. Thou with all thy people wilt fall; wolves will
drag thee, and all thine, away; ravens wilt tear thee in
stripes." At this dreadful vision he was much afraid, and tells
it to Thord Istermage, who was chief over the valley. He
replies, "The very same vision came to me." In the morning they
ordered the signal to sound for a Thing, and said that it
appeared to them advisable to hold a Thing with the man who had
come from the north with this new teaching, to know if there was
any truth in it. Gudbrand then said to his son, "Go thou, and
twelve men with thee, to the king who gave thee thy life." He
went straightway, and found the king, and laid before him their
errand; namely, that the bondes would hold a Thing with him, and
make a truce between them and him. The king was content; and
they bound themselves by faith and law mutually to hold the peace
so long as the Thing lasted. After this was settled the men
returned to Gudbrand and Thord, and told them there was made a
firm agreement for a truce. The king, after the battle with the
son of Gudbrand, had proceeded to Lidstad, and remained there for
five days: afterwards he went out to meet the bondes, and hold a
Thing with them. On that day there fell a heavy rain. When the
Thing was seated, the king stood up and said that the people in
Lesjar, Loaf, and Vagar had received Christianity, broken down
their houses of sacrifice, and believed now in the true God who
had made heaven and earth and knows all things.
Thereupon the king sat down, and Gudbrand replies, "We know
nothing of him whom thou speakest about. Dost thou call him God,
whom neither thou nor any one else can see? But we have a god
who call be seen every day, although he is not out to-day,
because the weather is wet, and he will appear to thee terrible
and very grand; and I expect that fear will mix with your very
blood when he comes into the Thing. But since thou sayest thy
God is so great, let him make it so that to-morrow we have a
cloudy day but without rain, and then let us meet again."
The king accordingly returned home to his lodging, taking
Gudbrand's son as a hostage; but he gave them a man as hostage in
exchange. In the evening the king asked Gudbrand's son what like
their god was. He replied, that he bore the likeness of Thor;
had a hammer in his hand; was of great size, but hollow within;
and had a high stand, upon which he stood when he was out.
"Neither gold nor silver are wanting about him, and every day he
receives four cakes of bread, besides meat." They then went to
bed, but the king watched all night in prayer. When day dawned
the king went to mass, then to table, and from thence to the
Thing. The weather was such as Gudbrand desired. Now the bishop
stood up in his choir-robes, with bishop's coif upon his head,
and bishop's staff in his hands. He spoke to the bondes of the
true faith, told the many wonderful acts of God, and concluded
his speech well.
Thord Istermage replies, "Many things we are told of by this
horned man with the staff in his hand crooked at the top like a
ram's horn; but since ye say, comrades, that your god is so
powerful, and can do so many wonders, tell him to make it clear
sunshine to-morrow forenoon, and then we shall meet here again,
and do one of two things, -- either agree with you about this
business, or fight you." And they separated for the day.
There was a man with King Olaf called Kolbein Sterke (the
strong), who came from a family in the Fjord district. Usually
he was so equipped that he was girt with a sword, and besides
carried a great stake, otherwise called a club, in his hands.
The king told Kolbein to stand nearest to him in the morning; and
gave orders to his people to go down in the night to where the
ships of the bondes lay and bore holes in them, and to set loose
their horses on the farms where they were; all which was done.
Now the king was in prayer all the night, beseeching God of His
goodness and mercy to release him from evil. When mass was
ended, and morning was grey, the king went to the Thing. When he
came there some bondes had already arrived, and they saw a great
crowd coming along, and bearing among them a huge man's image
glancing with gold and silver. When the bondes who were at the
Thing saw it they started up, and bowed themselves down before
the ugly idol. Thereupon it was set down upon the Thing-field;
and on the one side of it sat the bondes, and on the other the
king and his people.
Then Dale-Gudbrand stood up, and said, "Where now, king, is thy
god? I think he will now carry his head lower; and neither thou,
nor the man with the horn whom ye call bishop, and sits there
beside thee, are so bold to-day as on the former days; for now
our god, who rules over all, is come, and looks on you with an
angry eye; and now I see well enough that ye are terrified, and
scarcely dare to raise your eyes. Throw away now all your
opposition, and believe in the god who has all your fate in his
The king now whispers to Kolbein Sterke, without the bondes
perceiving it, "If it come so in the course of my speech that the
bondes look another way than towards their idol, strike him as
hard as thou canst with thy club."
The king then stood up and spoke. "Much hast thou talked to us
this morning, and greatly hast thou wondered that thou canst not
see our God; but we expect that he will soon come to us. Thou
wouldst frighten us with thy god, who is both blind and deaf, and
can neither save himself nor others, and cannot even move about
without being carried; but now I expect it will be but a short
time before he meets his fate: for turn your eyes towards the
east, -- behold our God advancing in great light."
The sun was rising, and all turned to look. At that moment
Kolbein gave their god a stroke, so that the idol burst asunder;
and there ran out of it mice as big almost as cats, and reptiles,
and adders. The bondes were so terrified that some fled to their
ships; but when they sprang out upon them they filled with water,
and could not get away. Others ran to their horses, but could
not find them. The king then ordered the bondes to be called
together, saying he wanted to speak with them; on which the
bondes came back, and the Thing was again seated.
The king rose up and said, "I do not understand what your noise
and running mean. Ye see yourselves what your god can do, -- the
idol ye adorned with gold and silver, and brought meat and
provisions to. Ye see now that the protecting powers who used it
were the mice and adders, reptiles and paddocks; and they do ill
who trust to such, and will not abandon this folly. Take now
your gold and ornaments that are lying strewed about on the
grass, and give them to your wives and daughters; but never hang
them hereafter upon stock or stone. Here are now two conditions
between us to choose upon, -- either accept Christianity, or
fight this very day; and the victory be to them to whom the God
we worship gives it."
Then Dale-Gudbrand stood up and said, "We have sustained great
damage upon our god; but since he will not help us, we will
believe in the God thou believest in."
Then all received Christianity. The bishop baptized Gudbrand and
his son. King Olaf and Bishop Sigurd left behind them teachers,
and they who met as enemies parted as friends; and Gudbrand built
a church in the valley.
King Olaf proceeded from thence to Hedemark, and baptized there;
but as he had formerly carried away their kings as prisoners, he
did not venture himself, after such a deed, to go far into the
country with few people at that time, but a small part of
Hedemark was baptized; but the king did not desist from his
expedition before he had introduced Christianity over all
Hedemark, consecrated churches, and placed teachers. He then
went to Hadaland and Thoten, improving the customs of the people,
and persisting until all the country was baptized. He then went
to Ringerike, where also all people went over to Christianity.
The people of Raumarike then heard that Olaf intended coming to
them, and they gathered a great force. They said among
themselves that the journey Olaf had made among them the last
time was not to be forgotten, and he should never proceed so
again. The king, notwithstanding, prepared for the journey. Now
when the king went up into Raumarike with his forces, the
multitude of bondes came against him at a river called Nitja; and
the bondes had a strong army, and began the battle as soon as
they met; but they soon fell short, and took to flight. They
were forced by this battle into a better disposition, and
immediately received Christianity; and the king scoured the whole
district, and did not leave it until all the people were made
Christians. He then went east to Soleys, and baptized that
neighbourhood. The skald Ottar Black came to him there, and
begged to be received among his men. Olaf the Swedish king had
died the winter before (A.D. 1021), and Onund, the son of Olaf,
was now the sole king over all Sweden. King Olaf returned, when
the winter (A.D. 1022) was far advanced, to Raumarike. There he
assembled a numerous Thing, at a place where the Eidsvold Things
have since been held. He made a law, that the Upland people
should resort to this Thing, and that Eidsvold laws should be
good through all the districts of the Uplands, and wide around in
other quarters, which also has taken place. As spring was
advancing, he rigged his ships, and went by sea to Tunsberg. He
remained there during the spring, and the time the town was most
frequented, and goods from other countries were brought to the
town for sale. There had been a good year in Viken, and
tolerable as far north as Stad; but it was a very dear time in
all the country north of there.
In spring (A.D. 1022) King Olaf sent a message west to Agder, and
north all the way to Hordaland and Rogaland, prohibiting the
exporting or selling of corn, malt, or meal; adding, that he, as
usual, would come there with his people in guest-quarters. The
message went round all the districts; but the king remained in
Viken all summer, and went east to the boundary of the country.
Einar Tambaskelfer had been with the Swedish king Olaf since the
death of his relation Earl Svein, and had, as the khag's man,
received great fiefs from him. Now that the king was dead, Einar
had a great desire to come into friendship agreement with Olaf;
and the same spring messages passed between them about it. While
the king was lying in the Gaut river, Einar Tambaskelfer came
there with some men; and after treating about an agreement, it
was settled that Einar should go north to Throndhjem, and there
take possession of all the lands and property which Bergliot had
received in dower. Thereupon Einar took his way north; but the
king remained behind in Viken, and remained long in Sarpsborg in
autumn (A.D. 1022), and during the first part of winter.
Erling Skjalgson held his dominion so, that all north from Sogn
Lake, and east to the Naze, the bondes stood under him; and
although he had much smaller royal fiefs than formerly, still so
great a dread of him prevailed that nobody dared to do anything
against his will, so that the king thought his power too great.
There was a man called Aslak Fitiaskalle, who was powerful and of
high birth. Erling's father Skjalg, and Aslak's father Askel,
were brother's sons. Aslak was a great friend of King Olaf, and
the king settled him in South Hordaland, where he gave him a
great fief, and great income, and ordered him in no respect to
give way to Erling. But this came to nothing when the king was
not in the neighbourhood; for then Erling would reign as he used
to do, and was not more humble because Aslak would thrust himself
forward as his equal. At last the strife went so far that Aslak
could not keep his place, but hastened to King Olaf, and told him
the circumstances between him and Erling. The king told Aslak to
remain with him until he should meet Erling; and sent a message
to Erling that he should come to him in spring at Tunsberg. When
they all arrived there they held a meeting at which the king said
to him, "It is told me concerning thy government, Erling, that no
man from Sogn Lake to the Naze can enjoy his freedom for thee;
although there are many men there who consider themselves born to
udal rights, and have their privileges like others born as they
are. Now, here is your relation Aslak, who appears to have
suffered great inconvenience from your conduct; and I do not know
whether he himself is in fault, or whether he suffers because I
have placed him to defend what is mine; and although I name him,
there are many others who have brought the same complaint before
us, both among those who are placed in office in our districts,
and among the bailiffs who have our farms to manage, and are
obliged to entertain me and my people."
Erling replies to this, "I will answer at once. I deny
altogether that I have ever injured Aslak, or any one else, for
being in your service; but this I will not deny, that it is now,
as it has long been, that each of us relations will willingly be
greater than the other: and, moreover, I freely acknowledge that
I am ready to bow my neck to thee, King Olaf; but it is more
difficult for me to stoop before one who is of slave descent in
all his generation, although he is now your bailiff, or before
others who are but equal to him in descent, although you bestow
honours on them."
Now the friends of both interfered, and entreated that they would
be reconciled; saying, that the king never could have such
powerful aid as from Erling, "if he was your friend entirely."
On the other hand, they represent to Erling that he should give
up to the king; for if he was in friendship with the king, it
would be easy to do with all the others what he pleased. The
meeting accordingly ended so that Erling should retain the fiefs
he formerly had, and every complaint the king had against Erling
should be dropped; but Skjalg, Erling's son, should come to the
king, and remain in his power. Then Aslak returned to his
dominions, and the two were in some sort reconciled. Erling
returned home also to his domains, and followed his own way of
ruling them.
There was a man named Sigurd Thoreson, a brother of Thorer Hund
of Bjarkey Island. Sigurd was married to Sigrid Skjalg's
daughter, a sister of Erling. Their son, called Asbjorn, became
as he grew up a very able man. Sigurd dwelt at Omd in
Thrandarnes, and was a very rich and respected man. He had not
gone into the king's service; and Thorer in so far had attained
higher dignity than his brother, that he was the king's
lenderman. But at home, on his farm, Sigurd stood in no respect
behind his brother in splendour and magnificence. As long as
heathenism prevailed, Sigurd usually had three sacrifices every
year: one on winter-night's eve, one on mid-winter's eve, and the
third in summer. Although he had adopted Christianity, he
continued the same custom with his feasts: he had, namely, a
great friendly entertainment at harvest time; a Yule feast in
winter, to which he invited many; the third feast he had about
Easter, to which also he invited many guests. He continued this
fashion as long as he lived. Sigurd died on a bed of sickness
when Asbjorn was eighteen years old. He was the only heir of his
father, and he followed his father's custom of holding three
festivals every year. Soon after Asbjorn came to his heritage
the course of seasons began to grow worse, and the corn harvests
of the people to fail; but Asbjorn held his usual feasts, and
helped himself by having old corn, and an old provision laid up
of all that was useful. But when one year had passed and another
came, and the crops were no better than the year before, Sigrid
wished that some if not all of the feasts should be given up.
That Asbjorn would not consent to, but went round in harvest
among his friends, buying corn where he could get it, and some he
received in presents. He thus kept his feasts this winter also;
but the spring after people got but little seed into the ground,
for they had to buy the seed-corn. Then Sigurd spoke of
diminishing the number of their house-servants. That Asbjorn
would not consent to, but held by the old fashion of the house in
all things. In summer (A.D. 1022) it appeared again that there
would be a bad year for corn; and to this came the report from
the south that King Olaf prohibited all export of corn, malt, or
meal from the southern to the northern parts of the country.
Then Asbjorn perceived that it would be difficult to procure what
was necessary for a house-keeping, and resolved to put into the
water a vessel for carrying goods which he had, and which was
large enough to go to sea with. The ship was good, all that
belonged to her was of the best, and in the sails were stripes of
cloth of various colours. Asbjorn made himself ready for a
voyage, and put to sea with twenty men. They sailed from the
north in summer; and nothing is told of their voyage until one
day, about the time the days begin to shorten, they came to
Karmtsund, and landed at Augvaldsnes. Up in the island Karmt
there is a large farm, not far from the sea, and a large house
upon it called Augvaldsnes, which was a king's house, with an
excellent farm, which Thorer Sel, who was the king's bailiff, had
under his management. Thorer was a man of low birth, but had
swung himself up in the world as an active man; and he was polite
in speech, showy in clothes, and fond of distinction, and not apt
to give way to others, in which he was supported by the favour of
the king. He was besides quick in speech, straightforward, and
free in conversation. Asbjorn, with his company, brought up
there for the night; and in the morning, when it was light,
Thorer went down to the vessel with some men, and inquired who
commanded the splendid ship. Asbjorn named his own and his
father's name. Thorer asks where the voyage was intended for,
and what was the errand.
Asbjorn replies, that he wanted to buy corn and malt; saying, as
was true, that it was a very dear time north in the country.
"But we are told that here the seasons are good; and wilt thou,
farmer, sell us corn? I see that here are great corn stacks, and
it would be very convenient if we had not to travel farther."
Thorer replies, "I will give thee the information that thou
needst not go farther to buy corn, or travel about here in
Rogaland; for I can tell thee that thou must turn about, and not
travel farther, for the king forbids carrying corn out of this to
the north of the country. Sail back again, Halogalander, for
that will be thy safest course."
Asbjorn replies, "If it be so, bonde, as thou sayest, that we can
get no corn here to buy, I will, notwithstanding, go forward upon
my errand, and visit my family in Sole, and see my relation
Erling's habitation."
Thorer: "How near is thy relationship to Erling?"
Asbjorn: "My mother is his sister."
Thorer: "It may be that I have spoken heedlessly, if so be that
thou art sister's son of Erling."
Thereupon Asbjorn and his crew struck their tents, and turned the
ship to sea. Thorer called after them. "A good voyage, and come
here again on your way back." Asbjorn promised to do so, sailed
away, and came in the evening to Jadar. Asbjorn went on shore
with ten men; the other ten men watched the ship. When Asbjorn
came to the house he was very well received, and Erling was very
glad to see him, placed him beside himself, and asked him all the
news in the north of the country. Asbjorn concealed nothing of
his business from him; and Erling said it happened unfortunately
that the king had just forbid the sale of corn. "And I know no
man here." says he, "who has courage to break the king's order,
and I find it difficult to keep well with the king, so many are
trying to break our friendship."
Asbjorn replies, "It is late before we learn the truth. In my
childhood I was taught that my mother was freeborn throughout her
whole descent, and that Erling of Sole was her boldest relation;
and now I hear thee say that thou hast not the freedom, for the
king's slaves here in Jadar, to do with thy own corn what thou
Erling looked at him, smiled through his teeth, and said, "Ye
Halogalanders know less of the king's power than we do here; but
a bold man thou mayst be at home in thy conversation. Let us now
drink, my friend, and we shall see tomorrow what can be done in
thy business."
They did so, and were very merry all the evening. The following
day Erling and Asbjorn talked over the matter again, and Erling
said. "I have found out a way for you to purchase corn, Asbjorn.
It is the same thing to you whoever is the seller." He answered
that he did not care of whom he bought the corn, if he got a good
right to his purchase. Erling said. "It appears to me probable
that my slaves have quite as much corn as you require to buy; and
they are not subject to law, or land regulation, like other men."
Asbjorn agreed to the proposal. The slaves were now spoken to
about the purchase, and they brought forward corn and malt, which
they sold to Asbjorn, so that he loaded his vessel with what he
wanted. When he was ready for sea Erling followed him on the
road, made him presents of friendship, and they took a kind
farewell of each other. Asbjorn got a good breeze, landed in the
evening at Karmtsund, near to Augvaldsnes, and remained there for
the night. Thorer Sel had heard of Asbjorn's voyage, and also
that his vessel was deeply laden. Thorer summoned people to him
in the night, so that before daylight he had sixty men; and with
these he went against Asbjorn as soon as it was light, and went
out to the ship just as Asbjorn and his men were putting on their
clothes. Asbjorn saluted Thorer, and Thorer asked what kind of
goods Asbjorn had in the vessel.
He replied, "Corn and malt."
Thorer said, "Then Erling is doing as he usually does, and
despising the king's orders, and is unwearied in opposing him in
all things, insomuch that it is wonderful the king suffers it."
Thorer went on scolding in this way, and when he was silent
Asbjorn said that Erling's slaves had owned the corn.
Thorer replied hastily, that he did not regard Erling's tricks.
"And now, Asbjorn, there is no help for it; ye must either go on
shore, or we will throw you overboard; for we will not be
troubled with you while we are discharging the cargo."
Asbjorn saw that he had not men enough to resist Thorer;
therefore he and his people landed, and Thorer took the whole
cargo out of the vessel. When the vessel was discharged Thorer
went through the ship, and observed. "Ye Halogalanders have good
sails: take the old sail of our vessel and give it them; it is
good enough for those who are sailing in a light vessel." Thus
the sails were exchanged. When this was done Asbjorn and his
comrades sailed away north along the coast, and did not stop
until they reached home early in whiter. This expedition was
talked of far and wide, and Asbjorn had no trouble that winter in
making feasts at home. Thorer Hund invited Asbjorn and his
mother, and also all whom they pleased to take along with him, to
a Yule feast; but Asbjorn sat at home, and would not travel, and
it was to be seen that Thorer thought Asbjorn despised his
invitation, since he would not come. Thorer scoffed much at
Asbjorn's voyage. "Now," said he, "it is evident that Asbjorn
makes a great difference in his respect towards his relations;
for in summer he took the greatest trouble to visit his relation
Erling in Jadar, and now will not take the trouble to come to me
in the next house. I don't know if he thinks there may be a
Thorer Sel in his way upon every holm." Such words, and the like
sarcasms, Asbjorn heard of; and very ill satisfied he was with
his voyage, which had thus made him a laughing-stock to the
country, and he remained at home all winter, and went to no
Asbjorn had a long-ship standing in the noust (shipshed), and it
was a snekke (cutter) of twenty benches; and after Candlemas
(February 2, 1023), he had the vessel put in the water, brought
out all his furniture, and rigged her out. He then summoned to
him his friends and people, so that he had nearly ninety men all
well armed. When he was ready for sea, and got a wind, he sailed
south along the coast, but as the wind did not suit, they
advanced but slowly. When they came farther south they steered
outside the rocks, without the usual ships' channel, keeping to
sea as much as it was possible to do so. Nothing is related of
his voyage before the fifth day of Easter (April 18, 1023), when,
about evening, they came on the outside of Karmt Island. This
island is so shaped that it is very long, but not broad at its
widest part; and without it lies the usual ships' channel. It is
thickly inhabited; but where the island is exposed to the ocean
great tracts of it are uncultivated. Asbjorn and his men landed
at a place in the island that was uninhabited. After they had
set up their ship-tents Asbjorn said, "Now ye must remain here
and wait for me. I will go on land in the isle, and spy what
news there may be which we know nothing of." Asbjorn had on mean
clothes, a broadbrimmed hat, a fork in his hand, but had girt on
his sword under his clothes. He went up to the land, and in
through the island; and when he came upon a hillock, from which
he could see the house on Augvaldsnes, and on as far as
Karmtsund, he saw people in all quarters flocking together by
land and by sea, and all going up to the house of Augvaldsnes.
This seemed to him extraordinary; and therefore he went up
quietly to a house close by, in which servants were cooking meat.
From their conversation he discovered immediately that the king
Olaf had come there to a feast, and that he had just sat down to
table. Asbjorn turned then to the feasting-room, and when he
came into the ante-room one was going in and another coming out;
but nobody took notice of him. The hall-door was open, and he
saw that Thorer Sel stood before the table of the high-seat. It
was getting late in the evening, and Asbjorn heard people ask
Thorer what had taken place between him and Asbjorn; and Thorer
had a long story about it, in which he evidently departed from
the truth. Among other things he heard a man say, "How did
Asbjorn behave when you discharged his vessel?" Thorer replied,
"When we were taking out the cargo he bore it tolerably, but not
well; and when we took the sail from him he wept." When Asbjorn
heard this he suddenly drew his sword, rushed into the hall, and
cut at Thorer. The stroke took him in the neck, so that the head
fell upon the table before the king, and the body at his feet,
and the table-cloth was soiled with blood from top to bottom.
The king ordered him to be seized and taken out. This was done.
They laid hands on Asbjorn, and took him from the hall. The
table-furniture and table-cloths were removed, and also Thorer's
corpse, and all the blood wiped up. The king was enraged to the
highest; but remained quiet in speech, as he always was when in
Skjalg Erlingson stood up, went before the king, and said, "Now
may it go, as it often does, that every case will admit of
alleviation. I will pay thee the mulct for the bloodshed on
account of this man, so that he may retain life and limbs. All
the rest determine and do, king, according to thy pleasure."
The king replies, "Is it not a matter of death, Skjalg, that a
man break the Easter peace; and in the next place that he kills a
man in the king's lodging; and in the third that he makes my feet
his execution-block, although that may appear a small matter to
thee and thy father?"
Skjalg replies, "It is ill done, king, in as far as it displeases
thee; but the deed is, otherwise, done excellently well. But if
the deed appear to thee so important, and be so contrary to thy
will, yet may I expect something for my services from thee; and
certainly there are many who will say that thou didst well."
The king replies, "Although thou hast made me greatly indebted to
thee, Skjalg, for thy services, yet I will not for thy sake break
the law, or cast away my own dignity."
Then Skjalg turned round, and went out of the hall. Twelve men
who had come with Skjalg all followed him, and many others went
out with him. Skjalg said to Thorarin Nefiulfson, "If thou wilt
have me for a friend, take care that this man be not killed
before Sunday." Thereupon Skjalg and his men set off, took a
rowing boat which he had, and rowed south as fast as they could,
and came to Jadar with the first glimpse of morning. They went
up instantly to the house, and to the loft in which Erling slept.
Skjalg rushed so hard against the door that it burst asunder at
the nails. Erling and the others who were within started up. He
was in one spring upon his legs, grasped his shield and sword,
and rushed to the door, demanding who was there. Skjalg named
himself, and begs him to open the door. Erling replies, "It was
most likely to be thee who hast behaved so foolishly; or is there
any one who is pursuing thee?" Thereupon the door was unlocked.
Then said Skjalg, "Although it appears to thee that I am so
hasty, I suppose our relation Asbjorn will not think my
proceedings too quick; for he sits in chains there in the north
at Augvaldsnes, and it would be but manly to hasten back and
stand by him." The father and son then had a conversation
together, and Skjalg related the whole circumstances of Thorer
Sel's murder.
King Olaf took his seat again when everything in the hall was put
in order, and was enraged beyond measure. He asked how it was
with the murderer. He was answered, that he was sitting out upon
the doorstep under guard.
The king says, "Why is he not put to death?"
Thorarin Nefiulfson replies, "Sire, would you not call it murder
to kill a man in the night-time?"
The king answers, "Put him in irons then, and kill him in the
Then Asbjorn was laid in chains, and locked up in a house for the
night. The day after the king heard the morning mass, and then
went to the Thing, where he sat till high mass. As he was going
to mass he said to Thorarin, "Is not the sun high enough now in
the heavens that your friend Asbjorn may be hanged?"
Thorarin bowed before the king, and said, "Sire, it was said by
Bishop Sigurd on Friday last, that the King who has all things in
his power had to endure great temptation of spirit; and blessed
is he who rather imitates him, than those who condemned the man
to death, or those who caused his slaughter. It is not long till
tomorrow, and that is a working day."
The king looked at him, and said, "Thou must take care then that
he is not put to death to-day; but take him under thy charge, and
know for certain that thy own life shall answer for it if he
escape in any way."
Then the king went away. Thorarin went also to where Asbjorn lay
in irons, took off his chains, and brought him to a small room,
where he had meat and drink set before him, and told him what the
king had determined in case Asbjorn ran away. Asbjorn replies,
that Thorarin need not be afraid of him. Thorarin sat a long
while with him during the day, and slept there all night. On
Saturday the king arose and went to the early mass, and from
thence he went to the Thing, where a great many bondes were
assembled, who had many complaints to be determined. The king
sat there long in the day, and it was late before the people went
to high mass. Thereafter the king went to table. When he had
got meat he sat drinking for a while, so that the tables were not
removed. Thorarin went out to the priest who had the church
under his care, and gave him two marks of silver to ring in the
Sabbath as soon as the king's table was taken away. When the
king had drunk as much as he wished the tables were removed.
Then said the king, that it was now time for the slaves to go to
the murderer and put him to death. In the same moment the bell
rang in the Sabbath.
Then Thorarin went before the king, and said, "The Sabbath-peace
this man must have, although he has done evil."
The king said, "Do thou take care, Thorarin, that he do not
The king then went to the church, and attended the vesper
service, and Thorarin sat the whole day with Asbjorn. On Sunday
the bishop visited Asbjorn, confessed him, and gave him orders to
hear high mass. Thorarin then went to the king, and asked him to
appoint men to guard the murderer. "I will now," he said, "be
free of this charge." The king thanked him for his care, and
ordered men to watch over Asbjorn, who was again laid in chains.
When the people went to high mass Asbjorn was led to the church,
and he stood outside of the church with his guard; but the king
and all the people stood in the church at mass.
Now we must again take up our story where we left it, -- that
Erling and his son Skjalg held a council on this affair, and
according to the resolution of Erling, and of Skjalg and his
other sons, it was determined to assemble a force and send out
message-tokens. A great multitude of people accordingly came
together. They got ready with all speed, rigged their ships, and
when they reckoned upon their force they found they had nearly
1500 men. With this war-force they set off, and came on Sunday
to Augvaldsnes on Karmt Island. They went straight up to the
house with all the men, and arrived just as the Scripture lesson
was read. They went directly to the church, took Asbjorn, and
broke off his chains. At the tumult and clash of arms all who
were outside of the church ran into it; but they who were in the
church looked all towards them, except the king, who stood still,
without looking around him. Erling and his sons drew up their
men on each side of the path which led from the church to the
hall, and Erling with his sons stood next to the hall. When high
mass was finished the king went immediately out of the church,
and first went through the open space between the ranks drawn up,
and then his retinue, man by man; and as he came to the door
Erling placed himself before the door, bowed to the king, and
saluted him. The king saluted him in return, and prayed God to
help him. Erling took up the word first, and said, "My relation,
Asbjorn, it is reported to me, has been guilty of misdemeanor,
king; and it is a great one, if he has done anything that incurs
your displeasure. Now I am come to entreat for him peace, and
such penalties as you yourself may determine; but that thereby he
redeem life and limb, and his remaining here in his native land."
The king replies, "It appears to me, Erling, that thou thinkest
the case of Asbjorn is now in thy own power, and I do not
therefore know why thou speakest now as if thou wouldst offer
terms for him. I think thou hast drawn together these forces
because thou are determined to settle what is between us."
Erling replies, "Thou only, king, shalt determine, and determine
so that we shall be reconciled."
The king: "Thinkest thou, Erling, to make me afraid? And art
thou come here in such force with that expectation? No, that
shall not be; and if that be thy thought, I must in no way turn
and fly."
Erling replies, "Thou hast no occasion to remind me how often I
have come to meet thee with fewer men than thou hadst. But now I
shall not conceal what lies in my mind, namely, that it is my
will that we now enter into a reconciliation; for otherwise I
expect we shall never meet again." Erling was then as red as
blood in the face.
Now Bishop Sigurd came forward to the king and said, "Sire, I
entreat you on God Almighty's account to be reconciled with
Erling according to his offer, -- that the man shall retain life
and limb, but that thou shalt determine according to thy pleasure
all the other conditions."
The king replies, "You will determine."
Then said the bishop, "Erling, do thou give security for Asbjorn,
such as the king thinks sufficient, and then leave the conditions
to the mercy of the king, and leave all in his power."
Erling gave a surety to the king on his part, which he accepted.
Thereupon Asbjorn received his life and safety, and delivered
himself into the king's power, and kissed his hand.
Erling then withdrew with his forces, without exchanging
salutation with the king; and the king went into the hall,
followed by Asbjorn. The king thereafter made known the terms of
reconciliation to be these: -- "In the first place, Asbjorn, thou
must submit to the law of the land, which commands that the man
who kills a servant of the king must undertake his service, if
the king will. Now I will that thou shalt undertake the office
of bailiff which Thorer Sel had, and manage my estate here in
Augvaldsnes." Asbjorn replies, that it should be according to
the king's will; "but I must first go home to my farm, and put
things in order there." The king was satisfied with this, and
proceeded to another guest-quarter. Asbjorn made himself ready
with his comrades, who all kept themselves concealed in a quiet
creek during the time Asbjorn was away from them. They had had
their spies out to learn how it went with him, and would not
depart without having some certain news of him.
Asbjorn then set out on his voyage, and about spring (A.D. 1023)
got home to his farm. After this exploit he was always called
Asbjorn Selsbane. Asbjorn had not been long at home before he
and his relation Thorer met and conversed together, and Thorer
asked Asbjorn particularly all about his journey, and about all
the circumstances which had happened on the course of it.
Asbjorn told everything as it had taken place.
Then said Thorer, "Thou thinkest that thou hast well rubbed out
the disgrace of having been plundered in last harvest."
"I think so," replies Asbjorn; "and what is thy opinion, cousin?"
"That I will soon tell thee," said Thorer. "Thy first expedition
to the south of the country was indeed very disgraceful, and that
disgrace has been redeemed; but this expedition is both a
disgrace to thee and to thy family, if it end in thy becoming the
king's slave, and being put on a footing with that worst of men,
Thorer Sel. Show that thou art manly enough to sit here on thy
own property, and we thy relations shall so support thee that
thou wilt never more come into such trouble."
Asbjorn found this advice much to his mind; and before they
parted it was firmly, determined that Asbjorn should remain on
his farm, and not go back to the king or enter into his service.
And he did so, and sat quietly at home on his farm.
After King Olaf and Erling Skjalgson had this meeting at
Augvaldsnes, new differences arose between them, and increased
so much that they ended in perfect enmity. In spring (A.D. 1023)
the king proceeded to guest-quarters in Hordaland, and went up
also to Vors, because he heard there was but little of the true
faith among the people there. He held a Thing with the bondes at
a place called Vang, and a number of bondes came to it fully
armed. The king ordered them to adopt Christianity; but they
challenged him to battle, and it proceeded so far that the men
were drawn up on both sides. But when it came to the point such
a fear entered into the blood of the bondes that none would
advance or command, and they chose the part which was most to
their advantage; namely, to obey the king and receive
Christianity; and before the king left them they were all
baptized. One day it happened that the king was riding on his
way a singing of psalms, and when he came right opposite some
hills he halted and said, "Man after man shall relate these my
words, that I think it not advisable for any king of Norway to
travel hereafter between these hills." And it is a saying among
the people that the most kings since that time have avoided it.
The king proceeded to Ostrarfjord, and came to his ships, with
which he went north to Sogn, and had his living in guest-quarters
there in summer (A.D. 1023); when autumn approached he turned in
towards the Fjord district, and went from thence to Valders,
where the people were still heathen. The king hastened up to the
lake in Valders, came unexpectedly on the bondes, seized their
vessels, and went on board of them with all his men. He then
sent out message-tokens, and appointed a Thing so near the lake
that he could use the vessels if he found he required them. The
bondes resorted to the Thing in a great and well-armed host; and
when he commanded them to accept Christianity the bondes shouted
against him, told him to be silent, and made a great uproar and
clashing of weapons. But when the king saw that they would not
listen to what he would teach them, and also that they had too
great a force to contend with, he turned his discourse, and asked
if there were people at the Thing who had disputes with each
other which they wished him to settle. It was soon found by the
conversation of the bondes that they had many quarrels among
themselves, although they had all joined in speaking against
Christianity. When the bondes began to set forth their own
cases, each endeavored to get some upon his side to support him;
and this lasted the whole day long until evening, when the Thing
was concluded. When the bondes had heard that the king had
travelled to Valders, and was come into their neighborhood, they
had sent out message-tokens summoning the free and the unfree to
meet in arms, and with this force they had advanced against the
king; so that the neighbourhood all around was left without
people. When the Thing was concluded the bondes still remained
assembled; and when the king observed this he went on board his
ships, rowed in the night right across the water, landed in the
country there, and began to plunder and burn. The day after the
king's men rowed from one point of land to another, and over all
the king ordered the habitations to be set on fire. Now when the
bondes who were assembled saw what the king was doing, namely,
plundering and burning, and saw the smoke and flame of their
houses, they dispersed, and each hastened to his own home to see
if he could find those he had left. As soon as there came a
dispersion among the crowd, the one slipped away after the other,
until the whole multitude was dissolved. Then the king rowed
across the lake again, burning also on that side of the country.
Now came the bondes to him begging for mercy, and offering to
submit to him. He gave every man who came to him peace if he
desired it, and restored to him his goods; and nobody refused to
adopt Christianity. The king then had the people christened, and
took hostages from the bondes. He ordered churches to be built
and consecrated, and placed teachers in them. He remained a long
time here in autumn, and had his ships drawn across the neck of
land between the two lakes. The king did not go far from the
sides of the lakes into the country, for he did not much trust
the bondes. When the king thought that frost might be expected,
he went further up the country, and came to Thoten. Arnor, the
earl's skald, tells how King Olaf burnt in the Uplands, in the
poem he composed concerning the king's brother King Harald: --
"Against the Upland people wroth,
Olaf, to most so mild, went forth:
The houses burning,
All people mourning;
Who could not fly
Hung on gallows high.
It was, I think, in Olaf's race
The Upland people to oppress."
Afterwards King Olaf went north through the valleys to
Dovrefield, and did not halt until he reached the Throndhjem
district and arrived at Nidaros, where he had ordered winter
provision to be collected, and remained all winter (A.D. 1024).
This was the tenth year of his reign.
The summer before Einar Tambaskelfer left the country, and went
westward to England (A.D. 1023). There he met his relative Earl
Hakon, and stayed some time with him. He then visited King
Canute, from whom he received great presents. Einar then went
south all the way to Rome, and came back the following summer
(A.D. 1024), and returned to his house and land. King Olaf and
Einar did not meet this time.
There was a girl whose name was Alfhild, and who was usually
called the king's slave-woman, although she was of good descent.
She was a remarkably handsome girl, and lived in King Olaf's
court. It was reported this spring that Alfhild was with child,
and the king's confidential friends knew that he was father of
the child. It happened one night that Alfhild was taken ill, and
only few people were at hand; namely, some women, priests, Sigvat
the skald, and a few others. Alfhild was so ill that she was
nearly dead; and when she was delivered of a man-child, it was
some time before they could discover whether the child was in
life. But when the infant drew breath, although very weak, the
priest told Sigvat to hasten to the king, and tell him of the
He replies, "I dare not on any account waken the king; for he has
forbid that any man should break his sleep until he awakens of
The priest replies, "It is of necessity that this child be
immediately baptized, for it appears to me there is but little
life in it."
Sigvat said, "I would rather venture to take upon me to let thee
baptize the child, than to awaken the king; and I will take it
upon myself if anything be amiss, and will give the child a
They did so; and the child was baptized, and got the name of
Magnus. The next morning, when the king awoke and had dressed
himself, the circumstance was told him. He ordered Sigvat to be
called, and said. "How camest thou to be so bold as to have my
child baptized before I knew anything about it?"
Sigvat replies, "Because I would rather give two men to God than
one to the devil."
The king -- "What meanest thou?"
Sigvat -- "The child was near death, and must have been the
devil's if it had died as a heathen, and now it is God's. And I
knew besides that if thou shouldst be so angry on this account
that it affected my life, I would be God's also."
The king asked, "But why didst thou call him Magnus, which is not
a name of our race?"
Sigvat -- "I called him after King Carl Magnus, who, I knew, had
been the best man in the world."
Then said the king, "Thou art a very lucky man, Sigvat; but it is
not wonderful that luck should accompany understanding. It is
only wonderful how it sometimes happens that luck attends
ignorant men, and that foolish counsel turns out lucky." The
king was overjoyed at the circumstance. The boy grew up, and
gave good promise as he advanced in age.
The same spring (A.D. 1024) the king gave into the hands of
Asmund Grankelson the half of the sheriffdom of the district of
Halogaland, which Harek of Thjotta had formerly held, partly in
fief, partly for defraying the king's entertainment in guestquarters.
Asmund had a ship manned with nearly thirty well-armed
men. When Asmund came north he met Harek, and told him what the
king had determined with regard to the district, and produced to
him the tokens of the king's full powers. Harek said, "The king
had the right to give the sheriffdom to whom he pleased; but the
former sovereigns had not been in use to diminish our rights who
are entitled by birth to hold powers from the king, and to give
them into the hands of the peasants who never before held such
offices." But although it was evident that it was against
Harek's inclination, he allowed Asmund to take the sheriffdom
according to the king's order. Then Asmund proceeded home to his
father, stayed there a short time, and then went north to
Halogaland to his sheriffdom; and he came north to Langey Island,
where there dwelt two brothers called Gunstein and Karle, both
very rich and respectable men. Gunstein, the eldest of the
brothers, was a good husbandman. Karle was a handsome man in
appearance, and splendid in his dress; and both were, in many
respects, expert in all feats. Asmund was well received by them,
remained with them a while, and collected such revenues of his
sheriffdom as he could get. Karle spoke with Asmund of his wish
to go south with him and take service in the court of King Olaf,
to which Asmund encouraged him much, promising his influence with
the king for obtaining for Karle such a situation as he desired;
and Karle accordingly accompanied Asmund. Asmund heard that
Asbjorn, who had killed Thorer Sel, had gone to the marketmeeting
of Vagar with a large ship of burden manned with nearly
twenty men, and that he was now expected from the south. Asmund
and his retinue proceeded on their way southwards along the coast
with a contrary wind, but there was little of it. They saw some
of the fleet for Vagar sailing towards them; and they privately
inquired of them about Asbjorn, and were told he was upon the way
coming from the south. Asmund and Karle were bedfellows, and
excellent friends. One day, as Asmund and his people were rowing
through a sound, a ship of burden came sailing towards them. The
ship was easily known, having high bulwarks, was painted with
white and red colours, and coloured cloth was woven in the sail.
Karle said to Asmund, "Thou hast often said thou wast curious to
see Asbjorn who killed Thorer Sel; and if I know one ship from
another, that is his which is coming sailing along."
Asmund replies, "Be so good, comrade, and tell me which is he
when thou seest him."
When the ships came alongside of each other, "That is Asbjorn,"
said Karle; "the man sitting at the helm in a blue cloak."
Asmund replies, "I shall make his blue cloak red;" threw a spear
at Asbjorn, and hit him in the middle of the body, so that it
flew through and through him, and stuck fast in the upper part of
the stern-post; and Asbjorn fell down dead from the helm. Then
each vessel sailed on its course, and Asbjorn's body was carried
north to Thrandarnes. Then Sigrid sent a message to Bjarkey Isle
to Thorer Hund, who came to her while they were, in the usual
way, dressing the corpse of Asbjorn. When he returned Sigrid
gave presents to all her friends, and followed Thorer to his
ship; but before they parted she said, "It has so fallen out,
Thorer, that my son has suffered by thy friendly counsel, but he
did not retain life to reward thee for it; but although I have
not his ability yet will I show my good will. Here is a gift I
give thee, which I expect thou wilt use. Here is the spear which
went through Asbjorn my son, and there is still blood upon it, to
remind thee that it fits the wound thou hast seen on the corpse
of thy brother's son Asbjorn. It would be a manly deed, if thou
shouldst throw this spear from thy hand so that it stood in
Olaf's breast; and this I can tell thee, that thou wilt be named
coward in every man's mouth, if thou dost not avenge Asbjorn."
Thereupon she turned about, and went her way.
Thorer was so enraged at her words that he could not speak. He
neither thought of casting the spear from him, nor took notice of
the gangway; so that he would have fallen into the sea, if his
men had not laid hold of him as he was going on board his ship.
It was a feathered spear; not large, but the handle was goldmounted.
Now Thorer rowed away with his people, and went home to
Bjarkey Isle. Asmund and his companions also proceeded on their
way until they came south to Throndhjem, where they waited on
King Olaf; and Asmund related to the king all that had happened
on the voyage. Karle became one of the king's court-men, and the
friendship continued between him and Asmund. They did not keep
secret the words that had passed between Asmund and Karle before
Asbjorn was killed; for they even told them to the king. But
then it happened, according to the proverb, that every one has a
friend in the midst of his enemies. There were some present who
took notice of the words, and they reached Thorer Hund's ears.
When spring (A.D. 1024) was advanced King Olaf rigged out his
ships, and sailed southwards in summer along the land. He held
Things with the bondes on the way, settled the law business of
the people, put to rights the faith of the country, and collected
the king's taxes wherever he came. In autumn he proceeded south
to the frontier of the country; and King Olaf had now made the
people Christians in all the great districts, and everywhere, by
laws, had introduced order into the country. He had also, as
before related, brought the Orkney Islands under his power, and
by messages had made many friends in Iceland, Greenland, and the
Farey Islands. King Olaf had sent timber for building a church
to Iceland, of which a church was built upon the Thing-field
where the General Thing is held, and had sent a bell for it,
which is still there. This was after the Iceland people had
altered their laws, and introduced Christianity, according to the
word King Olaf had sent them. After that time, many considerable
persons came from Iceland, and entered into King Olaf's service;
as Thorkel Eyjolfson, and Thorleif Bollason, Thord Kolbeinson,
Thord Barkarson, Thorgeir Havarson, Thormod Kalbrunar-skald.
King Olaf had sent many friendly presents to chief people in
Iceland; and they in return sent him such things as they had
which they thought most acceptable. Under this show of
friendship which the king gave Iceland were concealed many things
which afterwards appeared.
King Olaf this summer (A.D. 1024) sent Thorarin Nefiulfson to
Iceland on his errands; and Thorarin went out of Throndhjem fjord
along with the king, and followed him south to More. From thence
Thorarin went out to sea, and got such a favourable breeze that
after four days sail he landed at the Westman Isles, in Iceland.
He proceeded immediately to the Althing, and came just as the
people were upon the Lawhillock, to which he repaired. When the
cases of the people before the Thing had been determined
according to law, Thorarin Nefiulfson took up the word as
follows: -- "We parted four days ago from King Olaf Haraldson,
who sends God Almighty's and his own salutation to all the chiefs
and principal men of the land; as also to all the people in
general, men and women, young and old, rich and poor. He also
lets you know that he will be your sovereign if ye will become
his subjects, so that he and you will be friends, assisting each
other in all that is good."
The people replied in a friendly way, that they would gladly be
the king's friends, if he would be a friend of the people of
their country.
Then Thorarin again took up the word: -- "This follows in
addition to the king's message, that he will in friendship desire
of the people of the north district that they give him the
island, or out-rock, which lies at the mouth of Eyfjord, and is
called Grimsey, for which he will give you from his country
whatever good the people of the district may desire. He sends
this message particularly to Gudmund of Modruvellir to support
this matter, because he understands that Gudmund has most
influence in that quarter."
Gudmund replies, "My inclination is greatly for King Olaf's
friendship, and that I consider much more useful than the outrock
he desires. But the king has not heard rightly if he think
I have more power in this matter than any other, for the island
is a common. We, however, who have the most use of the isle,
will hold a meeting among ourselves about it."
Then the people went to their tent-houses; and the Northland
people had a meeting among themselves, and talked over the
business, and every one spoke according to his judgment. Gudmund
supported the matter, and many others formed their opinions by
his. Then some asked why his brother Einar did not speak on the
subject. "We think he has the clearest insight into most
Einar answers, "I have said so little about the matter because
nobody has asked me about it; but if I may give my opinion, our
countrymen might just as well make themselves at once liable to
land-scat to King Olaf, and submit to all his exactions as he has
them among his people in Norway; and this heavy burden we will
lay not only upon ourselves, but on our sons, and their sons, and
all our race, and on all the community dwelling and living in
this land, which never after will be free from this slavery. Now
although this king is a good man, as I well believe him to be,
yet it must be hereafter, when kings succeed each other, that
some will be good. and some bad. Therefore if the people of this
country will preserve the freedom they have enjoyed since the
land was first inhabited, it is not advisable to give the king
the smallest spot to fasten himself upon the country by, and not
to give him any kind of scat or service that can have the
appearance of a duty. On the other hand, I think it very proper
that the people send the king such friendly presents of hawks or
horses, tents or sails, or such things which are suitable gifts;
and these are well applied if they are repaid with friendship.
But as to Grimsey Isle, I have to say, that although nothing is
drawn from it that can serve for food, yet it could support a
great war-force cruising from thence in long-ships; and then, I
doubt not, there would be distress enough at every poor peasant's
When Einar had thus explained the proper connection of the
matter, the whole community were of one mind that such a thing
should not be permitted; and Thorarin saw sufficiently well what
the result of his errand was to be.
The day following, Thorarin went again to the Lawhill, and
brought forward his errand in the following words: -- "King Olaf
sends his message to his friends here in the country, among whom
he reckons Gudmund Eyjolfson, Snorre Gode, Thorkel Eyjolfson,
Skapte the lagman, and Thorstein Halson, and desires them by me
to come to him on a friendly visit; and adds, that ye must not
excuse yourselves, if you regard his friendship as worth
anything." In their answer they thanked the king for his message
and added, that they would afterwards give a reply to it by
Thorarin when they had more closely considered the matter with
their friends. The chiefs now weighed the matter among
themselves, and each gave his own opinion about the journey.
Snorre and Skapte dissuaded from such a dangerous proceeding with
the people of Norway; namely, that all the men who had the most
to say in the country should at once leave Iceland. They added,
that from this message, and from what Einar had said, they had
the suspicion that the king intended to use force and strong
measures against the Icelanders if he ruled in the country.
Gudmund and Thorkel Eyjolfson insisted much that they should
follow King Olaf's invitation, and called it a journey of honour.
But when they had considered the matter on all sides, it was at
last resolved that they should not travel themselves, but that
each of them should send in his place a man whom they thought
best suited for it. After this determination the Thing was
closed, and there was no journey that summer. Thorarin made two
voyages that summer, and about harvest was back again at King
Olaf's, and reported the result of his mission, and that some of
the chiefs, or their sons, would come from Iceland according to
his message.
The same summer (A.D. 1024) there came from the Farey Islands to
Norway, on the king's invitation, Gille the lagman, Leif
Ossurson, Thoralf of Dimun, and many other bondes' sons. Thord
of Gata made himself ready for the voyage; but just as he was
setting out he got a stroke of palsy, and could not come, so he
remained behind. Now when the people from the Farey Isles
arrived at King Olaf's, he called them to him to a conference,
and explained the purpose of the journey he had made them take,
namely, that he would have scat from the Farey Islands, and also
that the people there should be subject to the laws which the
king should give them. In that meeting it appeared from the
king's words that he would make the Farey people who had come
answerable, and would bind them by oath to conclude this union.
He also offered to the men whom he thought the ablest to take
them into his service, and bestow honour and friendship on them.
These Farey men understood the king's words so, that they must
dread the turn the matter might take if they did not submit to
all that the king desired. Although they held several meetings
about the business before it ended, the king's desire at last
prevailed. Leif, Gille, and Thoralf went into the king's
service, and became his courtmen; and they, with all their
travelling companions, swore the oath to King Olaf, that the law
and land privilege which he set them should be observed in the
Farey Islands, and also the scat be levied that he laid upon
them. Thereafter the Farey people prepared for their return
home, and at their departure the king gave those who had entered
into his service presents in testimony of his friendship, and
they went their way. Now the king ordered a ship to be rigged,
manned it, and sent men to the Farey Islands to receive the scat
from the inhabitants which they should pay him. It was late
before they were ready; but they set off at last: and of their
journey all that is to be told is, that they did not come back,
and no scat either, the following summer; for nobody had come to
the Farey Isles, and no man had demanded scat there.
King Olaf proceeded about harvest time to Viken, and sent a
message before him to the Uplands that they should prepare guestquarters
for him, as he intended to be there in winter.
Afterwards he made ready for his journey, and went to the
Uplands, and remained the winter there; going about in guestquarters,
and putting things to rights where he saw it needful,
advancing also the cause of Christianity wheresoever it was
requisite. It happened while King Olaf was in Hedemark that
Ketil Kalf of Ringanes courted Gunhild, a daughter of Sigurd Syr
and of King Olaf's mother Asta. Gunhild was a sister of King
Olaf, and therefore it belonged to the king to give consent and
determination to the business. He took it in a friendly way; for
he know Ketil, that he was of high birth, wealthy, and of good
understanding, and a great chief; and also he had long been a
great friend of King Olaf, as before related. All these
circumstances induced the king to approve of the match, and so it
was that Ketil got Gunhild. King Olaf was present at the
wedding. From thence the king went north to Gudbrandsdal, where
he was entertained in guest-quarters. There dwelt a man, by name
Thord Guthormson, on a farm called Steig; and he was the most
powerful man in the north end of the valley. When Thord and the
king met, Thord made proposals for Isrid, the daughter of
Gudbrand, and the sister of King Olaf's mother, as it belonged to
the king to give consent. After the matter was considered, it
was determined that the marriage should proceed, and Thord got
Isrid. Afterwards Thord was the king's faithful friend, and also
many of Thord's relations and friends, who followed his
footsteps. From thence King Olaf returned south through Thoten
and Hadaland, from thence to Ringerike, and so to Viken. In
spring (A.D. 1025) he went to Tunsberg, and stayed there while
there was the market-meeting, and a great resort of people. He
then had his vessels rigged out, and had many people about him.
The same summer (A.D. 1025) came Stein, a son of the lagman
Skapte, from Iceland, in compliance with King Olaf's message; and
with him Thorod, a son of Snorre the gode, and Geller, a son of
Thorkel Eyjolfson, and Egil, a son of Hal of Sida, brother of
Thorstein Hal. Gudmund Eyjolfson had died the winter before.
These Iceland men repaired to King Olaf as soon as they had
opportunity; and when they met the king they were well received,
and all were in his house. The same summer King Olaf heard that
the ship was missing which he had sent the summer before to the
Farey Islands after the scat, and nobody knew what had become of
it. The king fitted out another ship, manned it, and sent it to
the Farey Islands for the scat. They got under weigh, and
proceeded to sea; but as little was ever heard of this vessel as
of the former one, and many conjectures were made about what had
become of them.
During this time Canute the Great, called by some Canute the Old,
was king of England and Denmark. Canute the Great was a son of
Svein Haraldson Forkedbeard, whose forefathers, for a long course
of generations, had ruled over Denmark. Harald Gormson, Canute's
grandfather, had conquered Norway after the fall of Harald
Grafeld, Gunhild's son, had taken scat from it, and had placed
Earl Hakon the Great to defend the country. The Danish King,
Svein Haraldson, ruled also over Norway, and placed his son-inlaw
Earl Eirik, the son of Earl Hakon, to defend the country.
The brothers Eirik and Svein, Earl Hakon's sons, ruled the land
until Earl Eirik went west to England, on the invitation of his
brother-in-law Canute the Great, when he left behind his son Earl
Hakon, sister's son of Canute the Great, to govern Norway. But
when Olaf the Thick came first to Norway, as before related, he
took prisoner Earl Hakon the son of Eirik, and deposed him from
the kingdom. Then Hakon proceeded to his mother's brother,
Canute the Great, and had been with him constantly until the time
to which here in our saga we have now come. Canute the Great had
conquered England by blows and weapons, and had a long struggle
before the people of the land were subdued. But when he had set
himself perfectly firm in the government of the country, he
remembered that he also had right to a kingdom which he had not
brought under his authority; and that was Norway. He thought he
had hereditary right to all Norway; and his sister's son Hakon,
who had held a part of it, appeared to him to have lost it with
disgrace. The reason why Canute and Hakon had remained quiet
with respect to their claims upon Norway was, that when King Olaf
Haraldson landed in Norway the people and commonalty ran together
in crowds, and would hear of nothing but that Olaf should be king
over all the country, although some afterwards, who thought that
the people upon account of his power had no self-government left
to them, went out of the country. Many powerful men, or rich
bondes sons, had therefore gone to Canute the Great, and
pretended various errands; and every one who came to Canute and
desired his friendship was loaded with presents. With Canute,
too, could be seen greater splendour and pomp than elsewhere,
both with regard to the multitude of people who were daily in
attendance, and also to the other magnificent things about the
houses he owned and dwelt in himself. Canute the Great drew scat
and revenue from the people who were the richest of all in
northern lands; and in the same proportion as he had greater
revenues than other kings, he also made greater presents than
other kings. In his whole kingdom peace was so well established,
that no man dared break it. The people of the country kept the
peace towards each other, and had their old country law: and for
this he was greatly celebrated in all countries. And many of
those who came from Norway represented their hardships to Earl
Hakon, and some even to King Canute himself; and that the Norway
people were ready to turn back to the government of King Canute,
or Earl Hakon, and receive deliverance from them. This
conversation suited well the earl's inclination, and he carried
it to the king, and begged of him to try if King Olaf would not
surrender the kingdom, or at least come to an agreement to divide
it; and many supported the earl's views.
Canute the Great sent men from the West, from England, to Norway,
and equipped them magnificently for the journey. They were
bearers of the English king Canute's letter and seal. They came
about spring (A.D. 1025) to the king of Norway, Olaf Haraldson,
in Tunsberg. Now when it was told the king that ambassadors had
arrived from Canute the Great he was ill at ease, and said that
Canute had not sent messengers hither with any messages that
could be of advantage to him or his people; and it was some days
before the ambassadors could come before the king. But when they
got permission to speak to him they appeared before the king, and
made known King Canute's letter, and their errand which
accompanied it; namely, "that King Canute considers all Norway as
his property, and insists that his forefathers before him have
possessed that kingdom; but as King Canute offers peace to all
countries, he will also offer peace to all here, if it can be so
settled, and will not invade Norway with his army if it can be
avoided. Now if King Olaf Haraldson wishes to remain king of
Norway, he will come to King Canute, and receive his kingdom as a
fief from him, become his vassal, and pay the scat which the
earls before him formerly paid." Thereupon they presented their
letters, which contained precisely the same conditions.
Then King Olaf replies, "I have heard say, by old stories, that
the Danish king Gorm was considered but a small king of a few
people, for he ruled over Denmark alone; but the kings who
succeeded him thought that was too little. It has since come so
far that King Canute rules over Denmark and England, and has
conquered for himself a great part of Scotland. Now he claims
also my paternal heritage, and will then show some moderation in
his covetousness. Does he wish to rule over all the countries of
the North? Will he eat up all the kail in England? He shall do
so, and reduce that country to a desert, before I lay my head in
his hands, or show him any other kind of vassalage. Now ye shall
tell him these my words, -- I will defend Norway with battle-axe
and sword as long as life is given me, and will pay scat to no
man for my kingdom."
After this answer King Canute's ambassadors made themselves ready
for their journey home, and were by no means rejoiced at the
success of their errand.
Sigvat the skald had been with King Canute, who had given him a
gold ring that weighed half a mark. The skald Berse
Skaldtorfason was also there, and to him King Canute gave two
gold rings, each weighing two marks, and besides a sword inlaid
with gold. Sigvat made this song about it: --
"When we came o'er the wave, you cub,
When we came o'er the wave,
To me one ring, to thee two rings,
The mighty Canute gave:
One mark to me,
Four marks to thee, --
A sword too, fine and brave.
Now God knows well,
And skalds can tell,
What justice here would crave."
Sigvat the skald was very intimate with King Canute's messengers,
and asked them many questions. They answered all his inquiries
about their conversation with King Olaf, and the result of their
message. They said the king listened unwillingly to their
proposals. "And we do not know," say they, "to what he is
trusting when he refuses becoming King Canute's vassal, and going
to him, which would be the best thing he could do; for King
Canute is so mild that however much a chief may have done against
him, he is pardoned if he only show himself obedient. It is but
lately that two kings came to him from the North, from Fife in
Scotland, and he gave up his wrath against them, and allowed them
to retain all the lands they had possessed before, and gave them
besides very valuable gifts." Then Sigvat sang: --
"From the North land, the midst of Fife,
Two kings came begging peace and life;
Craving from Canute life and peace, --
May Olaf's good luck never cease!
May he, our gallant Norse king, never
Be brought, like these, his head to offer
As ransom to a living man
For the broad lands his sword has won."
King Canute's ambassadors proceeded on their way back, and had a
favourable breeze across the sea. They came to King Canute, and
told him the result of their errand, and King Olaf's last words.
King Canute replies, "King Olaf guesses wrong, if he thinks I
shall eat up all the kail in England; for I will let him see that
there is something else than kail under my ribs, and cold kail it
shall be for him." The same summer (A.D. 1025) Aslak and Skjalg,
the sons of Erling of Jadar, came from Norway to King Canute, and
were well received; for Aslak was married to Sigrid, a daughter
of Earl Svein Hakonson, and she and Earl Hakon Eirikson were
brothers' children. King Canute gave these brothers great fiefs
over there, and they stood in great favour.
King Olaf summoned to him all the lendermen, and had a great many
people about him this summer (A.D. 1025), for a report was abroad
that King Canute would come from England. People had heard from
merchant vessels that Canute was assembling a great army in
England. When summer was advanced, some affirmed and others
denied that the army would come. King Olaf was all summer in
Viken, and had spies out to learn if Canute was come to Denmark.
In autumn (A.D. 1025) he sent messengers eastward to Svithjod to
his brother-in-law King Onund, and let him know King Canute's
demand upon Norway; adding, that, in his opinion, if Canute
subdued Norway, King Onund would not long enjoy the Swedish
dominions in peace. He thought it advisable, therefore, that
they should unite for their defence. "And then," said he, "we
will have strength enough to hold out against Canute." King
Onund received King Olaf's message favourably, and replied to it,
that he for his part would make common cause with King Olaf, so
that each of them should stand by the one who first required help
with all the strength of his kingdom. In these messages between
them it was also determined that they should have a meeting, and
consult with each other. The following winter (A.D. 1026) King
Onund intended to travel across West Gautland, and King Olaf made
preparations for taking his winter abode at Sarpsborg.
In autumn King Canute the Great came to Denmark, and remained
there all winter (A.D. 1026) with a numerous army. It was told
him that ambassadors with messages had been passing between the
Swedish and Norwegian kings, and that some great plans must be
concerting between them. In winter King Canute sent messengers
to Svithjod, to King Onund, with great gifts and messages of
friendship. He also told Onund that he might sit altogether
quiet in this strife between him and Olaf the Thick; "for thou,
Onund," says he, "and thy kingdom, shall be in peace as far as I
am concerned." When the ambassadors came to King Onund they
presented the gifts which King Canute sent him, together with the
friendly message. King Onund did not hear their speech very
willingly, and the ambassadors could observe that King Onund was
most inclined to a friendship with King Olaf. They returned
accordingly, and told King Canute the result of their errand, and
told him not to depend much upon the friendship of King Onund.
This winter (A.D. 1026) King Olaf sat in Sarpsborg, and was
surrounded by a very great army of people. He sent the
Halogalander Karle to the north country upon his business. Karle
went first to the Uplands, then across the Dovrefield, and came
down to Nidaros, where he received as much money as he had the
king's order for, together with a good ship, such as he thought
suitable for the voyage which the king had ordered him upon; and
that was to proceed north to Bjarmaland. It was settled that the
king should be in partnership with Karle, and each of them have
the half of the profit. Early in spring Karle directed his
course to Halogaland, where his brother Gunstein prepared to
accompany him, having his own merchant goods with him. There
were about twenty-five men in the ship; and in spring they sailed
north to Finmark. When Thorer Hund heard this, he sent a man to
the brothers with the verbal message that he intended in summer
to go to Bjarmaland, and that he would sail with them, and that
they should divide what booty they made equally between them.
Karle sent him back the message that Thorer must have twenty-five
men as they had, and they were willing to divide the booty that
might be taken equally, but not the merchant goods which each had
for himself. When Thorer's messenger came back he had put a
stout long-ship he owned into the water, and rigged it, and he
had put eighty men on board of his house-servants. Thorer alone
had the command over this crew, and he alone had all the goods
they might acquire on the cruise. When Thorer was ready for sea
he set out northwards along the coast, and found Karle a little
north of Sandver. They then proceeded with good wind. Gunstein
said to his brother, as soon as they met Thorer, that in his
opinion Thorer was strongly manned. "I think," said he, "we had
better turn back than sail so entirely in Thorer's power, for I
do not trust him." Karle replies, "I will not turn back,
although if I had known when we were at home on Langey Isle that
Thorer Hund would join us on this voyage with so large a crew as
he has, I would have taken more hands with us." The brothers
spoke about it to Thorer, and asked what was the meaning of his
taking more people with him than was agreed upon between them.
He replies, "We have a large ship which requires many hands, and
methinks there cannot be too many brave lads for so dangerous a
cruise." They went in summer as fast in general as the vessels
could go. When the wind was light the ship of the brothers
sailed fastest, and they separated; but when the wind freshened
Thorer overtook them. They were seldom together, but always in
sight of each other. When they came to Bjarmaland they went
straight to the merchant town, and the market began. All who had
money to pay with got filled up with goods. Thorer also got a
number of furs, and of beaver and sable skins. Karle had a
considerable sum of money with him, with which he purchased skins
and furs. When the fair was at an end they went out of the Vina
river, and then the truce of the country people was also at an
end. When they came out of the river they held a seaman's
council, and Thorer asked the crews if they would like to go on
the land and get booty.
They replied, that they would like it well enough, if they saw
the booty before their eyes.
Thorer replies, that there was booty to be got, if the voyage
proved fortunate; but that in all probability there would be
danger in the attempt.
All said they would try, if there was any chance of booty.
Thorer explained, that it was so established in this land, that
when a rich man died all his movable goods were divided between
the dead man and his heirs. He got the half part, or the third
part, or sometimes less, and that part was carried out into the
forest and buried, -- sometimes under a mound, sometimes in the
earth, and sometimes even a house was built over it. He tells
them at the same time to get ready for this expedition at the
fall of day. It was resolved that one should not desert the
other, and none should hold back when the commander ordered them
to come on board again. They now left people behind to take care
of the ships, and went on land, where they found flat fields at
first, and then great forests. Thorer went first, and the
brothers Karle and Gunstein in rear. Thorer commanded the people
to observe the utmost silence. "And let us peel the bark off the
trees," says he, "so that one tree-mark can be seen from the
other." They came to a large cleared opening, where there was a
high fence upon which there was a gate that was locked. Six men
of the country people held watch every night at this fence, two
at a time keeping guard, each two for a third part of the night,
when Thorer and his men came to the fence the guard had gone
home, and those who should relieve them had not yet come upon
guard. Thorer went to the fence, stuck his axe up in it above
his head, hauled himself up by it, and so came over the fence,
and inside the gate. Karle had also come over the fence, and to
the inside of the gate; so that both came at once to the port,
took the bar away, and opened the port; and then the people got
in within the fence. Then said Thorer, "Within this fence there
is a mound in which gold, and silver, and earth are all mixed
together: seize that. But within here stands the Bjarmaland
people's god Jomala: let no one be so presumptuous as to rob
him." Thereupon they went to the mound and took as much of the
money as they could carry away in their clothes, with which, as
might be expected, much earth was mixed. Thereafter Thorer said
that the people now should retreat. "And ye brothers, Karle and
Gunstein," says he, "do ye lead the way, and I will go last."
They all went accordingly out of the gate: but Thorer went back
to Jomala, and took a silver bowl that stood upon his knee full
of silver money. He put the silver in his purse, and put his arm
within the handle of the bowl, and so went out of the gate. The
whole troop had come without the fence; but when they perceived
that Thorer had stayed behind, Karle returned to trace him, and
when they met upon the path Thorer had the silver bowl with him.
Thereupon Karle immediately ran to Jomala; and observing he had a
thick gold ornament hanging around his neck, he lifted his axe,
cut the string with which the ornament was tied behind his neck,
and the stroke was so strong that the head of Jomala rang with
such a great sound that they were all astonished. Karle seized
the ornament, and they all hastened away. But the moment the
sound was made the watchmen came forward upon the cleared space,
and blew their horns. Immediately the sound of the loor (1) was
heard all around from every quarter, calling the people together.
They hastened to the forest, and rushed into it; and heard the
shouts and cries on the other side of the Bjarmaland people in
pursuit. Thorer Hund went the last of the whole troop; and
before him went two men carrying a great sack between them, in
which was something that was like ashes. Thorer took this in his
hand, and strewed it upon the footpath, and sometimes over the
people. They came thus out of the woods, and upon the fields,
but heard incessantly the Bjarmaland people pursuing with shouts
and dreadful yells. The army of the Bjarmaland people rushed out
after them upon the field, and on both sides of them; but neither
the people nor their weapons came so near as to do them any harm:
from which they perceived that the Bjarmaland people did not see
them. Now when they reached their ships Karle and his brother
went on board; for they were the foremost, and Thorer was far
behind on the land. As soon as Karle and his men were on board
they struck their tents, cast loose their land ropes, hoisted
their sails, and their ship in all haste went to sea. Thorer and
his people, on the other hand, did not get on so quickly, as
their vessel was heavier to manage; so that when they got under
sail, Karle and his people were far off from land. Both vessels
sailed across the White sea (Gandvik) . The nights were clear, so
that both ships sailed night and day; until one day, towards the
time the day turns to shorten, Karle and his people took up the
land near an island, let down the sail, cast anchor, and waited
until the slack-tide set in, for there was a strong rost before
them. Now Thorer came up, and lay at anchor there also. Thorer
and his people then put out a boat, went into it, and rowed to
Karle's ship. Thorer came on board, and the brothers saluted
him. Thorer told Karle to give him the ornament. "I think,"
said he, "that I have best earned the ornaments that have been
taken, for methinks ye have to thank me for getting away without
any loss of men; and also I think thou, Karle, set us in the
greatest fright."
Karle replies, "King Olaf has the half part of all the goods I
gather on this voyage, and I intend the ornament for him. Go to
him, if you like, and it is possible he will give thee the
ornament, although I took it from Jomala."
Then Thorer insisted that they should go upon the island, and
divide the booty.
Gunstein says, "It is now the turn of the tide, and it is time to
sail." Whereupon they began to raise their anchor.
When Thorer saw that, he returned to his boat and rowed to his
own ship. Karle and his men had hoisted sail, and were come a
long way before Thorer got under way. They now sailed so that
the brothers were always in advance, and both vessels made all
the haste they could. They sailed thus until they came to
Geirsver, which is the first roadstead of the traders to the
North. They both came there towards evening, and lay in the
harbour near the landing-place. Thorer's ship lay inside, and
the brothers' the outside vessel in the port. When Thorer had
set up his tents he went on shore, and many of his men with him.
They went to Karle's ship, which was well provided. Thorer
hailed the ship, and told the commanders to come on shore; on
which the brothers, and some men with them, went on the land.
Now Thorer began the same discourse, and told them to bring the
goods they got in booty to the land to have them divided. The
brothers thought that was not necessary, until they had arrived
at their own neighbourhood. Thorer said it was unusual not to
divide booty but at their own home, and thus to be left to the
honour of other people. They spoke some words about it, but
could not agree. Then Thorer turned away; but had not gone far
before he came back, and tells his comrades to wait there.
Thereupon he calls to Karle, and says he wants to speak with him
alone. Karle went to meet him; and when he came near, Thorer
struck at him with a spear, so that it went through him.
"There," said Thorer, "now thou hast learnt to know a Bjarkey
Island man. I thought thou shouldst feel Asbjorn's spear."
Karle died instantly, and Thorer with his people went immediately
on board their ship. When Gunstein and his men saw Karle fall
they ran instantly to him, took his body and carried it on board
their ship, struck their tents, and cast off from the pier, and
left the land. When Thorer and his men saw this, they took down
their tents and made preparations to follow. But as they were
hoisting the sail the fastenings to the mast broke in two, and
the sail fell down across the ship, which caused a great delay
before they could hoist the sail again. Gunstein had already got
a long way ahead before Thorer's ship fetched way, and now they
used both sails and oars. Gunstein did the same. On both sides
they made great way day and night; but so that they did not gain
much on each other, although when they came to the small sounds
among the islands Gunstein's vessel was lighter in turning. But
Thorer's ship made way upon them, so that when they came up to
Lengjuvik, Gunstein turned towards the land, and with all his men
ran up into the country, and left his ship. A little after
Thorer came there with his ship, sprang upon the land after them,
and pursued them. There was a woman who helped Gunstein to
conceal himself, and it is told that she was much acquainted with
witchcraft. Thorer and his men returned to the vessels, and took
all the goods out of Gunstein's vessel, and put on board stones
in place of the cargo, and then hauled the ship out into the
fjord, cut a hole in its bottom, and sank it to the bottom.
Thereafter Thorer, with his people, returned home to Bjarkey
Isle. Gunstein and his people proceeded in small boats at first,
and lay concealed by day, until they had passed Bjarkey, and had
got beyond Thorer's district. Gunstein went home first to Langey
Isle for a short time, and then proceeded south without any halt,
until he came south to Throndhjem, and there found King Olaf, to
whom he told all that had happened on this Bjarmaland expedition.
The king was ill-pleased with the voyage, but told Gunstein to
remain with him, promising to assist him when opportunity
offered. Gunstein took the invitation with thanks, and stayed
with King Olaf.
(1) Ludr -- the loor -- is a long tube or roll of birch-bark
used as a horn by the herdboys in the mountains in Norway.
-- L.
King Olaf was, as before related, in Sarpsborg the winter (A.D.
1026) that King Canute was in Denmark. The Swedish king Onund
rode across West Gautland the same winter, and had thirty hundred
(3600) men with him. Men and messages passed between them; and
they agreed to meet in spring at Konungahella. The meeting had
been postponed, because they wished to know before they met what
King Canute intended doing. As it was now approaching towards
winter, King Canute made ready to go over to England with his
forces, and left his son Hardaknut to rule in Denmark, and with
him Earl Ulf, a son of Thorgils Sprakaleg. Ulf was married to
Astrid, King Svein's daughter, and sister of Canute the Great.
Their son Svein was afterwards king of Denmark. Earl Ulf was a
very distinguished man. When the kings Olaf and Onund heard that
Canute the Great had gone west to England, they hastened to hold
their conference, and met at Konungahella, on the Gaut river.
They had a joyful meeting, and had many friendly conversations,
of which something might become known to the public; but they
also spake often a great deal between themselves, with none but
themselves two present, of which only some things afterwards were
carried into effect, and thus became known to every one. At
parting the kings presented each other with gifts, and parted the
best of friends. King Onund went up into Gautland, and Olaf
northwards to Viken, and afterwards to Agder, and thence
northwards along the coast, but lay a long time at Egersund
waiting a wind. Here he heard that Erling Skjalgson, and the
inhabitants of Jadar with him, had assembled a large force. One
day the king's people were talking among themselves whether the
wind was south or south-west, and whether with that wind they
could sail past Jadar or not. The most said it was impossible to
fetch round. Then answers Haldor Brynjolfson, "I am of opinion
that we would go round Jadar with this wind fast enough if Erling
Skjalgson had prepared a feast for us at Sole." Then King Olaf
ordered the tents to be struck, and the vessels to be hauled out,
which was done. They sailed the same day past Jadar with the
best wind, and in the evening reached Hirtingsey, from whence the
king proceeded to Hordaland, and was entertained there in guestquarters.
The same summer (A.D. 1026) a ship sailed from Norway to the
Farey Islands, with messengers carrying a verbal message from
King Olaf, that one of his court-men, Leif Ossurson, or Lagman
Gille, or Thoralf of Dimun, should come over to him from the
Farey Islands. Now when this message came to the Farey Islands,
and was delivered to those whom it concerned, they held a meeting
among themselves, to consider what might lie under this message,
and they were all of opinion that the king wanted to inquire into
the real state of the event which some said had taken place upon
the islands; namely, the failure and disappearance of the former
messengers of the king, and the loss of the two ships, of which
not a man had been saved. It was resolved that Thoralf should
undertake the journey. He got himself ready, and rigged out a
merchant-vessel belonging to himself, manned with ten or twelve
men. When it was ready, waiting a wind, it happened, at Austrey,
in the house of Thrand of Gata, that he went one fine day into
the room where his brother's two sons, Sigurd and Thord, sons of
Thorlak, were lying upon the benches in the room. Gaut the Red
was also there, who was one of their relations and a man of
distinction. Sigurd was the oldest, and their leader in all
things. Thord had a distinguished name, and was called Thord the
Low, although in reality he was uncommonly tall, and yet in
proportion more strong than large. Then Thrand said, "How many
things are changed in the course of a man's life! When we were
young, it was rare for young people who were able to do anything
to sit or lie still upon a fine day, and our forefathers would
scarcely have believed that Thoralf of Dimun would be bolder and
more active than ye are. I believe the vessel I have standing
here in the boat-house will be so old that it will rot under its
coat of tar. Here are all the houses full of wool, which is
neither used nor sold. It should not be so if I were a few
winters younger." Sigurd sprang up, called upon Gaut and Thord,
and said he would not endure Thrand's scoffs. They went out to
the houseservants, and launched the vessel upon the water,
brought down a cargo, and loaded the ship. They had no want of a
cargo at home, and the vessel's rigging was in good order, so
that in a few days they were ready for sea. There were ten or
twelve men in the vessel. Thoralf's ship and theirs had the same
wind, and they were generally in sight of each other. They came
to the land at Herna in the evening, and Sigurd with his vessel
lay outside on the strand, but so that there was not much
distance between the two ships. It happened towards evening,
when it was dark, that just as Thoralf and his people were
preparing to go to bed, Thoralf and another went on shore for a
certain purpose. When they were ready, they prepared to return
on board. The man who had accompanied Thoralf related afterwards
this story, -- that a cloth was thrown over his head, and that he
was lifted up from the ground, and he heard a great bustle. He
was taken away, and thrown head foremost down; but there was sea
under him, and he sank under the water. When he got to land, he
went to the place where he and Thoralf had been parted, and there
he found Thoralf with his head cloven down to his shoulders, and
dead. When the ship's people heard of it they carried the body
out to the ship, and let it remain there all night. King Olaf
was at that time in guest-quarters at Lygra, and thither they
sent a message. Now a Thing was called by message-token, and the
king came to the Thing. He had also ordered the Farey people of
both vessels to be summoned, and they appeared at the Thing. Now
when the Thing was seated, the king stood up and said, "Here an
event has happened which (and it is well that it is so) is very
seldom heard of. Here has a good man been put to death, without
any cause. Is there any man upon the Thing who can say who has
done it?"
Nobody could answer.
"Then," said the king, "I cannot conceal my suspicion that this
deed has been done by the Farey people themselves. It appears to
me that it has been done in this way, -- that Sigurd Thorlakson
has killed the man, and Thord the Low has cast his comrade into
the sea. I think, too, that the motives to this must have been
to hinder Thoralf from telling about the misdeed of which he had
information; namely, the murder which I suspect was committed
upon my messengers."
When he had ended his speech, Sigurd Thorlakson stood up, and
desired to be heard. "I have never before," said he, "spoken at
a Thing, and I do not expect to be looked upon as a man of ready
words. But I think there is sufficient necessity before me to
reply something to this. I will venture to make a guess that the
speech the king has made comes from some man's tongue who is of
far less understanding and goodness than he is, and has evidently
proceeded from those who are our enemies. It is speaking
improbabilities to say that I could be Thoralf's murderer; for
he was my foster-brother and good friend. Had the case been
otherwise, and had there been anything outstanding between me and
Thoralf, yet I am surely born with sufficient understanding to
have done this deed in the Farey Islands, rather than here
between your hands, sire. But I am ready to clear myself, and my
whole ship's crew, of this act, and to make oath according to
what stands in your laws. Or, if ye find it more satisfactory, I
offer to clear myself by the ordeal of hot iron; and I wish,
sire, that you may be present yourself at the proof."
When Sigurd had ceased to speak there were many who supported his
case, and begged the king that Sigurd might be allowed to clear
himself of this accusation. They thought that Sigurd had spoken
well, and that the accusation against him might be untrue.
The king replies, "It may be with regard to this man very
differently, and if he is belied in any respect he must be a good
man; and if not, he is the boldest I have ever met with: and I
believe this is the case, and that he will bear witness to it
At the desire of the people, the king took Sigurd's obligation to
take the iron ordeal; he should come the following day to Lygra,
where the bishop should preside at the ordeal; and so the Thing
closed. The king went back to Lygra, and Sigurd and his comrades
to their ship.
As soon as it began to be dark at night Sigurd said to his ship's
people. "To say the truth, we have come into a great misfortune;
for a great lie is got up against us, and this king is a
deceitful, crafty man. Our fate is easy to be foreseen where he
rules; for first he made Thoralf be slain, and then made us the
misdoers, without benefit of redemption by fine. For him it is
an easy matter to manage the iron ordeal, so that I fear he will
come ill off who tries it against him. Now there is coming a
brisk mountain breeze, blowing right out of the sound and off the
land; and it is my advice that we hoist our sail, and set out to
sea. Let Thrand himself come with his wool to market another
summer; but if I get away, it is my opinion I shall never think
of coming to Norway again."
His comrades thought the advice good, hoisted their sail, and in
the night-time took to the open sea with all speed. They did not
stop until they came to Farey, and home to Gata. Thrand was illpleased
with their voyage, and they did not answer him in a very
friendly way; but they remained at home, however, with Thrand.
The morning after, King Olaf heard of Sigurd's departure, and
heavy reports went round about this case; and there were many who
believed that the accusation against Sigurd was true, although
they had denied and opposed it before the king. King Olaf spoke
but little about the matter, but seemed to know of a certainty
that the suspicion he had taken up was founded in truth. The
king afterwards proceeded in his progress, taking up his abode
where it was provided for him.
King Olaf called before him the men who had come from Iceland,
Thorod Snorrason, Geller Thorkelson, Stein Skaptason, and Egil
Halson, and spoke to them thus: -- "Ye have spoken to me much in
summer about making yourselves ready to return to Iceland, and I
have never given you a distinct answer. Now I will tell you what
my intention is. Thee, Geller, I propose to allow to return, if
thou wilt carry my message there; but none of the other
Icelanders who are now here may go to Iceland before I have heard
how the message which thou, Geller, shalt bring thither has been
When the king had made this resolution known, it appeared to
those who had a great desire to return, and were thus forbidden,
that they were unreasonably and hardly dealt with, and that they
were placed in the condition of unfree men. In the meantime
Geller got ready for his journey, and sailed in summer (A.D.
1026) to Iceland, taking with him the message he was to bring
before the Thing the following summer (A.D. 1027). The king's
message was, that he required the Icelanders to adopt the laws
which he had set in Norway, also to pay him thane-tax and nosetax
(1); namely, a penny for every nose, and the penny at the
rate of ten pennies to the yard of wadmal (2). At the same time
he promised them his friendship if they accepted, and threatened
them with all his vengeance if they refused his proposals.
The people sat long in deliberation on this business; but at last
they were unanimous in refusing all the taxes and burdens which
were demanded of them. That summer Geller returned back from
Iceland to Norway to King Olaf, and found him in autumn in the
east in Viken, just as he had come from Gautland; of which I
shall speak hereafter in this story of King Olaf. Towards the
end of autumn King Olaf repaired north to Throndhjem, and went
with his people to Nidaros, where he ordered a winter residence
to be prepared for him. The winter (A.D. 1027) that he passed
here in the merchant-town of Nidaros was the thirteenth year of
his reign.
(1) Nefgildi (nef=nose), a nose-tax or poll-tax payable to the
king. This ancient "nose-tax" was also imposed by the
Norsemen on conquered countries, the penalty for defaulters
being the loss of their nose.
(2) Wadmal was the coarse woollen cloth made in Iceland, and so
generally used for clothing that it was a measure of value
in the North, like money, for other commodities. -- L.
There was once a man called Ketil Jamte, a son of Earl Onund of
Sparby, in the Throndhjem district. He fled over the ridge of
mountains from Eystein Illrade, cleared the forest, and settled
the country now called the province of Jamtaland. A great many
people joined him from the Throndhjem land, on account of the
disturbances there; for this King Eystein had laid taxes on the
Throndhjem people, and set his dog, called Saur, to be king over
them. Thorer Helsing was Ketil's grandson, and he colonised the
province called Helsingjaland, which is named after him. When
Harald Harfager subdued the kingdom by force, many people fled
out of the country from him, both Throndhjem people and Naumudal
people, and thus new settlements were added to Jamtaland; and
some settlers went even eastwards to Helsingjaland and down to
the Baltic coast, and all became subjects of the Swedish king.
While Hakon Athelstan's foster-son was over Norway there was
peace, and merchant traffic from Throndhjem to Jamtaland; and, as
he was an excellent king, the Jamtalanders came from the east to
him, paid him scat, and he gave them laws and administered
justice. They would rather submit to his government than to the
Swedish king's, because they were of Norwegian race; and all the
Helsingjaland people, who had their descent from the north side
of the mountain ridge, did the same. This continued long after
those times, until Olaf the Thick and the Swedish king Olaf
quarrelled about the boundaries. Then the Jamtaland and
Helsingjaland people went back to the Swedish king; and then the
forest of Eid was the eastern boundary of the land, and the
mountain ridge, or keel of the country, the northern: and the
Swedish king took scat of Helsingjaland, and also of Jamtaland.
Now, thought the king of Norway, Olaf, in consequence of the
agreement between him and the Swedish king, the scat of Jamtaland
should be paid differently than before; although it had long been
established that the Jamtaland people paid their scat to the
Swedish king, and that he appointed officers over the country.
The Swedes would listen to nothing, but that all the land to the
east of the keel of the country belonged to the Swedish king.
Now this went so, as it often happens, that although the kings
were brothers-in-law and relations, each would hold fast the
dominions which he thought he had a right to. King Olaf had sent
a message round in Jamtaland, declaring it to be his will that
the Jamtaland people should be subject to him, threatening them
with violence if they refused; but the Jamtaland people preferred
being subjects of the Swedish king.
The Icelanders, Thorod Snorrason and Stein Skaptason, were illpleased
at not being allowed to do as they liked. Stein was a
remarkably handsome man, dexterous at all feats, a great poet,
splendid in his apparel, and very ambitious of distinction. His
father, Skapte, had composed a poem on King Olaf, which he had
taught Stein, with the intention that he should bring it to King
Olaf. Stein could not now restrain himself from making the king
reproaches in word and speech, both in verse and prose. Both he
and Thorod were imprudent in their conversation, and said the
king would be looked upon as a worse man than those who, under
faith and law, had sent their sons to him, as he now treated them
as men without liberty. The king was angry at this. One day
Stein stood before the king, and asked if he would listen to the
poem which his father Skapte had composed about him. The king
replies, "Thou must first repeat that, Stein, which thou hast
composed about me." Stein replies, that it was not the case that
he had composed any. "I am no skald, sire," said he; "and if I
even could compose anything, it, and all that concerns me, would
appear to thee of little value." Stein then went out, but
thought he perceived what the king alluded to. Thorgeir, one of
the king's land-bailiffs, who managed one of his farms in
Orkadal, happened to be present, and heard the conversation of
the king and Stein, and soon afterwards Thorgeir returned home.
One night Stein left the city, and his footboy with him. They
went up Gaularas and into Orkadal. One evening they came to one
of the king's farms which Thorgeir had the management of, and
Thorgeir invited Stein to pass the night there, and asked where
he was travelling to. Stein begged the loan of a horse and
sledge, for he saw they were just driving home corn.
Thorgeir replies, "I do not exactly see how it stands with thy
journey, and if thou art travelling with the king's leave. The
other day, methinks, the words were not very sweet that passed
between the king and thee."
Stein said, "If it be so that I am not my own master for the
king, yet I will not submit to such treatment from his slaves;"
and, drawing his sword, he killed the landbailiff. Then he took
the horse, put the boy upon him, and sat himself in the sledge,
and so drove the whole night. They travelled until they came to
Surnadal in More. There they had themselves ferried across the
fjord, and proceeded onwards as fast as they could. They told
nobody about the murder, but wherever they came called themselves
king's men, and met good entertainment everywhere. One day at
last they came towards evening to Giske Isle, to Thorberg
Arnason's house. He was not at home himself, but his wife
Ragnhild, a daughter of Erling Skjalgson, was. There Stein was
well received, because formerly there had been great friendship
between them. It had once happened, namely, that Stein, on his
voyage from Iceland with his own vessel, had come to Giske from
sea, and had anchored at the island. At that time Ragnhild was
in the pains of childbirth, and very ill, and there was no priest
on the island, or in the neighbourhood of it. There came a
message to the merchant-vessel to inquire if, by chance, there
was a priest on board. There happened to be a priest in the
vessel, who was called Bard; but he was a young man from
Westfjord, who had little learning. The messengers begged the
priest to go with them, but he thought it was a difficult matter:
for he knew his own ignorance, and would not go. Stein added his
word to persuade the priest. The priest replies, "I will go if
thou wilt go with me; for then I will have confidence, if I
should require advice." Stein said he was willing; and they went
forthwith to the house, and to where Ragnhild was in labour.
Soon after she brought forth a female child, which appeared to be
rather weak. Then the priest baptized the infant, and Stein held
it at the baptism, at which it got the name of Thora; and Stein
gave it a gold ring. Ragnhild promised Stein her perfect
friendship, and bade him come to her whenever he thought he
required her help. Stein replied that he would hold no other
female child at baptism, and then they parted. Now it was come
to the time when Stein required this kind promise of Ragnhild to
be fulfilled, and he told her what had happened, and that the
king's wrath had fallen upon him. She answered, that all the aid
she could give should stand at his service; but bade him wait for
Thorberg's arrival. She then showed him to a seat beside her son
Eystein Orre, who was then twelve years old. Stein presented
gifts to Ragnhild and Eystein. Thorberg had already heard how
Stein had conducted himself before he got home, and was rather
vexed at it. Ragnhild went to him, and told him how matters
stood with Stein, and begged Thorberg to receive him, and take
care of him.
Thorberg replies, "I have heard that the king, after sending out
a message-token, held a Thing concerning the murder of Thorgeir,
and has condemned Stein as having fled the country, and likewise
that the king is highly incensed: and I have too much sense to
take the cause of a foreigner in hand, and draw upon myself the
king's wrath. Let Stein, therefore, withdraw from hence as
quickly as thou canst."
Ragnhild replied, that they should either both go or both stay.
Thorberg told her to go where she pleased. "For I expect," said
he, "that wherever thou goest thou wilt soon come back, for here
is thy importance greatest."
Her son Eystein Orre then stood forward, and said he would not
stay behind if Ragnhild goes.
Thorberg said that they showed themselves very stiff and
obstinate in this matter. "And it appears that ye must have your
way in it, since ye take it so near to heart; but thou art
reckoning too much, Ragnhild, upon thy descent, in paying so
little regard to King Olaf's word."
Ragnhild replied, "If thou art so much afraid to keep Stein with
thee here, go with him to my father Erling, or give him
attendants, so that he may get there in safety." Thorberg said
he would not send Stein there; "for there are enough of things
besides to enrage the king against Erling." Stein thus remained
there all winter (A.D. 1027).
After Yule a king's messenger came to Thorberg, with the order
that Thorberg should come to him before midsummer; and the order
was serious and severe. Thorberg laid it before his friends, and
asked their advice if he should venture to go to the king after
what had taken place. The greater number dissuaded him, and
thought it more advisable to let Stein slip out of his hands than
to venture within the king's power: but Thorberg himself had
rather more inclination not to decline the journey. Soon after
Thorberg went to his brother Fin, told him the circumstances, and
asked him to accompany him. Fin replied, that he thought it
foolish to be so completely under woman's influence that he dared
not, on account of his wife, keep the fealty and law of his
"Thou art free," replied Thorberg, "to go with me or not; but I
believe it is more fear of the king than love to him that keeps
thee back." And so they parted in anger.
Then Thorberg went to his brother Arne Arnason, and asked him to
go with him to the king. Arne says, "It appears to me wonderful
that such a sensible, prudent man, should fall into such a
misfortune, without necessity, as to incur the king's
indignation. It might be excused if it were thy relation or
foster-brother whom thou hadst thus sheltered; but not at all
that thou shouldst take up an Iceland man, and harbour the king's
outlaw, to the injury of thyself and all thy relations."
Thorberg replies, "It stands good, according to the proverb, -- a
rotten branch will be found in every tree. My father's greatest
misfortune evidently was that he had such ill luck in producing
sons that at last he produced one incapable of acting, and
without any resemblance to our race, and whom in truth I never
would have called brother, if it were not that it would have been
to my mother's shame to have refused."
Thorberg turned away in a gloomy temper, and went home.
Thereafter he sent a message to his brother Kalf in the
Throndhjem district, and begged him to meet him at Agdanes; and
when the messengers found Kalf he promised, without more ado, to
make the journey. Ragnhild sent men east to Jadar to her father
Erling, and begged him to send people. Erling's sons, Sigurd and
Thord, came out, each with a ship of twenty benches of rowers and
ninety men. When they came north Thorberg received them
joyfully, entertained them well, and prepared for the voyage with
them. Thorberg had also a vessel with twenty benches, and they
steered their course northwards. When they came to the mouth of
the Throndhjem fjord Thorberg's two brothers, Fin and Arne, were
there already, with two ships each of twenty benches. Thorberg
met his brothers with joy, and observed that his whetstone had
taken effect; and Fin replied he seldom needed sharpening for
such work. Then they proceeded north with all their forces to
Throndhjem, and Stein was along with them. When they came to
Agdanes, Kaff Arnason was there before them; and he also had a
wellmanned ship of twenty benches. With this war-force they
sailed up to Nidaros, where they lay all night. The morning
after they had a consultation with each other. Kalf and Erling's
sons were for attacking the town with all their forces, and
leaving the event to fate; but Thorberg wished that they should
first proceed with moderation, and make an offer; in which
opinion Fin and Arne also concurred. It was accordingly resolved
that Fin and Arne, with a few men, should first wait upon the
king. The king had previously heard that they had come so strong
in men, and was therefore very sharp in his speech. Fin offered
to pay mulct for Thorberg, and also for Stein, and bade the king
to fix what the penalties should be, however large; stipulating
only for Thorberg safety and his fiefs, and for Stein life and
The king replies, "It appears to me that ye come from home so
equipped that ye can determine half as much as I can myself, or
more; but this I expected least of all from you brothers, that ye
should come against me with an army; and this counsel, I can
observe, has its origin from the people of Jadar; but ye have no
occasion to offer me money in mulct."
Fin replies, "We brothers have collected men, not to offer
hostility to you, sire, but to offer rather our services; but if
you will bear down Thorberg altogether, we must all go to King
Canute the Great with such forces as we have."
Then the king looked at him, and said, "If ye brothers will give
your oaths that ye will follow me in the country and out of the
country, and not part from me without my leave and permission,
and shall not conceal from me any treasonable design that may
come to your knowledge against me, then will I agree to a peace
with you brothers."
Then Fin returned to his forces, and told the conditions which
the king had proposed to them. Now they held a council upon it,
and Thorberg, for his part, said he would accept the terms
offered. "I have no wish," says he, "to fly from my property,
and seek foreign masters; but, on the contrary, will always
consider it an honour to follow King Olaf, and be where he is."
Then says Kalf, "I will make no oath to King Olaf, but will be
with him always, so long as I retain my fiefs and dignities, and
so long as the king will be my friend; and my opinion is that we
should all do the same." Fin says, "we will venture to let King
Olaf himself determine in this matter." Arne Arnason says, "I
was resolved to follow thee, brother Thorberg, even if thou hadst
given battle to King Olaf, and I shall certainly not leave thee
for listening to better counsel; so I intend to follow thee and
Fin, and accept the conditions ye have taken."
Thereupon the brothers Thorberg, Fin, and Arne, went on board a
vessel, rowed into the fjord, and waited upon the king. The
agreement went accordingly into fulfillment, so that the brothers
gave their oaths to the king. Then Thorberg endeavored to make
peace for Stein with the king; but the king replied that Stein
might for him depart in safety, and go where he pleased, but "in
my house he can never be again." Then Thorberg and his brothers
went back to their men. Kalf went to Eggja, and Fin to the king;
and Thorberg, with the other men, went south to their homes.
Stein went with Erling's sons; but early in the spring (A.D.
1027) he went west to England into the service of Canute the
Great, and was long with him, and was treated with great
Now when Fin Arnason had been a short time with King Olaf, the
king called him to a conference, along with some other persons he
usually held consultation with; and in this conference the king
spoke to this effect: -- "The decision remains fixed in my mind
that in spring I should raise the whole country to a levy both of
men and ships, and then proceed, with all the force I can muster,
against King Canute the Great: for I know for certain that he
does not intend to treat as a jest the claim he has awakened upon
my kingdom. Now I let thee know my will, Fin Arnason, that thou
proceed on my errand to Halogaland, and raise the people there to
an expedition, men and ships, and summon that force to meet me at
Agdanes." Then the king named other men whom he sent to
Throndhjem, and some southwards in the country, and he commanded
that this order should be circulated through the whole land. Of
Fin's voyage we have to relate that he had with him a ship with
about thirty men, and when he was ready for sea he prosecuted his
journey until he came to Halogaland. There he summoned the
bondes to a Thing, laid before them his errand, and craved a
levy. The bondes in that district had large vessels, suited to a
levy expedition, and they obeyed the king's message, and rigged
their ships. Now when Fin came farther north in Halogaland he
held a Thing again, and sent some of his men from him to crave a
levy where he thought it necessary. He sent also men to Bjarkey
Island to Thorer Hund, and there, as elsewhere, craved the quota
to the levy. When the message came to Thorer he made himself
ready, and manned with his house-servants the same vessel he had
sailed with on his cruise to Bjarmaland, and which he equipped at
his own expense. Fin summoned all the people of Halogaland who
were to the north to meet at Vagar. There came a great fleet
together in spring, and they waited there until Fin returned from
the North. Thorer Hund had also come there. When Fin arrived he
ordered the signal to sound for all the people of the levy to
attend a House-Thing; and at it all the men produced their
weapons, and also the fighting men from each ship-district were
mustered. When that was all finished Fin said, "I have also to
bring thee a salutation, Thorer Hund, from King Olaf, and to ask
thee what thou wilt offer him for the murder of his court-man
Karle, or for the robbery in taking the king's goods north in
Lengjuvik. I have the king's orders to settle that business, and
I wait thy answer to it."
Thorer looked about him, and saw standing on both sides many
fully armed men, among whom were Gunstein and others of Karle's
kindred. Then said Thorer, "My proposal is soon made. I will
refer altogether to the king's pleasure the matter he thinks he
has against me."
Fin replies, "Thou must put up with a less honour; for thou must
refer the matter altogether to my decision, if any agreement is
to take place."
Thorer replies, "And even then I think it will stand well with my
case, and therefore I will not decline referring it to thee."
Thereupon Thorer came forward, and confirmed what he said by
giving his hand upon it; and Fin repeated first all the words he
should say.
Fin now pronounced his decision upon the agreement, -- that
Thorer should pay to the king ten marks of gold, and to Gunstein
and the other kindred ten marks, and for the robbery and loss of
goods ten marks more; and all which should be paid immediately.
Thorer says, "This is a heavy money mulct."
"Without it," replies Fin, "there will be no agreement."
Thorer says, there must time be allowed to gather so much in loan
from his followers; but Fin told him to pay immediately on the
spot; and besides, Thorer should lay down the great ornament
which he took from Karle when he was dead. Thorer asserted that
he had not got the ornament. Then Gunstein pressed forward, and
said that Karle had the ornament around his neck when they
parted, but it was gone when they took up his corpse. Thorer
said he had not observed any ornament; but if there was any such
thing, it must be lying at home in Bjarkey. Then Fin put the
point of his spear to Thorer's breast, and said that he must
instantly produce the ornament; on which Thorer took the ornament
from his neck and gave it to Fin. Thereafter Thorer turned away,
and went on board his ship. Fin, with many other men, followed
him, went through the whole vessel, and took up the hatches. At
the mast they saw two very large casks; and Fin asked, "What are
these puncheons?"
Thorer replies, "It is my liquor."
Fin says, "Why don't you give us something to drink then,
comrade, since you have so much liquor?"
Thorer ordered his men to run off a bowlfull from the puncheons,
from which Fin and his people got liquor of the best quality.
Now Fin ordered Thorer to pay the mulcts. Thorer went backwards
and forwards through the ship, speaking now to the one, now to
the other, and Fin calling out to produce the pence. Thorer
begged him to go to the shore, and said he would bring the money
there, and Fin with his men went on shore. Then Thorer came and
paid silver; of which, from one purse, there were weighed ten
marks. Thereafter Thorer brought many knotted nightcaps; and in
some was one mark, in others half a mark, and in others some
small money. "This is money my friends and other good people
have lent me," said he; "for I think all my travelling money is
gone." Then Thorer went back again to his ship, and returned,
and paid the silver by little and little; and this lasted so long
that the day was drawing towards evening. When the Thing had
closed the people had gone to their vessels, and made ready to
depart; and as fast as they were ready they hoisted sail and set
out, so that most of them were under sail. When Fin saw that
they were most of them under sail, he ordered his men to get
ready too; but as yet little more than a third part of the mulct
had been paid. Then Fin said, "This goes on very slowly, Thorer,
with the payment. I see it costs thee a great deal to pay money.
I shall now let it stand for the present, and what remains thou
shalt pay to the king himself." Fin then got up and went away.
Thorer replies, "I am well enough pleased, Fin, to part now; but
the good will is not wanting to pay this debt, so that both thou
and the king shall say it is not unpaid."
Then Fin went on board his ship, and followed the rest of his
fleet. Thorer was late before he was ready to come out of the
harbour. When the sails were hoisted he steered out over
Westfjord, and went to sea, keeping south along the land so far
off that the hill-tops were half sunk, and soon the land
altogether was sunk from view by the sea. Thorer held this
course until he got into the English sea, and landed in England.
He betook himself to King Canute forthwith, and was well received
by him. It then came out that Thorer had with him a great deal
of property; and, with other things, all the money he and Karle
had taken in Bjarmaland. In the great liquor-casks there were
sides within the outer sides, and the liquor was between them.
The rest of the casks were filled with furs, and beaver and sable
skins. Thorer was then with King Canute. Fin came with his
forces to King Olaf, and related to him how all had gone upon his
voyage, and told at the same time his suspicion that Thorer had
left the country, and gone west to England to King Canute. "And
there I fear he will cause as much trouble."
The king replies, "I believe that Thorer must be our enemy, and
it appears to me always better to have him at a distance than
Asmund Grankelson had been this winter (A.D. 1027) in Halogaland
in his sheriffdom, and was at home with his father Grankel.
There lies a rock out in the sea, on which there is both seal and
bird catching, and a fishing ground, and egg-gathering; and from
old times it had been an appendage to the farm which Grankel
owned, but now Harek of Thjotta laid claim to it. It had gone so
far, that some years he had taken by force all the gain of this
rock; but Asmund and his father thought that they might expect
the king's help in all cases in which the right was upon their
side. Both father and son went therefore in spring to Harek, and
brought him a message and tokens from King Olaf that he should
drop his claim. Harek answered Asmund crossly, because he had
gone to the king with such insinuations -- "for the just right is
upon my side. Thou shouldst learn moderation, Asmund, although
thou hast so much confidence in the king's favour. It has
succeeded with thee to kill some chiefs, and leave their
slaughter unpaid for by any mulct; and also to plunder us,
although we thought ourselves at least equal to all of equal
birth, and thou art far from being my equal in family."
Asmund replies, "Many have experienced from thee, Harek, that
thou art of great connections, and too great power; and many in
consequence have suffered loss in their property through thee.
But it is likely that now thou must turn thyself elsewhere, and
not against us with thy violence, and not go altogether against
law, as thou art now doing." Then they separated.
Harek sent ten or twelve of his house-servants with a large
rowing boat, with which they rowed to the rock, took all that was
to be got upon it, and loaded their boat. But when they were
ready to return home, Asmund Grankelson came with thirty men, and
ordered them to give up all they had taken. Harek's houseservants
were not quick in complying, so that Asmund attacked
them. Some of Harek's men were cudgelled, some wounded, some
thrown into the sea, and all they had caught was taken from on
board of their boat, and Asmund and his people took it along with
them. Then Harek's servants came home, and told him the event.
Harek replies, "That is called news indeed that seldom happens;
never before has it happened that my people have been beaten."
The matter dropped. Harek never spoke about it, but was very
cheerful. In spring, however, Harek rigged out a cutter of
twenty seats of rowers, and manned it with his house-servants,
and the ship was remarkably well fitted out both with people and
all necessary equipment; and Harek went to the levy; but when he
came to King Olaf, Asmund was there before him. The king
summoned Harek and Asmund to him, and reconciled them so that
they left the matter entirely to him. Asmund then produced
witnesses to prove that Grankel had owned the rock, and the king
gave judgment accordingly. The case had a one-sided result. No
mulct was paid for Harek's house-servants, and the rock was
declared to be Grankel's. Harek observed it was no disgrace to
obey the king's decision, whatever way the case itself was
Thorod Snorrason had remained in Norway, according to King Olaf's
commands, when Geller Thorkelson got leave to go to Iceland, as
before related. He remained there (A.D. 1027) with King Olaf,
but was ill pleased that he was not free to travel where he
pleased. Early in winter, King Olaf, when he was in Nidaros,
made it known that he would send people to Jamtaland to collect
the scat; but nobody had any great desire to go on this business,
after the fate of those whom King Olaf had sent before, namely,
Thrand White and others, twelve in number, who lost their lives,
as before related; and the Jamtalanders had ever since been
subject to the Swedish king. Thorod Snorrason now offered to
undertake this journey, for he cared little what became of him if
he could but become his own master again. The king consented,
and Thorod set out with eleven men in company. They came east to
Jamtaland, and went to a man called Thorar, who was lagman, and a
person in high estimation. They met with a hospitable reception;
and when they had been there a while, they explained their
business to Thorar. He replied, that other men and chiefs of the
country had in all respects as much power and right to give an
answer as he had, and for that purpose he would call together a
Thing. It was so done; the message-token was sent out, and a
numerous Thing assembled. Thorar went to the Thing, but the
messengers in the meantime remained at home. At the Thing,
Thorar laid the business before the people, but all were
unanimous that no scat should be paid to the king of Norway; and
some were for hanging the messengers, others for sacrificing them
to the gods. At last it was resolved to hold them fast until the
king of Sweden's sheriffs arrived, and they could treat them as
they pleased with consent of the people; and that, in the
meantime, this decision should be concealed, and the messengers
treated well, and detained under pretext that they must wait
until the scat is collected; and that they should be separated,
and placed two and two, as if for the convenience of boarding
them. Thorod and another remained in Thorar's house. There was
a great Yule feast and ale-drinking, to which each brought his
own liquor; for there were many peasants in the village, who all
drank in company together at Yule. There was another village not
far distant, where Thorar's brother-in-law dwelt, who was a rich
and powerful man, and had a grown-up son. The brothers-in-law
intended to pass the Yule in drinking feasts, half of it at the
house of the one and half with the other; and the feast began at
Thorar's house. The brothers-in-law drank together, and Thorod
and the sons of the peasants by themselves; and it was a drinking
match. In the evening words arose, and comparisons between the
men of Sweden and of Norway, and then between their kings both of
former times and at the present, and of the manslaughters and
robberies that had taken place between the countries. Then said
the peasants sons, "If our king has lost most people, his
sheriffs will make it even with the lives of twelve men when they
come from the south after Yule; and ye little know, ye silly
fools, why ye are kept here." Thorod took notice of these words,
and many made jest about it, and scoffed at them and their king.
When the ale began to talk out of the hearts of the Jamtalanders,
what Thorod had before long suspected became evident. The day
after Thorod and his comrade took all their clothes and weapons,
and laid them ready; and at night, when the people were all
asleep, they fled to the forest. The next morning, when the
Jamtalanders were aware of their flight, men set out after them
with dogs to trace them, and found them in a wood in which they
had concealed themselves. They brought them home to a room in
which there was a deep cellar, into which they were thrown, and
the door locked upon them. They had little meat, and only the
clothes they had on them. In the middle of Yule, Thorar, with
all his freeborn men, went to his brother's-in-law, where he was
to be a guest until the last of Yule. Thorar's slaves were to
keep guard upon the cellar, and they were provided with plenty of
liquor; but as they observed no moderation in drinking, they
became towards evening confused in the head with the ale. As
they were quite drunk, those who had to bring meat to the
prisoners in the cellar said among themselves that they should
want for nothing. Thorod amused the slaves by singing to them.
They said he was a clever man, and gave him a large candle that
was lighted; and the slaves who were in went to call the others
to come in; but they were all so confused with the ale, that in
going out they neither locked the cellar nor the room after them.
Now Thorod and his comrades tore up their skin clothes in strips,
knotted them together, made a noose at one end, and threw up the
rope on the floor of the room. It fastened itself around a
chest, by which they tried to haul themselves up. Thorod lifted
up his comrade until he stood on his shoulders, and from thence
scrambled up through the hatchhole. There was no want of ropes
in the chamber, and he threw a rope down to Thorod; but when he
tried to draw him up, he could not move him from the spot. Then
Thorod told him to cast the rope over a cross-beam that was in
the house, make a loop in it, and place as much wood and stones
in the loop as would outweigh him; and the heavy weight went down
into the cellar, and Thorod was drawn up by it. Now they took as
much clothes as they required in the room; and among other things
they took some reindeer hides, out of which they cut sandals, and
bound them under their feet, with the hoofs of the reindeer feet
trailing behind. But before they set off they set fire to a
large corn barn which was close by, and then ran out into the
pitch-dark night. The barn blazed, and set fire to many other
houses in the village. Thorod and his comrade travelled the
whole night until they came to a lonely wood, where they
concealed themselves when it was daylight. In the morning they
were missed. There was chase made with dogs to trace the
footsteps all round the house; but the hounds always came back to
the house, for they had the smell of the reindeer hoofs, and
followed the scent back on the road that the hoofs had left, and
therefore could not find the right direction. Thorod and his
comrade wandered long about in the desert forest, and came one
evening to a small house, and went in. A man and a woman were
sitting by the fire. The man called himself Thorer, and said it
was his wife who was sitting there, and the hut belonged to them.
The peasant asked them to stop there, at which they were well
pleased. He told them that he had come to this place, because he
had fled from the inhabited district on account of a murder.
Thorod and his comrade were well received, and they all got their
supper at the fireside; and then the benches were cleared for
them, and they lay down to sleep, but the fire was still burning
with a clear light. Thorod saw a man come in from another house,
and never had he seen so stout a man. He was dressed in a
scarlet cloak beset with gold clasps, and was of very handsome
appearance. Thorod heard him scold them for taking guests, when
they had scarcely food for themselves. The housewife said, "Be
not angry, brother; seldom such a thing happens; and rather do
them some good too, for thou hast better opportunity to do so
than we." Thorod heard also the stout man named by the name of
Arnliot Gelline, and observed that the woman of the house was his
sister. Thorod had heard speak of Arnliot as the greatest-of
robbers and malefactors. Thorod and his companion slept the
first part of the night, for they were wearied with walking; but
when a third of the night was still to come, Arnliot awoke them,
told them to get up, and make ready to depart. They arose
immediately, put on their clothes, and some breakfast was given
them; and Arnliot gave each of them also a pair of skees.
Arnliot made himself ready to accompany them, and got upon his
skees, which were both broad and long; but scarcely had he swung
his skee-staff before he was a long way past them. He waited for
them, and said they would make no progress in this way, and told
them to stand upon the edge of his skees beside him. They did
so. Thorod stood nearest to him, and held by Arnliot's belt, and
his comrade held by him. Arnliot strode on as quickly with them
both, as if he was alone and without any weight. The following
day they came, towards night, to a lodge for travellers, struck
fire, and prepared some food; but Arnliot told them to throw away
nothing of their food, neither bones nor crumbs. Arnliot took a
silver plate out of the pocket of his cloak, and ate from it.
When they were done eating, Arnliot gathered up the remains of
their meal, and they prepared to go to sleep. In the other end
of the house there was a loft upon cross-beams, and Arnliot and
the others went up, and laid themselves down to sleep. Arnliot
had a large halberd, of which the upper part was mounted with
gold, and the shaft was so long that with his arm stretched out
he could scarcely touch the top of it; and he was girt with a
sword. They had both their weapons and their clothes up in the
loft beside them. Arnliot, who lay outermost in the loft, told
them to be perfectly quiet. Soon after twelve men came to the
house, who were merchants going with their wares to Jamtaland;
and when they came into the house they made a great disturbance,
were merry, and made a great fire before them; and when they took
their supper they cast away all the bones around them. They then
prepared to go to sleep, and laid themselves down upon the
benches around the fire. When they, had been asleep a short
time, a huge witch came into the house; and when she came in, she
carefully swept together all the bones and whatever was of food
kind into a heap, and threw it into her mouth. Then she gripped
the man who was nearest to her, riving and tearing him asunder,
and threw him upon the fire. The others awoke in dreadful
fright, and sprang up, but she took them, and put them one by one
to death, so that only one remained in life. He ran under the
loft calling for help, and if there was any one on the loft to
help him. Arnliot reached down his hand, seized him by the
shoulder, and drew him up into the loft. The witch-wife had
turned towards the fire, and began to eat the men who were
roasting. Now Arnliot stood up, took his halberd, and struck her
between the shoulders, so that the point came out at her breast.
She writhed with it, gave a dreadful shriek, and sprang up. The
halberd slipped from Arnliot's hands, and she ran out with it.
Arnliot then went in; cleared away the dead corpses out of the
house; set the door and the door-posts up, for she had torn them
down in going out; and they slept the rest of the night. When
the day broke they got up; and first they took their breakfast.
When they had got food, Arnliot said, "Now we must part here. Ye
can proceed upon the new-traced path the merchants have made in
coming here yesterday. In the meantime I will seek after my
halberd, and in reward for my labour I will take so much of the
goods these men had with them as I find useful to me. Thou,
Thorod, must take my salutation to King Olaf; and say to him that
he is the man I am most desirous to see, although my salutation
may appear to him of little worth." Then he took his silver
plate, wiped it dry with a cloth, and said, "Give King Olaf this
plate; salute him, and say it is from me." Then they made
themselves ready for their journey, and parted. Thorod went on
with his comrade and the man of the merchants company who had
escaped. He proceeded until he came to King Olaf in the town
(Nidaros); told the king all that had happened, and presented to
him the silver plate. The king said it was wrong that Arnliot
himself had not come to him; "for it is a pity so brave a hero,
and so distinguished a man, should have given himself up to
Thorod remained the rest of the winter with the king, and in
summer got leave to return to Iceland; and he and King Olaf
parted the best of friends.
King Olaf made ready in spring (A.D. 1027) to leave Nidaros, and
many people were assembled about him, both from Throndhjem and
the Northern country; and when he was ready he proceeded first
with his men to More, where he gathered the men of the levy, and
did the same at Raumsdal. He went from thence to South More. He
lay a long time at the Herey Isles waiting for his forces; and he
often held House-things, as many reports came to his ears about
which he thought it necessary to hold councils. In one of these
Things he made a speech, in which he spoke of the loss he
suffered from the Farey islanders. "The scat which they promised
me," he said, "is not forthcoming; and I now intend to send men
thither after it." Then he proposed to different men to
undertake this expedition; but the answer was, that all declined
the adventure.
Then there stood up a stout and very remarkable looking man in
the Thing. He was clad in a red kirtle, had a helmet on his
head, a sword in his belt, and a large halberd in his hands. He
took up the word and said, "In truth here is a great want of men.
Ye have a good king; but ye are bad servants who say no to this
expedition he offers you, although ye have received many gifts of
friendship and tokens of honour from him. I have hitherto been
no friend of the king, and he has been my enemy, and says,
besides, that he has good grounds for being so. Now, I offer,
sire, to go upon this expedition, if no better will undertake
The king answers, "Who is this brave man who replies to my offer?
Thou showest thyself different from the other men here present,
in offering thyself for this expedition from which they excuse
themselves, although I expected they would willingly have
undertaken it; but I do not know thee in the least, and do not
know thy name."
He replies, "My name, sire, is not difficult to know, and I think
thou hast heard my name before. I am Karl Morske."
The king -- "So this is Karl! I have indeed heard thy name
before; and, to say the truth, there was a time when our meeting
must have been such, if I had had my will; that thou shouldst not
have had to tell it now. But I will not show myself worse than
thou, but will join my thanks and my favour to the side of the
help thou hast offered me. Now thou shalt come to me, Karl, and
be my guest to-day; and then we shall consult together about this
business." Karl said it should be so.
Karl Morske had been a viking, and a celebrated robber. Often
had the king sent out men against him, and wished to make an end
of him; but Karl, who was a man of high connection, was quick in
all his doing's, and besides a man of great dexterity, and expert
in all feats. Now when Karl had undertaken this business the
king was reconciled to him, gave him his friendship, and let him
be fitted out in the best manner for this expedition. There were
about twenty men in the ship; and the king sent messages to his
friends in the Farey Islands, and recommended him also to Leif
Ossurson and Lagman Gille, for aid and defence; and for this
purpose furnished Karl with tokens of the full powers given him.
Karl set out as soon as he was ready; and as he got a favourable
breeze soon came to the Farey Islands, and landed at Thorshavn,
in the island Straumey. A Thing was called, to which there came
a great number of people. Thrand of Gata came with a great
retinue, and Leif and Gille came there also, with many in their
following. After they had set up their tents, and put themselves
in order, they went to Karl Morske, and saluted each other on
both sides in a friendly way. Then Karl produced King Olaf's
words, tokens, and friendly message to Leif and Gille, who
received them in a friendly manner, invited Karl to come to them,
and promised him to support his errand, and give him all the aid
in their power, for which he thanked them. Soon after came
Thrand of Gata, who also received Karl in the most friendly
manner, and said he was glad to see so able a man coming to their
country on the king's business, which they were all bound to
promote. "I will insist, Karl," says he, "on thy taking-up thy
winter abode with me, together with all those of thy people who
may appear to thee necessary for thy dignity."
Karl replies, that he had already settled to lodge with Leif;
"otherwise I would with great pleasure have accepted thy
"Then fate has given great honour to Leif," says Thrand; "but is
there any other way in which I can be of service?"
Karl replies, that he would do him a great service by collecting
the scat of the eastern island, and of all the northern islands.
Thrand said it was both his duty and interest to assist in the
king's business, and thereupon Thrand returned to his tent; and
at that Thing nothing else worth speaking of occurred. Karl took
up his abode with Leif Ossurson, and was there all winter (A.D.
1028). Leif collected the scat of Straumey Island, and all the
islands south of it. The spring after Thrand of Gata fell ill,
and had sore eyes and other complaints; but he prepared to attend
the Thing, as was his custom. When he came to the Thing he had
his tent put up, and within it another black tent, that the light
might not penetrate. After some days of the Thing had passed,
Leif and Karl came to Thrand's tent, with a great many people,
and found some persons standing outside. They asked if Thrand
was in the tent, and were told he was. Leif told them to bid
Thrand come out, as he and Karl had some business with him. They
came back, and said that Thrand had sore eyes, and could not come
out; "but he begs thee, Leif, to come to him within." Leif told
his comrades to come carefully into the tent, and not to press
forward, and that he who came last in should go out first. Leif
went in first, followed by Karl, and then his comrades; and all
fully armed as if they were going into battle. Leif went into
the black tent and asked if Thrand was there. Thrand answered
and saluted Leif. Leif returned his salutation, and asked if he
had brought the scat from the northern islands, and if he would
pay the scat that had been collected. Thrand replies, that he
had not forgotten what had been spoken of between him and Karl,
and that he would now pay over the scat. "Here is a purse, Leif,
full of silver, which thou canst receive." Leif looked around,
and saw but few people in the tent, of whom some were lying upon
the benches, and a few were sitting up. Then Leif went to
Thrand, and took the purse, and carried it into the outer tent,
where it was light, turned out the money on his shield, groped
about in it with his hand, and told Karl to look at the silver.
When they had looked at it a while, Karl asked Leif what he
thought of the silver. He replied, "I am thinking where the bad
money that is in the north isles can have come from." Thrand
heard this, and said, "Do you not think, Leif, the silver is
good?" "No," says he. Thrand replies, "Our relations, then, are
rascals not to be trusted. I sent them in spring to collect the
scat in the north isles, as I could not myself go anywhere, and
they have allowed themselves to be bribed by the bondes to take
false money, which nobody looks upon as current and good; it is
better, therefore, Leif, to look at this silver which has been
paid me as land-rent." Leif thereupon carried back this silver,
and received another bag, which he carried to Karl, and they
looked over the money together. Karl asked Leif what he thought
of this money. He answered, that it appeared to him so bad that
it would not be taken in payment, however little hope there might
be of getting a debt paid in any other way: "therefore I will not
take this money upon the king's account." A man who had been
lying on the bench now cast the skin coverlet off which he had
drawn over his head, and said, "True is the old word, -- he grows
worse who grows older: so it is with thee, Thrand, who allowest
Karl Morske to handle thy money all the day." This was Gaut the
Red. Thrand sprang up at Gaut's words, and reprimanded his
relation with many angry words. At last he said that Leif should
leave this silver, and take a bag which his own peasants had
brought him in spring. "And although I am weak-sighted, yet my
own hand is the truest test." Another man who was lying on the
bench raised himself now upon his elbow; and this was Thord the
Low. He said, "These are no ordinary reproaches we suffer from
Karl Morske, and therefore he well deserves a reward for them."
Leif in the meantime took the bag, and carried it to Karl; and
when they cast their eyes on the money, Leif said, "We need not
look long at this silver, for here the one piece of money is
better than the other; and this is the money we will have. Let a
man come to be present at the counting it out." Thrand says that
he thought Leif was the fittest man to do it upon his account.
Leif and Karl thereupon went a short way from the tent, sat down.
and counted and weighed the silver. Karl took the helmet off his
head, and received in it the weighed silver. They saw a man
coming to them who had a stick with an axe-head on it in his
hand, a hat low upon his head, and a short green cloak. He was
bare-legged, and had linen breeches on tied at the knee. He laid
his stick down in the field, and went to Karl and said, "Take
care, Karl Morske, that thou does not hurt thyself against my
axe-stick." Immediately a man came running and calls with great
haste to Leif Ossurson, telling him to come as quickly as
possible to Lagman Gille's tent; "for," says he, "Sirurd
Thorlakson ran in just now into the mouth of the tent, and gave
one of Gille's men a desperate wound." Leif rose up instantly,
and went off to Gille's tent along with his men. Karl remained
sitting, and the Norway people stood around in all corners. Gaut
immediately sprang up, and struck with a hand-axe over the heads
of the people, and the stroke came on Karl's head; but the wound
was slight. Thord the Low seized the stick-axe, which lay in the
field at his side, and struck the axe-blade right into Karl's
skull. Many people now streamed out of Thrand's tent. Karl was
carried away dead. Thrand was much grieved at this event, and
offered money-mulcts for his relations; but Leif and Gille, who
had to prosecute the business, would accept no mulct. Sigurd was
banished the country for having wounded Gille's tent comrade, and
Gaut and Thord for the murder of Karl. The Norway people rigged
out the vessel which Karl had with him, and sailed eastward to
Olaf, and gave him these tidings. He was in no pleasant humour
at it, and threatened a speedy vengeance; but it was not allotted
by fate to King Olaf to revenge himself on Thrand and his
relations, because of the hostilities which had begun in Norway,
and which are now to be related. And there is nothing more to be
told of what happened after King Olaf sent men to the Farey
Islands to take scat of them. But great strife arose after
Karl's death in the Farey Islands between the family of Thrand of
Gata and Leif Ossurson, and of which there are great sagas.
Now we must proceed with the relation we began before, -- that
King Olaf set out with his men, and raised a levy over the whole
country (A.D. 1027). All lendermen in the North followed him
excepting Einar Tambaskelfer, who sat quietly at home upon his
farm since his return to the country, and did not serve the king.
Einar had great estates and wealth, although he held no fiefs
from the king, and he lived splendidly. King Olaf sailed with
his fleet south around Stad, and many people from the districts
around joined him. King Olaf himself had a ship which he had got
built the winter before (A.D. 1027), and which was called the
Visund (1). It was a very large ship, with a bison's head gilded
all over upon the bow. Sigvat the skald speaks thus of it: --
"Trygvason's Long Serpent bore,
Grim gaping o'er the waves before,
A dragon's head with open throat,
When last the hero was afloat:
His cruise was closed,
As God disposed.
Olaf has raised a bison's head,
Which proudly seems the waves to tread.
While o'er its golden forehead dashing
The waves its glittering horns are washing:
May God dispose
A luckier close."
The king went on to Hordaland; there he heard the news that
Erling Skjalgson had left the country with a great force, and
four or five ships. He himself had a large war-ship, and his
sons had three of twenty rowing-banks each; and they had sailed
westward to England to Canute the Great. Then King Olaf sailed
eastward along the land with a mighty war-force, and he inquired
everywhere if anything was known of Canute's proceedings; and all
agreed in saying he was in England but added that he was fitting
out a levy, and intended coming to Norway. As Olaf had a large
fleet, and could not discover with certainty where he should go
to meet King Canute, and as his people were dissatisfied with
lying quiet in one place with so large an armament, he resolved
to sail with his fleet south to Denmark, and took with him all
the men who were best appointed and most warlike; and he gave
leave to the others to return home. Now the people whom he
thought of little use having gone home, King Olaf had many
excellent and stout men-at-arms besides those who, as before
related, had fled the country, or sat quietly at home; and most
of the chief men and lendermen of Norway were along with him.
(1) Visundr is the buffalo; although the modern bison, or
American animal of that name, might have been known through
the Greenland colonists, who in this reign had visited some
parts of America. -- L.
When King Olaf sailed to Denmark, he set his course for Seeland;
and when he came there he made incursions on the land, and began
to plunder. The country people were severely treated; some were
killed, some bound and dragged to the ships. All who could do so
took to flight, and made no opposition. King Olaf committed
there the greatest ravages. While Olaf was in Seeland, the news
came that King Onund Olafson of Sweden had raised a levy, and
fallen upon Scania, and was ravaging there; and then it became
known what the resolution had been that the two kings had taken
at the Gaut river, where they had concluded a union and
friendship, and had bound themselves to oppose King Canute. King
Onund continued his march until he met his brother-in-law King
Olaf. When they met they made proclamation both to their own
people and to the people of the country, that they intended to
conquer Denmark; and asked the support of the people of the
country for this purpose. And it happened, as we find examples
of everywhere, that if hostilities are brought upon the people of
a country not strong enough to withstand, the greatest number
will submit to the conditions by which peace can be purchased at
any rate. So it happened here that many men went into the
service of the kings, and agreed to submit to them. Wheresoever
they went they laid the country all round subjection to them, and
otherwise laid waste all with fire and sword.
Of this foray Sigvat the skald speaks, in a ballad he composed
concerning King Canute the Great: --
"`Canute is on the sea!'
The news is told,
And the Norsemen bold
Repeat it with great glee.
And it runs from mouth to mouth --
`On a lucky day
We came away
From Throndhjem to the south.'
Across the cold East sea,
The Swedish king
His host did bring,
To gain great victory.
King Onund came to fight,
In Seeland's plains,
Against the Danes,
With his steel-clad men so bright.
Canute is on the land;
Side to side
His long-ships ride
Along the yellow strand.
Where waves wash the green banks,
Mast to mast,
All bound fast,
His great fleet lies in ranks."
King Canute had heard in England that King Olaf of Norway had
called out a levy, and had gone with his forces to Denmark, and
was making great ravages in his dominions there. Canute began to
gather people, and he had speedily collected a great army and a
numerous fleet. Earl Hakon was second in command over the whole.
Sigvat the skald came this summer (A.D. 1027) from the West, from
Ruda (Rouen) in Valland, and with him was a man called Berg.
They had made a merchant voyage there the summer before. Sigvat
had made a little poem about this journey, called "The Western
Traveller's Song," which begins thus: --
"Berg! many a merry morn was pass'd,
When our vessel was made fast,
And we lay on the glittering tide
or Rouen river's western side."
When Sigvat came to England he went directly to King Canute, and
asked his leave to proceed to Norway; for King Canute had
forbidden all merchant vessels to sail until he himself was ready
with his fleet. When Sigvat arrived he went to the house in
which the king was lodged; but the doors were locked, and he had
to stand a long time outside, but when he got admittance he
obtained the permission he desired. He then sang: --
"The way to Jutland's king I sought;
A little patience I was taught.
The doors were shut -- all full within;
The udaller could not get in.
But Gorm's great son did condescend
To his own chamber me to send,
And grant my prayer -- although I'm one
Whose arms the fetters' weight have known."
When Sigvat became aware that King Canute was equipping an
armament against King Olaf, and knew what a mighty force King
Canute had, he made these lines: --
"The mighty Canute, and Earl Hakon,
Have leagued themselves, and counsel taken
Against King Olaf's life,
And are ready for the strife.
In spite of king and earl, I say,
`I love him well -- may he get away:'
On the Fields, wild and dreary,
With him I'd live, and ne'er be weary."
Sigvat made many other songs concerning this expedition of Canute
and Hakon. He made this among others: --
"`Twas not the earl's intention then
'Twixt Olaf and the udalmen
Peace to establish, and the land
Upright to hold with Northman's hand;
But ever with deceit and lies
Eirik's descendant, Hakon, tries
To make ill-will and discontent,
Till all the udalmen are bent
Against King Olaf's rule to rise."
Canute the Great was at last ready with his fleet, and left the
land; and a vast number of men he had, and ships frightfully
large. He himself had a dragon-ship, so large that it had sixty
banks of rowers, and the head was gilt all over. Earl Hakon had
another dragon of forty banks, and it also had a gilt figurehead.
The sails of both were in stripes of blue, red, and green,
and the vessels were painted all above the water-stroke; and all
that belonged to their equipment was most splendid. They had
also many other huge ships remarkably well fitted out, and grand.
Sigvat the skald talks of this in his song on Canute: --
"Canute is out beneath the sky --
Canute of the clear blue eye!
The king is out on the ocean's breast,
Leading his grand fleet from the West.
On to the East the ship-masts glide,
Glancing and bright each long-ship's side.
The conqueror of great Ethelred,
Canute, is there, his foemen's dread:
His dragon with her sails of blue,
All bright and brilliant to the view,
High hoisted on the yard arms wide,
Carries great Canute o'er the tide.
Brave is the royal progress -- fast
The proud ship's keel obeys the mast,
Dashes through foam, and gains the land,
Raising a surge on Limfjord's strand."
It is related that King Canute sailed with this vast force from
England, and came with all his force safely to Denmark, where he
went into Limfjord, and there he found gathered besides a large
army of the men of the country.
Earl Ulf Sprakalegson had been set as protector over Denmark when
King Canute went to England, and the king had intrusted his son
Hardaknut in the earl's hands. This took place the summer before
(A.D. 1026), as we related. But the earl immediately gave it out
that King Canute had, at parting, made known to him his will and
desire that the Danes should take his son Hardaknut as king over
the Danish dominions. "On that account," says the earl, "he gave
the matter into our hands; as I, and many other chiefs and
leading men here in the country, have often complained to King
Canute of the evil consequences to the country of being without a
king, and that former kings thought it honour and power enough to
rule over the Danish kingdom alone; and in the times that are
past many kings have ruled over this kingdom. But now there are
greater difficulties than have ever been before; for we have been
so fortunate hitherto as to live without disturbance from foreign
kings, but now we hear the king of Norway is going to attack us,
to which is added the fear of the people that the Swedish king
will join him; and now King Canute is in England." The earl then
produced King Canute's letter and seal, confirming all that the
earl asserted. Many other chiefs supported this business; and in
consequence of all these persuasions the people resolved to take
Hardaknut as king, which was done at the same Thing. The Queen
Emma had been principal promoter of this determination; for she
had got the letter to be written, and provided with the seal,
having cunningly got hold of the king's signet; but from him it
was all concealed. Now when Hardaknut and Earl Ulf heard for
certain that King Olaf was come from Norway with a large army,
they went to Jutland, where the greatest strength of the Danish
kingdom lies, sent out message-tokens, and summoned to them a
great force; but when they heard the Swedish king was also come
with his army, they thought they would not have strength enough
to give battle to both, and therefore kept their army together in
Jutland, and resolved to defend that country against the kings.
The whole of their ships they assembled in Limfjord, and waited
thus for King Canute. Now when they heard that King Canute had
come from the West to Limfjord they sent men to him, and to Queen
Emma, and begged her to find out if the king was angry at them or
not, and to let them know. The queen talked over the matter with
him, and said, "Your son Hardaknut will pay the full mulct the
king may demand, if he has done anything which is thought to be
against the king." He replies, that Hardaknut has not done this
of his own judgement. "And therefore," says he, "it has turned
out as might have been expected, that when he, a child, and
without understanding, wanted to be called king, the country,
when any evil came and an enemy appeared, must be conquered by
foreign princes, if our might had not come to his aid. If he
will have any reconciliation with me let him come to me, and lay
down the mock title of king he has given himself." The queen
sent these very words to Hardaknut, and at the same time she
begged him not to decline coming; for, as she truly observed, he
had no force to stand against his father. When this message came
to Hardaknut he asked the advice of the earl and other chief
people who were with him; but it was soon found that when the
people heard King Canute the Old was arrived they all streamed to
him, and seemed to have no confidence but in him alone. Then
Earl Ulf and his fellows saw they had but two roads to take;
either to go to the king and leave all to his mercy, or to fly
the country. All pressed Hardaknut to go to his father, which
advice he followed. When they met he fell at his father's feet,
and laid his seal, which accompanied the kingly title, on his
knee. King Canute took Hardaknut by the hand, and placed him in
as high a seat as he used to sit in before. Earl UIf sent his
son Svein, who was a sister's son of King Canute, and the same
age as Hardaknut, to the king. He prayed for grace and
reconciliation for his father, and offered himself as hostage for
the earl. King Canute ordered him to tell the earl to assemble
his men and ships, and come to him, and then they would talk of
reconciliation. The earl did so.
When King Olaf and King Onund heard that King Canute was come
from the West, and also that he had a vast force, they sailed
east to Scania, and allowed themselves to ravage and burn in the
districts there, and then proceeded eastward along the land to
the frontier of Sweden. As soon as the country people heard that
King Canute was come from the West, no one thought of going into
the service of the two kings.
Now the kings sailed eastward along the coast, and brought up in
a river called Helga, and remained there some time. When they
heard that King Canute was coming eastward with his forces
against them, they held a council; and the result was, that King
Olaf with his people went up the country to the forest, and to
the lake out of which the river Helga flows. There at the
riverhead they made a dam of timber and turf, and dammed in the
lake. They also dug a deep ditch, through which they led several
waters, so that the lake waxed very high. In the river-bed they
laid large logs of timber. They were many days about this work,
and King Olaf had the management of this piece of artifice; but
King Onund had only to command the fleet and army. When King
Canute heard of the proceedings of the two kings, and of the
damage they had done to his dominions, he sailed right against
them to where they lay in Helga river. He had a War-force which
was one half greater than that of both the kings together.
Sigvat speaks of these things: --
"The king, who shields
His Jutland fields
From scaith or harm
By foeman's arm,
Will not allow
Wild plundering now:
`The greatest he,
On land or sea.'"
One day, towards evening, King Onund's spies saw King Canute
coming sailing along, and he was not far off. Then King Onund
ordered the war-horns to sound; on which his people struck their
tents, put on their weapons, rowed out of the harbour and east
round the land, bound their ships together, and prepared for
battle. King Onund made his spies run up the country to look for
King Olaf, and tell him the news. Then King Olaf broke up the
dam, and let the river take its course. King Olaf travelled down
in the night to his ships. When King Canute came outside the
harbour, he saw the forces of the kings ready for battle. He
thought that it would be too late in the day to begin the fight
by the time his forces could be ready; for his fleet required a
great deal of room at sea, and there was a long distance between
the foremost of his ships and the hindmost, and between those
outside and those nearest the land, and there was but little
wind. Now, as Canute saw that the Swedes and Norwegians had
quitted the harbour, he went into it with as many ships as it
could hold; but the main strength of the fleet lay without the
harbour. In the morning, when it was light, a great part of the
men went on shore; some for amusement, some to converse with the
people of other ships. They observed nothing until the water
came rushing over them like a waterfall, carrying huge trees,
which drove in among their ships, damaging all they struck; and
the water covered all the fields. The men on shore perished, and
many who were in the ships. All who could do it cut their
cables; so that the ships were loose, and drove before the
stream, and were scattered here and there. The great dragon,
which King Canute himself was in, drove before the stream; and as
it could not so easily be turned with oars, drove out among
Olaf's and Onund's ships. As they knew the ship, they laid her
on board on all quarters. But the ship was so high in the hull,
as if it were a castle, and had besides such a numerous and
chosen crew on board, well armed and exercised, that it was not
easy to attack her. After a short time also Earl Ulf came up
with his fleet; and then the battle began, and King Canute's
fleet gathered together from all quarters. But the kings Olaf
and Onund, seeing they had for this time got all the victory that
fate permitted them to gain, let their ships retreat, cast
themselves loose from King Canute's ship, and the fleets
separated. But as the attack had not been made as King Canute
had determined, he made no further attempt; and the kings on each
side arranged their fleets and put their ships in order. When
the fleets were parted, and each sailing its course, Olaf and
Onund looked over their forces, and found they had suffered no
loss of men. In the meantime they saw that if they waited until
King Canute got his large fleet in order to attack them, the
difference of force was so great that for them there was little
chance of victory. It was also evident that if the battle was
renewed, they must suffer a great loss of men. They took the
resolution, therefore, to row with the whole fleet eastward along
the coast. Observing that King Canute did not pursue them, they
raised up their masts and set sail. Ottar Svarte tells thus of
it in the poem he composed upon King Canute the Great: --
"The king, in battle fray,
Drove the Swedish host away:
The wolf did not miss prey,
Nor the raven on that day.
Great Canute might deride
Two kings if he had pride,
For at Helga river's side
They would not his sword abide."
Thord Sjarekson also sang these lines in his death song of King
Olaf: --
"King Olaf, Agder's lord,
Ne'er shunned the Jutland king,
But with his blue-edged sword
Broke many a panzer ring.
King Canute was not slow:
King Onund filled the plain
With dead, killed by his bow:
The wolf howled o'er the slain."
King Olaf and King Onund sailed eastward to the Swedish king's
dominions; and one day, towards evening, landed at a place called
Barvik, where they lay all night. But then it was observed of
the Swedes that they were home-sick; for the greater part of
their forces sailed eastward along the land in the night, and did
not stop their course until they came home to their houses. Now
when King Onund observed this he ordered, as soon as the day
dawned, to sound the signal for a House-thing; and the whole
people went on shore, and the Thing sat down. Then King Onund
took up the word, and spake thus: "So it is, King Olaf, that, as
you know, we have been assembled in summer, and have forayed wide
around in Denmark, and have gained much booty, but no land. I
had 350 vessels, and now have not above 100 remaining with me.
Now it appears to me we can make no greater progress than we have
made, although you have still the 60 vessels which have followed
you the whole summer. It therefore appears to me best that we
come back to my kingdom; for it is always good to drive home with
the wagon safe. In this expedition we have won something, and
lost nothing. Now I will offer you, King Olaf, to come with me,
and we shall remain assembled during the winter. Take as much of
my kingdom as you will, so that you and the men who follow you
may support yourselves well; and when spring comes let us take
such measures as we find serviceable. If you, however, will
prefer to travel across our country, and go overland to Norway,
it shall be free for you to do so."
King Olaf thanked King Onund for his friendly offer. "But if I
may advise," says he, "then we should take another resolution,
and keep together the forces we have still remaining. I had in
the first of summer, before I left Norway, 350 ships; but when I
left the country I chose from among the whole war-levy those I
thought to be the best, and with them I manned 60 ships; and
these I still have. Now it appears to me that the part of your
war-force which has now run away is the most worthless, and of
least resistance; but now I see here all your chiefs and leaders,
and I know well that the people who belong to the court-troops
(1) are by far the best suited to carry arms. We have here
chosen men and superb ships, and we can very well lie all winter
in our ships, as viking's custom is. But Canute cannot lie long
in Helga river; for the harbour will not hold so many vessels as
he has. If he steers eastward after us, we can escape from him,
and then people will soon gather to us; but if he return to the
harbours where his fleet can lie, I know for certain that the
desire to return home will not be less in his army than in ours.
I think, also, we have ravaged so widely in summer, that the
villagers, both in Scania and in Halland, know well whose favour
they have to seek. Canute's army will thus be dispersed so
widely, that it is uncertain to whom fate may at the last give
the victory; but let us first find out what resolution he takes."
Thus King Olaf ended his speech, and it found much applause, and
his advice was followed. Spies were sent into King Canute's
army, and both the kings Olaf and Onund remained lying where they
(1) The thingmen, or hired body-guard attending the court. -- L.
When King Canute saw that the kings of Norway and Sweden steered
eastward with their forces along the coast, he sent men to ride
night and day on the land to follow their movements. Some spies
went forward, others returned; so that King Canute had news every
day of their progress. He had also spies always in their army.
Now when he heard that a great part of the fleet had sailed away
from the kings, he turned back with his forces to Seeland, and
lay with his whole fleet in the Sound; so that a part lay on the
Scania side, and a part on the Seeland side. King Canute
himself, the day before Michaelmas, rode with a great retinue to
Roeskilde. There his brother-in-law, Earl Ulf, had prepared a
great feast for him. The earl was the most agreeable host, but
the king was silent and sullen. The earl talked to him in every
way to make him cheerful, and brought forward everything which he
thought would amuse him; but the king remained stern, and
speaking little. At last the earl proposed to him a game at
chess, which he agreed to; and a chess-board was produced, and
they played together. Earl Ulf was hasty in temper, stiff, and
in nothing yielding; but everything he managed went on well in
his hands; and he was a great warrior, about whom there are many
stories. He was the most powerful man in Denmark next to the
king. Earl Ulf's sister Gyda was married to Earl Gudin (Godwin)
Ulfnadson; and their sons were Harald king of England, and Earl
Toste, Earl Valthiof, Earl Morukare, and Earl Svein. Gyda was
the name of their daughter, who was married to the English king
Edward the Good.
When they had played a while the king made a false move, at which
the earl took a knight from the king; but the king set the piece
again upon the board, and told the earl to make another move; but
the earl grew angry, threw over the chess-board, stood up, and
went away. The king said, "Runnest thou away, Ulf the coward?"
The earl turned round at the door and said, "Thou wouldst have
run farther at Helga river, if thou hadst come to battle there.
Thou didst not call me Ulf the coward, when I hastened to thy
help while the Swedes were beating thee like a dog." The earl
then went out, and went to bed. A little later the king also
went to bed. The following morning while the king was putting on
his clothes he said to his footboy, "Go thou to Earl Ulf, and
kill him."
The lad went, was away a while, and then came back.
The king said, "Hast thou killed the earl?"
"I did not kill him, for he was gone to Saint Lucius' church."
There was a man called Ivar White, a Norwegian by birth, who was
the king's courtman and chamberlain. The king said to him, "Go
thou and kill the earl."
Ivar went to the church, and in at the choir, and thrust his
sword through the earl, who died on the spot. Then Ivar went to
the king, with the bloody sword in his hand.
The king said, "Hast thou killed the earl?"
"I have killed him," says he.
"Thou didst well."
After the earl was killed the monks closed the church, and locked
the doors. When that was told the king he sent a message to the
monks, ordering them to open the church and sing high mass. They
did as the king ordered; and when the king came to the church he
bestowed on it great property, so that it had a large domain, by
which that place was raised very high; and these lands have since
always belonged to it. King Canute rode down to his ships, and
lay there till late in harvest with a very large army.
When King Olaf and King Onund heard that King Canute had sailed
to the Sound, and lay there with a great force, the kings held a
House-thing, and spoke much about what resolution they should
adopt. King Olaf wished they should remain there with all the
fleet, and see what King Canute would at last resolve to do. But
the Swedes held it to be unadvisable to remain until the frost
set in, and so it was determined; and King Onund went home with
all his army, and King Olaf remained lying after them.
While King Olaf lay there, he had frequently conferences and
consultations with his people. One night Egil Halson and Tofe
Valgautson had the watch upon the king's ship. Tofe came from
West Gautland, and was a man of high birth. While they sat on
watch they heard much lamentation and crying among the people who
had been taken in the war, and who lay bound on the shore at
night. Tofe said it made him ill to hear such distress, and
asked Egil to go with him, and let loose these people. This work
they set about, cut the cords, and let the people escape, and
they looked upon it as a piece of great friendship; but the king
was so enraged at it, that they themselves were in the greatest
danger. When Egil afterwards fell sick the king for a long time
would not visit him, until many people entreated it of him. It
vexed Egil much to have done anything the king was angry at, and
he begged his forgiveness. The king now dismissed his wrath
against Egil, laid his hands upon the side on which Egil's pain
was, and sang a prayer; upon which the pain ceased instantly, and
Egil grew better. Tofe came, after entreaty, into reconciliation
with the king, on condition that he should exhort his father
Valgaut to come to the king. He was a heathen; but after
conversation with the king he went over to Christianity, and died
instantly when he was baptized.
King Olaf had now frequent conferences with his people, and asked
advice from them, and from his chiefs, as to what he should
determine upon. But there was no unanimity among them -- some
considering that unadvisable which others considered highly
serviceable; and there was much indecision in their councils.
King Canute had always spies in King Olaf's army, who entered
into conversation with many of his men, offering them presents
and favour on account of King Canute. Many allowed themselves to
be seduced, and gave promises of fidelity, and to be King
Canute's men, and bring the country into his hands if he came to
Norway. This was apparent, afterwards, of many who at first kept
it concealed. Some took at once money bribes, and others were
promised money afterwards; and a great many there were who had
got great presents of money from him before: for it may be said
with truth of King Canute, that every man who came to him, and
who he thought had the spirit of a man and would like his favour,
got his hands full of gifts and money. On this account he was
very popular, although his generosity was principally shown to
foreigners, and was greatest the greater distance they came from.
King Olaf had often conferences and meetings with his people, and
asked their counsel; but as he observed they gave different
opinions, he had a suspicion that there must be some who spoke
differently from what they really thought advisable for him, and
he was thus uncertain if all gave him due fidelity in council.
Some pressed that with the first fair wind they should sail to
the Sound, and so to Norway. They said the Danes would not dare
to attack them, although they lay with so great a force right in
the way. But the king was a man of too much understanding not to
see that this was impracticable. He knew also that Olaf
Trygvason had found it quite otherwise, as to the Danes not
daring to fight, when he with a few people went into battle
against a great body of them. The king also knew that in King
Canute's army there were a great many Norwegians; therefore he
entertained the suspicion that those who gave this advice were
more favourable to King Canute than to him. King Olaf came at
last to the determination, from all these considerations, that
the people who would follow him should make themselves ready to
proceed by land across Gautland, and so to Norway. "But our
ships," said he, "and all things that we cannot take with us, I
will send eastward to the Swedish king's dominions, and let them
be taken care of for us there."
Harek of Thjotta replied thus to the king's speech: "It is
evident that I cannot travel on foot to Norway. I am old and
heavy, and little accustomed to walking. Besides, I am unwilling
to part with my ship; for on that ship and its apparel I have
bestowed so much labour, that it would go much against my
inclination to put her into the hands of my enemies." The king
said, "Come along with us, Harek, and we shall carry thee when
thou art tired of walking." Then Harek sang these lines :--
"I'11 mount my ocean steed,
And o'er the sea I'll speed;
Forests and hills are not for me, --
I love the moving sea,
Though Canute block the Sound,
Rather than walk the ground,
And leave my ship, I'll see
What my ship will do for me."
Then King Olaf let everything be put in order for the journey.
The people had their walking clothing and weapons, but their
other clothes and effects they packed upon such horses as they
could get. Then he sent off people to take his ships east to
Calmar. There he had the vessels laid up, and the ships' apparel
and other goods taken care of. Harek did as he had said, and
waited for a wind, and then sailed west to Scania, until, about
the decline of the day, he came with a fresh and fair wind to the
eastward of Holar. There he let the sail and the vane, and flag
and mast be taken down, and let the upper works of the ship be
covered over with some grey tilt-canvas, and let a few men sit at
the oars in the fore part and aft, but the most were sitting low
down in the vessel.
When Canute's watchmen saw the ship, they talked with each other
about what ship it might be, and made the guess that it must be
one loaded with herrings or salt, as they only saw a few men at
the oars; and the ship, besides, appeared to them grey, and
wanting tar, as if burnt up by the sun, and they saw also that it
was deeply loaded. Now when Harek came farther through the
Sound, and past the fleet, he raised the mast, hoisted sail, and
set up his gilded vane. The sail was white as snow, and in it
were red and blue stripes of cloth interwoven. When the king's
men saw the ship sailing in this state, they told the king that
probably King Olaf had sailed through them. But King Canute
replies, that King Olaf was too prudent a man to sail with a
single ship through King Canute's fleet, and thought it more
likely to be Harek of Thjotta, or the like of him. Many believed
the truth to be that King Canute knew of this expedition of
Harek, and that it would not have succeeded so if they had not
concluded a friendship beforehand with each other; which seemed
likely, after King Canute's and Harek's friendly understanding
became generally known.
Harek made this song as he sailed northward round the isle of
Vedrey: --
"The widows of Lund may smile through their tears,
The Danish girls may have their jeers;
They may laugh or smile,
But outside their isle
Old Harek still on to his North land steers."
Harek went on his way, and never stopped till he came north to
Halogaland, to his own house in Thjotta.
When King Olaf began his journey, he came first into Smaland, and
then into West Gautland. He marched quietly and peaceably, and
the country people gave him all assistance on his journey. Thus
he proceeded until he came into Viken, and north through Viken to
Sarpsborg, where he remained, and ordered a winter abode to be
prepared (A.D. 1028). Then he gave most of the chiefs leave to
return home, but kept the lendermen by him whom he thought the
most serviceable. There were with him also all the sons of Arne
Arnmodson, and they stood in great favour with the king. Geller
Thorkelson, who the summer before had come from Iceland, also
came there to the king, as before related.
Sigvat the skald had long been in King Olaf's household, as
before related, and the king made him his marshal. Sigvat had no
talent for speaking in prose; but in skaldcraft he was so
practised, that the verses came as readily from his tongue as if
he were speaking in usual language. He had made a mercantile
journey to Normandy, and in the course of it had come to England,
where he met King Canute, and obtained permission from him to
sail to Norway, as before related. When he came to Norway he
proceeded straight to King Olaf, and found him at Sarpsborg. He
presented himself before the king just as he was sitting down to
table. Sigvat saluted him. The king looked at Sigvat and was
silent. Then Sigvat sang: --
"Great king! thy marshal is come home,
No more by land or sea to roam,
But by thy side
Still to abide.
Great king! what seat here shall be take
For the king's honour -- not his sake?
For all seats here
To me are dear."
Then was verified the old saying, that "many are the ears of a
king;" for King Olaf had heard all about Sigvat's journey, and
that he had spoken with Canute. He says to Sigvat, "I do not
know if thou art my marshal, or hast become one of Canute's men."
Sigvat said: --
"Canute, whose golden gifts display
A generous heart, would have me stay,
Service in his great court to take,
And my own Norway king forsake.
Two masters at a time, I said,
Were one too many for men bred
Where truth and virtue, shown to all,
Make all men true in Olaf's hall."
Then King Olaf told Sigvat to take his seat where he before used
to sit; and in a short time Sigvat was in as high favour with the
king as ever.
Erling Skjalgson and all his sons had been all summer in King
Canute's army, in the retinue of Earl Hakon. Thorer Hund was
also there, and was in high esteem. Now when King Canute heard
that King Olaf had gone overland to Norway, he discharged his
army, and gave all men leave to go to their winter abodes. There
was then in Denmark a great army of foreigners, both English,
Norwegians, and men of other countries, who had joined the
expedition in summer. In autumn (A.D. 1027) Erling Skjalgson
went to Norway with his men, and received great presents from
King Canute at parting; but Thorer Hund remained behind in King
Canute's court. With Erling went messengers from King Canute
well provided with money; and in winter they travelled through
all the country, paying the money which King Canute had promised
to many in autumn for their assistance. They gave presents in
money, besides, to many whose friendship could be purchased for
King Canute. They received much assistance in their travels from
Erling. In this way it came to pass that many turned their
support to King Canute, promised him their services, and agreed
to oppose King Olaf. Some did this openly, but many more
concealed it from the public. King Olaf heard this news, for
many had something to tell him about it; and the conversation in
the court often turned upon it. Sigvat the skald made a song
upon it: --
"The base traitors ply
With purses of gold,
Wanting to buy
What is not to be sold, --
The king's life and throne
Wanting to buy:
But our souls are our own,
And to hell we'll not hie.
No pleasure in heaven,
As we know full well,
To the traitor is given, --
His soul is his hell."
Often also the conversation turned upon how ill it beseemed Earl
Hakon to raise his hand in arms against King Olaf, who had given
him his life when he fell into the king's power; but Sigvat was a
particular friend of Earl Hakon, and when he heard the earl
spoken against he sang: --
"Our own court people we may blame,
If they take gold to their own shame,
Their king and country to betray.
With those who give it's not the same,
From them we have no faith to claim:
'Tis we are wrong, if we give way."
King Olaf gave a great feast at Yule, and many great people had
come to him. It was the seventh day of Yule, that the king, with
a few persons, among whom was Sigvat, who attended him day and
night, went to a house in which the king's most precious
valuables were kept. He had, according to his custom, collected
there with great care the valuable presents he was to make on New
Year's eve. There was in the house no small number of goldmounted
swords; and Sigvat sang: --
"The swords stand there,
All bright and fair, --
Those oars that dip in blood:
If I in favour stood,
I too might have a share.
A sword the skald would gladly take,
And use it for his master's sake:
In favour once he stood,
And a sword has stained in blood."
The king took a sword of which the handle was twisted round with
gold, and the guard was gold-mounted, and gave it to him. It was
a valuable article; but the gift was not seen without envy, as
will appear hereafter.
Immediately after Yule (1028) the king began his journey to the
Uplands; for he had a great many people about him, but had
received no income that autumn from the North country, for there
had been an armament in summer, and the king had laid out all the
revenues he could command; and also he had no vessels with which
he and his people could go to the North. At the same time he had
news from the North, from which he could see that there would be
no safety for him in that quarter, unless he went with a great
force. For these reasons he determined to proceed through the
Uplands, although it was not so long a time since he had been
there in guest-quarters as the law prescribes, and as the kings
usually had the custom of observing in their visits. When he
came to the Uplands the lendermen and the richest bondes invited
him to be their guest, and thus lightened his expenses.
There was a man called Bjorn who was of Gautland family, and a
friend and acquaintance of Queen Astrid, and in some way related
to her. She had given him farm-management and other offices in
the upper part of Hedemark. He had also the management of
Osterdal district. Bjorn was not in esteem with the king, nor
liked by the bondes. It happened in a hamlet which Bjorn ruled
over, that many swine and cattle were missing: therefore Bjorn
ordered a Thing to be called to examine the matter. Such pillage
he attributed chiefly to the people settled in forest-farms far
from other men; by which he referred particularly to those who
dwelt in Osterdal, for that district was very thinly inhabited,
and full of lakes and forest-cleanings, and but in few places was
any great neighbourhood together.
There was a man called Raud who dwelt in Osterdal. His wife was
called Ragnhild; and his sons, Dag and Sigurd, were men of great
talent. They were present at the Thing, made a reply in defence
of the Osterdal people, and removed the accusation from them.
Bjorn thought they were too pert in their answer, and too fine in
their clothes and weapons; and therefore turned his speech
against these brothers, and said it was not unlikely they may
have committed these thefts. They denied it, and the Thing
closed. Soon after King Olaf, with his retinue, came to guestquarters
in the house of bailiff Bjorn. The matter which had
been before the Thing was then complained of to the king; and
Bjorn said that Raud's sons appeared to him to have committed
these thefts. A messenger was sent for Raud's sons; and when
they appeared before the king he said they had not at all the
appearance of thieves, and acquitted them. Thereupon they
invited the king, with all his retinue, to a three days'
entertainment at their father's; and although Bjorn dissuaded him
from it, the king went. At Raud's there was a very excellent
feast. The king asked Raud what people he and his wife were.
Raud answered that he was originally a Swedish man, rich and of
high birth; "but I ran away with the wife I have ever since had,
and she is a sister of King Hring Dagson." The king then
remembered both their families. He found that father and sons
were men of understanding, and asked them what they could do.
Sigurd said he could interpret dreams, and determine the time of
the day although no heavenly bodies could be seen. The king made
trial of his art, and found it was as Sigurd had said. Dag
stated, as his accomplishment, that he could see the misdeeds and
vices of every man who came under his eye, when he chose to
observe him closely. The king told him to declare what faults of
disposition he saw in the king himself. Dag mentioned a fault
which the king was sensible he really had. Then the king asked
what fault the bailiff Bjorn had. Dag said Bjorn was a thief;
and told also where Bjorn had concealed on his farm the bones,
horns, and hides of the cattle he had stolen in autumn; "for he
committed," said Dag, "all the thefts in autumn which he accuses
other people of." Dag also told the king the places where the
king should go after leaving them. When the king departed from
Raud's house he was accompanied on the way, and presented with
friendly gifts; and Raud's sons remained with the king. The king
went first to Bjorn's, and found there that all Dag had told him
was true. Upon which he drove Bjorn out of the country; and he
had to thank the queen that he preserved life and limbs.
Thorer, a son of Olver of Eggja, a stepson of Kalf Arnason, and a
sister's son of Thorer Hund, was a remarkably handsome man, stout
and strong. He was at this time eighteen years old; had made a
good marriage in Hedemark, by which he got great wealth; and was
besides one of the most popular of men, and formed to be a chief.
He invited the king and his retinue home to him to a feast. The
king accepted the invitation, went to Thorer's, and was well
received. The entertainment was very splendid; they were
excellently treated, and all that was set before the guests was
of the best that could be got. The king and his people talked
among themselves of the excellence of everything, and knew not
what they should admire the most, -- whether Thorer's house
outside, or the inside furniture, the table service, or the
liquors, or the host who gave them such a feast. But Dag said
little about it. The king used often to speak to Dag, and ask
him about various things; and he had proved the truth of all that
Dag had said, both of things that had happened or were to happen,
and therefore the king had much confidence in what he said. The
king called Dag to him to have a private conversation together,
and spoke to him about many things. Afterwards the king turned
the conversation on Thorer, -- what an excellent man Thorer was,
and what a superb feast he had made for them. Dag answered but
little to this, but agreed it was true what the king said. The
king then asked Dag what disposition or faith he found in Thorer.
Dag replied that he must certainly consider Thorer of a good
disposition, if he be really what most people believe him to be.
The king told him to answer direct what he was asked, and said
that it was his duty to do so. Dag replies, "Then thou must
allow me to determine the punishment if I disclose his faith."
The king replied that he would not submit his decision to another
man, but again ordered Dag to reply to what he asked.
Dag replies, "The sovereign's order goes before all. I find this
disposition in Thorer, as in so many others, that he is too
greedy of money."
The king: "Is he then a thief, or a robber?"
"He is neither."
"What is he then?"
"To win money he is a traitor to his sovereign. He has taken
money from King Canute the Great for thy head."
The king asks, "What proof hast thou of the truth of this?"
Dag: "He has upon his right arm, above the elbow, a thick gold
ring, which King Canute gave him, and which he lets no man see."
This ended their conference, and the king was very wroth. Now as
the king sat at table, and the guests had drunk a while with
great mirth, and Thorer went round to see the guests well served,
the king ordered Thorer to be called to him. He went up before
the table, and laid his hands upon it.
The king asked, "How old a man art thou, Thorer?"
He answered, "I am eighteen years old."
"A stout man thou art for those years, and thou hast been
fortunate also."
Then the king took his right hand, and felt it towards the elbow.
Thorer said, "Take care, for I have a boil upon my arm."
The king held his hand there, and felt there was something hard
under it. "Hast thou not heard," said he, "that I am a
physician? Let me see the boil."
As Thorer saw it was of no use to conceal it longer, he took off
the ring and laid it on the table.
The king asked if that was the gift of King Canute.
Thorer replied that he could not deny it was.
The king ordered him to be seized and laid in irons. Kalf came
up and entreated for mercy, and offered money for him, which also
was seconded by many; but the king was so wroth that nobody could
get in a word. He said Thorer should suffer the doom he had
prepared for himself. Thereupon he ordered Thorer to be killed.
This deed was much detested in the Uplands, and not less in the
Throndhjem country, where many of Thorer's connections were.
Kalf took the death of this man much to heart, for he had been
his foster-son in childhood.
Grjotgard Olverson, Thorer's brother, and the eldest of the
brothers, was a very wealthy man, and had a great troop of people
about him. He lived also at this time in Hedemark. When he
heard that Thorer had been killed, he made an attack upon the
places where the king's goods and men were; but, between whiles,
he kept himself in the forest and other secret places. When the
king heard of this disturbance, he had inquiry made about
Grjotgard's haunts, and found out that he had taken up nightquarters
not far from where the king was. King Olaf set out in
the night-time, came there about day-dawn, and placed a circle of
men round the house in which Grjotgard was sleeping. Grjotgard
and his men, roused by the stir of people and clash of arms, ran
to their weapons, and Grjotgard himself sprang to the front room.
He asked who commanded the troop; and it was answered him, "King
Olaf was come there." Grjotgard asked if the king would hear his
words. The king, who stood at the door, said that Grjotgard
might speak what he pleased, and he would hear his words.
Grjotgard said, "I do not beg for mercy;" and at the same moment
he rushed out, having his shield over his head, and his drawn
sword in his hand. It was not so much light that he could see
clearly. He struck his sword at the king; but Arnbjorn ran in,
and the thrust pierced him under his armour into his stomach, and
Arnbjorn got his deathwound. Grjotgard was killed immediately,
and most of his people with him. After this event the king
turned back to the south to Viken.
Now when the king came to Tunsberg he sent men out to all the
districts, and ordered the people out upon a levy. He had but a
small provision of shipping, and there were only bondes' vessels
to be got. From the districts in the near neighbourhood many
people came to him, but few from any distance; and it was soon
found that the people had turned away from the king. King Olaf
sent people to Gautland for his ships, and other goods and wares
which had been left there in autumn; but the progress of these
men was very slow, for it was no better now than in autumn to
sail through the Sound, as King Canute had in spring fitted out
an army throughout the whole of the Danish dominions, and had no
fewer than 1200 vessels.
The news came to Norway that King Canute had assembled an immense
armament through all Denmark, with which he intended to conquer
Norway. When this became known the people were less willing to
join King Olaf, and he got but little aid from the bondes. The
king's men often spoke about this among themselves. Sigvat tells
of it thus: --
"Our men are few, our ships are small,
While England's king is strong in all;
But yet our king is not afraid --
O! never be such king betrayed!
'Tis evil counsel to deprive
Our king of countrymen to strive
To save their country, sword in hand:
Tis money that betrays our land."
The king held meetings with the men of the court, and sometimes
House-things with all his people, and consulted with them what
they should, in their opinion, undertake. "We must not conceal
from ourselves," said he, "that Canute will come here this
summer; and that he has, as ye all know, a large force, and we
have at present but few men to oppose to him; and, as matters now
stand, we cannot depend much on the fidelity of the country
people." The king's men replied to his speech in various ways;
but it is said that Sigvat the skald replied thus, advising
flight, as treachery, not cowardice, was the cause of it: --
"We may well fly, when even our foe
Offers us money if we go.
I may be blamed, accused of fear;
But treachery, not faith, rules here.
Men may retire who long have shown
Their faith and love, and now alone
Retire because they cannot save --
This is no treachery in the brave."
The same spring (A.D. 1028) it happened in Halogaland that Harek
of Thjotta remembered how Asmund Grankelson had plundered and
beaten his house-servants. A cutter with twenty rowing-benches,
which belonged to Harek, was afloat in front of the house, with
tent and deck, and he spread the report that he intended to go
south to Throndhjem. One evening Harek went on board with his
house-servants, about eighty men, who rowed the whole night; and
he came towards morning to Grankel's house, and surrounded it
with his men. They then made an attack on the house, and set
fire to it; and Grankel with his people were burnt, and some were
killed outside; and in all about thirty men lost their lives.
After this deed Harek returned home, and sat quietly in his farm.
Asmund was with King Olaf when he heard of it; therefore there
was nobody in Halogaland to sue Harek for mulct for this deed,
nor did he offer any satisfaction.
Canute the Great collected his forces, and went to Limfjord.
When he was ready with his equipment he sailed from thence with
his whole fleet to Norway; made all possible speed, and did not
land to the eastward of the Fjords, but crossed Folden, and
landed in Agder, where he summoned a Thing. The bondes came down
from the upper country to hold a Thing with Canute, who was
everywhere in that country accepted as king. Then he placed men
over the districts, and took hostages from the bondes, and no man
opposed him. King Olaf was in Tunsberg when Canute's fleet
sailed across the mouth of the fjord. Canute sailed northwards
along the coast, and people came to him from all the districts,
and promised him fealty. He lay a while in Egersund, where
Erling Skjalgson came to him with many people, and King Canute
and Erling renewed their league of friendship. Among other
things, Canute promised Erling the whole country between Stad and
Rygiarbit to rule over. Then King Canute proceeded; and, to be
short in our tale, did not stop until he came to Throndhjem, and
landed at Nidaros. In Throndhjem he called together a Thing for
the eight districts, at which King Canute was chosen king of all
Norway. Thorer Hund, who had come with King Canute from Denmark,
was there, and also Harek of Thjotta; and both were made sheriffs
of the king, and took the oath of fealty to him. King Canute
gave them great fiefs, and also right to the Lapland trade, and
presented them besides with great gifts. He enriched all men who
were inclined to enter into friendly accord with him both with
fiefs and money, and gave them greater power than they had
When King Canute had laid the whole of Norway trader his
authority, he called together a numerous Thing, both of his own
people and of the people of the country; and at it he made
proclamation, that he made his relation Earl Hakon the governorin-
chief of all the land in Norway that he had conquered in this
expedition. In like manner he led his son Hardaknut to the highseat
at his side, gave him the title of king, and therewith the
whole Danish dominion. King Canute took as hostages from all
lendermen and great bondes in Norway either their sons, brothers,
or other near connections, or the men who were dearest to them
and appeared to him most suitable; by which he, as before
observed, secured their fidelity to him. As soon as Earl Hakon
had attained this power in Norway his brother-in-law, Einar
Tambaskelfer, made an agreement with him, and received back all
the fiefs he formerly had possessed while the earls ruled the
country. King Canute gave Einar great gifts, and bound him by
great kindness to his interests; and promised that Einar should
be the greatest and most important man in Norway, among those who
did not hold the highest dignity, as long as he had power over
the country. He added to this, that Einar appeared to him the
most suitable man to hold the highest title of honour in Norway
if no earls remained, and his son Eindride also, on account of
his high birth. Einar placed a great value on these promises,
and, in return, promised the greatest fidelity. Einar's
chiefship began anew with this.
There was a man by name Thorarin Loftunga, an Icelander by birth,
and a great skald, who had been much with the kings and other
great chiefs. He was now with King Canute the Great, and had
composed a flock, or short poem, in his praise. When the king
heard of this he was very angry, and ordered him to bring the
next day a drapa, or long poem, by the time he went to table; and
if he failed to do so, said the king, "he shall be hanged for his
impudence in composing such a small poem about King Canute."
Thorarin then composed a stave as a refrain, which he inserted in
the poem, and also augmented it with several other strophes or
verses. This was the refrain: --
"Canute protects his realm, as Jove,
Guardian of Greece, his realm above."
King Canute rewarded him for the poem with fifty marks of silver.
The poem was called the "Headransom" ("Hofudlausn"). Thorarin
composed another poem about King Canute, which was called the
"Campaign Poem" ("Togdrapa"); and therein he tells King Canute's
expedition when he sailed from Denmark to Norway; and the
following are strophes from one of the parts of this poem: --
"Canute with all his men is out,
Under the heavens in war-ships stout, --
'Out on the sea, from Limfjord's green,
My good, my brave friend's fleet is seen.
The men of Adger on the coast
Tremble to see this mighty host:
The guilty tremble as they spy
The victor's fleet beneath the sky.
"The sight surpasses far the tale,
As glacing in the sun they sail;
The king's ship glittering all with gold,
And splendour there not to be told.
Round Lister many a coal-black mast
Of Canute's fleet is gliding past.
And now through Eger sound they ride,
Upon the gently heaving tide.
"And all the sound is covered o'er
With ships and sails, from shore to shore,
A mighty king, a mighty host,
Hiding the sea on Eger coast.
And peaceful men in haste now hie
Up Hiornagla-hill the fleet to spy,
As round the ness where Stad now lies
Each high-stemmed ship in splendour flies.
"Nor seemed the voyage long, I trow,
To warrior on the high-built bow,
As o'er the ocean-mountains riding
The land and hill seem past him gliding.
With whistling breeze and flashing spray
Past Stein the gay ships dashed away;
In open sea, the southern gale
Filled every wide out-bellying sail.
"Still on they fly, still northward go,
Till he who conquers every foe,
The mighty Canute, came to land,
Far in the north on Throndhjem's strand.
There this great king of Jutland race,
Whose deeds and gifts surpass in grace
All other kings, bestowed the throne
Of Norway on his sister's son.
"To his own son he gave the crown
(This I must add to his renown)
Of Denmark -- land of shadowy vales,
In which the white swan trims her sails."
Here it is told that King Canute's expedition was grander than
saga can tell; but Thorarin sang thus because he would pride
himself upon being one of King Canute's retinue when he came to
The men whom King Olaf had sent eastwards to Gautland after his
ships took with them the vessels they thought the best, and burnt
the rest. The ship-apparel and other goods belonging to the king
and his men they also took with them; and when they heard that
King Canute had gone to Norway they sailed west through the
Sound, and then north to Viken to King Olaf, to whom they
delivered his ships. He was then at Tunsberg. When King Olaf
learnt that King Canute was sailing north along the coast, King
Olaf steered with his fleet into Oslo fjord, and into a branch of
it called Drafn, where he lay quiet until King Canute's fleet had
sailed southwards again. On this expedition which King Canute
made from the North along the coast, he held a Thing in each
district, and in every Thing the country was bound by oath in
fealty to him, and hostages were given him. He went eastward
across the mouths of the fjords to Sarpsborg, and held a Thing
there, and, as elsewhere, the country was surrendered to him
under oath of fidelity. King Canute then returned south to
Denmark, after having conquered Norway without stroke of sword,
and he ruled now over three kingdoms. So says Halvard
Hareksblese when he sang of King Canute: --
"The warrior-king, whose blood-stain'd shield
Has shone on many a hard-fought field,
England and Denmark now has won,
And o'er three kingdoms rules alone.
Peace now he gives us fast and sure,
Since Norway too is made secure
By him who oft, in days of yore,
Glutted the hawk and wolf with gore."
King Olaf sailed with his ships out to Tunsberg, as soon as he
heard that King Canute had turned back, and was gone south to
Denmark. He then made himself ready with the men who liked to
follow him, and had then thirteen ships. Afterwards he sailed
out along Viken; but got little money, and few men, as those only
followed him who dwelt in islands, or on outlying points of land.
The king landed in such places, but got only the money and men
that fell in his way; and he soon perceived that the country had
abandoned him. He proceeded on according to the winds. This was
in the beginning of winter (A.D. 1029). The wind turned very
late in the season in their favour, so that they lay long in the
Seley islands, where they heard the news from the North, through
merchants, who told the king that Erling Skjalgson had collected
a great force in Jadar, and that his ship lay fully rigged
outside of the land, together with many other vessels belonging
the bondes; namely, skiffs, fisher-yachts, and great row-boats.
Then the king sailed with his fleet from the East, and lay a
while in Egersund. Both parties heard of each other now, and
Erling assembled all the men he could.
On Thomasmas, before Yule (Dec. 21), the king left the harbour as
soon as day appeared. With a good but rather strong gale he
sailed northwards past Jadar. The weather was rainy, with dark
flying clouds in the sky. The spies went immediately in through
the Jadar country when the king sailed past it; and as soon as
Erling heard that the king was sailing past from the East, he let
the war-horn call all the people on board, and the whole force
hastened to the ships, and prepared for battle. The king's ship
passed by Jadar at a great rate; but thereafter turned in towards
the land, intending to run up the fjords to gather men and money.
Erling Skjalgson perceived this, and sailed after him with a
great force and many ships. Swiftly their vessels flew, for they
had nothing on board but men and arms: but Erling's ship went
much faster than the others; therefore he took in a reef in the
sails, and waited for the other vessels. Then the king saw that
Erling with his fleet gained upon him fast; for the king's ships
were heavily laden, and were besides water-soaked, having been in
the sea the whole summer, autumn, and winter, up to this time.
He saw also that there would be a great want of men, if he should
go against the whole of Erling's fleet when it was assembled. He
hailed from ship to ship the orders to let the sails gently sink,
and to unship the booms and outriggers, which was done. When
Erling saw this he calls out to his people, and orders them to
get on more sail. "Ye see," says he, "that their sails are
diminishing, and they are getting fast away from our sight." He
took the reef out of the sails of his ship, and outsailed all the
others immediately; for Erling was very eager in his pursuit of
King Olaf.
King Olaf then steered in towards the Bokn fjord, by which the
ships came out of sight of each other. Thereafter the king
ordered his men to strike the sails, and row forwards through a
narrow sound that was there, and all the ships lay collected
within a rocky point. Then all the king's men put on their
weapons. Erling sailed in through the sound, and observed
nothing until the whole fleet was before him, and he saw the
king's men rowing towards him with all their ships at once.
Erling and his crew let fall the sails, and seized their weapons;
but the king's fleet surrounded his ship on all sides. Then the
fight began, and it was of the sharpest; but soon the greatest
loss was among Erling's men. Erling stood on the quarter-deck of
his ship. He had a helmet on his head, a shield before him, and
a sword in his hand. Sigvat the skald had remained behind in
Viken, and heard the tidings. He was a great friend of Erling,
had received presents from him, and had been at his house.
Sigvat composed a poem upon Erling's fall, in which there is the
following verse: --
"Erling has set his ship on sea --
Against the king away is he:
He who oft lets the eagle stain
Her yellow feet in blood of slain.
His little war-ship side by side
With the king's fleet, the fray will bide.
Now sword to sword the fight is raging,
Which Erling with the king is waging."
Then Erling's men began to fall, and at the same moment his ship
was carried by boarding, and every man of his died in his place.
The king himself was amongst the foremost in the fray. So says
Sigvat: --
"The king's men hewed with hasty sword, --
The king urged on the ship to board, --
All o'er the decks the wounded lay:
Right fierce and bloody was that fray.
In Tungur sound, on Jadar shore,
The decks were slippery with red gore;
Warm blood was dropping in the sound,
Where the king's sword was gleaming round."
So entirely had Erling's men fallen, that not a man remained
standing in his ship but himself alone; for there was none who
asked for quarter, or none who got it if he did ask. There was
no opening for flight, for there lay ships all around Erling's
ship on every side, and it is told for certain that no man
attempted to fly; and Sigvat says: --
"All Erling's men fell in the fray,
Off Bokn fjord, this hard-fought day.
The brave king boarded, onward cheered,
And north of Tungur the deck was cleared.
Erling alone, the brave, the stout,
Cut off from all, yet still held out;
High on the stern -- a sight to see --
In his lone ship alone stood he."
Then Erling was attacked both from the forecastle and from the
other ships. There was a large space upon the poop which stood
high above the other ships, and which nobody could reach but by
arrow-shot, or partly with the thrust of spear, but which he
always struck from him by parrying. Erling defended himself so
manfully, that no example is known of one man having sustained
the attack of so many men so long. Yet he never tried to get
away, nor asked for quarter. So says Sigvat: --
"Skjalg's brave son no mercy craves, --
The battle's fury still he braves;
The spear-storm, through the air sharp singing,
Against his shield was ever ringing.
So Erling stood; but fate had willed
His life off Bokn should be spilled.
No braver man has, since his day,
Past Bokn fjord ta'en his way."
When Olaf went back a little upon the fore-deck he saw Erling's
behaviour; and the king accosted him thus: -- "Thou hast turned
against me to-day, Erling."
He replies, "The eagle turns his claws in defence when torn
asunder." Sigvat the skald tells thus of these words of Erling:
"Erling. our best defence of old, --
Erling the brave, the brisk, the bold, --
Stood to his arms, gaily crying,
`Eagles should show their claws, though dying:'
The very words which once before
To Olaf he had said on shore,
At Utstein when they both prepared
To meet the foe, and danger shared."
Then said the king, "Wilt thou enter into my service, Erling?"
"That I will," said he; took the helmet off his head, laid down
his sword and shield, and went forward to the forecastle deck.
The king struck him in the chin with the sharp point of his
battle-axe, and said, "I shall mark thee as a traitor to thy
Then Aslak Fitiaskalle rose up, and struck Erling in the head
with an axe, so that it stood fast in his brain, and was
instantly his death-wound. Thus Erling lost his life.
The king said to Aslak, "May all ill luck attend thee for that
stroke; for thou hast struck Norway out of my hands."
Aslak replied, "It is bad enough if that stroke displease thee,
for I thought it was striking Norway into thy hands; and if I
have given thee offence, sire, by this stroke, and have thy illwill
for it, it will go badly with me, for I will get so many
men's ill-will and enmity for this deed that I would need all
your protection and favour."
The king replied that he should have it.
Thereafter the king ordered every man to return to his ship, and
to get ready to depart as fast as he could. "We will not plunder
the slain," says he, "and each man may keep what he has taken."
The men returned to the ships and prepared themselves for the
departure as quickly as possible; and scarcely was this done
before the vessels of the bondes ran in from the south into the
sound. It went with the bonde-army as is often seen, that the
men, although many in numbers, know not what to do when they have
experienced a check, have lost their chief, and are without
leaders. None of Erling's sons were there, and the bondes
therefore made no attack, and the king sailed on his way
northwards. But the bondes took Erling's corpse, adorned it, and
carried it with them home to Sole, and also the bodies of all who
had fallen. There was great lamentation over Erling; and it has
been a common observation among people, that Erling Skjalgson was
the greatest and worthiest man in Norway of those who had no high
title. Sigvat made these verses upon the occasion: --
"Thus Erling fell -- and such a gain
To buy with such a loss was vain;
For better man than he ne'er died,
And the king's gain was small beside.
In truth no man I ever knew
Was, in all ways, so firm and true;
Free from servility and pride,
Honoured by all, yet thus he died."
Sigvat also says that Aslak had very unthinkingly committed this
murder of his own kinsman: --
"Norway's brave defender's dead!
Aslak has heaped on his own head
The guilt of murdering his own kin:
May few be guilty of such sin!
His kinsman's murder on him lies --
Our forefathers, in sayings wise,
Have said, what is unknown to few,
`Kinsmen to kinsmen should be true.'"
Of Erling's sons some at that time were north in Throndhjem, some
in Hordaland, and some in the Fjord district, for the purpose of
collecting men. When Erling's death was reported, the news came
also that there was a levy raising in Agder, Hordaland, and
Rogaland. Forces were raised and a great army assembled, under
Erling's sons, to pursue King Olaf.
When King Olaf retired from the battle with Erling he went
northward through the sounds, and it was late in the day. It is
related that the king then made the following verses: --
"This night, with battle sounds wild ringing,
Small joy to the fair youth is bringing
Who sits in Jadar, little dreaming
O'er what this night the raven's screaming.
The far-descended Erling's life
Too soon has fallen; but, in the strife
He met the luck they well deserve
Who from their faith and fealty swerve."
Afterwards the king sailed with his fleet along the land
northwards, and got certain tidings of the bondes assembling an
army. There were many chiefs and lendermen at this time with
King Olaf, and all the sons of Arne. Of this Bjarne
Gullbrarskald speaks in the poem he composed about Kalf Arnason:
"Kalf! thou hast fought at Bokn well;
Of thy brave doings all men tell:
When Harald's son his men urged on
To the hard strife, thy courage shone.
Thou soon hadst made a good Yule feast
For greedy wolf there in the East:
Where stone and spear were flying round,
There thou wast still the foremost found.
The people suffered in the strife
When noble Erling lost his life,
And north of Utstein many a speck
Of blood lay black upon the deck.
The king, 'tis clear, has been deceived,
By treason of his land bereaved;
And Agder now, whose force is great.
Will rule o'er all parts of the state."
King O1af continued his voyage until he came north of Stad, and
brought up at the Herey Isles. Here he heard the news that Earl
Hakon had a great war-force in Throndhjem, and thereupon the king
held a council with his people. Kalf Arnason urged much to
advance to Throndhjem, and fight Earl Hakon, notwithstanding the
difference of numbers. Many others supported this advice, but
others dissuaded from it, and the matter was left to the king's
Afterwards the king went into Steinavag, and remained there all
night; but Aslak Fitiaskalle ran into Borgund, where he remained
the night, and where Vigleik Arnason was before him. In the
morning, when Aslak was about returning on board, Vigleik
assaulted him, and sought to avenge Erling's murder. Aslak fell
there. Some of the king's court-men, who had been home all
summer, joined the king here. They came from Frekeysund, and
brought the king tidings that Earl Hakon, and many lendermen with
him, had come in the morning to Frekeysund with a large force;
"and they will end thy days, sire, if they have strength enough."
Now the king sent his men up to a hill that was near; and when
they came to the top, and looked northwards to Bjarney Island,
they perceived that a great armament of many ships was coming
from the north, and they hastened back to the king with this
intelligence. The king, who was lying there with only twelve
ships, ordered the war-horn to sound, the tents to be taken down
on his ships, and they took to their oars. When they were quite
ready, and were leaving the harbour, the bonde army sailed north
around Thiotande with twenty-five ships. The king then steered
inside of Nyrfe Island, and inside of Hundsver. Now when King
Olaf came right abreast of Borgund, the ship which Aslak had
steered came out to meet him, and when they found the king they
told him the tidings, -- that Vigleik Arnason had killed Aslak
Fitiaskalle, because he had killed Erling Skjalgson. The king
took this news very angrily, but could not delay his voyage on
account of the enemy and he sailed in by Vegsund and Skor. There
some of his people left him; among others, Kalf Arnason, with
many other lendermen and ship commanders, who all went to meet
Earl Hakon. King Olaf, however, proceeded on his way without
stopping until he came to Todar fjord, where he brought up at
Valdal, and landed from his ship. He had then five ships with
him, which he drew up upon the shore, and took care of their
sails and materials. Then he set up his land-tent upon a point
of land called Sult, where there are pretty flat fields, and set
up a cross near to the point of land. A bonde, by name Bruse,
who dwelt there in More, and was chief over the valley, came down
to King Olaf, together with many other bondes, and received him
well, and according to his dignity; and he was friendly, and
pleased with their reception of him. Then the king asked if
there was a passable road up in the country from the valley to
Lesjar; and Bruse replied, that there was an urd in the valley
called Skerfsurd not passable for man or beast. King Olaf
answers, "That we must try, bonde, and it will go as God pleases.
Come here in the morning with your yoke, and come yourself with
it, and let us then see. When we come to the sloping precipice,
what chance there may be, and if we cannot devise some means of
coming over it with horses and people."
Now when day broke the bondes drove down with their yokes, as the
king had told them. The clothes and weapons were packed upon
horses, but the king and all the people went on foot. He went
thus until he came to a place called Krosbrekka, and when he came
up upon the hill he rested himself, sat down there a while,
looked down over the fjord, and said, "A difficult expedition ye
have thrown upon my hands, ye lendermen, who have now changed
your fealty, although but a little while ago ye were my friends
and faithful to me." There are now two crosses erected upon the
bank on which the king sat. Then the king mounted a horse, and
rode without stopping up the valley, until he came to the
precipice. Then the king asked Bruse if there was no summer hut
of cattle-herds in the neighbourhood, where they could remain.
He said there was. The king ordered his land-tent to be set up,
and remained there all night. In the morning the king ordered
them to drive to the urd, and try if they could get across it
with the waggons. They drove there, and the king remained in the
meantime in his tent. Towards evening the king's court-men and
the bondes came back, and told how they had had a very fatiguing
labour, without making any progress, and that there never could
be a road made that they could get across: so they continued
there the second night, during which, for the whole night, the
king was occupied in prayer. As soon as he observed day dawning
he ordered his men to drive again to the urd, and try once more
if they could get across it with the waggons; but they went very
unwillingly, saying nothing could be gained by it. When they
were gone the man who had charge of the king's kitchen came, and
said there were only two carcasses of young cattle remaining of
provision: "Although you, sire, have 400 men, and there are 100
bondes besides." Then the king ordered that he should set all
the kettles on the fire, and put a little bit of meat in each
kettle, which was done. Then the king went there, and made the
sign of the cross over each kettle, and told them to make ready
the meat. The king then went to the urd called Skerfsurd, where
a road should be cleared. When the king came all his people were
sitting down, quite worn out with the hard labour. Bruse said,
"I told you, sire, but you would not believe me, that we could
make nothing of this urd." The king laid aside his cloak, and
told them to go to work once more at the urd. They did so, and
now twenty men could handle stones which before 100 men could not
move from the place; and thus before midday the road was cleared
so well that it was as passable for men, and for horses with
packs, as a road in the plain fields. The king, after this, went
down again to where the meat was, which place is called Olaf's
Rock. Near the rock is a spring, at which Olaf washed himself;
and therefore at the present day, when the cattle in the valley
are sick, their illness is made better by their drinking at this
well. Thereafter the king sat down to table with all the others;
and when he was satisfied he asked if there was any other
sheeling on the other side of the urd, and near the mountains,
where they could pass the night. Bruse said there was such a
sheeling, called Groningar; but that nobody could pass the night
there on account of witchcraft, and evil beings who were in the
sheeling. Then the king said they must get ready for their
journey, as he wanted to be at the sheeling for the night. Then
came the kitchen-master to the king, and tells that there was
come an extraordinary supply of provisions, and he did not know
where it had come from, or how. The king thanked God for this
blessing, and gave the bondes who drove down again to their
valley some rations of food, but remained himself all night in
the sheeling. In the middle of the night, while the people were
asleep, there was heard in the cattle-fold a dreadful cry, and
these words: "Now Olaf's prayers are burning me," says the
spirit, "so that I can no longer be in my habitation; now must I
fly, and never more come to this fold." When the king's people
awoke in the morning the king proceeded to the mountains, and
said to Bruse, "Here shall now a farm be settled, and the bonde
who dwells here shall never want what is needful for the support
of life; and never shall his crop be destroyed by frost, although
the crops be frozen on the farms both above it and below it."
Then the king proceeded over the mountains, and came to a farm
called Einby, where he remained for the night. King Olaf had
then been fifteen years king of Norway (A.D. 1015-1029),
including the year both he and Svein were in the country, and
this year we have now been telling about. It was, namely, a
little past Yule when the king left his ships and took to the
land, as before related. Of this portion of his reign the priest
Are Thorgilson the Wise was the first who wrote; and he was both
faithful in his story, of a good memory, and so old a man that he
could remember the men, and had heard their accounts, who were so
old that through their age they could remember these
circumstances as he himself wrote them in his books, and he named
the men from whom he received his information. Otherwise it is
generally said that King Olaf had been fifteen years king of
Norway when he fell; but they who say so reckon to Earl Svein's
government, the last year he was in the country, for King Olaf
lived fifteen years afterwards as king.
When the king had been one night at Lesjar he proceeded on his
journey with his men, day by day; first into Gudbrandsdal, and
from thence out to Redemark. Now it was seen who had been his
friends, for they followed him; but those who had served him with
less fidelity separated from him, and some showed him even
indifference, or even full hostility, which afterwards was
apparent; and also it could be seen clearly in many Upland people
that they took very ill his putting Thorer to death, as before
related. King Olaf gave leave to return home to many of his men
who had farms and children to take care of; for it seemed to them
uncertain what safety there might be for the families and
property of those who left the country with him. Then the king
explained to his friends his intention of leaving the country,
and going first east into Svithjod, and there taking his
determination as to where he should go; but he let his friends
know his intention to return to the country, and regain his
kingdoms, if God should grant him longer life; and he did not
conceal his expectation that the people of Norway would again
return to their fealty to him. "I think," says he, "that Earl
Hakon will have Norway but a short time under his power, which
many will not think an extraordinary expectation, as Earl Hakon
has had but little luck against me; but probably few people will
trust to my prophecy, that Canute the Great will in the course of
a few years die, and his kingdoms vanish; and there will he no
risings in favour of his race." When the king had ended his
speech, his men prepared themselves for their departure. The
king, with the troop that followed him, turned east to Eid
forest. And there were along with him the Queen Astrid; their
daughter Ulfhild; Magnus, King Olaf's son; Ragnvald Brusason; the
three sons of Arne, Thorberg, Fin, and Arne, with many lendermen;
and the king's attendants consisted of many chosen men. Bjorn
the marshal got leave to go home, and he went to his farm, and
many others of the king's friends returned home with his
permission to their farms. The king begged them to let him know
the events which might happen in the country, and which it might
be important for him to know; and now the king proceeded on his
It is to be related of King Olaf's journey, that he went first
from Norway eastward through Eid forest to Vermaland, then to
Vatnsby, and through the forests in which there are roads, until
he came out in Nerike district. There dwelt a rich and powerful
man in that part called Sigtryg, who had a son, Ivar, who
afterwards became a distinguished person. Olaf stayed with
Sigtryg all spring (A.D. 1029); and when summer came he made
ready for a journey, procured a ship for himself, and without
stopping went on to Russia to King Jarisleif and his queen
Ingegerd; but his own queen Astrid, and their daughter Ulfhild,
remained behind in Svithjod, and the king took his son Magnus
eastward with him. King Jarisleif received King Olaf in the
kindest manner, and made him the offer to remain with him, and to
have so much land as was necessary for defraying the expense of
the entertainment of his followers. King Olaf accepted this
offer thankfully, and remained there. It is related that King
Olaf was distinguished all his life for pious habits, and zeal in
his prayers to God. But afterwards, when he saw his own power
diminished, and that of his adversaries augmented, he turned all
his mind to God's service; for he was not distracted by other
thoughts, or by the labour he formerly had upon his hands, for
during all the time he sat upon the throne he was endeavouring to
promote what was most useful: and first to free and protect the
country from foreign chiefs' oppressions, then to convert the
people to the right faith; and also to establish law and the
rights of the country, which he did by letting justice have its
way, and punishing evil-doers.
It had been an old custom in Norway that the sons of lendermen,
or other great men, went out in war-ships to gather property, and
they marauded both in the country and out of the country. But
after King Olaf came to the sovereignty he protected the country,
so that he abolished all plundering there; and even if they were
the sons of powerful men who committed any depredation, or did
what the king considered against law, he did not spare them at
all, but they must suffer in life or limbs; and no man's
entreaties, and no offer of money-penalties, could help them. So
says Sigvat: --
"They who on viking cruises drove
With gifts of red gold often strove
To buy their safety -- but our chief
Had no compassion for the thief.
He made the bravest lose his head
Who robbed at sea, and pirates led;
And his just sword gave peace to all,
Sparing no robber, great or small."
And he also says: --
"Great king! whose sword on many a field
Food to the wandering wolf did yield,
And then the thief and pirate band
Swept wholly off by sea and land --
Good king! who for the people's sake
Set hands and feet upon a stake,
When plunderers of great name and bold
Harried the country as of old.
The country's guardian showed his might
When oft he made his just sword bite
Through many a viking's neck and hair,
And never would the guilty spare.
King Magnus' father, I must say,
Did many a good deed in his day.
Olaf the Thick was stern and stout,
Much good his victories brought out."
He punished great and small with equal severity, which appeared
to the chief people of the country too severe; and animosity rose
to the highest when they lost relatives by the king's just
sentence, although they were in reality guilty. This was the
origin of the hostility of the great men of the country to King
Olaf, that they could not bear his just judgments. He again
would rather renounce his dignity than omit righteous judgment.
The accusation against him, of being stingy with his money, was
not just, for he was a most generous man towards his friends; but
that alone was the cause of the discontent raised against him,
that he appeared hard and severe in his retributions. Besides,
King Canute offered great sums of money, and the great chiefs
were corrupted by this, and by his offering them greater
dignities than they had possessed before. The inclinations of
the people, also, were all in favour of Earl Hakon, who was much
beloved by the country folks when he ruled the country before.
Earl Hakon had sailed with his fleet from Throndhjem, and gone
south to More against King Olaf, as before related. Now when the
king bore away, and ran into the fjord, the earl followed him
thither; and then Kalf Arnason came to meet him, with many of the
men who had deserted King Olaf. Kalf was well received. The
earl steered in through Todar fjord to Valdal, where the king had
laid up his ships on the strand. He took the ships which
belonged to the king, had them put upon the water and rigged, and
cast lots, and put commanders in charge of them according to the
lots. There was a man called Jokul, who was an Icelander, a son
of Bard Jokulson of Vatnsdal; the lot fell upon Jokul to command
the Bison, which King Olaf himself had commanded. Jokul made
these verses upon it: --
"Mine is the lot to take the helm
Which Olaf owned, who owned the realm;
From Sult King Olaf's ship to steer
(Ill luck I dread on his reindeer).
My girl will never hear the tidings,
Till o'er the wild wave I come riding
In Olaf's ship, who loved his gold,
And lost his ships with wealth untold."
We may here shortly tell what happened a long time after. -- that
this Jokul fell in with King Olaf's men in the island of Gotland,
and the king ordered him to be taken out to be beheaded. A
willow twig accordingly was plaited in with his hair, and a man
held him fast by it. Jokul sat down upon a bank, and a man swung
the axe to execute him; but Jokul hearing the sound, raised his
head, and the blow struck him in the head, and made a dreadful
wound. As the king saw it would be his death-wound, he ordered
them to let him lie with it. Jokul raised himself up, and he
sang: --
"My hard fate I mourn, --
Alas! my wounds burn,
My red wounds are gaping,
My life-blood escaping.
My wounds burn sore;
But I suffer still more
From the king's angry word,
Than his sharp-biting sword."
Kalf Arnason went with Earl Hakon north to Throndhjem, and the
earl invited him to enter into his service. Kalf said he would
first go home to his farm at Eggja, and afterwards make his
determination; and Kalf did so. When he came home he found his
wife Sigrid much irritated; and she reckoned up all the sorrow
inflicted on her, as she insisted, by King Olaf. First, he had
ordered her first husband Olver to be killed. "And now since,"
says she, "my two sons; and thou thyself, Kalf, wert present when
they were cut off, and which I little expected from thee." Kalf
says, it was much against his will that Thorer was killed. "I
offered money-penalty for him," says he; "and when Grjotgard was
killed I lost my brother Arnbjorn at the same time." She
replies, "It is well thou hast suffered this from the king; for
thou mayest perhaps avenge him, although thou wilt not avenge my
injuries. Thou sawest how thy foster-son Thorer was killed, with
all the regard of the king for thee." She frequently brought out
such vexatious speeches to Kalf, to which he often answered
angrily; but yet he allowed himself to be persuaded by her to
enter into the earl's service, on condition of renewing his fiefs
to him. Sigrid sent word to the earl how far she had brought the
matter with Kalf. As soon as the earl heard of it, he sent a
message to Kalf that he should come to the town to him. Kalf did
not decline the invitation, but came directly to Nidaros, and
waited on the earl, who received him kindly. In their
conversation it was fully agreed upon that Kalf should go into
the earl's service, and should receive great fiefs. After this
Kalf returned home, and had the greater part of the interior of
the Throndhjem country under him. As soon as it was spring Kalf
rigged out a ship that belonged to him, and when she was ready he
put to sea, and sailed west to England; for he had heard that in
spring King Canute was to sail from Denmark to England, and that
King Canute had given Harald, a son of Thorkel the High, an
earldom in Denmark. Kalf Arnason went to King Canute as soon as
he arrived in England. Bjarne Gullbrarskald tells of this: --
"King Olaf eastward o'er the sea
To Russia's monarch had to flee;
Our Harald's brother ploughed the main,
And furrowed white its dark-blue plain.
Whilst thou -- the truth I still will say,
Nor fear nor favour can me sway --
Thou to King Canute hastened fast,
As soon as Olaf's luck was past."
Now when Kalf came to King Canute the king received him
particularly well, and had many conversations with him. Among
other things, King Canute, in a conference, asked Kalf to bind
himself to raise a warfare against King Olaf, if ever he should
return to the country. "And for which," says the king, "I will
give thee the earldom, and place thee to rule over Norway; and my
relation Hakon shall come to me, which will suit him better, for
he is so honourable and trustworthy that I believe he would not
even throw a spear against the person of King Olaf if he came
back to the country." Kalf lent his ear to what the king
proposed, for he had a great desire to attain this high dignity;
and this conclusion was settled upon between King Canute and
Kalf. Kalf then prepared to return home, and on his departure he
received splendid presents from King Canute. Bjarne the skald
tells of these circumstances: --
"Sprung from old earls! -- to England's lord
Thou owest many a thankful word
For many a gift: if all be true,
Thy interest has been kept in view;
For when thy course was bent for home,
(Although that luck is not yet come,)
`That Norway should be thine,' 'tis said,
The London king a promise made."
Kalf thereafter returned to Norway, and came to his farm.
Earl Hakon left the country this summer (A.D. 1029), and went to
England, and when he came there was well received by the king.
The earl had a bride in England, and he travelled to conclude
this marriage, and as he intended holding his wedding in Norway,
he came to procure those things for it in England which it was
difficult to get in Norway. In autumn he made ready for his
return, but it was somewhat late before he was clear for sea; but
at last he set out. Of his voyage all that can be told is, that
the vessel was lost, and not a man escaped. Some relate that the
vessel was seen north of Caithness in the evening in a heavy
storm, and the wind blowing out of Pentland Firth. They who
believe this report say the vessel drove out among the breakers
of the ocean; but with certainty people knew only that Earl Hakon
was missing in the ocean, and nothing belonging to the ship ever
came to land. The same autumn some merchants came to Norway, who
told the tidings that were going through the country of Earl
Hakon being missing; and all men knew that he neither came to
Norway nor to England that autumn, so that Norway that winter was
without a head.
Bjorn the marshal sat at home on his farm after his parting from
King Olaf. Bjorn was a celebrated man; therefore it was soon
reported far and wide that he had set himself down in quietness.
Earl Hakon and the other chiefs of the country heard this also,
and sent persons with a verbal message to Bjorn. When the
messengers arrived Bjorn received them well; and afterwards Bjorn
called them to him to a conference, and asked their business. He
who was their foreman presented to Bjorn the salutations of King
Canute, Earl Hakon, and of several chiefs. "King Canute," says
he, "has heard much of thee, and that thou hast been long a
follower of King Olaf the Thick, and hast been a great enemy of
King Canute; and this he thinks not right, for he will be thy
friend, and the friend of all worthy men, if thou wilt turn from
thy friendship to King Olaf and become his enemy. And the only
thing now thou canst do is to seek friendship and protection
there where it is most readily to be found, and which all men in
this northern world think it most honourable to be favoured with.
Ye who have followed Olaf the Thick should consider how he is now
separated from you; and that now ye have no aid against King
Canute and his men, whose lands ye plundered last summer, and
whose friends ye murdered. Therefore ye ought to accept, with
thanks, the friendship which the king offers you; and it would
become you better if you offered money even in mulct to obtain
When he had ended his speech Bjorn replies, "I wish now to sit
quietly at home, and not to enter into the service of any chief."
The messenger answers, "Such men as thou art are just the right
men to serve the king; and now I can tell thee there are just two
things for thee to choose, -- either to depart in peace from thy
property, and wander about as thy comrade Olaf is doing; or,
which is evidently better, to accept King Canute's and Earl
Hakon's friendship, become their man, and take the oaths of
fealty to them. Receive now thy reward." And he displayed to
him a large bag full of English money.
Bjorn was a man fond of money, and self-interested; and when he
saw the silver he was silent, and reflected with himself what
resolution he should take. It seemed to him much to abandon his
property, as he did not think it probable that King Olaf would
ever have a rising in his favour in Norway. Now when the
messenger saw that Bjorn's inclinations were turned towards the
money, he threw down two thick gold rings, and said, "Take the
money at once, Bjorn, and swear the oaths to King Canute; for I
can promise thee that this money is but a trifle, compared to
what thou wilt receive if thou followest King Canute."
By the heap of money, the fine promises, and the great presents,
he was led by covetousness, took the money, went into King
Canute's service, and gave the oaths of fealty to King Canute and
Earl Hakon, and then the messengers departed.
When Bjorn heard the tidings that Earl Hakon was missing he soon
altered his mind, and was much vexed with himself for having been
a traitor in his fidelity to King Olaf. He thought, now, that
he was freed from the oath by which he had bound himself to Earl
Hakon. It seemed to Bjorn that now there was some hope that King
Olaf might again come to the throne of Norway if he came back, as
the country was without a head. Bjorn therefore immediately made
himself ready to travel, and took some men with him. He then set
out on his journey, travelling night and day, on horseback when
he could, and by ship when he found occasion; and never halted
until he came, after Yule, east to Russia to King Olaf, who was
very glad to see Bjorn. Then the king inquired much about the
news from Norway. Bjorn tells him that Earl Hakon was missing,
and the kingdom left without a head. At this news the men who
had followed King Olaf were very glad, -- all who had left
property, connections, and friends in Norway; and the longing for
home was awakened in them. Bjorn told King Olaf much news from
Norway, and very anxious the king was to know, and asked much how
his friends had kept their fidelity towards him. Bjorn answered,
it had gone differently with different people.
Then Bjorn stood up, fell at the king's feet, held his foot, and
said, "All is in your power, sire, and in God's! I have taken
money from King Canute's men, and sworn them the oaths of fealty;
but now will I follow thee, and not part from thee so long as we
both live."
The king replies, "Stand up, Bjorn' thou shalt be reconciled with
me; but reconcile thy perjury with God. I can see that but few
men in Norway have held fast by their fealty, when such men as
thou art could be false to me. But true it is also that people
sit in great danger when I am distant, and they are exposed to
the wrath of my enemies."
Bjorn then reckoned up those who had principally bound themselves
to rise in hostility against the king and his men; and named,
among others, Erling's son in Jadar and their connections, Einar
Tambaskelfer, Kalf Arnason, Thorer Hund, and Harek of Thjotta.
After King Olaf came to Russia he was very thoughtful, and
weighed what counsel he now should follow. King Jarisleif and
Queen Ingegerd offered him to remain with them, and receive a
kingdom called Vulgaria, which is a part of Russia, and in which
land the people were still heathen. King Olaf thought over this
offer; but when he proposed it to his men they dissuaded him from
settling himself there, and urged the king to betake himself to
Norway to his own kingdom: but the king himself had resolved
almost in his own mind to lay down his royal dignity, to go out
into the world to Jerusalem, or other holy places, and to enter
into some order of monks. But yet the thought lay deep in his
soul to recover again, if there should be any opportunity for
him, his kingdom in Norway. When he thought over this, it
recurred to his mind how all things had gone prosperously with
him during the first ten years of his reign, and how afterwards
every thing he undertook became heavy, difficult, and hard; and
that he had been unlucky, on all occasions in which he had tried
his luck. On this account he doubted if it would be prudent to
depend so much upon his luck, as to go with so little strength
into the hands of his enemies, seeing that all the people of the
country had taken part with them to oppose King Olaf. Such cares
he had often on his mind, and he left his cause to God, praying
that He would do what to Him seemed best. These thoughts he
turned over in his mind, and knew not what to resolve upon; for
he saw how evidently dangerous that was which his inclination was
most bent upon.
One night the king lay awake in his bed, thinking with great
anxiety about his determination, and at last, being tired of
thinking, sleep came over him towards morning; but his sleep was
so light that he thought he was awake, and could see all that was
doing in the house. Then he saw a great and superb man, in
splendid clothes, standing by his bed; and it came into the
king's mind that this was King Olaf Trygvason who had come to
him. This man said to him, "Thou are very sick of thinking about
thy future resolutions; and it appears to me wonderful that these
thoughts should be so tumultuous in thy soul that thou shouldst
even think of laying down the kingly dignity which God hath given
thee, and of remaining here and accepting of a kingdom from
foreign and unknown kings. Go back rather to that kingdom which
thou hast received in heritage, and rule over it with the
strength which God hath given thee, and let not thy inferiors
take it from thee. It is the glory of a king to be victorious
over his enemies, and it is a glorious death to die in battle.
Or art thou doubtful if thou hast right on thy side in the strife
with thine enemies? Thou must have no doubts, and must not
conceal the truth from thyself. Thou must go back to thy
country, and God will give open testimony that the kingdom is
thine by property." When the king awoke he thought he saw the
man's shoulders going out. From this time the king's courage
rose, and he fixed firmly his resolution to return to Norway; to
which his inclination also tended most, and which he also found
was the desire of all his men. He bethought himself also that
the country being without a chief could be easily attacked, from
what he had heard, and that after he came himself many would turn
back towards him. When the king told his determination to his
people they all gave it their approbation joyfully.
It is related that once upon a time, while King Olaf was in
Russia, it happened that the son of an honest widow had a sore
boil upon his neck, of which the lad lay very ill; and as he
could not swallow any food, there was little hope of his life.
The boy's mother went to Queen Ingegerd, with whom she was
acquainted, and showed her the lad. The queen said she knew no
remedy for it. "Go," said she, "to King Olaf, he is the best
physician here; and beg him to lay his hands on thy lad, and
bring him my words if he will not otherwise do it." She did as
the queen told her; and when she found the king she says to him
that her son is dangerously ill of a boil in his neck, and begs
him to lay his hand on the boil. The king tells her he is not a
physician, and bids her go to where there were physicians. She
replies, that the queen had told her to come to him; "and told me
to add the request from her, that you would would use the remedy
you understood, and she said that thou art the best physician
here in the town." Then the king took the lad, laid his hands
upon his neck, and felt the boil for a long time, until the boy
made a very wry face. Then the king took a piece of bread, laid
it in the figure of the cross upon the palm of his hand, and put
it into the boy's mouth. He swallowed it down, and from that
time all the soreness left his neck, and in a few days he was
quite well, to the great joy of his mother and all his relations.
Then first came Olaf into the repute of having as much healing
power in his hands as is ascribed to men who have been gifted by
nature with healing by the touch; and afterwards when his
miracles were universally acknowledged, this also was considered
one of his miracles.
It happened one Sunday that the king sat in his highseat at the
dinner table, and had fallen into such deep thought that he did
not observe how time went. In one hand he had a knife, and in
the other a piece of fir-wood from which he cut splinters from
time to time. The table-servant stood before him with a bowl in
his hands; and seeing what the king was about, and that he was
involved in thought, he said, "It is Monday, sire, to-morrow."
The king looked at him when he heard this, and then it came into
his mind what he was doing on the Sunday. Then the king ordered
a lighted candle to be brought him, swept together all the
shavings he had made, set them on fire, and let them burn upon
his naked hand; showing thereby that he would hold fast by God's
law and commandment, and not trespass without punishment on what
he knew to be right.
When King Olaf had resolved on his return home, he made known his
intention to King Jarisleif and Queen Ingegerd. They dissuaded
him from this expedition, and said he should receive as much
power in their dominions as he thought desirable; but begged him
not to put himself within the reach of his enemies with so few
men as he had. Then King Olaf told them of his dream; adding,
that he believed it to be God's will and providence that it
should be so. Now when they found he was determined on
travelling to Norway, they offered him all the assistance to his
journey that he would accept from them. The king thanked them in
many fine words for their good will; and said that he accepted
from them, with no ordinary pleasure, what might be necessary for
his undertaking.
Immediately after Yule (A.D. 1080), King Olaf made himself ready;
and had about 200 of his men with him. King Jarisleif gave him
all the horses, and whatever else he required; and when he was
ready he set off. King Jarisleif and Queen Ingegerd parted from
him with all honour; and he left his son Magnus behind with the
king. The first part of his journey, down to the sea-coast, King
Olaf and his men made on the ice; but as spring approached, and
the ice broke up, they rigged their vessels, and when they were
ready and got a wind they set out to sea, and had a good voyage.
When Olaf came to the island of Gotland with his ships he heard
the news -- which was told as truth, both in Svithjod, Denmark,
and over all Norway -- that Earl Hakon was missing, and Norway
without a head. This gave the king and his men good hope of the
issue of their journey. From thence they sailed, when the wind
suited, to Svithjod, and went into the Maelar lake, to Aros, and
sent men to the Swedish King Onund appointing a meeting. King
Onund received his brother-in-law's message in the kindest
manner, and went to him according to his invitation. Astrid also
came to King Olaf, with the men who had attended her; and great
was the joy on all sides at this meeting. The Swedish king also
received his brother-in-law King Olaf with great joy when they
Now we must relate what, in the meantime, was going on in Norway.
Thorer Hund, in these two winters (A.D. 1029-1030), had made a
Lapland journey, and each winter had been a long time on the
mountains, and had gathered to himself great wealth by trading in
various wares with the Laplanders. He had twelve large coats of
reindeer-skin made for him, with so much Lapland witchcraft that
no weapon could cut or pierce them any more than if they were
armour of ring-mail, nor so much. The spring thereafter Thorer
rigged a long-ship which belonged to him, and manned it with his
house-servants. He summoned the bondes, demanded a levy from the
most northern Thing district, collected in this way a great many
people, and proceeded with this force southwards. Harek of
Thjotta had also collected a great number of people; and in this
expedition many people of consequence took a part, although these
two were the most distinguished. They made it known publicly
that with this war-force they were going against King Olaf, to
defend the country against him, in case he should come from the
Einar Tambaskelfer had most influence in the outer part of the
Throndhjem country after Earl Hakon's death was no longer
doubtful; for he and his son Eindride appeared to be the nearest
heirs to the movable property the earl had possessed. Then Einar
remembered the promises and offers of friendship which King
Canute had made him at parting; and he ordered a good vessel
which belonged to him to be got ready, and embarked with a great
retinue, and when he was ready sailed southwards along the coast,
then set out to sea westwards, and sailed without stopping until
he came to England. He immediately waited on King Canute, who
received him well and joyfully. Then Einar opened his business
to the king, and said he was come there to see the fulfillment of
the promises the king had made him; namely, that he, Einar,
should have the highest title of honour in Norway if Earl Hakon
were no more. King Canute replies, that now the circumstances
were altered. "I have now," said he, "sent men and tokens to my
son Svein in Denmark, and promised him the kingdom of Norway; but
thou shalt retain my friendship, and get the dignity and title
which thou art entitled by birth to hold. Thou shalt be
lenderman with great fiefs, and be so much more raised above
other lendermen as thou art more able than they." Einar saw
sufficiently how matters stood with regard to his business, and
got ready to return home; but as he now knew the king's
intentions, and thought it probable if King Olaf came from the
East the country would not be very peaceable, it came into his
mind that it would be better to proceed slowly, and not to be
hastening his voyage, in order to fight against King Olaf,
without his being advanced by it to any higher dignity than he
had before. Einar accordingly went to sea when he was ready; but
only came to Norway after the events were ended which took place
there during that summer.
The chiefs in Norway had their spies east in Svithjod, and south
in Denmark, to find out if King Olaf had come from Russia. As
soon as these men could get across the country, they heard the
news that King Olaf was arrived in Svithjod; and as soon as full
certainty of this was obtained, the war message-token went round
the land. The whole people were called out to a levy, and a
great army was collected. The lendermen who were from Agder,
Rogaland, and Hordaland, divided themselves, so that some went
towards the north, and some towards the east; for they thought
they required people on both sides. Erling's sons from Jadar
went eastward, with all the men who lived east of them, and over
whom they were chiefs; Aslak of Finey, and Erlend of Gerde, with
the lendermen north of them, went towards the north. All those
now named had sworn an oath to King Canute to deprive Olaf of
life, if opportunity should offer.
Now when it was reported in Norway that King Olaf was come from
the East to Svithjod, his friends gathered together to give him
aid. The most distinguished man in this flock was Harald
Sigurdson, a brother of King Olaf, who then was fifteen years of
age, very stout, and manly of growth as if he were full-grown.
Many other brave men were there also; and there were in all 600
men when they proceeded from the uplands, and went eastward with
their force through Eid forest to Vermaland. From thence they
went eastward through the forests to Svithjod and made inquiry
about King Olaf's proceedings.
King Olaf was in Svithjod in spring (A.D. 1030), and had sent
spies from thence to Norway. All accounts from that quarter
agreed that there was no safety for him if he went there, and the
people who came from the north dissuaded him much from
penetrating into the country. But he had firmly resolved within
himself, as before stated, to go into Norway; and he asked King
Onund what strength King Onund would give him to conquer his
kingdom. King Onund replied, that the Swedes were little
inclined to make an expedition against Norway. "We know," says
he, "that the Northmen are rough and warlike, and it is dangerous
to carry hostility to their doors, but I will not be slow in
telling thee what aid I can give. I will give thee 400 chosen
men from my court-men, active and warlike, and well equipt for
battle; and moreover will give thee leave to go through my
country, and gather to thyself as many men as thou canst get to
follow thee." King Olaf accepted this offer, and got ready for
his march. Queen Astrid, and Ulfhild the king's daughter,
remained behind in Svithjod.
Just as King Olaf began his journey the men came to him whom the
Swedish king had given, in all 400 men, and the king took the
road the Swedes showed him. He advanced upwards in the country
to the forests, and came to a district called Jarnberaland. Here
the people joined him who had come out of Norway to meet him, as
before related; and he met here his brother Harald, and many
other of his relations, and it was a joyful meeting. They made
out together 1200 men.
There was a man called Dag, who is said to have been a son of
King Hring, who fled the country from King Olaf. This Hring, it
is said further, had been a son of Dag, and grandson of Hring,
Harald Harfager's son. Thus was Dag King Olaf's relative. Both
Hring the father, and Dag the son, had settled themselves in
Svithjod, and got land to rule over. In spring, when Olaf came
from the East to Svithjod, he sent a message to his relation Dag,
that he should join him in this expedition with all the force he
could collect; and if they gained the country of Norway again,
Dag should have no smaller part of the kingdom under him than his
forefathers had enjoyed. When this message came to Dag it suited
his inclination well, for he had a great desire to go to Norway
and get the dominion his family had ruled over. He was not slow,
therefore, to reply, and promised to come. Dag was a quickspeaking,
quick-resolving man, mixing himself up in everything;
eager, but of little understanding. He collected a force of
almost 1200 men, with which he joined King Olaf.
King Olaf sent a message before him to all the inhabited places
he passed through, that the men who wished to get goods and
money, and share of booty, and the lands besides which now were
in the hands of his enemies, should come to him, and follow him.
Thereafter King Olaf led his army through forests, often over
desert moors, and often over large lakes; and they dragged, or
carried the boats, from lake to lake. On the way a great many
followers joined the king, partly forest settlers, partly
vagabonds. The places at which he halted for the night are since
called Olaf's Booths. He proceeded without any break upon his
journey until he came to Jamtaland, from which he marched north
over the keel or ridge of the land. The men spread themselves
over the hamlets, and proceeded, much scattered, so long as no
enemy was expected; but always, when so dispersed, the Northmen
accompanied the king. Dag proceeded with his men on another line
of march, and the Swedes on a third with their troop.
There were two men, the one called Gauka-Thorer, the other
Afrafaste, who were vagabonds and great robbers, and had a
company of thirty men such as themselves. These two men were
larger and stronger than other men, and they wanted neither
courage nor impudence. These men heard speak of the army that
was crossing the country, and said among themselves it would be a
clever counsel to go to the king, follow him to his country, and
go with him into a regular battle, and try themselves in this
work; for they had never been in any battle in which people were
regularly drawn up in line, and they were curious to see the
king's order of battle. This counsel was approved of by their
comrades, and accordingly they went to the road on which King
Olaf was to pass. When they came there they presented themselves
to the king, with their followers, fully armed. They saluted
him, and he asked what people they were. They told their names,
and said they were natives of the place; and told their errand,
and that they wished to go with the king. The king said, it
appeared to him there was good help in such folks. "And I have a
great inclination," said he, "to take such; but are ye Christian
Gauka-Thorer replies, that he is neither Christian nor heathen.
"I and my comrades have no faith but on ourselves, our strength,
and the luck of victory; and with this faith we slip through
sufficiently well."
The king replies, "A great pity it is that such brave
slaughtering fellows did not believe in Christ their Creator."
Thorer replies, "Is there any Christian man, king, in thy
following, who stands so high in the air as we two brothers?"
The king told them to let themselves be baptized, and to accept
the true faith. "Follow me then, and I will advance you to great
dignities; but if ye will not do so, return to your former
Afrafaste said he would not take on Christianity, and he turned
Then said Gauka-Thorer, "It is a great shame that the king drives
us thus away from his army, and I never before came where I was
not received into the company of other people, and I shall never
return back on this account." They joined accordingly the rear
with other forest-men, and followed the troops. Thereafter the
king proceeded west up to the keel-ridge of the country.
Now when King Olaf, coming from the east, went over the keelridge
and descended on the west side of the mountain, where it
declines towards the sea, he could see from thence far over the
country. Many people rode before the king and many after, and he
himself rode so that there was a free space around him. He was
silent, and nobody spoke to him, and thus he rode a great part of
the day without looking much about him. Then the bishop rode up
to him, asked him why he was so silent, and what he was thinking
of; for, in general, he was very cheerful, and very talkative on
a journey to his men, so that all who were near him were merry.
The king replied, full of thought, "Wonderful things have come
into my mind a while ago. As I just now looked over Norway, out
to the west from the mountains, it came into my mind how many
happy days I have had in that land. It appeared to me at first
as if I saw over all the Throndhjem country, and then over all
Norway; and the longer this vision was before my eyes the
farther, methought, I saw, until I looked over the whole wide
world, both land and sea. Well I know the places at which I have
been in former days; some even which I have only heard speak of,
and some I saw of which I had never heard, both inhabited and
uninhabited, in this wide world." The bishop replied that this
was a holy vision, and very remarkable.
When the king had come lower down on the mountain, there lay a
farm before him called Sula, on the highest part of Veradal
district; and as they came nearer to the house the corn-land
appeared on both sides of the path. The king told his people to
proceed carefully, and not destroy the corn to the bondes. The
people observed this when the king was near; but the crowd behind
paid no attention to it, and the people ran over the corn, so
that it was trodden flat to the earth. There dwelt a bonde there
called Thorgeir Flek, who had two sons nearly grown up. Thorgeir
received the king and his people well, and offered all the
assistance in his power. The king was pleased with his offer,
and asked Thorgeir what was the news of the country, and if any
forces were assembled against him. Thorgeir says that a great
army was drawn together in the Throndhjem country, and that there
were some lendermen both from the south of the country, and from
Halogaland in the north; "but I do not know," says he. "if they
are intended against you, or going elsewhere." Then he
complained to the king of the damage and waste done him by the
people breaking and treading down all his corn fields. The king
said it was ill done to bring upon him any loss. Then the king
rode to where the corn had stood, and saw it was laid flat on the
earth; and he rode round the field, and said, "I expect, bonde,
that God will repair thy loss, so that the field, within a week,
will be better;" and it proved the best of the corn, as the king
had said. The king remained all night there, and in the morning
he made himself ready, and told Thorgeir the bonde to accompany
him and Thorgear offered his two sons also for the journey; and
although the king said that he did not want them with him, the
lads would go. As they would not stay behind, the king's courtmen
were about binding them; but the king seeing it said, "Let
them come with us; the lads will come safe back again." And it
was with the lads as the king foretold.
Thereafter the army advanced to Staf, and when the king reached
Staf's moor he halted. There he got the certain information that
the bondes were advancing with an army against him, and that he
might soon expect to have a battle with them. He mustered his
force here, and, after reckoning them up, found there were in
the army 900 heathen men, and when he came to know it he ordered
them to allow themselves to be baptized, saying that he would
have no heathens with him in battle. "We must not," says he,
"put our confidence in numbers, but in God alone must we trust;
for through his power and favour we must be victorious, and I
will not mix heathen people with my own." When the heathens
heard this, they held a council among themselves, and at last 400
men agreed to be baptized; but 500 men refused to adopt
Christianity, and that body returned home to their land. Then
the brothers Gauka-Thorer and Afrafaste presented themselves to
the king, and offered again to follow him. The king asked if
they had now taken baptism. Gauka-Thorer replied that they had
not. Then the king ordered them to accept baptism and the true
faith, or otherwise to go away. They stepped aside to talk with
each other on what resolution they should take. Afrafaste said,
"To give my opinion, I will not turn back, but go into the
battle, and take a part on the one side or the other; and I don't
care much in which army I am." Gauka-Thorer replies, "If I go
into battle I will give my help to the king, for he has most need
of help. And if I must believe in a God, why not in the white
Christ as well as in any other? Now it is my advice, therefore,
that we let ourselves be baptized, since the king insists so much
upon it, and then go into the battle with him." They all agreed
to this, and went to the king, and said they would receive
baptism. Then they were baptized by a priest, and the baptism
was confirmed by the bishop. The king then took them into the
troop of his court-men, and said they should fight under his
banner in the battle.
King Olaf got certain intelligence now that it would be but a
short time until he had a battle with the bondes; and after he
had mustered his men, and reckoned up the force, he had more than
3000 men, which appears to be a great army in one field. Then
the king made the following speech to the people: "We have a
great army, and excellent troops; and now I will tell you, my
men, how I will have our force drawn up. I will let my banner go
forward in the middle of the army, and my-court-men, and
pursuivants shall follow it, together with the war forces that
joined us from the Uplands, and also those who may come to us
here in the Throndhjem land. On the right hand of my banner
shall be Dag Hringson, with all the men he brought to our aid;
and he shall have the second banner. And on the left hand of our
line shall the men be whom the Swedish king gave us, together
with all the people who came to us in Sweden; and they shall have
the third banner. I will also have the people divide themselves
into distinct flocks or parcels, so that relations and
acquaintances should be together; for thus they defend each other
best, and know each other. We will have all our men
distinguished by a mark, so as to be a field-token upon their
helmets and shields, by painting the holy cross thereupon with
white colour. When we come into battle we shall all have one
countersign and field-cry, -- `Forward, forward, Christian men!
cross men! king's men!' We must draw up our meal in thinner
ranks, because we have fewer people, and I do not wish to let
them surround us with their men. Now let the men divide
themselves into separate flocks, and then each flock into ranks;
then let each man observe well his proper place, and take notice
what banner he is drawn up under. And now we shall remain drawn
up in array; and our men shall be fully armed, night and day,
until we know where the meeting shall be between us and the
bondes." When the king had finished speaking, the army arrayed,
and arranged itself according to the king's orders.
Thereafter the king had a meeting with the chiefs of the
different divisions, and then the men had returned whom the king
had sent out into the neighbouring districts to demand men from
the bondes. They brought the tidings from the inhabited places
they had gone through, that all around the country was stripped
of all men able to carry arms, as all the people had joined the
bondes' army; and where they did find any they got but few to
follow them, for the most of them answered that they stayed at
home because they would not follow either party: they would not
go out against the king, nor yet against their own relations.
Thus they had got but few people. Now the king asked his men
their counsel, and what they now should do. Fin Arnason answered
thus to the king's question: "I will say what should be done, if
I may advise. We should go with armed hand over all the
inhabited places, plunder all the goods, and burn all the
habitations, and leave not a hut standing, and thus punish the
bondes for their treason against their sovereign. I think many a
man will then cast himself loose from the bondes' army, when he
sees smoke and flame at home on his farm, and does not know how
it is going with children, wives. or old men, fathers, mothers,
and other connections. I expect also," he added, "that if we
succeed in breaking the assembled host, their ranks will soon be
thinned; for so it is with the bondes, that the counsel which is
the newest is always the dearest to them all, and most followed."
When Fin had ended his speech it met with general applause; for
many thought well of such a good occasion to make booty, and all
thought the bondes well deserved to suffer damage; and they also
thought it probable, what Fin said, that many would in this way
be brought to forsake the assembled army of the bondes.
Now when the king heard the warm expressions of his people he
told them to listen to him, and said, "The bondes have well
deserved that it should be done to them as ye desire. They also
know that I have formerly done so, burning their habitations, and
punishing them severely in many ways; but then I proceeded
against them with fire and sword because they rejected the true
faith, betook themselves to sacrifices, and would not obey my
commands. We had then God's honour to defend. But this treason
against their sovereign is a much less grievous crime, although
it does not become men who have any manhood in them to break the
faith and vows they have sworn to me. Now, however, it is more
in my power to spare those who have dealt ill with me, than those
whom God hated. I will, therefore, that my people proceed
gently, and commit no ravage. First, I will proceed to meet the
bondes; if we can then come to a reconciliation, it is well; but
if they will fight with us, then there are two things before us;
either we fail in the battle, and then it will be well advised
not to have to retire encumbered with spoil and cattle; or we
gain the victory, and then ye will be the heirs of all who fight
now against us; for some will fall, and others will fly, but both
will have forfeited their goods and properties, and then it will
be good to enter into full houses and well-stocked farms; but
what is burnt is of use to no man, and with pillage and force
more is wasted than what turns to use. Now we will spread out
far through the inhabited places, and take with us all the men we
can find able to carry arms. Then men will also capture cattle
for slaughter, or whatever else of provision that can serve for
food; but not do any other ravage. But I will see willingly that
ye kill any spies of the bonde army ye may fall in with. Dag and
his people shall go by the north side down along the valley, and
I will go on along the country road, and so we shall meet in the
evening, and all have one night quarter."
It is related that when King Olaf drew up his men in battle
order, he made a shield rampart with his troop that should defend
him in battle, for which he selected the strongest and boldest.
Thereafter he called his skalds, and ordered them to go in within
the shield defence. "Ye shall." says the king, "remain here, and
see the circumstances which may take place, and then ye will not
have to follow the reports of others in what ye afterwards tell
or sing concerning it." There were Thormod Kolbrunarskald,
Gissur Gulbraskald, a foster-son of Hofgardaref, and Thorfin Mun.
Then said Thormod to Gissur, "Let us not stand so close together,
brother, that Sigvat the skald should not find room when he
comes. He must stand before the king, and the king will not have
it otherwise." The king heard this, and said, "Ye need not sneer
at Sigvat, because he is not here. Often has he followed me
well, and now he is praying for us, and that we greatly need."
Thormod replies, "It may be, sire, that ye now require prayers
most; but it would be thin around the banner-staff if all thy
court-men were now on the way to Rome. True it was what we spoke
about, that no man who would speak with you could find room for
Thereafter the skalds talked among themselves that it would be
well to compose a few songs of remembrance about the events which
would soon be taking place.
Then Gissur sang: --
"From me shall bende girl never hear
A thought of sorrow, care, or fear:
I wish my girl knew how gay
We arm us for our viking fray.
Many and brave they are, we know,
Who come against us there below;
But, life or death, we, one and all,
By Norway's king will stand or fall."
And Thorfin Mun made another song, viz.: --
"Dark is the cloud of men and shields,
Slow moving up through Verdal's fields:
These Verdal folks presume to bring
Their armed force against their king.
On! let us feed the carrion crow, --
Give her a feast in every blow;
And, above all, let Throndhjem's hordes
Feel the sharp edge of true men's swords."
And Thorrood sang: --
"The whistling arrows pipe to battle,
Sword and shield their war-call rattle.
Up! brave men, up! the faint heart here
Finds courage when the danger's near.
Up! brave men, up! with Olaf on!
With heart and hand a field is won.
One viking cheer! -- then, stead of words,
We'll speak with our death-dealing swords."
These songs were immediately got by heart by the army.
Thereafter the king made himself ready, and marched down through
the valley. His whole forces took up their night-quarter in one
place, and lay down all night under their shields; but as soon as
day broke the king again put his army in order, and that being
done they proceeded down through the valley. Many bondes then
came to the king, of whom the most joined his army; and all, as
one man, told the same tale, -- that the lendermen had collected
an enormous army, with which they intended to give battle to the
The king took many marks of silver, and delivered them into the
hands of a bonde, and said, "This money thou shalt conceal, and
afterwards lay out, some to churches, some to priests, some to
alms-men, -- as gifts for the life and souls of those who fight
against us, and may fall in battle."
The bonde replies, "Should you not rather give this money for the
soul-mulct of your own men?"
The king says, "This money shall be given for the souls of those
who stand against us in the ranks of the bondes' army, and fall
by the weapons of our own men. The men who follow us to battle,
and fall therein, will all be saved together with ourself."
This night the king lay with his army around him on the field, as
before related, and lay long awake in prayer to God, and slept
but little. Towards morning a slumber fell on him, and when he
awoke daylight was shooting up. The king thought it too early to
awaken the army, and asked where Thormod the skald was. Thormod
was at hand, and asked what was the king's pleasure. "Sing us a
song," said the king. Thormod raised himself up, and sang so
loud that the whole army could hear him. He began to sing the
old "Bjarkamal", of which these are the first verses: --
"The day is breaking, --
The house cock, shaking
His rustling wings,
While priest-bell rings,
Crows up the morn,
And touting horn
Wakes thralls to work and weep;
Ye sons of Adil, cast off sleep,
Wake up! wake up!
Nor wassail cup,
Nor maiden's jeer,
Awaits you here.
Hrolf of the bow!
Har of the blow!
Up in your might! the day is breaking;
'Tis Hild's game (1) that bides your waking."
Then the troops awoke, and when the song was ended the people
thanked him for it; and it pleased many, as it was suitable to
the time and occasion, and they called it the house-carle's whet.
The king thanked him for the pleasure, and took a gold ring that
weighed half a mark and gave it him. Thormod thanked the king
for the gift, and said, "We have a good king; but it is not easy
to say how long the king's life may be. It is my prayer, sire,
that thou shouldst never part from me either in life or death."
The king replies, "We shall all go together so long as I rule,
and as ye will follow me."
Thormod says, "I hope, sire, that whether in safety or danger I
may stand near you as long as I can stand, whatever we may hear
of Sigvat travelling with his gold-hilted sword." Then Thormod
made these lines: --
"To thee, my king, I'll still be true,
Until another skald I view,
Here in the field with golden sword,
As in thy hall, with flattering word.
Thy skald shall never be a craven,
Though he may feast the croaking raven,
The warrior's fate unmoved I view, --
To thee, my king, I'll still be true."
(1) Hild's game is the battle, from the name of the war-goddess
Hild. -- L.
King O1af led his army farther down through the valley, and Dag
and his men went another way, and the king did not halt until he
came to Stiklestad. There he saw the bonde army spread out all
around; and there were so great numbers that people were going on
every footpath, and great crowds were collected far and near.
They also saw there a troop which came down from Veradal, and had
been out to spy. They came so close to the king's people that
they knew each other. It was Hrut of Viggia, with thirty men.
The king ordered his pursuivants to go out against Hrut, and make
an end of him, to which his men were instantly ready. The king
said to the Icelanders, "It is told me that in Iceland it is the
custom that the bondes give their house-servants a sheep to
slaughter; now I give you a ram to slaughter (1). The Icelanders
were easily invited to this, and went out immediately with a few
men against Hrut, and killed him and the troop that followed him.
When the king came to Stiklestad he made a halt, and made the
army stop, and told his people to alight from their horses and
get ready for battle; and the people did as the king ordered.
Then he placed his army in battle array, and raised his banner.
Dag was not yet arrived with his men, so that his wing of the
battle array was wanting. Then the king said the Upland men
should go forward in their place, and raise their banner there.
"It appears to me advisable," says the king, "that Harald my
brother should not be in the battle, for he is still in the years
of childhood only." Harald replies, "Certainly I shall be in the
battle, for I am not so weak that I cannot handle the sword; and
as to that, I have a notion of tying the sword-handle to my hand.
None is more willing than I am to give the bondes a blow; so I
shall go with my comrades." It is said that Harald made these
lines: --
"Our army's wing, where I shall stand,
I will hold good with heart and hand;
My mother's eye shall joy to see
A battered, blood-stained shield from me.
The brisk young skald should gaily go
Into the fray, give blow for blow,
Cheer on his men, gain inch by inch,
And from the spear-point never flinch."
Harald got his will, and was allowed to be in the battle.
(1) Hrut means a young ram. -- L.
A bonde, by name Thorgils Halmason, father to Grim the Good,
dwelt in Stiklestad farm. Thorgils offered the king his
assistance, and was ready to go into battle with him. The king
thanked him for the offer. "I would rather," says the king,
"thou shouldst not be in the fight. Do us rather the service to
take care of the people who are wounded, and to bury those who
may fall, when the battle is over. Should it happen, bonde, that
I fall in this battle, bestow the care on my body that may be
necessary, if that be not forbidden thee." Thorgils promised the
king what he desired.
Now when King Olaf had drawn up his army in battle array he made
a speech, in which he told the people to raise their spirit, and
go boldly forward, if it came to a battle. "We have," says he,
"many men, and good; and although the bondes may have a somewhat
larger force than we, it is fate that rules over victory. This I
will make known to you solemnly, that I shall not fly from this
battle, but shall either be victorious over the bondes, or fall
in the fight. I will pray to God that the lot of the two may
befall me which will be most to my advantage. With this we may
encourage ourselves, that we have a more just cause than the
bondes; and likewise that God must either protect us and our
cause in this battle, or give us a far higher recompense for what
we may lose here in the world than what we ourselves could ask.
Should it be my lot to have anything to say after the battle,
then shall I reward each of you according to his service, and to
the bravery he displays in the battle; and if we gain the
victory, there must be land and movables enough to divide among
you, and which are now in the hands of your enemies. Let us at
the first make the hardest onset, for then the consequences are
soon seen. There being a great difference in the numbers, we
have to expect victory from a sharp assault only; and, on the
other hand, it will be heavy work for us to fight until we are
tired, and unable to fight longer; for we have fewer people to
relieve with than they, who can come forward at one time and
retreat and rest at another. But if we advance so hard at the
first attack that those who are foremost in their ranks must turn
round, then the one will fall over the other, and their
destruction will be the greater the greater numbers there are
together." When the king had ended his speech it was received
with loud applause, and the one encouraged the other.
Thord Folason carried King Olaf's banner. So says Sigvat the
skald, in the death-song which he composed about King Olaf, and
put together according to resurrection saga: --
"Thord. I have heard, by Olaf's side,
Where raged the battle's wildest tide,
Moved on, and, as by one accord
Moved with them every heart and sword.
The banner of the king on high,
Floating all splendid in the sky
From golden shaft, aloft he bore, --
The Norsemen's rallying-point of yore."
King Olaf was armed thus: -- He had a gold-mounted helmet on his
head; and had in one hand a white shield, on which the holy cross
was inlaid in gold. In his other hand he had a lance, which to
the present day stands beside the altar in Christ Church. In his
belt he had a sword, which was called Hneiter, which was
remarkably sharp, and of which the handle was worked with gold.
He had also a strong coat of ring-mail. Sigvat the skald, speaks
of this: --
"A greater victory to gain,
Olaf the Stout strode o'er the plain
In strong chain armour, aid to bring
To his brave men on either wing.
High rose the fight and battle-heat, --
the clear blood ran beneath the feet
Of Swedes, who from the East came there,
In Olaf's gain or loss to share."
Now when King Olaf had drawn up his men the army of the bondes
had not yet come near upon any quarter, so the king said the
people should sit down and rest themselves. He sat down himself,
and the people sat around him in a widespread crowd. He leaned
down, and laid his head upon Fin Arnason's knee. There a slumber
came upon him, and he slept a little while; but at the same time
the bondes' army was seen advancing with raised banners, and the
multitude of these was very great.
Then Fin awakened the king, and said that the bonde-army advanced
against them.
The king awoke, and said, "Why did you waken me, Fin, and did not
allow me to enjoy my dream?"
Fin: "Thou must not be dreaming; but rather thou shouldst be
awake, and preparing thyself against the host which is coming
down upon us; or, dost thou not see that the whole bonde-crowd is
The king replies, "They are not yet so near to us, and it would
have been better to have let me sleep."
Then said Fin, "What was the dream, sire, of which the loss
appears to thee so great that thou wouldst rather have been left
to waken of thyself?"
Now the king told his dream, -- that he seemed to see a high
ladder, upon which he went so high in the air that heaven was
open: for so high reached the ladder. "And when you awoke me, I
was come to the highest step towards heaven."
Fin replies, "This dream does not appear to me so good as it does
to thee. I think it means that thou art fey (1); unless it be
the mere want of sleep that has worked upon thee."
(1) Fey means doomed to die.
When King Olaf was arrived at Stiklestad, it happened, among
other circumstances, that a man came to him; and although it was
nowise wonderful that there came many men from the districts, yet
this must be regarded as unusual, that this man did not appear
like the other men who came to him. He was so tall that none
stood higher than up to his shoulders: very handsome he was in
countenance, and had beautiful fair hair. He was well armed; had
a fine helmet, and ring armour; a red shield; a superb sword in
his belt; and in his hand a gold-mounted spear, the shaft of it
so thick that it was a handful to grasp. The man went before the
king, saluted him, and asked if the king would accept his
The king asked his name and family, also what countryman he was.
He replies, "My family is in Jamtaland and Helsingjaland, and my
name is Arnljot Gelline; but this I must not forget to tell you,
that I came to the assistance of those men you sent to Jamtaland
to collect scat, and I gave into their hands a silver dish, which
I sent you as a token that I would be your friend."
Then the king asked Arnljot if he was a Christian or not. He
replied, "My faith has been this, to rely upon my power and
strength, and which faith hath hitherto given me satisfaction;
but now I intend rather to put my faith, sire, in thee."
The king replies, "If thou wilt put faith in me thou must also
put faith in what I will teach thee. Thou must believe that
Jesus Christ has made heaven and earth, and all mankind, and to
him shall all those who are good and rightly believing go after
Arnljot answers, "I have indeed heard of the white Christ, but
neither know what he proposes, nor what he rules over; but now I
will believe all that thou sayest to me, and lay down my lot in
your hands."
Thereupon Arnljot was baptized. The king taught him so much of
the holy faith as appeared to him needful, and placed him in the
front rank of the order of battle, in advance of his banner,
where also Gauka-Thorer and Afrafaste, with their men, were.
Now shall we relate what we have left behind in our tale, -- that
the lendermen and bondes had collected a vast host as soon as it
was reported that King Olaf was come from Russia, and had arrived
in Svithjod; but when they heard that he had come to Jamtaland,
and intended to proceed westwards over the keel-ridge to Veradal,
they brought their forces into the Throndhjem country, where they
gathered together the whole people, free and unfree, and
proceeded towards Veradal with so great a body of men that there
was nobody in Norway at that time who had seen so large a force
assembled. But the force, as it usually happens in so great a
multitude, consisted of many different sorts of people. There
were many lendermen, and a great many powerful bondes; but the
great mass consisted of labourers and cottars. The chief
strength of this army lay in the Throndhjem land, and it was the
most warm in enmity and opposition to the king.
When King Canute had, as before related, laid all Norway under
his power, he set Earl Hakon to manage it, and gave the earl a
court-bishop, by name Sigurd, who was of Danish descent, and had
been long with King Canute. This bishop was of a very hot
temper, and particularly obstinate, and haughty in his speech;
but supported King Canute all he could in conversation, and was a
great enemy of King Olaf. He was now also in the bondes' army,
spoke often before the people, and urged them much to
insurrection against King Olaf.
At a House-thing, at which a great many people were assembled,
the bishop desired to be heard, and made the following speech:
"Here are now assembled a great many men, so that probably there
will never be opportunity in this poor country of seeing so great
a native army; but it would be desirable if this strength and
multitude could be a protection; for it will all be needed, if
this Olaf does not give over bringing war and strife upon you.
From his very earliest youth he has been accustomed to plunder
and kill: for which purposes he drove widely around through all
countries, until he turned at last against this, where he began
to show hostilities against the men who were the best and most
powerful; and even against King Canute, whom all are bound to
serve according to their ability, and in whose scat-lands he set
himself down. He did the same to Olaf the Swedish king. He
drove the earls Svein and Hakon away from their heritages; and
was even most tyrannical towards his own connections, as he drove
all the kings out of the Uplands: although, indeed, it was but
just reward for having been false to their oaths of fealty to
King Canute, and having followed this King Olaf in all the folly
he could invent; so their friendship ended according to their
deserts, by this king mutilating some of them, taking their
kingdoms himself, and ruining every man in the country who had an
honourable name. Ye know yourselves how he has treated the
lendermen, of whom many of the worthlest have been murdered, and
many obliged to fly from their country; and how he has roamed far
and wide through the land with robber-bands, burning and
plundering houses, and killing people. Who is the man among us
here of any consideration who has not some great injury from him
to avenge? Now he has come hither with a foreign troop,
consisting mostly of forest-men, vagabonds, and such marauders.
Do ye think he will now be more merciful to you, when he is
roaming about with such a bad crew, after committing devastations
which all who followed him dissuaded him from? Therefore it is
now my advice, that ye remember King Canute's words when he told
you, if King Olaf attempted to return to the country ye should
defend the liberty King Canute had promised you, and should
oppose and drive away such a vile pack. Now the only thing to be
done is to advance against them, and cast forth these malefactors
to the wolves and eagles, leaving their corpses on the spot they
cover, unless ye drag them aside to out-of-the-way corners in the
woods or rocks. No man would be so imprudent as to remove them
to churches, for they are all robbers and evil-doers." When he
had ended his speech it was hailed with the loudest applause, and
all unanimously agreed to act according to his recommendation.
The lendermen who had come together appointed meetings with each
other, and consulted together how they should draw up their
troops, and who should be their leader. Kalf Arnason said that
Harek of Thjotta was best fitted to be the chief of this army,
for he was descended from Harald Harfager's race. "The king also
is particularly enraged against him on account of the murder of
Grankel, and therefore he would be exposed to the severest fate
if Olaf recovered the kingdom; and Harek withal is a man
experienced in battles, and a man who does much for honour
Harek replies, that the men are best suited for this who are in
the flower of their age. "I am now," says he, "an old and
decaying man, not able to do much in battle: besides, there is
near relationship between me and King Olaf; and although he seems
not to put great value upon that tie, it would not beseem me to
go as leader of the hostilities against him, before any other in
this meeting. On the other hand, thou, Thorer, art well suited
to be our chief in this battle against King Olaf; and thou hast
distinct grounds for being so, both because thou hast to avenge
the death of thy relation, and also hast been driven by him as an
outlaw from thy property. Thou hast also promised King Canute,
as well as thy connections, to avenge the murder of thy relative
Asbjorn; and dost thou suppose there ever will be a better
opportunity than this of taking vengeance on Olaf for all these
insults and injuries?"
Thorer replies thus to his speech: "I do not confide in myself so
much as to raise the banner against King Olaf, or, as chief, to
lead on this army; for the people of Throndhjem have the greatest
part in this armament, and I know well their haughty spirit, and
that they would not obey me, or any other Halogaland man,
although I need not be reminded of my injuries to be roused to
vengeance on King Olaf. I remember well my heavy loss when King
Olaf slew four men, all distinguished both by birth and personal
qualities; namely, my brother's son Asbjorn, my sister's sons
Thorer and Grjotgard, and their father Olver; and it is my duty
to take vengeance for each man of them. I will not conceal that
I have selected eleven of my house-servants for that purpose, and
of those who are the most daring; and I do not think we shall be
behind others in exchanging blows with King Olaf, should
opportunity be given."
Then Kalf Arnason desired to speak. "It is highly necessary,"
says he, "that this business we have on hand do not turn out a
mockery and child-work, now that an army is collected. Something
else is needful, if we are to stand battle with King Olaf, than
that each should shove the danger from himself; for we must
recollect that although King Olaf has not many people compared to
this army of ours, the leader of them is intrepid, and the whole
body of them will be true to him, and obedient in the battle.
But if we who should be the leaders of this army show any fear,
and will not encourage the army and go at the head of it, it must
happen that with the great body of our people the spirit will
leave their hearts, and the next thing will be that each will
seek his own safety. Although we have now a great force
assembled, we shall find our destruction certain, when we meet
King Olaf and his troops, if we, the chiefs of the people, are
not confident in our cause, and have not the whole army
confidently and bravely going along with us. If it cannot be so,
we had better not risk a battle; and then it is easy to see that
nothing would be left us but to shelter ourselves under King
Olaf's mercy, however hard it might be, as then we would be less
guilty than we now may appear to him to be. Yet I know there are
men in his ranks who would secure my life and peace if I would
seek it. Will ye now adopt my proposal -- then shalt thou,
friend Thorer, and thou, Harek, go under the banner which we will
all of us raise up, and then follow. Let us all be speedy and
determined in the resolution we have taken, and put ourselves so
at the head of the bondes' army that they see no distrust in us;
for then will the common man advance with spirit when we go
merrily to work in placing the army in battle-order, and in
encouraging the people to the strife."
When Kalf had ended they all concurred in what he proposed, and
all would do what Kalf thought of advantage. All desired Kalf to
be the leader of the army, and to give each what place in it he
Kalf Arnason then raised his banner, and drew up his houseservants
along with Harek of Thjotta and his men. Thorer Hund,
with his troop, was at the head of the order of battle in front
of the banner; and on both sides of Thorer was a chosen body of
bondes, all of them the most active and best armed in the forces.
This part of the array was long and thick, and in it were drawn
up the Throndhjem people and the Halogalanders. On the right
wing was another array; and on the left of the main array were
drawn up the men from Rogaland, Hordaland, the Fjord districts,
and Scgn, and they had the third banner.
There was a man called Thorstein Knarrarsmid, who was a merchant
and master ship-carpenter, stout and strong, very passionate, and
a great manslayer. He had been in enmity against King Olaf, who
had taken from him a new and large merchant-vessel he had built,
on account of some manslaughter-mulct, incurred in the course of
his misdeeds, which he owed to the king. Thorstein, who was with
the bondes' army, went forward in front of the line in which
Thorer Hund stood, and said, "Here I will be, Thorer, in your
ranks; for I think, if I and King Olaf meet, to be the first to
strive a weapon at him, if I can get so near, to repay him for
the robbery of the ship he took from me, which was the best that
ever went on merchant voyage." Thorer and his men received
Thorstein, and he went into their ranks.
When the bondes' men and array were drawn up the lendermen
addressed the men, and ordered them to take notice of the place
to which each man belonged, under which banner each should be,
who there were in front of the banner, who were his side-men, and
that they should be brisk and quick in taking up their places in
the array; for the army had still to go a long way, and the array
might be broken in the course of march. Then they encouraged the
people; and Kalf invited all the men who had any injury to avenge
on King Olaf to place themselves under the banner which was
advancing against King Olaf's own banner. They should remember
the distress he had brought upon them; and, he said, never was
there a better opportunity to avenge their grievances, and to
free themselves from the yoke and slavery he had imposed on them.
"Let him," says he, "be held a useless coward who does not fight
this day boldly; and they are not innocents who are opposed to
you, but people who will not spare you if ye spare them."
Kalf's speech was received with loud applause, and shouts of
encouragement were heard through the whole army.
Thereafter the bondes' army advanced to Stiklestad, where King
Olaf was already with his people. Kalf and Harek went in front,
at the head of the army under their banners. But the battle did
not begin immediately on their meeting; for the bondes delayed
the assault, because all their men were not come upon the plain,
and they waited for those who came after them. Thorer Hund had
come up with his troop the last, for he had to take care that the
men did not go off behind when the battlecry was raised, or the
armies were closing with each other; and therefore Kalf and Harek
waited for Thorer. For the encouragement of their men in the
battle the bondes had the field-cry -- "Forward, forward,
bondemen!" King Olaf also made no attack, for he waited for Dag
and the people who followed him. At last the king saw Dag and
his men approaching. It is said that the army of the bondes was
not less on this day than a hundred times a hundred men. Sigvat
the skald speaks thus of the numbers: --
"I grieve to think the king had brought
Too small a force for what he sought:
He held his gold too fast to bring
The numbers that could make him king.
The foemen, more than two to one,
The victory by numbers won;
And this alone, as I've heard say,
Against King Olaf turned the day."
As the armies on both sides stood so near that people knew each
other, the king said, "Why art thou here, Kalf, for we parted
good friends south in More? It beseems thee ill to fight against
us, or to throw a spear into our army; for here are four of thy
Kalf replied, "Many things come to pass differently from what may
appear seemly. You parted from us so that it was necessary to
seek peace with those who were behind in the country. Now each
must remain where he stands; but if I might advise, we should be
Then Fin, his brother, answered, "This is to be observed of Kalf,
that when he speaks fairly he has it in his mind to do ill."
The king answered, "It may be, Kalf, that thou art inclined to
reconciliation; but, methinks, the bondes do not appear so
Then Thorgeir of Kviststad said, "You shall now have such peace
as many formerly have received at your hands, and which you shall
now pay for."
The king replies, "Thou hast no occasion to hasten so much to
meet us; for fate has not decreed to thee to-day a victory over
me, who raised thee to power and dignity from a mean station."
Now came Thorer Hund, went forward in front of the banner with
his troop, and called out, "Forward, forward, bondemen!"
Thereupon the bondemen raised the war-cry, and shot their arrows
and spears. The king's men raised also a war-shout; and that
done, encouraged each other to advance, crying out, "Forward,
forward, Christ-men! cross-men! king's men!" When the bondes
who stood outermost on the wings heard it, they repeated the same
cry; but when the other bondes heard them they thought these were
king's men, turned their arms against them, and they fought
together, and many were slain before they knew each other. The
weather was beautiful, and the sun shone clear; but when the
battle began the heaven and the sun became red, and before the
battle ended it became as dark as at night. King Olaf had drawn
up his army upon a rising ground, and it rushed down from thence
upon the bonde-army with such a fierce assault, that the bondes'
array went before it; so that the breast of the king's array came
to stand upon the ground on which the rear of the bondes' array
had stood, and many of the bondes' army were on the way to fly,
but the lendermen and their house-men stood fast, and the battle
became very severe. So says Sigvat: --
"Thundered the ground beneath their tread,
As, iron-clad, thick-tramping, sped
The men-at-arms, in row and rank,
Past Stiklestad's sweet grassy bank.
The clank of steel, the bowstrings' twang,
The sounds of battle, loudly rang;
And bowman hurried on advancing,
Their bright helms in the sunshine glancing."
The lendermen urged their men, and forced them to advance.
Sigvat speaks of this: --
"Midst in their line their banner flies,
Thither the stoutest bonde hies:
But many a bonde thinks of home,
And many wish they ne'er had come."
Then the bonde-army pushed on from all quarters. They who stood
in front hewed down with their swords; they who stood next thrust
with their spears; and they who stood hindmost shot arrows, cast
spears, or threw stones, hand-axes, or sharp stakes. Soon there
was a great fall of men in the battle. Many were down on both
sides. In the first onset fell Arnljot Gelline, Gauka-Thorer,
and Afrafaste, with all their men, after each had killed a man or
two, and some indeed more. Now the ranks in front of the king's
banner began to be thinned, and the king ordered Thord to carry
the banner forward, and the king himself followed it with the
troop he had chosen to stand nearest to him in battle; and these
were the best armed men in the field, and the most expert in the
use of their weapons. Sigvat the skald tells of this: --
"Loud was the battle-storm there,
Where the king's banner flamed in air.
The king beneath his banner stands,
And there the battle he commands."
Olaf came forth from behind the shield-bulwark, and put himself
at the head of the army; and when the bondes looked him in the
face they were frightened, and let their hands drop. So says
Sigvat: --
"I think I saw them shrink with fear
Who would not shrink from foeman's spear,
When Olaf's lion-eye was cast
On them, and called up all the past.
Clear as the serpent's eye -- his look
No Throndhjem man could stand, but shook
Beneath its glance, and skulked away,
Knowing his king, and cursed the day."
The combat became fierce, and the king went forward in the fray.
So says Sigvat: --
"When on they came in fierce array,
And round the king arose the fray,
With shield on arm brave Olaf stood,
Dyeing his sword in their best blood.
For vengeance on his Throndhjem foes,
On their best men he dealt his blows;
He who knew well death's iron play,
To his deep vengeance gave full sway."
King Olaf fought most desperately. He struck the lenderman
before mentioned (Thorgeir of Kviststad) across the face, cut off
the nose-piece of his helmet, and clove his head down below the
eyes so that they almost fell out. When he fell the king said,
"Was it not true, Thorgeir, what I told thee, that thou shouldst
not be victor in our meeting?" At the same instant Thord stuck
the banner-pole so fast in the earth that it remained standing.
Thord had got his death-wound, and fell beneath the banner.
There also fell Thorfin Mun, and also Gissur Gullbrarskald, who
was attacked by two men, of whom he killed one, but only wounded
the other before he fell. So says Hofgardaref: --
"Bold in the Iron-storm was he,
Firm and stout as forest tree,
The hero who, 'gainst two at once,
Made Odin's fire from sword-edge glance;
Dealing a death-blow to the one,
Known as a brave and generous man,
Wounding the other, ere he fell, --
His bloody sword his deeds showed well."
It happened then, as before related, that the sun, although the
air was clear, withdrew from the sight, and it became dark. Of
this Sigvat the skald speaks: --
"No common wonder in the sky
Fell out that day -- the sun on high,
And not a cloud to see around,
Shone not, nor warmed Norway's ground.
The day on which fell out this fight
Was marked by dismal dusky light,
This from the East I heard -- the end
Of our great king it did portend."
At the same time Dag Hringson came up with his people, and began
to put his men in array, and to set up his banner; but on account
of the darkness the onset could not go on so briskly, for they
could not see exactly whom they had before them. They turned,
however, to that quarter where the men of Hordaland and Rogaland
stood. Many of these circumstances took place at the same time,
and some happened a little earlier, and some a little later.
On the one side of Kalf Arnason stood his two relations, Olaf and
Kalf, with many other brave and stout men. Kalf was a son of
Arnfin Arnmodson, and a brother's son of Arne Arnmodson. On the
other side of Kalf Arnason stood Thorer Hund. King Olaf hewed at
Thorer Hund, and struck him across the shoulders; but the sword
would not cut, and it was as if dust flew from his reindeer-skin
coat. So says Sigvat: --
"The king himself now proved the power
Of Fin-folk's craft in magic hour,
With magic song; for stroke of steel
Thor's reindeer coat would never feel,
Bewitched by them it turned the stroke
Of the king's sword, -- a dust-like smoke
Rose from Thor's shoulders from the blow
Which the king though would end his foe."
Thorer struck at the king, and they exchanged some blows; but the
king's sword would not cut where it met the reindeer skin,
although Thorer was wounded in the hands. Sigvat sang thus of
it: --
"Some say that Thorer's not right bold;
Why never yet have I been told
Of one who did a bolder thing
Than to change blows with his true king.
Against his king his sword to wield,
Leaping across the shield on shield
Which fenced the king round in the fight,
Shows the dog's (1) courage -- brave, not bright."
The king said to Bjorn the marshal, "Do thou kill the dog on whom
steel will not bite." Bjorn turned round the axe in his hands,
and gave Thorer a blow with the hammer of it on the shoulder so
hard that he tottered. The king at the same moment turned
against Kalf and his relations, and gave Olaf his death-wound.
Thorer Hund struck his spear right through the body of Marshal
Bjorn, and killed him outright; and Thorer said, "It is thus we
hunt the bear." (2) Thorstein Knarrarsmid struck at King Olaf
with his axe, and the blow hit his left leg above the knee. Fin
Arnason instantly killed Thorstein. The king after the wound
staggered towards a stone, threw down his sword, and prayed God
to help him. Then Thorer Hund struck at him with his spear, and
the stroke went in under his mail-coat and into his belly. Then
Kalf struck at him on the left side of the neck. But all are not
agreed upon Kalf having been the man who gave him the wound in
the neck. These three wounds were King Olaf's death; and after
the king's death the greater part of the forces which had
advanced with him fell with the king. Bjarne Gullbrarskald sang
these verses about Kalf Arnason: --
"Warrior! who Olaf dared withstand,
Who against Olaf held the land,
Thou hast withstood the bravest, best,
Who e'er has gone to his long rest.
At Stiklestad thou wast the head;
With flying banners onwards led
Thy bonde troops, and still fought on,
Until he fell -- the much-mourned one."
Sigvat also made these verses on Bjorn: --
"The marshal Bjorn, too, I find,
A great example leaves behind,
How steady courage should stand proof,
Though other servants stand aloof.
To Russia first his steps he bent,
To serve his master still intent;
And now besides his king he fell, --
A noble death for skalds to tell."
(1) Thorer's name was Hund -- the dog; and a play upon Thorer
Hund's name was intended by the skald. -- L.
(2) Bjorn, the marshal's name, signifies a bear. -- L.
Dag Hringson still kept up the battle, and made in the beginning
so fierce an assault that the bondes gave way, and some betook
themselves to flight. There a great number of the bondes fell,
and these lendermen, Erlend of Gerde and Aslak of Finey; and the
banner also which they had stood under was cut down. This onset
was particularly hot, and was called Dag's storm. But now Kalf
Arnason, Harek of Thjotta, and Thorer Hund turned against Dag,
with the array which had followed them, and then Dag was
overwhelmed with numbers; so he betook himself to flight with the
men still left him. There was a valley through which the main
body of the fugitives fled, and men lay scattered in heaps on
both sides; and many were severely wounded, and many so fatigued
that they were fit for nothing. The bondes pursued only a short
way; for their leaders soon returned back to the field of battle,
where they had their friends and relations to look after.
Thorer Hund went to where King Olaf's body lay, took care of it,
laid it straight out on the ground, and spread a cloak over it.
He told since that when he wiped the blood from the face it was
very beautiful; and there was red in the cheeks, as if he only
slept, and even much clearer than when he was in life. The
king's blood came on Thorer's hand, and ran up between his
fingers to where he had been wounded, and the wound grew up so
speedily that it did not require to be bound up. This
circumstance was testified by Thorer himself when King Olaf's
holiness came to be generally known among the people; and Thorer
Hund was among the first of the king's powerful opponents who
endeavoured to spread abroad the king's sanctity.
Kalf Arnason searched for his brothers who had fallen, and found
Thorberg and Fin. It is related that Fin threw his dagger at
him, and wanted to kill him, giving him hard words, and calling
him a faithless villain, and a traitor to his king. Kalf did not
regard it, but ordered Fin and Thorberg to be carried away from
the field. When their wounds were examined they were found not
to be deadly, and they had fallen from fatigue, and under the
weight of their weapons. Thereafter Kalf tried to bring his
brothers down to a ship, and went himself with them. As soon as
he was gone the whole bonde-army, having their homes in the
neighbourhood, went off also, excepting those who had friends or
relations to look after, or the bodies of the slain to take care
of. The wounded were taken home to the farms, so that every
house was full of them; and tents were erected over some. But
wonderful as was the number collected in the bonde-army, no less
wonderful was the haste with which this vast body was dispersed
when it was once free; and the cause of this was, that the most
of the people gathered together from the country places were
longing for their homes.
The bondes who had their homes in Veradal went to the chiefs
Harek and Thorer, and complained of their distress, saying, "The
fugitives who have escaped from the battle have proceeded up over
the valley of Veradal, and are destroying our habitations, and
there is no safety for us to travel home so long as they are in
the valley. Go after them with war-force, and let no mother's
son of them escape with life; for that is what they intended for
us if they had got the upper hand in the battle, and the same
they would do now if they met us hereafter, and had better luck
than we. It may also be that they will linger in the valley if
they have nothing to be frightened for, and then they would not
proceed very gently in the inhabited country." The bondes made
many words about this, urging the chiefs to advance directly, and
kill those who had escaped. Now when the chiefs talked over this
matter among themselves, they thought there was much truth in
what the bondes said. They resolved, therefore, that Thorer Hund
should undertake this expedition through Veradal, with 600 men of
his own troops. Then, towards evening, he set out with his men;
and Thorer continued his march without halt until he came in the
night to Sula, where he heard the news that Dag Hringson had come
there in the evening, with many other flocks of the king's men,
and had halted there until they took supper, but were afterwards
gone up to the mountains. Then Thorer said he did not care to
pursue them up through the mountains, and he returned down the
valley again, and they did not kill many of them this time. The
bondes then returned to their homes, and the following day
Thorer, with his people, went to their ships. The part of the
king's men who were still on their legs concealed themselves in
the forests, and some got help from the people.
Harald Sigurdson was severely wounded; but Ragnvald Brusason
brought him to a bonde's the night after the battle, and the
bonde took in Harald, and healed his wound in secret, and
afterwards gave him his son to attend him. They went secretly
over the mountains, and through the waste forests, and came out
in Jamtaland. Harald Sigurdson was fifteen years old when King
Olaf fell. In Jamtaland Harald found Ragnvald Brusason; and they
went both east to King Jarisleif in Russia, as is related in the
Saga of Harald Sigurdson.
Thormod Kolbrunarskald was under King Olaf's banner in the
battle; but when the king had fallen, the battle was raging so
that of the king's men the one fell by the side of the other, and
the most of those who stood on their legs were wounded. Thormod
was also severely wounded, and retired, as all the others did,
back from where there was most danger of life, and some even
fled. Now when the onset began which is called Dag's storm, all
of the king's men who were able to combat went there; but Thormod
did not come into that combat, being unable to fight, both from
his wound and from weariness, but he stood by the side of his
comrade in the ranks, although he could do nothing. There he was
struck by an arrow in the left side; but he broke off the shaft
of the arrow, went out of the battle, and up towards the houses,
where he came to a barn which was a large building. Thormod had
his drawn sword in his hand; and as he went in a man met him,
coming out, and said, "It is very bad there with howling and
screaming; and a great shame it is that brisk young fellows
cannot bear their wounds: it may be that the king's men have done
bravely to-day, but they certainly bear their wounds very ill."
Thormod asks. "What is thy name?"
He called himself Kimbe.
Thormod: "Wast thou in the battle, too?"
"I was with the bondes, which was the best side," says he.
"And art thou wounded any way?" says Thormod.
"A little," said Kimbe. "And hast thou been in the battle too?"
Thormod replied, "I was with them who had the best."
"Art thou wounded?" says Kimbe.
"Not much to signify," replies Thormod.
As Kimbe saw that Thormod had a gold ring on his arm, he said,
"Thou art certainly a king's man. Give me thy gold ring, and I
will hide thee. The bondes will kill thee if thou fallest in
their way."
Thormod says, "Take the ring if thou canst get it: I have lost
that which is more worth."
Kimbe stretched out his hand, and wanted to take the ring; but
Thormod, swinging his sword, cut off his hand; and it is related
that Kimbe behaved himself no better under his wound than those
he had been blaming just before. Kimbe went off, and Thormod sat
down in the barn, and listened to what people were saying. The
conversation was mostly about what each had seen in the battle,
and about the valour of the combatants. Some praised most King
Olaf's courage, and some named others who stood nowise behind him
in bravery. Then Thormod sang these verses: --
"Olaf was brave beyond all doubt, --
At Stiklestad was none so stout;
Spattered with blood, the king, unsparing,
Cheered on his men with deed and daring.
But I have heard that some were there
Who in the fight themselves would spare;
Though, in the arrow-storm, the most
Had perils quite enough to boast."
Thormod went out, and entered into a chamber apart, in which
there were many wounded men, and with them a woman binding their
wounds. There was fire upon the floor, at which she warmed water
to wash and clean their wounds. Thormod sat himself down beside
the door, and one came in, and another went out, of those who
were busy about the wounded men. One of them turned to Thormod,
looked at him, and said, "Why art thou so dead-pale? Art thou
wounded? Why dost thou not call for the help of the woundhealers?"
Thormod then sang these verses: --
"I am not blooming, and the fair
And slender girl loves to care
For blooming youths -- few care for me;
With Fenja's meal I cannot fee.
This is the reason why I feel
The slash and thrust of Danish steel;
And pale and faint, and bent with pain,
Return from yonder battle-plain."
Then Thormod stood up and went in towards the fire, and stood
there awhile. The young woman said to him, "Go out, man, and
bring in some of the split firewood which lies close beside the
door." He went out and brought in an armful of wood, which he
threw down upon the floor. Then the nurse-girl looked him in the
face, and said, "Dreadfully pale is this man -- why art thou so?"
Then Thormod sang: --
"Thou wonderest, sweet sprig, at me,
A man so hideous to see:
Deep wounds but rarely mend the face,
The crippling blow gives little grace.
The arrow-drift o'ertook me, girl, --
A fine-ground arrow in the whirl
Went through me, and I feel the dart
Sits, lovely girl, too near my heart."
The girl said, "Let me see thy wound, and I will bind it."
Thereupon Thormod sat down, cast off his clothes, and the girl
saw his wounds, and examined that which was in his side, and felt
that a piece of iron was in it, but could not find where the iron
had gone in. In a stone pot she had stirred together leeks and
other herbs, and boiled them, and gave the wounded men of it to
eat, by which she discovered if the wounds had penetrated into
the belly; for if the wound had gone so deep, it would smell of
leek. She brought some of this now to Thormod, and told him to
eat of it. He replied, "Take it away, I have no appetite for my
broth." Then she took a large pair of tongs, and tried to pull
out the iron; but it sat too fast, and would in no way come, and
as the wound was swelled, little of it stood out to lay hold of.
Now said Thormod, "Cut so deep in that thou canst get at the iron
with the tongs, and give me the tongs and let me pull." She did
as he said. Then Thormod took a gold ring from his hand, gave it
to the nurse-woman, and told her to do with it what she liked.
"It is a good man's gift," said he: "King Olaf gave me the ring
this morning." Then Thormod took the tongs, and pulled the iron
out; but on the iron there was a hook, at which there hung some
morsels of flesh from the heart, -- some white, some red. When
he saw that, he said, "The king has fed us well. I am fat, even
at the heart-roots;" and so saying he leant back, and was dead.
And with this ends what we have to say about Thormod.
King Olaf fell on Wednesday, the 29th of July (A.D. 1030). It
was near mid-day when the two armies met, and the battle began
before half-past one, and before three the king fell. The
darkness continued from about half-past one to three also.
Sigvat the skald speaks thus of the result of the battle: --
"The loss was great to England's foes,
When their chief fell beneath the blows
By his own thoughtless people given, --
When the king's shield in two was riven.
The people's sovereign took the field,
The people clove the sovereign's shield.
Of all the chiefs that bloody day,
Dag only came out of the fray."
And he composed these: --
"Such mighty bonde-power, I ween,
With chiefs or rulers ne'er was seen.
It was the people's mighty power
That struck the king that fatal hour.
When such a king, in such a strife,
By his own people lost his life,
Full many a gallant man must feel
The death-wound from the people's steel."
The bondes did not spoil the slain upon the field of battle, for
immediately after the battle there came upon many of them who had
been against the king a kind of dread as it were; yet they held
by their evil inclination, for they resolved among themselves
that all who had fallen with the king should not receive the
interment which belongs to good men, but reckoned them all
robbers and outlaws. But the men who had power, and had
relations on the field, cared little for this, but removed their
remains to the churches, and took care of their burial.
Thorgils Halmason and his son Grim went to the field of battle
towards evening when it was dusk, took King Olaf's corpse up, and
bore it to a little empty houseman's hut which stood on the other
side of their farm. They had light and water with them. Then
they took the clothes off the body, swathed it in a linen cloth,
laid it down in the house, and concealed it under some firewood
so that nobody could see it, even if people came into the hut.
Thereafter they went home again to the farmhouse. A great many
beggars and poor people had followed both armies, who begged for
meat; and the evening after the battle many remained there, and
sought lodging round about in all the houses, great or small. It
is told of a blind man who was poor, that a boy attended him and
led him. They went out around the farm to seek a lodging, and
came to the same empty house, of which the door was so low that
they had almost to creep in. Now when the blind man had come in,
he fumbled about the floor seeking a place where he could lay
himself down. He had a hat on his head, which fell down over his
face when he stooped down. He felt with his hands that there was
moisture on the floor, and he put up his wet hand to raise his
hat, and in doing so put his fingers on his eyes. There came
immediately such an itching in his eyelids, that he wiped the
water with his fingers from his eyes, and went out of the hut,
saying nobody could lie there, it was so wet. When he came out
of the hut he could distinguish his hands, and all that was near
him, as far as things can be distinguished by sight in the
darkness of light; and he went immediately to the farm-house into
the room, and told all the people he had got his sight again, and
could see everything, although many knew he had been blind for a
long time, for he had been there, before, going about among the
houses of the neighbourhood. He said he first got his sight when
he was coming out of a little ruinous hut which was all wet
inside. "I groped in the water," said he, "and rubbed my eyes
with my wet hands." He told where the hut stood. The people who
heard him wondered much at this event, and spoke among themselves
of what it could be that produced it: but Thorgils the peasant
and his son Grim thought they knew how this came to pass; and as
they were much afraid the king's enemies might go there and
search the hut, they went and took the body out of it, and
removed it to a garden, where they concealed it, and then
returned to the farm, and slept there all night.
The fifth day (Thursday), Thorer Hund came down the valley of
Veradal to Stiklestad; and many people, both chiefs and bondes,
accompanied him. The field of battle was still being cleared,
and people were carrying away the bodies of their friends and
relations, and were giving the necessary help to such of the
wounded as they wished to save; but many had died since the
battle. Thorer Hund went to where the king had fallen, and
searched for his body; but not finding it, he inquired if any one
could tell him what had become of the corpse, but nobody could
tell him where it was. Then he asked the bonde Thorgils, who
said, "I was not in the battle, and knew little of what took
place there; but many reports are abroad, and among others that
King Olaf has been seen in the night up at Staf, and a troop of
people with him: but if he fell in the battle, your men must
have concealed him in some hole, or under some stone-heap." Now
although Thorer Hund knew for certain that the king had fallen,
many allowed themselves to believe, and to spread abroad the
report, that the king had escaped from the battle, and would in a
short time come again upon them with an army. Then Thorer went
to his ships, and sailed down the fjord, and the bonde-army
dispersed, carrying with them all the wounded men who could bear
to be removed.
Thorgils Halmason and his son Grim had King Olaf's body, and were
anxious about preserving it from falling into the hands of the
king's enemies, and being ill-treated; for they heard the bondes
speaking about burning it, or sinking it in the sea. The father
and son had seen a clear light burning at night over the spot on
the battlefield where King Olaf's body lay, and since, while they
concealed it, they had always seen at night a light burning over
the corpse; therefore they were afraid the king's enemies might
seek the body where this signal was visible. They hastened,
therefore, to take the body to a place where it would be safe.
Thorgils and his son accordingly made a coffin, which they
adorned as well as they could, and laid the king's body in it;
and afterwards made another coffin in which they laid stones and
straw, about as much as the weight of a man, and carefully closed
the coffins. As soon as the whole bonde-army had left
Stiklestad, Thorgils and his son made themselves ready, got a
large rowing-boat, and took with them seven or eight men, who
were all Thorgil's relations or friends, and privately took the
coffin with the king's body down to the boat, and set it under
the foot-boards. They had also with them the coffin containing
the stones, and placed it in the boat where all could see it; and
then went down the fjord with a good opportunity of wind and
weather, and arrived in the dusk of the evening at Nidaros, where
they brought up at the king's pier. Then Thorgils sent some of
his men up to the town to Bishop Sigurd, to say that they were
come with the king's body. As soon as the bishop heard this
news, he sent his men down to the pier, and they took a small
rowing-boat, came alongside of Thorgil's ship, and demanded the
king's body. Thorgils and his people then took the coffin which
stood in view, and bore it into the boat; and the bishop's men
rowed out into the fjord, and sank the coffin in the sea. It was
now quite dark. Thorgils and his people now rowed up into the
river past the town, and landed at a place called Saurhlid, above
the town. Then they carried the king's body to an empty house
standing at a distance from other houses, and watched over it for
the night, while Thorgils went down to the town, where he spoke
with some of the best friends of King Olaf, and asked them if
they would take charge of the king's body; but none of them dared
to do so. Then Thorgils and his men went with the body higher up
the river, buried it in a sand-hill on the banks, and levelled
all around it so that no one could observe that people had been
at work there. They were ready with all this before break of
day, when they returned to their vessel, went immediately out of
the river, and proceeded on their way home to Stiklestad.
Svein, a son of King Canute, and of Alfifa, a daughter of Earl
Alfrin, had been appointed to govern Jomsborg in Vindland. There
came a message to him from his father King Canute, that he should
come to Denmark; and likewise that afterwards he should proceed
to Norway, and take that kingdom under his charge, and assume, at
the same time, the title of king of Norway. Svein repaired to
Denmark, and took many people with him from thence, and also Earl
Harald and many other people of consequence attended him.
Thorarin Loftunga speaks of this in the song he composed about
King Svein, called the "Glelogn Song": --
"'Tis told by fame,
How grandly came
The Danes to tend
Their young king Svein.
Grandest was he,
That all could see;
Then, one by one,
Each following man
More splendour wore
Than him before."
Then Svein proceeded to Norway, and his mother Alfifa was with
him; and he was taken to be king at every Law-thing in the
country. He had already come as far as Viken at the time the
battle was fought at Stiklestad, and King Olaf fell. Svein
continued his journey until he came north, in autumn, to the
Throndhjem country; and there, as elsewhere, he was received as
King Svein introduced new laws in many respects into the country,
partly after those which were in Denmark, and in part much more
severe. No man must leave the country without the king's
permission; or if he did, his property fell to the king. Whoever
killed a man outright, should forfeit all his land and movables.
If any one was banished the country, and all heritage fell to
him, the king took his inheritance. At Yule every man should pay
the king a meal of malt from every harvest steading, and a leg of
a three-year old ox, which was called a friendly gift, together
with a spand of butter; and every house-wife a rock full of
unspun lint, as thick as one could span with the longest fingers
of the hand. The bondes were bound to build all the houses the
king required upon his farms. Of every seven males one should be
taken for the service of war, and reckoning from the fifth year
of age; and the outfit of ships should be reckoned in the same
proportion. Every man who rowed upon the sea to fish should pay
the king five fish as a tax, for the land defence, wherever he
might come from. Every ship that went out of the country should
have stowage reserved open for the king in the middle of the
ship. Every man, foreigner or native, who went to Iceland,
should pay a tax to the king. And to all this was added, that
Danes should enjoy so much consideration in Norway, that one
witness of them should invalidate ten of Northmen (1).
When these laws were promulgated the minds of the people were
instantly raised against them, and murmurs were heard among them.
They who had not taken part against King Olaf said, "Now take
your reward and friendship from the Canute race, ye men of the
interior Throndhjem who fought against King Olaf, and deprived
him of his kingdom. Ye were promised peace and justice, and now
ye have got oppression and slavery for your great treachery and
crime." Nor was it very easy to contradict them, as all men saw
how miserable the change had been. But people had not the
boldness to make an insurrection against King Svein, principally
because many had given King Canute their sons or other near
relations as hostages; and also because no one appeared as leader
of an insurrection. They very soon, however, complained of King
Svein; and his mother Alfifa got much of the blame of all that
was against their desire. Then the truth, with regard to Olaf,
became evident to many.
(1) This may probably have referred not to witnesses of an act,
but to the class of witnesses in the jurisprudence of the
Middle Ages called compurgators, who testified not the fact,
but their confidence in the statements of the accused; and
from which, possibly, our English bail for offenders arose.
-- L.
This winter (A.D. 1031) many in the Throndhjem land began to
declare that Olaf was in reality a holy man, and his sanctity was
confirmed by many miracles. Many began to make promises and
prayers to King Olaf in the matters in which they thought they
required help, and many found great benefit from these
invocations. Some in respect of health, others of a journey, or
other circumstances in which such help seemed needful.
Einar Tambaskelfer was come home from England to his farm, and
had the fiefs which King Canute had given him when they met in
Throndhjem, and which were almost an earldom. Einar had not been
in the strife against King Olaf, and congratulated himself upon
it. He remembered that King Canute had promised him the earldom
over Norway, and at the same time remembered that King Canute had
not kept his promise. He was accordingly the first great person
who looked upon King Olaf as a saint.
Fin Arnason remained but a short time at Eggja with his brother
Kalf; for he was in the highest degree ill-pleased that Kalf had
been in the battle against King Olaf, and always made his brother
the bitterest reproaches on this account. Thorberg Arnason was
much more temperate in his discourse than Fin; but yet he
hastened away, and went home to his farm. Kalf gave the two
brothers a good long-ship, with full rigging and other
necessaries, and a good retinue. Therefore they went home to
their farms, and sat quietly at home. Arne Arnason lay long ill
of his wounds, but got well at last without injury of any limb,
and in winter he proceeded south to his farm. All the brothers
made their peace with King Svein, and sat themselves quietly down
in their homes.
The summer after (A.D. 1031) there was much talk about King
Olaf's sanctity, and there was a great alteration in the
expressions of all people concerning him. There were many who
now believed that King Olaf must be a saint, even among those who
had persecuted him with the greatest animosity, and would never
in their conversation allow truth or justice in his favour.
People began then to turn their reproaches against the men who
had principally excited opposition to the king; and on this
account Bishop Sigurd in particular was accused. He got so many
enemies, that he found it most advisable to go over to England to
King Canute. Then the Throndhjem people sent men with a verbal
message to the Uplands, to Bishop Grimkel, desiring him to come
north to Throndhjem. King Olaf had sent Bishop Grimkel back to
Norway when he went east into Russia, and since that time Grimkel
had been in the Uplands. When the message came to the bishop he
made ready to go, and it contributed much to this journey that
the bishop considered it as true what was told of King Olaf's
miracles and sanctity.
Bishop Grimkel went to Einar Tambaskelfer, who received him
joyfully. They talked over many things, and, among others, of
the important events which had taken place in the country; and
concerning these they were perfectly agreed. Then the bishop
proceeded to the town (Nidaros), and was well received by all the
community. He inquired particularly concerning the miracles of
King Olaf that were reported, and received satisfactory accounts
of them. Thereupon the bishop sent a verbal message to
Stiklestad to Thorgils and his son Grim, inviting them to come to
the town to him. They did not decline the invitation, but set
out on the road immediately, and came to the town and to the
bishop. They related to him all the signs that had presented
themselves to them, and also where they had deposited the king"s
body. The bishop sent a message to Einar Tambaskelfer, who came
to the town. Then the bishop and Einar had an audience of the
king and Alfifa, in which they asked the king's leave to have
King Olaf's body taken up out of the earth. The king gave his
permission, and told the bishop to do as he pleased in the
matter. At that time there were a great many people in the town.
The bishop, Einar, and some men with them, went to the place
where the king's body was buried, and had the place dug; but the
coffin had already raised itself almost to the surface of the
earth. It was then the opinion of many that the bishop should
proceed to have the king buried in the earth at Clement's church;
and it was so done. Twelve months and five days (Aug. 3, A.D.
1031), after King Olaf's death his holy remains were dug up, and
the coffin had raised itself almost entirely to the surface of
the earth; and the coffin appeared quite new, as if it had but
lately been made. When Bishop Grimkel came to King Olaf's opened
coffin, there was a delightful and fresh smell. Thereupon the
bishop uncovered the king's face, and his appearance was in no
respect altered, and his cheeks were as red as if he had but just
fallen asleep. The men who had seen King Olaf when he fell
remarked, also, that his hair and nails had grown as much as if
he had lived on the earth all the time that had passed since his
fall. Thereupon King Svein, and all the chiefs who were at the
place, went out to see King Olaf's body. Then said Alfifa,
"People buried in sand rot very slowly, and it would not have
been so if he had been buried in earth." Afterwards the bishop
took scissors, clipped the king's hair, and arranged his beard;
for he had had a long beard, according to the fashion of that
time. Then said the bishop to the king and Alfifa, "Now the
king's hair and beard are such as when he gave up the ghost, and
it has grown as much as ye see has been cut off." Alfifa
answers, "I will believe in the sanctity of his hair, if it will
not burn in the fire; but I have often seen men's hair whole and
undamaged after lying longer in the earth than this man's." Then
the bishop had live coals put into a pan, blessed it, cast
incense upon it, and then laid King Olaf's hair on the fire.
When all the incense was burnt the bishop took the hair out of
the fire, and showed the king and the other chiefs that it was
not consumed. Now Alfifa asked that the hair should be laid upon
unconsecrated fire; but Einar Tambaskelfer told her to be silent,
and gave her many severe reproaches for her unbelief. After the
bishop's recognition, with the king's approbation and the
decision of the Thing, it was determined that King Olaf should be
considered a man truly holy; whereupon his body was transported
into Clement's church, and a place was prepared for it near the
high altar. The coffin was covered with costly cloth, and stood
under a gold embroidered tent. Many kinds of miracles were soon
wrought by King Olaf's holy remains.
In the sand-hill where King Olaf's body had lain on the ground a
beautiful spring of water came up and many human ailments and
infirmities were cured by its waters. Things were put in order
around it, and the water ever since has been carefully preserved.
There was first a chapel built, and an altar consecrated, where
the king's body had lain; but now Christ's church stands upon the
spot. Archbishop Eystein had a high altar raised upon the spot
where the king's grave had been, when he erected the great temple
which now stands there; and it is the same spot on which the
altar of the old Christ church had stood. It is said that Olaf's
church stands on the spot on which the empty house had stood in
which King Olaf's body had been laid for the night. The place
over which the holy remains of King Olaf were carried up from the
vessel is now called Olaf's Road, and is now in the middle of the
town. The bishop adorned King Olaf's holy remains, and cut his
nails and hair; for both grew as if he had still been alive. So
says Sigvat the skald: --
"I lie not, when I say the king
Seemed as alive in every thing:
His nails, his yellow hair still growing,
And round his ruddy cheek still flowing,
As when, to please the Russian queen,
His yellow locks adorned were seen;
Or to the blind he cured he gave
A tress, their precious sight to save."
Thorarin Loftunga also composed a song upon Svein Alfifason,
called the "Glelogn Song", in which are these verses: --
"Svein, king of all,
In Olaf's hall
Now sits on high;
And Olaf's eye
Looks down from heaven,
Where it is given
To him to dwell:
Or here in cell,
As heavenly saint,
To heal men's plaint,
May our gold-giver
Live here for ever!
"King Olaf there
To hold a share
On earth prepared,
Nor labour spared
A seat to win
From heaven's great King;
Which he has won
Next God's own Son.
"His holy form,
Untouched by worm,
Lies at this day
Where good men pray,
And nails and hair
Grow fresh and fair;
His cheek is red,
His flesh not dead.
"Around his bier,
Good people hear
The small bells ring
Over the king,
Or great bell toll;
And living soul
Not one can tell
Who tolls the bell.
"Tapers up there,
(Which Christ holds dear,)
By day and night
The altar light:
Olaf did so,
And all men know
In heaven he
From sin sits free.
"And crowds do come,
The deaf and dumb,
Cripple and blind,
Sick of all kind,
Cured to be
On bended knee;
And off the ground
Rise whole and sound.
"To Olaf pray
To eke thy day,
To save thy land
From spoiler's hand.
God's man is he
To deal to thee
Good crops and peace;
Let not prayer cease.
"Book-prayers prevail,
If, nail for nail (1),
Thou tellest on,
Forgetting none."
Thorarin Loftunga was himself with King Svein, and heard these
great testimonials of King Olaf's holiness, that people, by the
heavenly power, could hear a sound over his holy remains as if
bells were ringing, and that candles were lighted of themselves
upon the altar as by a heavenly fire. But when Thorarin says
that a multitude of lame, and blind, and other sick, who came to
the holy Olaf, went back cured, he means nothing more than that
there were a vast number of persons who at the beginning of King
Olaf's miraculous working regained their health. King Olaf's
greatest miracles are clearly written down, although they
occurred somewhat later.
(1) Before the entrance of the temples or churches were posts
called Ondveigis-sulor, with nails called Rigin-naglar --
the gods' nails -- either for ornament, or, as Schoning
suggests, to assist the people in reckoning weeks, months,
festivals, and in reckoning or keeping tale of prayers
repeated, and to recall them to memory, in the same way as
beads are used still by the common people in Catholic
countries for the same purpose. -- L.
It is reckoned by those who have kept an exact account, that Olaf
the Saint was king of Norway for fifteen years from the time Earl
Svein left the country; but he had received the title of king
from the people of the Uplands the winter before. Sigvat the
skald tells this: --
"For fifteen winters o'er the land
King Olaf held the chief command,
Before he fell up in the North:
His fall made known to us his worth.
No worthier prince before his day
In our North land e'er held the sway,
Too short he held it for our good;
All men wish now that he had stood."
Saint Olaf was thirty-five years old when he fell, according to
what Are Frode the priest says, and he had been in twenty pitched
battles. So says Sigvat the skald: --
"Some leaders trust in God -- some not;
Even so their men; but well I wot
God-fearing Olaf fought and won
Twenty pitched battles, one by one,
And always placed upon his right
His Christian men in a hard fight.
May God be merciful, I pray,
To him -- for he ne'er shunned his fray."
We have now related a part of King Olaf's story, namely, the
events which took place while he ruled over Norway; also his
death, and how his holiness was manifested. Now shall we not
neglect to mention what it was that most advanced his honour.
This was his miracles; but these will come to be treated of
afterwards in this book.
King Svein, the son of Canute the Great, ruled over Norway for
some years; but was a child both in age and understanding. His
mother Alfifa had most sway in the country; and the people of the
country were her great enemies, both then and ever since. Danish
people had a great superiority given them within the country, to
the great dissatisfaction of the people; and when conversation
turned that way, the people of the rest of Norway accused the
Throndhjem people of having principally occasioned King Olaf the
Holy's fall, and also that the men of Norway were subject,
through them, to the ill government by which oppression and
slavery had come upon all the people, both great and small;
indeed upon the whole community. They insisted that it was the
duty of the Throndhjem people to attempt opposition and
insurrection, and thus relieve the country from such tyranny;
and, in the opinion of the common people, Throndhjem was also
the chief seat of the strength of Norway at that time, both on
account of the chiefs and of the population of that quarter.
When the Throndhjem people heard these remarks of their
countrymen, they could not deny that there was much truth in
them, and that in depriving King Olaf of life and land they had
committed a great crime, and at the same time the misdeed had
been ill paid. The chiefs began to hold consultations and
conferences with each other, and the leader of these was Einar
Tambaskelfer. It was likewise the case with Kalf Arnason, who
began to find into what errors he had been drawn by King Canute's
persuasion. All the promises which King Canute had made to Kalf
had been broken; for he had promised him the earldom and the
highest authority in Norway: and although Kalf had been the
leader in the battle against King Olaf, and had deprived him of
his life and kingdom, Kalf had not got any higher dignity than he
had before. He felt that he had been deceived, and therefore
messages passed between the brothers Kalf, Fin, Thorberg, and
Arne, and they renewed their family friendship.
When King Svein had been three years in Norway (A.D. 1031-33),
the news was received that a force was assembled in the western
countries, under a chief who called himself Trygve, and gave out
that he was a son of Olaf Trygvason and Queen Gyda of England.
Now when King Svein heard that foreign troops had come to the
country, he ordered out the people on a levy in the north, and
the most of the lendermen hastened to him; but Einar Tambaskelfer
remained at home, and would not go out with King Svein. When
King Svein's order came to Kalf Arnason at Eggja, that he should
go out on a levy with King Svein, he took a twenty-benched ship
which he owned, went on board with his house-servants, and in all
haste proceeded out of the fjord, without waiting for King Svein,
sailed southwards to More, and continued his voyage south until
he came to Giske to his brother Thorberg. Then all the brothers,
the sons of Arne, held a meeting, and consulted with each other.
After this Kalf returned to the north again; but when he came to
Frekeysund, King Svein was lying in the sound before him. When
Kalf came rowing from the south into the sound they hailed each
other, and the king's men ordered Kalf to bring up with his
vessel, and follow the king for the defence of the country. Kalf
replies, "I have done enough, if not too much, when I fought
against my own countrymen to increase the power of the Canute
family." Thereupon Kalf rowed away to the north until he came
home to Eggja. None of these Arnasons appeared at this levy to
accompany the king. He steered with his fleet southwards along
the land; but as he could not hear the least news of any fleet
having come from the west, he steered south to Rogaland, and all
the way to Agder; for many guessed that Trygve would first make
his attempt on Viken, because his forefathers had been there, and
had most of their strength from that quarter, and he had himself
great strength by family connection there.
When Trygve came from the west he landed first on the coast of
Hordaland, and when he heard King Svein had gone south he went
the same way to Rogaland. As soon as Svein got the intelligence
that Trygve had come from the west he returned, and steered north
with his fleet; and both fleets met within Bokn in Soknarsund,
not far from the place where Erling Skjalgson fell. The battle,
which took place on a Sunday, was great and severe. People tell
that Trygve threw spears with both hands at once. "So my
father," said he, "taught me to celebrate mass." His enemies had
said that he was the son of a priest; but the praise must be
allowed him that he showed himself more like a son of King Olaf
Trygvason, for this Trygve was a slaughtering man. In this
battle King Trygve fell, and many of his men with him; but some
fled, and some received quarter and their lives. It is thus
related in the ballad of Trygve: --
"Trygve comes from the northern coast,
King Svein turns round with all his host;
To meet and fight, they both prepare,
And where they met grim death was there.
From the sharp strife I was not far, --
I heard the din and the clang of war;
And the Hordaland men at last gave way,
And their leader fell, and they lost the day."
This battle is also told of in the ballad about King Svein, thus:
"My girl! it was a Sunday morn,
And many a man ne'er saw its eve,
Though ale and leeks by old wives borne
The bruised and wounded did relieve.
'Twas Sunday morn, when Svein calls out,
`Stem to stem your vessels bind;'
The raven a mid-day feast smells out,
And he comes croaking up the wind."
After this battle King Svein ruled the country for some time, and
there was peace in the land. The winter after it (A.D. 1034) he
passed in the south parts of the country.
Einar Tambaskelfer and Kalf Arnason had this winter meetings and
consultations between themselves in the merchant town (1). Then
there came a messenger from King Canute to Kalf Arnason, with a
message to send him three dozen axes, which must be chosen and
good. Kalf replies, "I will send no axes to King Canute. Tell
him I will bring his son Svein so many, that he shall not think
he is in want of any."
(1) Nidaros, or Throndhjem, is usually called merely the
merchant town. -- L.
Early in spring (A.D. 1034) Einar Tambaskelfer and Kalf Arnason
made themselves ready for a journey, with a great retinue of the
best and most select men that could be found in the Throndhjem
country. They went in spring eastward over the ridge of the
country to Jamtaland, from thence to Helsingjaland, and came to
Svithjod, where they procured ships, with which in summer they
proceeded east to Russia, and came in autumn to Ladoga. They
sent men up to Novgorod to King Jarisleif, with the errand that
they offered Magnus, the son of King Olaf the Saint, to take him
with them, follow him to Norway, and give him assistance to
attain his father's heritage and be made king over the country.
When this message came to King Jarisleif he held a consultation
with the queen and some chiefs, and they all resolved unanimously
to send a message to the Northmen, and ask them to come to King
Jarisleif and Magnus; for which journey safe conduct was given
them. When they came to Novgorod it was settled among them that
the Northmen who had come there should become Magnus's men, and
be his subjects; and to this Kalf and the other men who had been
against King Olaf at Stiklestad were solemnly bound by oath. On
the other hand, King Magnus promised them, under oath, secure
peace and full reconciliation; and that he would be true and
faithful to them all when he got the dominions and kingdom of
Norway. He was to become Kalf Arnason's foster-son; and Kalf
should be bound to do all that Magnus might think necessary for
extending his dominion, and making it more independent than
Magnus reigned from A.D. 1035 to 1047, when he died. During the
last year of his reign his half-brother Harald Sigurdson was his
The history of Magnus is treated in "Agrip.", ch. 28-32; in
"Fagrskinna", ch. 119-146; in "Fornmannasogur", part vi., and in
"Knytlinga Saga".
The skalds quoted in this saga are: Arnor the earls' skald
(Arnor Jarlaskald), Sigvat, Thjodulf, Bjarne Gullbrarskald,
Thorgeir Flek, Od Kikinaskald.
After Yule Magnus Olafson began his journey from the East from
Novgorod to Ladoga, where he rigged out his ships as soon as the
ice was loosened in spring (A.D. 1035). Arnor, the earls' skald,
tells of this in the poem on Magnus: --
"It is no loose report that he,
Who will command on land and sea,
In blood will make his foeman feel
Olaf's sword Hneiter's sharp blue steel.
This generous youth, who scatters gold,
Norway's brave son, but ten years old,
Is rigging ships in Russia's lake,
His crown, with friend's support, to take."
In spring Magnus sailed from the East to Svithjod. So says
Arnor: --
"The young sword-stainer called a Thing,
Where all his men should meet their king:
Heroes who find the eagle food
Before their lord in arms stood.
And now the curved plank of the bow
Cleaves the blue sea; the ocean-plough
By grey winds driven across the main,
Reaches Sigtuna's grassy plain."
Here it is related that when King Magnus and his fellowtravellers
sailed from the East to Svithjod, they brought up at
Sigtuna. Emund Olafson was then king in Svithjod. Queen Astrid,
who had been married to King Olaf the Saint, was also there. She
received very gladly and well her stepson King Magnus, and
summoned immediately a numerous Thing of Swedes at a place called
Hangtar. At the Thing Queen Astrid spoke these words: "Here is
come to us a son of Olaf the Saint, called Magnus, who intends to
make an expedition to Norway to seek his father's heritage. It
is my great duty to give him aid towards this expedition; for he
is my stepson, as is well known to all, both Swedes and
Norwegians. Neither shall he want men or money, in so far as I
can procure them or have influence, in order that his strength
may be as great as possible; and all the men who will support
this cause of his shall have my fullest friendship; and I would
have it known that I intend myself to go with him on this
attempt, that all may see I will spare nothing that is in my
power to help him." She spoke long and cleverly in this strain;
but when she had ended many replied thus: "The Swedes made no
honourable progress in Norway when they followed King Olaf his
father, and now no better success is to be expected, as this man
is but in years of boyhood; and therefore we have little
inclination for this expedition." Astrid replies, "All men who
wish to be thought of true courage must not be deterred by such
considerations. If any have lost connections at the side of King
Olaf, or been themselves wounded, now is the time to show a man's
heart and courage, and go to Norway to take vengeance." Astrid
succeeded so far with words and encouragement that many men
determined to go with her, and follow King Magnus to Norway.
Sigvat the skald speaks of this:--
"Now Astrtd, Olaf's widowed Queen, --
She who so many a change had seen, --
Took all the gifts of happier days,
Jewels and rings, all she could raise,
And at a Thing at Hangrar, where
The Swedes were numerous, did declare
What Olaf's son proposed to do,
And brought her gifts -- their pay -- in view.
"And with the Swedes no wiser plan,
To bring out every brave bold man,
Could have been found, had Magnus been
The son himself of the good queen.
With help of Christ, she hoped to bring
Magnus to be the land's sole king,
As Harald was, who in his day
Obtained o'er all the upper sway.
"And glad are we so well she sped, --
The people's friend is now their head;
And good King Magnus always shows
How much be to Queen Astrid owes.
Such stepmothers as this good queen
In truth are very rarely seen;
And to this noble woman's praise
The skald with joy his song will raise."
Thiodolf the skald also says in his song of Magnus: --
"When thy brave ship left the land,
The bending yard could scarce withstand
The fury of the whistling gale,
That split thy many-coloured sail;
And many a stout ship, tempest-tost,
Was in that howling storm lost
That brought them safe to Sigtuna's shore,
Far from the sound of ocean's roar."
King Magnus set out on his journey from Sigtuna with a great
force, which he had gathered in Svithjod. They proceeded through
Svithjod on foot to Helsingjaland. So says Arnor, the earl's
skald: --
"And many a dark-red Swedish shield
Marched with thee from the Swedish field.
The country people crowded in,
To help Saint Olaf's son to win;
And chosen men by thee were led,
Men who have stained the wolf's tongue red.
Each milk-white shield and polished spear
Came to a splendid gathering there."
Magnus Olafson went from the East through Jamtaland over the
keel-ridge of the country and came down upon the Throndhjem
district, where all men welcomed the king with joy. But no
sooner did the men of King Svein, the son of Alfifa, hear that
King Magnus Olafson was come to the country, than they fled on
all sides and concealed themselves, so that no opposition was
made to King Magnus; for King Svein was in the south part of the
country. So says Arnor, the earls' skald: --
"He who the eagle's talons stains
Rushed from the East on Throndhjem's plains;
The terror of his plumed helm
Drove his pale foemen from the realm.
The lightning of thy eye so near,
Great king! thy foemen could not bear,
Scattered they fled -- their only care
If thou their wretched lives wilt spare."
Magnus Olafson advanced to the town (Nidaros), where he was
joyfully received. He then summoned the people to the Eyrathing
(1); and when the bondes met at the Thing, Magnus was taken
to be king over the whole land, as far as his father Olaf had
possessed it. Then the king selected a court, and named
lendermen, and placed bailiffs and officers in all domains and
offices. Immediately after harvest King Magnus ordered a levy
through all Throndhjem land, and he collected men readily; and
thereafter he proceeded southwards along the coast.
(1) Eyra Thing, held on the ayr of the river Nid, that is, on
the spit of sand, still called an ayr in the north of
Scotland, dividing a lake, pond, or river-mouth from the
sea. At the Thing held here the kings of Norway were chosen
and proclaimed. It was held to be the proper Thing for
settling disputes between kings in Norway. -- L.
King Svein Alfifason was staying in South Hordaland when he heard
this news of war. He immediately sent out war-tokens to four
different quarters, summoned the bondes to him, and made it known
to all that they should join him with men and ships to defend the
country. All the men who were in the neighbourhood of the king
presented themselves; and the king formed a Thing, at which in a
speech he set forth his business, and said he would advance
against Magnus O1afson and have a battle with him, if the bondes
would aid his cause. The king's speech was not very long, and
was not received with much approbation by the bondes. Afterwards
the Danish chiefs who were about the king made long and clever
speeches; but the bondes then took up the word, and answered
them; and although many said they would follow Svein, and fight
on his side, some refused to do so bluntly, some were altogether
silent, and some declared they would join King Magnus as soon as
they had an opportunity. Then King Svein says, "Methinks very
few of the bondes to whom we sent a message have appeared here;
and of those who have come, and tell us to our face that they
will join King Magnus as soon as they can, we shall have as
little benefit as of those who say they will sit at home quietly.
It is the same with those who say nothing at all. But as to
those who promise to help us, there are not more than every other
man; and that force will avail us little against King Magnus. It
is my counsel, therefore, that we do not trust to these bondes;
but let us rather go to the land where all the people are sure
and true to us, and where we will obtain forces to conquer this
country again." As soon as the king had made known this
resolution all his men followed it, turned their ship's bows, and
hoisted sail. King Svein sailed eastward along the land, and
then set right over to Denmark without delay, and Hardaknut
received his brother Svein very kindly. At their first meeting
Hardaknut offered King Svein to divide the kingdom of Denmark
with him, which offer King Svein accepted.
In autumn (A.D. 1035) King Magnus proceeded eastward to the end
of the country, and was received as king throughout the whole
land, and the country people were rejoiced at his arrival.
King Svein, Canute's son, went to Denmark, as before related, and
took part in the government with his brother Hardaknut. In the
same autumn King Canute the Great died in England, the 13th
November, forty years old, and was buried at Winchester. He had
been king of Denmark for twenty-seven years, and over Denmark and
England together twenty-four years, and also over Norway for
seven years. King Canute's son Harald was then made king in
England. The same winter (A.D. 1036) King Svein, Alfifa's son,
died in Denmark. Thiodolf the skald made these lines concerning
King Magnus: --
"Through Sweden's dirty roads the throng
Followed the king in spearmen strong.
Svein doth fly, in truth afraid,
And partly by his men betrayed;
Flying to Denmark o'er the sea,
He leaves the land quite clear to thee."
Bjarne Gullbrarskald composed the following lines concerning Kalf
Arnason: --
"By thee the kings got each his own, --
Magnus by thee got Norway's throne;
And Svein in Denmark got a seat,
When out of Norway he was beat.
Kalf! It was you who showed the way
To our young king, the battle-lover, --
From Russia to his father's sway
You showed the way, and brought him over."
King Magnus ruled over Norway this winter (A.D. 1036), and
Hardaknut over Denmark.
The following spring (A.D. 1036) the kings on both sides ordered
out a levy, and the news was that they would have a battle at the
Gaut river; but when the two armies approached each other, the
lendermen in the one army sent messengers to their connections
and friends in the other; and it came to a proposal for a
reconciliation between the two kings, especially as, from both
kings being but young and childish, some powerful men, who had
been chosen in each of the countries for that purpose, had the
rule of the country on their account. It thus was brought about
that there was a friendly meeting between the kings, and in this
meeting a peace was proposed; and the peace was to be a brotherly
union under oath to keep the peace towards each other to the end
of their lives; and if one of them should die without leaving a
son, the longest liver should succeed to the whole land and
people. Twelve of the principal men in each kingdom swore to the
kings that this treaty should be observed, so long as any one of
them was in life. Then the kings separated, and each returned
home to his kingdom; and the treaty was kept as long as both
Queen Astrid, who had been married to King Olaf the Saint, came
to Norway with King Magnus her stepson, as before related, and
was held by him deservedly in great honour and esteem. Then came
also Alfhild, King Magnus's mother, to the court, and the king
received her with the greatest affection, and showed her great
respect. But it went with Alfhild, as it does with many who come
to power and honour, that pride keeps pace with promotion. She
was ill pleased that Queen Astrid was treated with more respect,
had a higher seat, and more attention. Alfhild wanted to have a
seat next to the king, but Astrid called Alfhild her slave-woman,
as indeed she had formerly been when Astrid was queen of Norway
and King Olaf ruled the land, and therefore would on no account
let her have a seat beside her, and they could not lodge in the
same house.
Sigvat the skald had gone to Rome, where he was at the time of
the battle of Stiklestad.
He was on his way back from the South when he heard tidings of
King O1af's fall, which gave him great grief. He then sang
these lines: --
"One morning early on a hill,
The misty town asleep and still,
Wandering I thought upon the fields.
Strewed o'er with broken mail and shields,
Where our king fell, -- our kind good king,
Where now his happy youthful spring?
My father too! -- for Thord was then
One of the good king's chosen men."
One day Sigvat went through a village, and heard a husband
lamenting grievously over the loss of his wife, striking his
breast, tearing his clothes, weeping bitterly, and saying he
wanted to die; and Sigvat sang these lines: --
"This poor man mourns a much-loved wife,
Gladly would he be quit of life.
Must love be paid for by our grief?
The price seems great for joy so brief.
But the brave man who knows no fear
Drops for his king a silent tear,
And feels, perhaps, his loss as deep
As those who clamour when they weep."
Sigvat came home to Norway to the Throndhjem country, where he
had a farm and children. He came from the South along the coast
in a merchant vessel, and as they lay in Hillarsund they saw a
great many ravens flying about. Then Sigvat said: --
"I see here many a croaking raven
Flying about the well-known haven:
When Olaf's ship was floating here,
They knew that food for them was near;
When Olaf's ship lay here wind-bound,
Oft screamed the erne o'er Hillar sound,
Impatient for the expected prey,
And wont to follow to the fray."
When Sigvat came north to the town of Throndhjem King Svein was
there before him. He invited Sigvat to stay with him, as Sigvat
had formerly been with his father King Canute the Great; but
Sigvat said he would first go home to his farm. One day, as
Sigvat was walking in the street, he saw the king's men at play,
and he sang: --
"One day before I passed this way,
When the king's guards were at their play,
Something there was -- I need not tell --
That made me pale, and feel unwell.
Perhaps it was I thought, just then,
How noble Olaf with his men,
In former days, I oft have seen
In manly games upon this green."
Sigvat then went to his farm; and as he heard that many men
upbraided him with having deserted King Olaf, he made these
verses: --
"May Christ condemn me still to burn
In quenchless fire, if I did turn,
And leave King Olaf in his need, --
My soul is free from such base deed.
I was at Rome, as men know well
Who saw me there, and who can tell
That there in danger I was then:
The truth I need not hide from men."
Sigvat was ill at ease in his home. One day he went out and
sang: --
"While Olaf lived, how smiled the land!
Mountain and cliff, and pebbly strand.
All Norway then, so fresh, so gay,
On land or sea, where oft I lay.
But now to me all seems so dready,
All black and dull -- of life I'm weary;
Cheerless to-day, cheerless to-morrow --
Here in the North we have great sorrow."
Early in winter Sigvat went westward over the ridge of the
country to Jamtaland, and onwards to Helsingjaland, and came to
Svithjod. He went immediately to Queen Astrid, and was with her
a long time, and was a welcome guest. He was also with her
brother King Emund, and received from him ten marks of proved
silver, as is related in the song of Canute. Sigvat always
inquired of the merchants who traded to Novgorod if they could
tell him any news of Magnus Olafson. Sigvat composed these lines
at that time: --
"I ask the merchant oft who drives
His trade to Russia, `How he thrives,
Our noble prince? How lives he there?
And still good news -- his praise -- I hear.
To little birds, which wing their way
Between the lands, I fain would say,
How much we long our prince to see,
They seem to hear a wish from me."
Immediately after Magnus Olafson came to Svithjod from Russia,
Sigvat met him at Queen Astrid's house, and glad they all were at
meeting. Sigvat then sang: --
"Thou art come here, prince, young and bold!
Thou art come home! With joy behold
Thy land and people. From this hour
I join myself to thy young power.
I could not o'er to Russie hie, --
Thy mother's guardian here was I.
It was my punishment for giving
Magnus his name, while scarcely living."
Afterwards Sigvat travelled with Queen Astrid, and followed
Magnus to Norway. Sigvat sang thus: --
"To the crowds streaming to the Thing,
To see and hear Magnus their king,
Loudly, young king, I'll speak my mind --
`God to His people has been kind.'
If He, to whom be all the praise,
Give us a son in all his ways
Like to his sire, no folk on earth
Will bless so much a royal birth."
Now when Magnus became king of Norway Sigvat attended him, and
was his dearest friend. Once it happened that Queen Astrid and
Alfhild the king's mother had exchanged some sharp words with
each other, and Sigvat said: --
"Alfhild! though it was God's will
To raise thee -- yet remember still
The queen-born Astrid should not be
Kept out of due respect by thee."
King Magnus had a shrine made and mounted with gold and silver,
and studded with jewels. This shrine was made so that in shape
and size it was like a coffin. Under it was an arched way, and
above was a raised roof, with a head and a roof-ridge. Behind
were plaited hangings; and before were gratings with padlocks,
which could be locked with a key. In this shrine King Magnus had
the holy remains of King Olaf deposited, and many were the
miracles there wrought. Of this Sigvat speaks: --
"For him a golden shrine is made,
For him whose heart was ne'er afraid
Of mortal man -- the holy king,
Whom the Lord God to heaven did bring.
Here many a man shall feel his way,
Stone-blind, unconscious of the day,
And at the shrine where Olaf lies
Give songs of praise for opened eyes."
It was also appointed by law that King Olaf's holy day should be
held sacred over all Norway, and that day has been kept ever
afterwards as the greatest of Church days. Sigvat speaks of it:
"To Olaf, Magnus' father, raise,
Within my house, the song of praise!
With joy, yet grief, we'll keep the day
Olaf to heaven was called away.
Well may I keep within my breast
A day for him in holy rest, --
My upraised hands a golden ring
On every branch (1) bear from that king."
(1) The fingers, the branches of the hand, bore golden fruits
from the generosity of the king. -- L.
Thorer Hund left the country immediately after King Olaf's fall.
He went all the way to Jerusalem, and many people say he never
came back. Thorer Hund had a son called Sigurd, father of
Ranveig who was married to Joan, a son of Arne Arnason. Their
children were Vidkun of Bjarkey, Sigurd Hund, Erling, and
Harek of Thjotta sat at home on his farm, till King Magnus
Olafson came to the country and was made king. Then Harek went
south to Throndhjem to King Magnus. At that time Asmund
Grankelson was in the king's house. When Harek came to Nidaros,
and landed out of the ship, Asmund was standing with the king in
the gallery outside the loft, and both the king and Asmund knew
Harek when they saw him. "Now," says Asmund to the king, "I will
pay Harek for my father's murder." He had in his hand a little
thin hatchet. The king looked at him, and said, "Rather take
this axe of mine." It was thick, and made like a club. "Thou
must know, Asmund," added he, "that there are hard bones in the
old fellow." Asmund took the axe, went down, and through the
house, and when he came down to the cross-road Harek and his men
coming up met him. Asmund struck Harek on the head, so that the
axe penetrated to the brains; and that was Harek's death-wound.
Asmund turned back directly to the king's house, and the whole
edge of the axe was turned with the blow. Then said the king,
"What would thy axe have done, for even this one, I think, is
spoilt?" King Magnus afterwards gave him a fief and office in
Halogaland, and many are the tales about the strife between
Asmund and Harek's sons.
Kalf Arnason had at first, for some time, the greatest share of
the government of the country under King Magnus; but afterwards
there were people who reminded the king of the part Kalf had
taken at Stiklestad, and then it became difficult for Kalf to
give the king satisfaction in anything. Once it happened there
were many men with the king bringing their affairs before him;
and Thorgeir Flek from Sula in Veradal, of whom mention is made
before in the history of King Olaf the Saint, came to him about
some needful business. The king paid no attention to his words,
but was listening to people who stood near him. Then Thorgeir
said to the king, so loud that all who were around him could
hear: --
"Listen, my lord, to my plain word.
I too was there, and had to bear
A bloody head from Stiklestad:
For I was then with Olaf's men.
Listen to me: well did I see
The men you're trusting the dead corpse thrusting
Out of their way, as dead it lay;
And striking o'er your father's gore."
There was instantly a great uproar, and some told Thorgeir to go
out; but the king called him, and not only despatched his
business to his satisfaction, but promised him favour and
Soon after this the king was at a feast at the farm of Haug in
Veradel, and at the dinner-table Kalf Arnason sat upon one side
of him, and Einar Tambaskelfer on the other. It was already come
so far that the king took little notice of Kalf, but paid most
attention to Einar. The king said to Einar, "Let us ride to-day
to Stiklestad. I should like to see the memorials of the things
which took place there." Einar replies, "I can tell thee nothing
about it; but take thy foster-father Kalf with thee; he can give
thee information about all that took place." When the tables
were removed, the king made himself ready, and said to Kalf,
"Thou must go with me to Stiklestad."
Kalf replied, "That is really not my duty."
Then the king stood up in a passion, and said, "Go thou shalt,
Kalf!" and thereupon he went out.
Kalf put on his riding clothes in all haste, and said to his
foot-boy, "Thou must ride directly to Eggja, and order my houseservants
to ship all my property on board my ship before sunset."
King Magnus now rides to Stiklestad, and Kalf with him. They
alighted from horseback, and went to the place where the battle
had been. Then said the king to Kalf, "Where is the spot at
which the king fell?"
Kalf stretched out his spear-shaft, and said, "There he lay when
he fell."
The king: "And where wast thou, Kalf?"
Kalf: "Here where I am now standing."
The king turned red as blood in the face, and said, "Then thy axe
could well have reached him."
Kalf replied, "My axe did not come near him;" and immediately
went to his horse, sprang on horseback, and rode away with all
his men; and the king rode back to Haug. Kalf did not stop until
he got home in the evening to Eggja. There his ship lay ready at
the shore side, and all his effects were on board, and the vessel
manned with his house-servants. They set off immediately by
night down the fjord, and afterwards proceeded day and night,
when the wind suited. He sailed out into the West sea, and was
there a long time plundering in Ireland, Scotland, and the
Hebudes. Bjarne Gullbrarskald tells of this in the song about
Kalf: --
"Brother of Thorberg, who still stood
Well with the king! in angry mood
He is the first to break with thee,
Who well deserves esteemed to be;
He is the first who friendship broke,
For envious men the falsehood spoke;
And he will he the first to rue
The breach of friendship 'twixt you two."
King Magnus added to his property Veggia, which Hrut had been
owner of, and Kviststad, which had belonged to Thorgeir, and also
Eggja, with all the goods which Kalf had left behind him; and
thus he confiscated to the king's estate many great farms, which
had belonged to those of the bonde-army who had fallen at
Stiklestad. In like manner, he laid heavy fined upon many of
those who made the greatest opposition to King Olaf. He drove
some out of the country, took large sums of money from others,
and had the cattle of others slaughtered for his use. Then the
bondes began to murmur, and to say among themselves, "Will he go
on in the same way as his father and other chiefs, whom we made
an end of when their pride and lawless proceedings became
insupportable?" This discontent spread widely through the
country. The people of Sogn gathered men, and, it was said, were
determined to give battle to King Magnus, if he came into the
Fjord district. King Magnus was then in Hordaland, where he had
remained a long time with a numerous retinue, and was now come to
the resolution to proceed north to Sogn. When the king's friends
observed this, twelve men had a meeting, and resolved to
determine by casting lots which of them should inform the king of
the discontent of the people; and it so happened that the lot
fell upon Sigvat.
Sigvat accordingly composed a poem, which he called the "Freespeaking
Song", which begins with saying the king had delayed too
long to pacify the people, who were threatening to rise in tumult
against him. He said: --
"Here in the south, from Sogn is spread
The news that strife draws to a head:
The bondes will the king oppose --
Kings and their folk should ne'er be foes.
Let us take arms, and briskly go
To battle, if it must be so;
Defend our king -- but still deplore
His land plunged in such strife once more."
In this song are also these verses: --
"Hakon. who at Fitiar died, --
Hakon the Good, could not abide
The viking rule. or robber train,
And all men's love he thus did gain.
The people since have still in mind
The laws of Hakon, just and kind;
And men will never see the day
When Hakon's laws have passed away.
"The bondes ask but what is fair;
The Olafs and the Earls, when there
Where Magnus sits, confirmed to all
Their lands and gear -- to great and small,
Bold Trygve's son, and Harald's heir,
The Olafs, while on earth they were,
Observed the laws themselves had made,
And none was for his own afraid.
"Let not thy counsellors stir thy wrath
Against the man who speaks the truth;
Thy honour lies in thy good sword,
But still more in thy royal word;
And, if the people do not lie,
The new laws turn out not nigh
So Just and mild, as the laws given
At Ulfasund in face of heaven.
"Dread king! who urges thee to break
Thy pledged word, and back to take
Thy promise given? Thou warrior bold;
With thy own people word to hold,
Thy promise fully to maintain,
Is to thyself the greatest gain:
The battle-storm raiser he
Must by his own men trusted be.
"Who urges thee, who seek'st renown,
The bondes' cattle to cut down?
No king before e'er took in hand
Such viking-work in his own land.
Such rapine men will not long bear,
And the king's counsellors will but share
In their ill-will: when once inflamed,
The king himself for all is blamed.
"Do cautious, with this news of treason
Flying about -- give them no reason.
We hange the thief, but then we use
Consideration of the excuse.
I think, great king (who wilt rejoice
Eagle and wolf with battle voice),
It would be wise not to oppose
Thy bondes, and make them thy foes.
"A dangerous sign it is, I fear,
That old grey-bearded men appear
In corners whispering at the Thing,
As if they had bad news to bring.
The young sit still, -- no laugh, or shout, --
More looks than words passing shout;
And groups of whispering heads are seen,
On buttoned breasts, with lowering mien.
"Among the udalmen, they say
The king, if he could have his way,
Would seize the bondes' udal land,
And free-born men must this withstand.
In truth the man whose udal field,
By any doom that law can yield
From him adjudged the king would take,
Could the king's throne and power shake."
This verse is the last: --
"A holy bond between us still
Makes me wish speedy end to ill:
The sluggard waits till afternoon, --
At once great Magnus! grant our boon.
Then we will serve with heart and hand,
With thee we'll fight by sea or land:
With Olaf's sword take Olaf's mind,
And to thy bondes be more kind."
In this song the king was exhorted to observe the laws which his
father had established. This exhortation had a good effect on
the king, for many others held the same language to him. So at
last the king consulted the most prudent men, who ordered all
affairs according to law. Thereafter King Magnus had the lawbook
composed in writing which is still in use in Throndhjem
district, and is called "The Grey Goose" (1). King Magnus
afterwards became very popular, and was beloved by all the
country people, and therefore he was called Magnus the Good.
(1) "The Grey Goose", so called probably from the colour of the
parchment on which it is written, is one of the most curious
relics of the Middle Ages, and give us an unexpected view of
the social condition of the Northmen in the eleventh
century. Law appears to have been so far advanced among
them that the forms were not merely established, but the
slightest breach of the legal forms of proceeding involved
the loss of the case. The "Grey Goose" embraces subjects
not dealt with probably by any other code in Europe at that
period. The provision for the poor, the equality of
weights and measures, police of markets and of sea havens,
provision for illegitimate children of the poor, inns for
travellers, wages of servants and support of them in
sickness, protection of pregnant women and even of domestic
animals from injury, roads, bridges, vagrants, beggars, are
subjects treated of in this code. -- "Schlegel." -- L.
The king of the English, King Harald, died (A.D. 1040) five years
after his father King Canute, and was buried beside his father at
Winchester. After his death his brother Hardaknut, the second
son of the old King Canute, was king of England, and was thus
king both of Denmark and England. He ruled these kingdoms two
years, and then died of sickness in England, leaving no children.
He was buried at Winchester beside his father. After his death
Edward the Good, a son of the English king Ethelred (and Emma, a
daughter of Richard earl of Rouen), was chosen king in England.
King Edward the Good was, on his mother's side, a brother of
Harald and Hardaknut, the sons of Canute the Great; and the
daughter of Canute and Queen Emma was Gunhild, who was married to
the Emperor Henry of Germany, who was called Henry the Mild.
Gunhild had been three years in Germamy when she fell sick, and
she died five years after the death of her father King Canute the
When King Magnus Olafson heard of Hardaknut's death, he
immediately sent people south to Denmark, with a message to the
men who had bound themselves by oath to the peace and agreement
which was made between King Magnus and Hardaknut, and reminded
them of their pledge. He added, as a conclusion, that in summer
(A.D. 1042.) he would come with his army to Denmark to take
possession of his Danish dominions, in terms of the agreement, or
to fall in the field with his army. So says Arnor, the earls'
skald: --
"Wise were the words, exceeding wise,
Of him who stills the hungriest cries
Of beasts of prey -- the earl's lord;
And soon fulfilled will be his word:
`With his good sword he'll Denmark gain,
Or fall upon a bloody plain;
And rather than give up his cause,
Will leave his corpse to raven's claws.'"
Thereafter King Magnus gathered together a great army, and
summoned to him all lendermen and powerful bondes, and collected
war-ships. When the army was assembled it was very handsome, and
well fitted out. He had seventy large vessels when he sailed
from Norway. So says Thiodolf the skald: --
"Brave king! the terror of the foe,
With thee will many a long-ship go.
Full seventy sail are gathered here,
Eastward with their great king to steer.
And southward now the bright keel glides;
O'er the white waves the Bison rides.
Sails swell, yards crack, the highest mast
O'er the wide sea scarce seen at last."
Here it related that King Magnus had the great Bison, which his
father King Olaf had built. It had more than thirty banks of
rowers; and forward on the bow was a great buffalo head, and aft
on the stern-post was its tail. Both the head and the tail, and
both sides of the ship, were gilded over. Of this speaks Arnor,
the earls' skald: --
"The white foam lashing o'er the deck
Oft made the glided head to shake;
The helm down, the vessel's heel
Oft showed her stem's bright-glacing steel.
Around Stavanger-point careering,
Through the wild sea's white flames steering,
Tackle loud singing to the strain,
The storm-horse flies to Denmark's plain."
King Magnus set out to sea from Agder, and sailed over to
Jutland. So says Arnor: --
"I can relate how through the gale
The gallant Bison carried sail.
With her lee gunwale in the wave,
The king on board, Magnus the brave!
The iron-clad Thingmen's chief to see
On Jutland's coast right glad were we, --
Right glad our men to see a king
Who in the fight his sword could swing."
When King Magnus came to Denmark he was joyfully received. He
appointed a Thing without delay, to which he summoned the people
of the country, and desired they would take him as king,
according to the agreement which had been entered into. As the
highest of the chiefs of the country were bound by oath to King
Magnus, and were desirous of keeping their word and oath, they
endeavoured zealously to promote the cause with the people. It
contributed also that King Canute the Great, and all his
descendants, were dead; and a third assistance was, that his
father King Olaf's sanctity and miracles were become celebrated
in all countries.
King Magnus afterwards ordered the people to be summoned to
Viborg to a Thing. Both in older and later times, the Danes
elected their kings at the Viborg Thing. At this Thing the Danes
chose Magnus Olafson to be king of all the Danish dorninions.
King Magnus remained long in Denmark during the summer (A.D.
1042); and wherever he came the people received him joyfully, and
obeyed him willingly. He divided the country into baronies and
districts, and gave fiefs to men of power in the land. Late in
autumn he returned with his fleet to Norway, but lay for some
time at the Gaut river.
There was a man, by name Svein, a son of Earl Ulf, and grandson
of Thorgils Sprakaleg. Svein's mother was Astrid, a daughter of
King Svein Forkbeard. She was a sister of Canute the Great by
the father's side, and of the Swedish King Olaf Eirikson by the
mother's side; for her mother was Queen Sigrid the Haughty, a
daughter of Skoglar Toste. Svein Ulfson had been a long time
living with his relation the Swedish king, ever since King Canute
had ordered his father Ulf to be killed, as is related in the
saga of old King Canute, that he had his brother-in-law, Earl
Ulf, murdered in Roskilde; and on which account Svein had not
since been in Denmark. Svein Ulfson was one of the handsomest
men that could be seen; he was very stout and strong, and very
expert in all exercises, and a well-spoken man withal. Every one
who knew him said he had every quality which became a good chief.
Svein Ulfson waited upon King Magnus while he lay in the Gaut
river, as before mentioned, and the king received him kindly, as
he was by many advised to do; for Svein was a particularly
popular man. He could also speak for himself to the king well
and cleverly; so that it came at lasf to Svein's entering into
King Magnus's service, and becoming his man. They often talked
together afterwards in private concerning many affairs.
One day, as King Magnus sat in his high-seat and many people were
around him, Svein Ulfson sat upon a footstool before the king.
The king then made a speech: "Be it known to you, chiefs, and the
people in general, that I have taken the following resolution.
Here is a distinguished man, both for family and for his own
merits, Svein Ulfson, who has entered into my service, and given
me promise of fidelity. Now, as ye know, the Danes have this
summer become my men, so that when I am absent from the country
it is without a head; and it is not unknown to you how it is
ravaged by the people of Vindland, Kurland, and others from the
Baltic, as well as by Saxons. Therefore I promised them a chief
who could defend and rule their land; and I know no man better
fitted, in all respects, for this than Svein Ulfson, who is of
birth to be chief of the country. I will therefore make him my
earl, and give him the government of my Danish dominions while I
am in Norway; just as King Canute the Great set his father, Earl
Ulf, over Denmark while he was in England."
Then Einar Tambaskelfer said, "Too great an earl -- too great an
earl, my foster-son!"
The king replied in a passion, "Ye have a poor opinion of my
judgment, I think. Some consider that ye are too great earls,
and others that ye are fit for nothing."
Then the king stood up, took a sword, and girt it on the earl's
loins, and took a shield and fastened it on his shoulders, put a
helmet upon his head, and gave him the title of earl, with the
same fiefs in Denmark which his father Earl Ulf had formerly
held. Afterwards a shrine was brought forth containing holy
relics, and Svein laid his hand hereon, and swore the oath of
fidelity to King Magnus; upon which the king led the earl to the
highseat by his side. So says Thiodolf: --
"Twas at the Gaut river's shore,
With hand on shrine Svein Ulfson swore.
King Magnus first said o'er the oath,
With which Svein Ulfson pledged his troth.
The vows by Svein solemnly given,
On holy bones of saints in heaven,
To Magnus seemed both fair and fast;
He found they were too fair to last."
Earl Svein went thereafter to Denmark, and the whole nation
received him well. He established a court about him, and soon
became a great man. In winter (A.D. 1043), he went much about
the country, and made friends among the powerful chiefs; and,
indeed, he was beloved by all the people of the land.
King Magnus proceeded northward to Norway with his fleet, and
wintered there; but when the spring set in (A.D. 1048) he
gathered a large force, with which he sailed south to Demnark,
having heard the news from Vindland that the Vindland people in
Jomsborg had withdrawn from their submission to him. The Danish
kings had formerly had a very large earldom there, and they first
founded Jomsborg; and now the place was become a very strong
fortress. When King Magnus heard of this, he ordered a large
fleet and army to be levied in Denmark, and sailed in summer to
Vindland with all his forces, which made a very large army
altogether. Arnor, the earls' skald, tells of it thus: --
"Now in this strophe, royal youth!
I tell no more than the plain truth.
Thy armed outfit from the strand
Left many a keel-trace on the sand,
And never did a king before
SO many ships to any shore
Lead on, as thou to Vindland's isle:
The Vindland men in fright recoil."
Now when King Magnus came to Vindland he attacked Jomsborg, and
soon took the fortress, killing' many people, burning and
destroying both in the town and in the courttry all around, and
making the greatest havoc. So says Arnor, the earl's skald: --
"The robbers, hemmed 'twixt death and fire,
Knew not how to escape thy ire;
O'er Jomsborg castle's highest towers
Thy wrath the whirlwind-fire pours.
The heathen on his false gods calls,
And trembles even in their halls;
And by the light from its own flame
The king this viking-hold o'ercame."
Many people in Vindland submitted to King Magnus, but many more
got out of the way and fled. King Magnus returned to Denmark,
and prepared to take his winter abode there, and sent away the
Danish, and also a great many of the Norwegian people he had
brought with him.
The same winter (A.D. 1043), in which Svein Ulfson was raised to
the government of the whole Danish dominions, and had made
friends of a great number of the principal chiefs in Denmark, and
obtained the affections of the people, he assumed by the advice
of many of the chiefs the title of king. But when in the spring
thereafter he heard that King Magnus had come from the north with
a great army, Svein went over to Scania, from thence up to
Gautland, and so on to Svithjod to his relation, King Emund,
where he remained all summer, and sent spies out to Denmark, to
inquire about the king's proceedings and the number of his men.
Now when Svein heard that King Magnus had let a great part of his
army go away, and also that he was south in Jutland, he rode from
Svithjod with a great body of peopie which the Swedish king had
given him. When Svein came to Scania the people of that country
received him well, treated him as their king, and men joined him
in crowds. He then went on to Seeland, where he was also well
received, and the whole country joined him. He then went to
Fyen, and laid all the islands under his power; and as the people
also joined him, he collected a great army and many ships of war.
King Magnus heard this news, and at the same time that the people
of Vindland had a large force on foot. He summoned people
therefore to come to him, and drew together a great army in
Jutland. Otto, also, the Duke of Brunsvik, who had married
Ulfhild, King Olaf the Saint's daughter, and the sister of King
Magnus, came to him with a great troop. The Danish chiefs
pressed King Magnus to advance against the Vindland army, and not
allow pagans to march over and lay waste the country; so it was
resolved that the king with his army should proceed south to
Heidaby. While King Magnus lay at Skotborg river, on Hlyrskog
Heath, he got intelligence concerning the Vindland army, and that
it was so numerous it could not be counted; whereas King Magnus
had so few, that there seemed no chance for him but to fly. The
king, however, determined on fighting, if there was any
possibility of gaining the victory; but the most dissuaded him
from venturing on an engagement, and all, as one man, said that
the Vindland people had undoubtedly a prodigious force. Duke
Otto, however, pressed much to go to battle. Then the king
ordered the whole army to be gathered by the war trumpets into
battle array, and ordered all the men to arm, and to lie down for
the night under their shields; for he was told the enemy's army
had come to the neighbourhood. The king was very thoughtful; for
he was vexed that he should be obliged to fly, which fate he had
never experienced before. He slept but little all night, and
chanted his prayers.
The following day was Michaelmas eve. Towards dawn the king
slumbered, and dreamt that his father, King Olaf the Saint,
appeared to him, and said, "Art thou so melancholy and afraid,
because the Vindland people come against thee with a great army?
Be not afraid of heathens, although they be many; for I shall be
with thee in the battle. Prepare, therefore, to give battle to
the Vindlanders, when thou hearest my trumpet." When the king
awoke he told his dream to his men, and the day was then dawning.
At that moment all the people heard a ringing of bells in the
air; and those among King Magnus's men who had been in Nidaros
thought that it was the ringing of the bell called Glod, which
King Olaf had presented to the church of Saint Clement in the
town of Nidaros.
Then King Magnus stood up, and ordered the war trumpets to sound,
and at that moment the Vindland army advanced from the south
across the river against him; on which the whole of the king's
army stood up, and advanced against the heathens. King Magnus
threw off from him his coat of ring-mail, and had a red silk
shirt outside over his clothes, and had in his hands the battleaxe
called Hel (1), which had belonged to King Olaf. King Magnus
ran on before all his men to the enemy's army, and instantly
hewed down with both hands every man who came against him. So
says Arnor, the earls' skald: --
"His armour on the ground he flung
His broad axe round his head he swung;
And Norway's king strode on in might,
Through ringing swords, to the wild fight.
His broad axe Hel with both hands wielding,
Shields, helms, and skulls before it yielding,
He seemed with Fate the world to share,
And life or death to deal out there."
This battle was not very long; for the king's men were very
fiery, and where they came the Vindland men fell as thick as
tangles heaped up by the waves on the strand. They who stood
behind betook themselves to flight, and were hewed down like
cattle at a slaughter. The king himself drove the fugitives
eastward over the heath, and people fell all over the moor. So
says Thiodolf: --
"And foremost he pursued,
And the flying foe down hewed;
An eagle's feast each stroke,
As the Vindland helms he broke.
He drove them o'er the hearth,
And they fly from bloody death;
But the moor, a mile or more,
With the dead was studded o'er."
It is a common saying, that there never was so great a slaughter
of men in the northern lands, since the time of Christianity, as
took place among the Vindland people on Hlyrskog's Heath. On the
other side, not many of King Magnus's people were killed,
although many were wounded. After the battle the king ordered
the wounds of his men to be bound; but there were not so many
doctors in the army as were necessary, so the king himself went
round, and felt the hands of those he thought best suited for the
business; and when he had thus stroked their palms, he named
twelve men, who, he thought, had the softest hands, and told them
to bind the wounds of the people; and although none of them had
ever tried it before, they all became afterwards the best of
doctors. There were two Iceland men among them; the one was
Thorkil, a son of Geire, from Lyngar; the other was Atle, father
of Bard Svarte of Selardal, from whom many good doctors are
descended. After this battle, the report of the miracle which
King Olaf the Saint had worked was spread widely through the
country; and it was the common saying of the people, that no man
could venture to fight against King Magnus Olafson, for his
father Saint Olaf stood so near to him that his enemies, on that
account. never could do him harm.
(1) Hel -- Death: the goddess of Death. -- L.
King Magnus immediately turned round with his army against Svein,
whom he called his earl, although the Danes called him their
king; and he collected ships, and a great force, and on both
sides a great strength was assembled. In Svein's army were many
chiefs from Scania, Halland, Seeland, and Fyen; while King
Magnus, on the other hand, had mostly Norway and Jutland men, and
with that war-force he hastened to meet Svein. They met at Re,
near Vestland; and there was a great battle, which ended in King
Magnus gaining the victory, and Svein taking flight. After
losing many people, Svein fled back to Scania, and from thence to
Gautland, which was a safe refuge if he needed it, and stood open
to him. King Magnus returned to Jutland, where he remained all
winter (A.D. 1044) with many people, and had a guard to watch his
ships. Arnor, the earls' skald, speaks of this: --
"At Re our battle-loving lord
In bloody meeting stained his sword, --
At Re upon the western shore,
In Vestland warrior's blood once more."
Svein Ulfson went directly to his ships as soon as he heard that
King Magnus had left his fleet. He drew to him all the men he
could, and went round in winter among the islands, Seeland, Fyen,
and others. Towards Yule he sailed to Jutland, and went into
Limfjord, where many people submitted to him. He imposed scat
upon some, but some joined King Magnus. Now when King Magnus
heard what Svein was doing, he betook himself to his ships with
all the Northmen then in Denmark, and a part of the Danish
troops, and steered south along the land. Svein was then in Aros
with a great force; and when he heard of King Magnus he laid his
vessels without the town, and prepared for battle. When King
Magnus heard for certain where Svein was, and that the distance
between them was but short, he held a House-thing, and addressed
his people thus: "It is reported to me that the earl and his
fleet are lying not far from us, and that he has many people.
Now I would let you know that I intend to go out against the earl
and fight for it, although, we have fewer people. We will, as
formerly, put our trust in God, and Saint Olaf, my father, who
has given us victory sometimes when we fought, even though we had
fewer men than the enemy. Now I would have you get ready to seek
out the enemy, and give battle the moment we find him by rowing
all to attack, and being all ready for battle." Thereupon the
men put on their weapons, each man making himself and his place
ready; and then they stretched themselves to their oars. When
they saw the earl's ships they rowed towards them, and made ready
to attack. When Svein's men saw the forces they armed
themselves, bound their ships together, and then began one of the
sharpest of battles. So says Thiodolf, the skald: --
"Shield against shield, the earl and king
Made shields and swords together ring.
The gold-decked heroes made a play
Which Hild's iron-shirt men say
They never saw before or since
On battle-deck; the brave might wince,
As spear and arrow whistling flew,
Point blank, death-bringing, quick and true."
They fought at the bows, so that the men only on the bows could
strike; the men on the forecastle thrust with spears: and all who
were farther off shot with light spears or javelins, or wararrows.
Some fought with stones or short stakes; and those who
were aft of the mast shot with the bow. So Says Thiodolf: --
"Steel-pointed spear, and sharpened stake,
Made the broad shield on arm shake:
The eagle, hovering in the air,
Screamed o'er the prey preparing there.
And stones and arrows quickly flew,
And many a warrior bold they slew.
The bowman never twanged his bow
And drew his shaft so oft as now;
And Throndhjem's bowmen on that day
Were not the first tired of this play:
Arrows and darts so quickly fly,
You could not follow with the eye."
Here it appears how hot the battle was with casting weapons.
King Magnus stood in the beginning of the battle within a shieldrampart;
but as it appeared to him that matters were going on too
slowly, he leaped over the shields, and rushed forward in the
ship, encouraging his men with a loud cheer, and springing to the
bows, where the battle was going on hand to hand. When his men
saw this they urged each other on with mutual cheering, and there
was one great hurrah through all the ships. So says Thiodolf: --
"`On with our ships! on to the foe!'
Cry Magnus' men -- on, on they go.
Spears against shields in fury rattle, --
Was never seen so fierce a battle."
And now the battle was exceedingly sharp; and in the assault
Svein's ship was cleared of all her forecastle men, upon and on
both sides of the forecastle. Then Magnus boarded Svein's ship,
followed by his men; and one after the other came up, and made so
stout an assault that Svein's men gave way, and King Magnus first
cleared that ship, and then the rest, one after the other. Svein
fled, with a great part of his people; but many fell, and many
got life and peace. Thiodolf tells of this: --
"Brave Magnus, from the stern springing
On to the stem, where swords were ringing
From his sea-raven's beak of gold
Deals death around -- the brave! the bold!
The earl's housemen now begin
To shrink and fall: their ranks grow thin --
The king's luck thrives -- their decks are cleared,
Of fighting men no more appeared.
The earl's ships are driven to flight,
Before the king would stop the fight:
The gold-distributor first then
Gave quarters to the vanquished men."
This battle was fought on the last Sunday before Yule. So says
Thiodolf: --
"'Twas on a Sunday morning bright,
Fell out this great and bloody fight,
When men were arming, fighting, dying,
Or on the red decks wounded lying.
And many a mabn, foredoomed to die,
To save his life o'erboard did fly,
But sank; for swimming could not save,
And dead men rolled in every wave."
Magnus took seven ships from Svein's people. So says Thiodolf:
"Thick Olaf's son seven vessels cleared,
And with his fleet the prizes steered.
The Norway girls will not be sad
To hear such news -- each from her lad."
He also sings: --
"The captured men will grieve the most
Svein and their comrades to have lost;
For it went ill with those who fled,
Their wounded had no easy bed.
A heavy storm that very night
O'ertook them flying from the fight;
And skulls and bones are tumbling round,
Under the sea, on sandy ground."
Svein fled immediately by night to Seeland, with the men who had
escaped and were inclined to follow him; but King Magnus brought
his ships to the shore, and sent his men up the country in the
night-time, and early in the morning they came flown to the
strand with a great booty in cattle. Thiodolf tells about it: --
"But yesterday with heavy stones
We crushed their skulls, and broke their bones,
And thinned their ranks; and now to-day
Up through their land we've ta'en our way,
And driven their cattle to the shore,
And filled out ships with food in store.
To save his land from our quick swords,
Svein will need something more than words."
King Magnus sailed with his fleet from the south after Svein to
Seeland; but as soon as the king came there Svein fled up the
country with his men, and Magnus followed them, and pursued the
fugitives, killing all that were laid hold of. So says Thiodolf:
"The Seeland girl asks with fear,
`Whose blood-bespattered shield and spear --
The earl's or king's -- up from the shore
Moved on with many a warrior more?'
We scoured through all their muddy lanes,
Woodlands, and fields, and miry plains.
Their hasty footmarks in the clay
Showed that to Ringsted led their way.
"Spattered with mud from heel to head,
Our gallant lord his true men led.
Will Lund's earl halt his hasty flight,
And try on land another fight?
His banner yesterday was seen,
The sand-bills and green trees between,
Through moss and mire to the strand,
In arrow flight, leaving the land."
Then Svein fled over to Fyen Island, and King Magnus carried fire
and sword through Seeland, and burnt all round, because their men
had joined Svein's troop in harvest. So says Thiodolf: --
"As Svein in winter had destroyed
The royal house, the king employed
No little force to guard the land,
And the earl's forays to withstand.
An armed band one morn he found,
And so beset them round and round,
That Canute's nephew quickly fled,
Or he would have been captive led.
"Our Throndhjem king in his just ire
Laid waste the land with sword and fire,
Burst every house, and over all
Struck terror into great and small.
To the earl's friends he well repaid
Their deadly hate -- such wild work made
On them and theirs, that from his fury,
Flying for life, away they hurry."
As soon as King Magnus heard that Svein with his troops had gone
across to Fyen, he sailed after them; and when Svein heard this
news he went on board ship and sailed to Scania, and from thence
to Gautland, and at last to the Swedish King. King Magnus landed
in Fyen, and plundered and burned over all; and all of Svein's
men who came there fled far enough. Thiodolf speaks of it thus:
"Fiona isle, once green and fair,
Lies black and reeking through the air:
The red fog rises, thick and hot,
From burning farm and smouldering cot.
The gaping thralls in terror gaze
On the broad upward-spiring blaze,
From thatched roofs and oak-built walls,
Their murdered masters' stately halls.
"Svein's men, my girl, will not forget
That thrice they have the Norsemen met,
By sea, by land, with steel, with fire,
Thrice have they felt the Norse king's ire.
Fiona's maids are slim and fair,
The lovely prizes, lads, we'll share:
Some stand to arms in rank and row,
Some seize, bring off, and fend with blow."
After this the people of Denmark submitted to King Magnus, and
during the rest of the winter, there was peace. King Magnus then
appointed some of his men to govern Denmark; and when spring was
advanced he sailed northwards with his fleet to Norway, where he
remained a great part of the summer.
Now, when Svein heard that King Magnus had gone to Norway he rode
straight down, and had many people out of Svithjod with him. The
people of Scania received him well, and he again collected an
army, with which he first crossed over into Seeland and seized
upon it and Fyen, and all the other isles. When King Magnus
heard of this he gathered together men and ships, and sailed to
Denmark; and as soon as he knew where Svein was lying with his
ships King Magnus sailed to meet him. They met at a place called
Helganes, and the battle began about the fall of day. King
Magnus had fewer men, but larger and better equipt vessels. So
says Arnor, the earls' skald: --
"At Helganes -- so goes the tale --
The brave wolf-feeder, under sail,
Made many an ocean-elk (1) his prey,
Seized many a ship ere break of day.
When twilight fell he urged the fight,
Close combat -- man to man all night;
Through a long harvest night's dark hours,
Down poured the battle's iron showers."
The battle was very hot, and as night advanced the fall of men
was great. King Magnus, during the whole night, threw handspears.
Thiodolf speaks of this: --
"And there at Helganes sunk down,
Sore wounded, men of great renown;
And Svein's retainers lost all heart,
Ducking before the flying dart.
The Norsemen's king let fly his spears,
His death-wounds adding to their fears;
For each spear-blade was wet all o'er,
Up to the shaft in their life-gore."
To make a short tale, King Magnus won the victory in this battle,
and Svein fled. His ship was cleared of men from stem to stern;
and it went so on board many others of his ships. So says
Thiodolf: --
"Earl Svein fled from the empty deck,
His lonely ship an unmann'd wreck;
Magnus the Good, the people's friend,
Pressed to the death on the false Svein.
Hneiter (2), the sword his father bore,
Was edge and point, stained red with gore;
Swords sprinkle blood o'er armour bright,
When kings for land and power fight."
And Arnor says :-
"The cutters of Bjorn's own brother
Soon changed their owner for another;
The king took them and all their gear;
The crews, however, got off clear."
A great number of Svein's men fell, and King Magnus and his men
had a vast booty to divide. So says Thiodolf: --
"Where the Norsemen the Danish slew,
A Gautland shield and breast-plate true
Fell to my share of spoil by lot;
And something more i' the south I got:
(There all the summer swords were ringing)
A helm, gay arms, and gear worth bringing,
Home to my quiet lovely one
I sent -- with news how we had won."
Svein fled up to Scania with all the men who escaped with him;
and King Magnus and his people drove the fugitives up through the
country without meeting any opposition either from Svein's men or
the bondes. So says Thiodolf: --
"Olaf's brave son then gave command,
All his ships' crews should quickly land:
King Magnus, marching at their head,
A noble band of warriors led.
A foray through the land he makes;
Denmark in every quarter shakes.
Up hill and down the horses scour,
Carrying the Danes from Norsemen's power."
King Magnus drove with fire and sword through the land. So says
Thiodolf: --
"And now the Norsemen storm along,
Following their banner in a throng:
King Magnus' banner flames on high,
A star to guide our roaming by.
To Lund, o'er Scania's peaceful field,
My shoulder bore my useless shield;
A fairer land, a better road,
As friend or foe, I never trod."
They began to burn the habitations all around, and the people
fled on every side. So says Thiodolf: --
"Our ice-cold iron in great store,
Our arms, beside the king we bore:
The Scanian rogues fly at the view
Of men and steel all sharp and true.
Their timbered houses flame on high,
Red flashing over half the sky;
The blazing town flings forth its light,
Lighting the cowards on their flight."
And he also sang: --
"The king o'er all the Danish land
Roams, with his fire-bringing band:
The house, the hut, the farm, the town,
All where men dwelt is burned down.
O'er Denmark's plains and corn-fields,
Meadows and moors, are seen our shields:
Victorious over all, we chase
Svein's wounded men from place to place.
"Across Fiona's moor again,
The paths late trodden by our men
We tread once more, until quite near,
Through morning mist, the foes appear.
Then up our numerous banners flare
In the cold early morning air;
And they from Magnus' power who fly
Cannot this quick war-work deny."
Then Svein fled eastwards along Scania, and King Magnus returned
to his ships, and steered eastwards also along the Scanian coast,
having got ready with the greatest haste to sail. Thiodolf sings
thus about it: --
"No drink but the salt sea
On board our ships had we,
When, following our king,
On board our ships we spring.
Hard work on the salt sea,
Off Scania's coast, had we;
But we laboured for the king,
To his foemen death to bring."
Svein fled to Gautland, and then sought refuge with the Swedish
king, with whom he remained all winter (A.D. 1046), and was
treated with great respect.
(1) Ship. -- L.
(2) This was the name of Saint Olaf's sword, which Magnus had
recovered. -- L.
When King Magnus had subdued Scania he turned about, and first
went to Falster, where he landed, plundered, and killed many
people who had before submitted to Svein. Arnor speaks of this:
"A bloody vengeance for their guile
King Magnus takes on Falster Isle;
The treacherous Danes his fury feel,
And fall before his purpled steel.
The battle-field is covered o'er,
With eagle's prey from shore to shore;
And the king's courtmen were the first
To quench with blood the raven's thirst."
Thereafter Magnus with his fleet proceeded to the isle of Fyen,
went on land, plundered, and made great devastation. So says
Arnor, the earls' skald: --
"To fair Fiona's grassy shore
His banner now again he bore:
He who the mail-shirt's linked chains
Severs, and all its lustre stains, --
He will be long remembered there,
The warrior in his twentieth year,
Whom their black ravens from afar
Saluted as he went to war."
King Magnus remained in Denmark all that winter (A.D. 1046), and
sat in peace. He had held many battles, and had gained the
victory in all. So says Od Kikinaskald: --
"'Fore Michaelmas was struck the blow,
That laid the Vindland vikings low;
And people learned with joy to hear
The clang of arms, and leaders' cheer.
Short before Yule fell out the day,
Southward of Aros, where the fray,
Though not enough the foe to quell,
Was of the bloodiest men can tell."
And Arnor says: --
"Olaf's avenger who can sing?
The skald cannot o'ertake the king,
Who makes the war-bird daily drain
The corpse-blood of his foemen slain.
Four battles won within a year, --
Breaker of shields! with swords and spear,
And hand to hand, exalt thy fame
Above the kings of greatest name."
King Magnus had three battles with Svein Ulfson. So says
Thiodolf: --
"To our brave Throndhjem sovereign's praise
The skald may all his skaldcraft raise;
For fortune, and for daring deed,
His song will not the truth exceed.
After three battles to regain
What was his own, unjustly ta'en,
Unjustly kept, and dues denied,
He levied dues in red-blood dyed."
While King Magnus the Good, a son of King Olaf the Saint, ruled
over Norway, as before related, the Earl Ragnvald Brusason lived
with him. Earl Thorfin Sigurdson, the uncle of Ragnvald, ruled
then over Orkney. King Magnus sent Ragnvald west to Orkney, and
ordered that Thorfin should let him have his father's heritage.
Thorfin let Ragnvald have a third part of the land along with
him; for so had Erase, the father of Ragnvald, had it at his
dying day. Earl Thorfin was married to Ingebjorg, the earlmother,
who was a daughter of Fin Arnason. Earl Ragnvald thought
he should have two-thirds of the land, as Olaf the Saint had
promised to his father Bruse, and as Bruse had enjoyed as long as
Olaf lived. This was the origin of a great strife between these
relations, concerning which we have a long saga. They had a
great battle in Pentland Firth, in which Kalf Arnason was with
Earl Thorfin. So says Bjarne Gullbrarskald: --
"Thy cutters, dashing through the tide,
Brought aid to Earl Thorfin's side,
Fin's son-in-law, and people say
Thy aid made Bruse's son give way.
Kalf, thou art fond of warlike toil,
Gay in the strife and bloody broil;
But here 'twas hate made thee contend
Against Earl Ragnvald, the king's friend."
King Magnus ruled then both over Denmark and Norway; and when he
had got possession of the Danish dominions he sent ambassadors
over to England to King Edward, who brought to him King Magnus's
letter and seal. And in this letter there stood, along with a
salutation from King Magnus, these words: -- "Ye must have heard
of the agreement which I and Hardaknut made, -- that he of us two
who survived the other should have all the land and people which
the deceased had possessed. Now it has so turned out, as ye have
no doubt heard, that I have taken the Danish dominions as my
heritage after Hardaknut. But before he departed this life he
had England as well as Denmark; therefore I consider myself now,
in consequence of my rights by this agreement, to own England
also. Now I will therefore that thou deliver to me the kingdom;
otherwise I will seek to take it by arms, both from Denmark and
Norway; and let him rule the land to whom fate gives the
Now when King Edward had read this letter, he replied thus: "It
is known to all men in this country that King Ethelred, my
father, was udal-born to this kingdom, both after the old and
new law of inheritance. We were four sons after him; and when he
by death left the throne my brother Edmund took the government
and kingdom; for he was the oldest of us brothers, and I was well
satisfied that it was so. And after him my stepfather, Canute
the Great, took the kingdom, and as long as he lived there was no
access to it. After him my brother Harald was king as long as he
lived; and after him my brother Hardaknut took the kingdoms both
of Denmark and England; for he thought that a just brotherly
division that he should have both England and Denmark, and that I
should have no kingdom at all. Now he died, and then it was the
resolution of all the people of the country to take me for king
here in England. So long as I had no kingly title I served only
superiors in all respects, like those who had no claims by birth
to land or kingdom. Now, however, I have received the kingly
title, and am consecrated king. I have established my royal
dignity and authority, as my father before me; and while I live I
will not renounce my title. If King Magnus come here with an
army, I will gather no army against him; but he shall only get
the opportunity of taking England when he has taken my life.
Tell him these words of mine." The ambassadors went back to King
Magnus, and told him the answer to their message. King Magnus
reflected a while, and answered thus: "I think it wisest, and
will succeed best, to let King Edward have his kingdom in peace
for me, and that I keep the kingdoms God has put into my hands."
Harald, son of Sigurd Syr, was born in the year A.D. 1015, and
left Norway A.D. 1030. He was called Hardrade, that is, the
severe counsellor, the tyrant, though the Icelanders never
applied this epithet to him. Harald helped the Icelanders in the
famine of A.D. 1056, and sent them timber for a church at
Thingvol. It was the Norwegians who gave him the name tyrant in
contrast to the "debonairete" of Magnus. He came to Norway in
A.D. 1046, and became sole king in A.D. 1047. He died in A.D.
1066, and his son and successor Magnus died in A.D. 1069.
His saga is to be compared with "Agrip", "Fagrskinna", and
The skalds quoted are: Thiodolf, Bolverk, Illuge Bryndalaskald,
Stuf the skald, Thorarin Skeggjason, Valgard o' Val, Od
Kikinaskald, Grane Skald, Thorleik the Fair, Stein Herdison, Ulf
the Marshal, Arnor the earls' skald, Thorkel Skallason, and King
Harald Hardrade himself.
Harald, son of Sigurd Syr, brother of Olaf the Saint, by the same
mother, was at the battle of Stiklestad, and was fifteen years
old when King Olaf the Saint fell, as was before related. Harald
was wounded, and escaped with other fugitives. So says Thiodolf:
"At Haug the fire-sparks from his shield
Flew round the king's head on the field,
As blow for blow, for Olaf's sake,
His sword and shield would give and take.
Bulgaria's conqueror, I ween,
Had scarcely fifteen winters seen,
When from his murdered brother's side
His unhelmed head he had to hide."
Ragnvald Brusason led Harald from the battle, and the night after
the fray took him to a bonde who dwelt in a forest far from other
people. The peasant received Harald, and kept him concealed; and
Harald was waited upon until he was quite cured of his wounds.
Then the bonde's son attended him on the way east over the ridge
of the land, and they went by all the forest paths they could,
avoiding the common road. The bonde's son did not know who it
was he was attending; and as they were riding together between
two uninhabited forests, Harald made these verses:
"My wounds were bleeding as I rode;
And down below the bondes strode,
Killing the wounded with the sword,
The followers of their rightful lord.
From wood to wood I crept along,
Unnoticed by the bonde-throng;
`Who knows,' I thought, `a day may come
My name will yet be great at home.'"
He went eastward over the ridge through Jamtaland and
Helsingjaland, and came to Svithjod, where he found Ragnvald
Brusason, and many others of King Olaf's men who had fled from
the battle at Stiklestad, and they remained there till winter was
The spring after (A.D. 1031) Harald and Ragnvald got ships, and
went east in summer to Russia to King Jarisleif, and were with
him all the following winter. So says the skald Bolverk: --
"The king's sharp sword lies clean and bright,
Prepared in foreign lands to fight:
Our ravens croak to have their fill,
The wolf howls from the distant hill.
Our brave king is to Russia gone, --
Braver than he on earth there's none;
His sharp sword will carve many feast
To wolf and raven in the East."
King Jarisleif gave Harald and Ragnvald a kind reception, and
made Harald and Ellif, the son of Earl Ragnvald, chiefs over the
land-defence men of the king. So says Thiodolf: --
"Where Ellif was, one heart and hand
The two chiefs had in their command;
In wedge or line their battle order
Was ranged by both without disorder.
The eastern Vindland men they drove
Into a corner; and they move
The Lesians, although ill at ease,
To take the laws their conquerors please."
Harald remained several years in Russia, and travelled far and
wide in the Eastern land. Then he began his expedition out to
Greece, and had a great suite of men with him; and on he went to
Constantinople. So says Bolverk: --
"Before the cold sea-curling blast
The cutter from the land flew past,
Her black yards swinging to and fro,
Her shield-hung gunwale dipping low.
The king saw glancing o'er the bow
Constantinople's metal glow
From tower and roof, and painted sails
Gliding past towns and wooded vales."
At that time the Greek empire was ruled by the Empress Zoe the
Great, and with her Michael Catalactus. Now when Harald came to
Constantinople he presented himself to the empress, and went into
her pay; and immediately, in autumn, went on board the galleys
manned with troops which went out to the Greek sea. Harald had
his own men along with him. Now Harald had been but a short time
in the army before all the Varings flocked to him, and they all
joined together when there was a battle. It thus came to pass
that Harald was made chief of the Varings. There was a chief
over all the troops who was called Gyrger, and who was a relation
of the empress. Gyrger and Harald went round among all the Greek
islands, and fought much against the corsairs.
It happened once that Gyrger and the Varings were going through
the country, and they resolved to take their night quarters in a
wood; and as the Varings came first to the ground, they chose the
place which was best for pitching their tents upon, which was the
highest ground; for it is the nature of the land there to be soft
when rain falls, and therefore it is bad to choose a low
situation for your tents. Now when Gyrger, the chief of the
army, came up, and saw where the Varings had set up their tents,
he told them to remove, and pitch their tents elsewhere, saying
he would himself pitch his tents on their ground. Harald
replies, "If ye come first to the night quarter, ye take up your
ground, and we must go pitch our tents at some other place where
we best can. Now do ye so, in the same way, and find a place
where ye will. It is, I think, the privilege of us Varings here
in the dominions of the Greek emperor to be free, and independent
of all but their own commanders, and bound only to serve the
emperor and empress." They disputed long and hotly about this,
and both sides armed themselves, and were on the way to fight for
it; but men of understanding came between and separated them.
They said it would be better to come to an agreement about such
questions, so that in future no dispute could arise. It came
thus to an arbitration between them, at which the best and most
sagacious men should give their judgment in the case. At this
arbitration it was determined, with the consent of all parties,
that lots should be thrown into a box, and the Greeks and Varings
should draw which was first to ride, or to row, or to take place
in a harbour, or to choose tent ground; and each side should be
satisfied with what the drawing of the lots gave them.
Accordingly the lots were made and marked. Harald said to
Gyrger, "Let me see what mark thou hast put upon thy lot, that
we may not both mark our lots in the same way." He did so. Then
Harald marked his lot, and put it into the box along with the
other. The man who was to draw out the lots then took up one of
the lots between his fingers, held it up in the air, and said,
"This lot shall be the first to ride, and to row, and to take
place in harbour and on the tent field." Harald seized his band,
snatched the die, and threw it into the sea, and called out,
"That was our lot!" Gyrger said, "Why did you not let other
people see it?" Harald replies, "Look at the one remaining in
the box, -- there you see your own mark upon it." Accordingly
the lot which was left behind was examined, and all men saw that
Gyrger's mark was upon it, and accordingly the judgment was given
that the Varings had gained the first choice in all they had been
quarrelling about. There were many things they quarrelled about,
but the end always was that Harald got his own way.
They went out all on a campaign in summer. When the whole army
was thus assembled Harald kept his men out of the battle, or
wherever he saw the least danger, under pretext of saving his
men; but where he was alone with his own men only, he fought so
desperately that they must either come off victorious or die. It
thus happened often that when he commanded the army he gained
victories, while Gyrger could do nothing. The troops observed
this, and insisted they would be more successful if Harald alone
was chief of the whole army, and upbraided the general with never
effecting anything, neither himself, nor his people. Gyrger
again said that the Varings would give him no assistance, and
ordered Harald to go with his men somewhere else, and he, with
the rest of his army, would win what they could. Harald
accordingly left the army with the Varings and the Latin men, and
Gyrger on his side went off with the Greek troops. Then it was
seen what each could do. Harald always gained victories and
booty; but the Greeks went home to Constantinople with their
army, all except a few brave men, who, to gain booty and money,
joined themselves to Harald, and took him for their leader. He
then went with his troops westward to Africa, which the Varings
call Serkland, where he was strengthened with many men. In
Serkland he took eighty castles, some of which surrendered, and
others were stormed. He then went to Sicily. So says Thiodolf:
"The serpent's bed of glowing gold
He hates -- the generous king, the bold!
He who four score towers laid low,
Ta'en from the Saracenic foe.
Before upon Sicilian plains,
Shield joined to shield, the fight he gains,
The victory at Hild's war game;
And now the heathens dread his name."
So says also Illuge Bryndala-skald: --
"For Michael's empire Harald fought,
And southern lands to Michael brought;
So Budle's son his friendship showed
When he brought friends to his abode."
Here it is said that Michael was king of the Greeks at that time.
Harald remained many years in Africa, where he gathered great
wealth in gold, jewels, and all sorts of precious things; and all
the wealth he gathered there which he did not need for his
expenses, he sent with trusty men of his own north to Novgorod to
King Jarisleif's care and keeping. He gathered together there
extraordinary treasure, as is reasonable to suppose; for he had
the plundering of the part of the world richest in gold and
valuable things, and he had done such great deeds as with truth
are related, such as taking eighty strongholds by his valour.
Now when Harald came to Sicily he plundered there also, and sat
down with his army before a strong and populous castle. He
surrounded the castle; but the walls were so thick there was no
possibility of breaking into it, and the people of the castle had
enough of provisions, and all that was necessary for defence.
Then Harald hit upon an expedient. He made his bird-catchers
catch the small birds which had their nests within the castle,
but flew into the woods by day to get food for their young. He
had small splinters of tarred wood bound upon the backs of the
birds, smeared these over with wax and sulphur, and set fire to
them. As soon as the birds were let loose they all flew at once
to the castle to their young, and to their nests, which they had
under the house roofs that were covered with reeds or straw. The
fire from the birds seized upon the house roofs; and although
each bird could only carry a small burden of fire, yet all at
once there was a mighty flame, caused by so many birds carrying
fire with them and spreading it widely among the house roofs.
Thus one house after the other was set on fire, until the castle
itself was in flames. Then the people came out of the castle and
begged for mercy; the same men who for many days had set at
defiance the Greek army and its leader. Harald granted life and
safety to all who asked quarter, and made himself master of the
There was another castle before which Harald had come with his
army. This castle was both full of people and so strong, that
there was no hope of breaking into it. The castle stood upon a
flat hard plain. Then Harald undertook to dig a passage from a
place where a stream ran in a bed so deep that it could not be
seen from the castle. They threw out all the earth into the
stream, to be carried away by the water. At this work they
laboured day and night, and relieved each other in gangs; while
the rest of the army went the whole day against the castle, where
the castle people shot through their loop-holes. They shot at
each other all day in this way, and at night they slept on both
sides. Now when Harald perceived that his underground passage
was so long that it must be within the castle walls, he ordered
his people to arm themselves. It was towards daybreak that they
went into the passage. When they got to the end of it they dug
over their heads until they came upon stones laid in lime which
was the floor of a stone hall. They broke open the floor and
rose into the hall. There sat many of the castle-men eating and
drinking, and not in the least expecting such uninvited wolves;
for the Varings instantly attacked them sword in hand, and killed
some, and those who could get away fled. The Varings pursued
them; and some seized the castle gate, and opened it, so that the
whole body of the army got in. The people of the castle fled;
but many asked quarter from the troops, which was granted to all
who surrendered. In this way Harald got possession of the place,
and found an immense booty in it.
They came to a third castle, the greatest and strongest of them
all, and also the richest in property and the fullest of people.
Around this castle there were great ditches, so that it evidently
could not be taken by the same device as the former; and they lay
a long time before it without doing anything. When the castlemen
saw this they became bolder, drew up their array on the
castle walls, threw open the castle gates, and shouted to the
Varings, urging them, and jeering at them, and telling them to
come into the castle, and that they were no more fit for battle
than so many poultry. Harald told his men to make as if they did
not know what to do, or did not understand what was said. "For,"
says he, "if we do make an assault we can effect nothing, as they
can throw their weapons under their feet among us; and if we get
in the castle with a party of our people, they have it in their
power to shut them in. and shut out the others; for they have all
the castle gates beset with men. We shall therefore show them
the same scorn they show us, and let them see we do not fear
them. Our men shall go out upon the plain nearest to the castle;
taking care, however, to keep out of bow-shot. All our men shall
go unarmed, and be playing with each other, so that the castlemen
may see we do not regard them or their array." Thus it went
on for some days, without anything being done.
Two Iceland men were then with Harald; the one was Haldor (1), a
son of the gode Snorre, who brought this account to Iceland; the
other was Ulf Uspakson, a grandson of Usvifer Spake. Both were
very strong men, bold under arms, and Harald's best friends; and
both were in this play. Now when some days were passed the
castle people showed more courage, and would go without weapons
upon the castle wall, while the castle gates were standing open.
The Varings observing this, went one day to their sports with the
sword under their cloaks, and the helmet under their hats. After
playing awhile they observed that the castle people were off
their guard; and instantly seizing their weapons, they made at
the castle gate. When the men of the castle saw this they went
against them armed completely, and a battle began in the castle
gate. The Varings had no shields, but wrapped their cloaks round
their left arms. Some of them were wounded, some killed, and all
stood in great danger. Now came Harald with the men who had
remained in the camp, to the assistance of his people; and the
castle-men had now got out upon the walls, from which they shot
and threw stones down upon them; so that there was a severe
battle, and those who were in the castle gates thought that help
was brought them slower than they could have wished. When Harald
came to the castle gate his standard-bearer fell, and Harald said
to Haldor, "Do thou take up the banner now." Haldor took up the
banner, and said foolishly, "Who will carry the banner before
thee, if thou followest it so timidly as thou hast done for a
while?" But these were words more of anger than of truth; for
Harald was one of the boldest of men under arms. Then they
pressed in, and had a hard battle in the castle; and the end was
that Harald gained the victory and took the castle. Haldor was
much wounded in the face, and it gave him great pain as long as
he lived.
(1) One of the descendants of this Haldor was Snorre Sturlason,
the author of "Heimskring1a".
The fourth castle which Harald came to was the greatest of all we
have been speaking about. It was so strong that there was no
possibility of breaking into it. They surrounded the castle, so
that no supplies could get into it. When they had remained here
a short time Harald fell sick, and he betook himself to his bed.
He had his tent put up a little from the camp, for he found
quietness and rest out of the clamour and clang of armed men.
His men went usually in companies to or from him to hear his
orders; and the castle people observing there was something new
among the Varings, sent out spies to discover what this might
mean. When the spies came back to the castle they had to tell of
the illness of the commander of the Varings, and that no assault
on that account had been made on the castle. A while after
Harald's strength began to fail, at which his men were very
melancholy and cast down; all which was news to the castle-men.
At last Harald's sickness increased so rapidly that his death was
expected through all the army. Thereafter the Varings went to
the castle-men; told them, in a parley, of the death of their
commander; and begged of the priests to grant him burial in the
castle. When the castle people heard this news, there were many
among them who ruled over cloisters or other great establishments
within the place, and who were very eager to get the corpse for
their church, knowing that upon that there would follow very rich
presents. A great many priests, therefore, clothed themselves in
all their robes, and went out of the castle with cross and shrine
and relics and formed a beautiful procession. The Varings also
made a great burial. The coffin was borne high in the air, and
over it was a tent of costly linen and before it were carried
many banners. Now when the corpse was brought within the castle
gate the Varings set down the coffin right across the entry,
fixed a bar to keep the gates open, and sounded to battle with
all their trumpets, and drew their swords. The whole army of the
Varings, fully armed. rushed from the camp to the assault of the
castle with shout and cry; and the monks and other priests who
had gone to meet the corpse and had striven with each other who
should be the first to come out and take the offering at the
burial, were now striving much more who should first get away
from the Varings; for they killed before their feet every one who
was nearest, whether clerk or unconsecrated. The Varings
rummaged so well this castle that they killed all the men,
pillaged everything and made an enormous booty.
Harald was many years in these campaigns, both in Serkland and
in Sicily. Then he came back to Constantinople with his troops
and stayed there but a little time before he began his expedition
to Jerusalem. There he left the pay he had received from the
Greek emperor and all the Varings who accompanied him did the
same. It is said that on all these expeditions Harald had fought
eighteen regular battles. So says Thiodolf: --
"Harald the Stern ne'er allowed
Peace to his foemen, false and proud;
In eighteen battles, fought and won,
The valour of the Norseman shone.
The king, before his home return,
Oft dyed the bald head of the erne
With bloody specks, and o'er the waste
The sharp-claw'd wolf his footsteps traced."
Harald went with his men to the land of Jerusalem and then up to
the city of Jerusalem, and wheresoever he came in the land all
the towns and strongholds were given up to him. So says the
skald Stuf, who had heard the king himself relate these tidings:
"He went, the warrior bold and brave,
Jerusalem, the holy grave,
And the interior of the land,
To bring under the Greeks' command;
And by the terror of his name
Under his power the country came,
Nor needed wasting fire and sword
To yield obediance to his word."
Here it is told that this land came without fire and sword under
Harald's command. He then went out to Jordan and bathed therein,
according to the custom of other pilgrims. Harald gave great
gifts to our Lord's grave, to the Holy Cross, and other holy
relics in the land of Jerusalem. He also cleared the whole road
all the way out to Jordan, by killing the robbers and other
disturbers of the peace. So says the skald Stuf: --
"The Agder king cleared far and wide
Jordan's fair banks on either side;
The robber-bands before him fled,
And his great name was widely spread.
The wicked people of the land
Were punished here by his dread hand,
And they hereafter will not miss
Much worse from Jesus Christ than this."
Thereafter he went back to Constantinople. When Harald returned
to Constantinople from Jerusalem he longed to return to the North
to his native land; and when he heard that Magnus Olafson, his
brother's son, had become king both of Norway and Denmark, he
gave up his command in the Greek service. And when the empress
Zoe heard of this she became angry and raised an accusation
against Harald that he had misapplied the property of the Greek
emperor which he had received in the campaigns in which he was
commander of the army. There was a young and beautiful girl
called Maria, a brother's daughter of the empress Zoe, and Harald
had paid his addresses to her; but the empress had given him a
refusal. The Varings, who were then in pay in Constantinople,
have told here in the North that there went a report among
well-informed people that the empress Zoe herself wanted Harald
for her husband, and that she chiefly blamed Harald for his
determination to leave Constantinople, although another reason
was given out to the public. Constantinus Monomachus was at
that time emperor of the Greeks and ruled along with Zoe. On
this account the Greek emperor had Harald made prisoner and
carried to prison.
When Harald drew near to the prison King Olaf the Saint stood
before him and said he would assist him. On that spot of the
street a chapel has since been built and consecrated to Saint
Olaf and which chapel has stood there ever since. The prison was
so constructed that there was a high tower open above, but a door
below to go into it from the street. Through it Harald was
thrust in, along with Haldor and Ulf. Next night a lady of
distinction with two servants came, by the help of ladders, to
the top of the tower, let down a rope into the prison and hauled
them up. Saint Olaf had formerly cured this lady of a sickness
and he had appeared to her in a vision and told her to deliver
his brother. Harald went immediately to the Varings, who all
rose from their seats when he came in and received him with joy.
The men armed themselves forthwith and went to where the emperor
slept. They took the emperor prisoner and put out both the eyes
of him. So says Thorarin Skeggjason in his poem: --
"Of glowing gold that decks the hand
The king got plenty in this land;
But it's great emperor in the strife
Was made stone-blind for all his life."
So says Thiodolf, the skald, also: --
"He who the hungry wolf's wild yell
Quiets with prey, the stern, the fell,
Midst the uproar of shriek and shout
Stung tho Greek emperor's eyes both out:
The Norse king's mark will not adorn,
The Norse king's mark gives cause to mourn;
His mark the Eastern king must bear,
Groping his sightless way in fear."
In these two songs, and many others, it is told that Harald
himself blinded the Greek emperor; and they would surely have
named some duke, count, or other great man, if they had not known
this to be the true account; and King Harald himself and other
men who were with him spread the account.
The same night King Harald and his men went to the house where
Maria slept and carried her away by force. Then they went down
to where the galleys of the Varings lay, took two of them and
rowed out into Sjavid sound. When they came to the place where
the iron chain is drawn across the sound, Harald told his men to
stretch out at their oars in both galleys; but the men who were
not rowing to run all to the stern of the galley, each with his
luggage in his hand. The galleys thus ran up and lay on the iron
chain. As soon as they stood fast on it, and would advance no
farther, Harald ordered all the men to run forward into the bow.
Then the galley, in which Harald was, balanced forwards and swung
down over the chain; but the other, which remained fast athwart
the chain, split in two, by which many men were lost; but some
were taken up out of the sound. Thus Harald escaped out of
Constantinople and sailed thence into the Black Sea; but before
he left the land he put the lady ashore and sent her back with a
good escort to Constantinople and bade her tell her relation, the
Empress Zoe, how little power she had over Harald, and how little
the empress could have hindered him from taking the lady. Harald
then sailed northwards in the Ellipalta and then all round the
Eastern empire. On this voyage Harald composed sixteen songs for
amusement and all ending with the same words. This is one of
them: --
"Past Sicily's wide plains we flew,
A dauntless, never-wearied crew;
Our viking steed rushed through the sea,
As viking-like fast, fast sailed we.
Never, I think, along this shore
Did Norsemen ever sail before;
Yet to the Russian queen, I fear,
My gold-adorned, I am not dear."
With this he meant Ellisif, daughter of King Jarisleif in
When Harald came to Novgorod King Jarisleif received him in the
most friendly way and he remained there all winter (A.D. 1045).
Then he took into his own keeping all the gold and the many kinds
of precious things which he had sent there from Constantinople
and which together made up so vast a treasure that no man in the
Northern lands ever saw the like of it in one man's possession.
Harald had been three times in the poluta-svarf while he was in
Constantinople. It is the custom, namely, there, that every time
one of the Greek emperors dies, the Varings are allowed
poluta-svarf; that is, they may go through all the emperor's
palaces where his treasures are and each may take and keep what
he can lay hold of while he is going through them.
This winter King Jarisleif gave Harald his daughter Elisabeth in
marriage. She is called by the Northmen Ellisif. This is
related by Stuf the Blind, thus: --
"Agder's chief now got the queen
Who long his secret love had been.
Of gold, no doubt, a mighty store
The princess to her husband bore."
In spring he began his journey from Novgorod and came to
Aldeigjuborg, where he took shipping and sailed from the East in
summer. He turned first to Svithjod and came to Sigtuna. So
says Valgard o' Val: --
"The fairest cargo ship e'er bore,
From Russia's distant eastern shore
The gallant Harald homeward brings --
Gold, and a fame that skald still sings.
The ship through dashing foam he steers,
Through the sea-rain to Svithjod veers,
And at Sigtuna's grassy shores
His gallant vessel safely moors."
Harald found there before him Svein Ulfson, who the autumn before
(A.D. 1045) had fled from King Magnus at Helganes; and when they
met they were very friendly on both sides. The Swedish king,
Olaf the Swede, was brother of the mother of Ellisif, Harald's
wife; and Astrid, the mother of Svein, was King Olaf's sister.
Harald and Svein entered into friendship with each other and
confirmed it by oath. All the Swedes were friendly to Svein,
because he belonged to the greatest family in the country; and
thus all the Swedes were Harald's friends and helpers also, for
many great men were connected with him by relationship. So says
"Cross the East sea the vessel flew, --
Her oak-keel a white furrow drew
From Russia's coast to Swedish land.
Where Harald can great help command.
The heavy vessel's leeward side
Was hid beneath the rushing tide;
While the broad sail and gold-tipped mast
Swung to and fro in the hard blast."
Then Harald and Svein fitted out ships and gathered together a
great force; and when the troops were ready they sailed from the
East towards Denmark. So says Valgard: --
"Brave Yngve! to the land decreed
To thee by fate, with tempest speed
The winds fly with thee o'er the sea --
To thy own udal land with thee.
As past the Scanlan plains they fly,
The gay ships glances 'twixt sea and sky,
And Scanian brides look out, and fear
Some ill to those they hold most dear."
They landed first in Seeland with their men and herried and
burned in the land far and wide. Then they went to Fyen, where
they also landed and wasted. So says Valgard: --
"Harald! thou hast the isle laid waste,
The Seeland men away hast chased,
And the wild wolf by daylight roams
Through their deserted silent homes.
Fiona too could not withstand
The fury of thy wasting hand.
Helms burst, shields broke, -- Fiona's bounds.
Were filled with death's terrific sounds.
"Red flashing in the southern sky,
The clear flame sweeping broad and high,
From fair Roeskilde's lofty towers,
On lowly huts its fire-rain pours;
And shows the housemates' silent train
In terror scouring o'er the plain,
Seeking the forest's deepest glen,
To house with wolves, and 'scape from men.
"Few were they of escape to tell,
For, sorrow-worn, the people fell:
The only captives form the fray
Were lovely maidens led away.
And in wild terror to the strand,
Down to the ships, the linked band
Of fair-haired girls is roughly driven,
Their soft skins by the irons riven."
King Magnus Olafson sailed north to Norway in the autumn after
the battle at Helganes (A.D. 1045). There he hears the news that
Harald Sigurdson, his relation, was come to Svithjod; and
moreover that Svein Ulfson and Harald had entered into a friendly
bond with each other and gathered together a great force,
intending first to subdue Denmark and then Norway. King Magnus
then ordered a general levy over all Norway and he soon collected
a great army. He hears then that Harald and Svein were come to
Denmark and were burning and laying waste the land and that the
country people were everywhere submitting to them. It was also
told that King Harald was stronger and stouter than other men,
and so wise withal that nothing was impossible to him, and he had
always the victory when he fought a battle; and he was also so
rich in gold that no man could compare with him in wealth.
Thiodolf speaks thus of it:
"Norsemen, who stand the sword of foe
Like forest-stems unmoved by blow!
My hopes are fled, no peace is near, --
People fly here and there in fear.
On either side of Seeland's coast
A fleet appears -- a white winged host;
Magnus form Norway takes his course,
Harald from Sweden leads his force.
Those of Harald's men who were in his counsel said that it would
be a great misfortune if relations like Harald and Magnus should
fight and throw a death-spear against each other; and therefore
many offered to attempt bringing about some agreement between
them, and the kings, by their persuasion, agreed to it.
Thereupon some men were sent off in a light boat, in which they
sailed south in all haste to Denmark, and got some Danish men,
who were proven friends of King Magnus, to propose this matter to
Harald. This affair was conducted very secretly. Now when
Harald heard that his relation, King Magnus, would offer him a
league and partition, so that Harald should have half of Norway
with King Magnus, and that they should divide all their movable
property into two equal parts, he accepted the proposal, and the
people went back to King Magnus with this answer.
A little after this it happened that Harald and Svein one evening
were sitting at table drinking and talking together, and Svein
asked Harald what valuable piece of all his property he esteemed
the most.
He answered, it was his banner Land-waster.
Svein asked what was there remarkable about it, that he valued it
so highly.
Harald replied, it was a common saying that he must gain the
victory before whom that banner is borne, and it had turned out
so ever since he had owned it.
Svein replies, "I will begin to believe there is such virtue in
the banner when thou hast held three battles with thy relation
Magnus, and hast gained them all."
Then answered Harald with an angry voice, "I know my relationship
to King Magnus, without thy reminding me of it; and although we
are now going in arms against him, our meeting may be of a better
Svein changed colour, and said, "There are people, Harald, who
say that thou hast done as much before as only to hold that part
of an agreement which appears to suit thy own interest best."
Harald answers, "It becomes thee ill to say that I have not stood
by an agreement, when I know what King Magnus could tell of thy
proceedings with him."
Thereupon each went his own way. At night, when Harald went to
sleep within the bulwarks of his vessel, he said to his footboy,
"I will not sleep in my bed to-night, for I suspect there may be
treachery abroad. I observed this evening that my friend Svein
was very angry at my free discourse. Thou shalt keep watch,
therefore, in case anything happen in the night." Harald then
went away to sleep somewhere else, and laid a billet of wood in
his place. At midnight a boat rowed alongside to the ship's
bulwark; a man went on board, lifted up the cloth of the tent of
the bulwarks, went up, and struck in Harald's bed with a great
ax, so that it stood fast in the lump of wood. The man instantly
ran back to his boat again, and rowed away in the dark night, for
the moon was set; but the axe remained sticking in the piece of
wood as an evidence. Thereupon Harald waked his men and let them
know the treachery intended. "We can now see sufficiently," said
he, "that we could never match Svein if he practises such
deliberate treachery against us; so it will be best for us to get
away from this place while we can. Let us cast loose our vessel
and row away as quietly as possible." They did so, and rowed
during the night northwards along the land; and then proceeded
night and day until they came to King Magnus, where he lay with
his army. Harald went to his relation Magnus, and there was a
joyful meeting betwixt them. So says Thiodolf: --
"The far-known king the order gave,
In silence o'er the swelling wave,
With noiseless oars, his vessels gay
From Denmark west to row away;
And Olaf's son, with justice rare,
Offers with him the realm to share.
People, no doubt, rejoiced to find
The kings had met in peaceful mind."
Afterwards the two relatives conversed with each other and all
was settled by peaceful agreement.
King Magnus lay at the shore and had set up tents upon the land.
There he invited his relation, King Harald, to be his guest at
table; and Harald went to the entertainment with sixty of his men
and was feasted excellently. Towards the end of the day King
Magnus went into the tent where Harald sat and with him went men
carrying parcels consisting of clothes and arms. Then the king
went to the man who sat lowest and gave him a good sword, to the
next a shield, to the next a kirtle, and so on, -- clothes, or
weapons, or gold; to all he gave one or the other valuable gift,
and the more costly to the more distinguished men among them.
Then he placed himself before his relation Harald, holding two
sticks in his hand, and said, "Which of these two sticks wilt
thou have, my friend?"
Harald replies, "The one nearest me."
"Then," said King Magnus, "with this stick I give thee half of
the Norwegian power, with all the scat and duties, and all the
domains thereunto belonging, with the condition that everywhere
thou shalt be as lawful king in Norway as I am myself; but when
we are both together in one place, I shall be the first man in
seat, service and salutation; and if there be three of us
together of equal dignity, that I shall sit in the middle, and
shall have the royal tent-ground and the royal landing-place.
Thou shalt strengthen and advance our kingdom, in return for
making thee that man in Norway whom we never expected any man
should be so long as our head was above ground." Then Harald
stood up, and thanked him for the high title and dignity.
Thereupon they both sat down, and were very merry together. The
same evening Harald and his men returned to their ships.
The following morning King Magnus ordered the trumpets to sound
to a General Thing of the people; and when it was seated, he made
known to the whole army the gift he had given to his relation
Harald. Thorer of Steig gave Harald the title of King there at
the Thing; and the same day King Harald invited King Magnus to
table with him, and he went with sixty men to King Harald's
land-tent, where he had prepared a feast. The two kings sat
together on a high-seat, and the feast was splendid; everything
went on with magnificence, and the kings' were merry and glad.
Towards the close of the day King Harald ordered many caskets to
be brought into the tent, and in like manner people bore in
weapons, clothes and other sorts of valuables; and all these King
Harald divided among King Magnus's men who were at the feast.
Then he had the caskets opened and said to King Magnus,
"Yesterday you gave us a large kingdom, which your hand won from
your and our enemies, and took us in partnership with you, which
was well done; and this has cost you much. Now we on our side
have been in foreign parts, and oft in peril of life, to gather
together the gold which you here see. Now, King Magnus, I will
divide this with you. We shall both own this movable property,
and each have his equal share of it, as each has his equal half
share of Norway. I know that our dispositions are different, as
thou art more liberal than I am; therefore let us divide this
property equally between us, so that each may have his share free
to do with as he will." Then Harald had a large ox-hide spread
out, and turned the gold out of the caskets upon it. Then scales
and weights were taken and the gold separated and divided by
weight into equal parts; and all people wondered exceedingly that
so much gold should have come together in one place in the
northern countries. But it was understood that it was the Greek
emperor's property and wealth; for, as all people say, there are
whole houses there full of red gold. The kings were now very
merry. Then there appeared an ingot among the rest as big as a
man's hand. Harald took it in his hands and said, "Where is the
gold, friend Magnus, that thou canst show against this piece?"
King Magnus replied, "So many disturbances and levies have been
in the country that almost all the gold and silver I could lay up
is gone. I have no more gold in my possession than this ring."
And he took the ring off his hand and gave it to Harald.
Harald looked at it, and said, "That is but little gold, friend.
for the king who owns two kingdoms; and yet some may doubt
whether thou art rightful owner of even this ring."
Then King Magnus replied, after a little reflection, "If I be not
rightful owner of this ring, then I know not what I have got
right to; for my father, King Olaf the Saint, gave me this ring
at our last parting."
Then said King Harald, laughing, "It is true, King Magnus, what
thou sayest. Thy father gave thee this ring, but he took the
ring from my father for some trifling cause; and in truth it was
not a good time for small kings in Norway when thy father was in
full power."
King Harald gave Thorer of Steig at that feast a bowl of mountain
birch, that was encircled with a silver ring and had a silver
handle, both which parts were gilt; and the bowl was filled with
money of pure silver. With that came also two gold rings, which
together stood for a mark. He gave him also his cloak of dark
purple lined with white skins within, and promised him besides
his friendship and great dignity. Thorgils Snorrason, an
intelligent man, says he has seen an altar-cloth that was made of
this cloak; and Gudrid, a daughter of Guthorm, the son of Thorer
of Steig, said, according to Thorgil's account, that she had seen
this bowl in her father Guthorm's possession. Bolverk also tells
of these matters: --
"Thou, generous king, I have been told,
For the green land hast given gold;
And Magnus got a mighty treasure,
That thou one half might'st rule at pleasure.
The people gained a blessed peace,
Which 'twixt the kings did never cease;
While Svein, disturbed with war's alarms,
Had his folk always under arms."
The kings Magnus and Harald both ruled in Norway the winter after
their agreement (A.D. 1047), and each had his court. In winter
they went around the Upland country in guest-quarters; and
sometimes they were both together, sometimes each was for
himself. They went all the way north to Throndhjem, to the town
of Nidaros. King Magnus had taken special care of the holy
remains of King Olaf after he came to the country; had the hair
and nails clipped every twelve month, and kept himself the keys
that opened the shrine. Many miracles were worked by King Olaf's
holy remains. It was not long before there was a breach in the
good understanding between the two kings, as many were so
mischievous as to promote discord between them.
Svein Ulfson remained behind in the harbour after Harald had gone
away, and inquired about his proceedings. When he heard at last
of Magnus and Harald having agreed and joined their forces, he
steered with his forces eastward along Scania, and remained there
until towards winter, when he heard that King Magnus and King
Harald had gone northwards to Norway. Then Svein, with his
troops, came south to Denmark and took all the royal income that
winter (A.D. 1047).
Towards spring (A.D. 1047) King Magnus and his relation, King
Harald, ordered a levy in Norway. It happened once that the
kings lay all night in the same harbour and next day, King
Harald, being first ready, made sail. Towards evening he brought
up in the harbour in which Magnus and his retinue had intended to
pass the night. Harald laid his vessel in the royal ground, and
there set up his tents. King Magnus got under sail later in the
day and came into the harbour just as King Harald had done
pitching his tents. They saw then that King Harald had taken up
the king's ground and intended to lie there. After King Magnus
had ordered the sails to be taken in, he said, "The men will now
get ready along both sides of the vessel to lay out their oars,
and some will open the hatches and bring up the arms and arm
themselves; for, if they will not make way for us, we will fight
them." Now when King Harald sees that King Magnus will give him
battle, he says to his men, "Cut our land-fastenings and back the
ship out of the ground, for friend Magnus is in a passion." They
did so and laid the vessel out of the ground and King Magnus laid
his vessel in it. When they were now ready on both sides with
their business, King Harald went with a few men on board of King
Magnus's ship. King Magnus received him in a friendly way, and
bade him welcome. King Harald answered, "I thought we were come
among friends; but just now I was in doubt if ye would have it
so. But it is a truth that childhood is hasty, and I will only
consider it as a childish freak." Then said King Magnus, "It is
no childish whim, but a trait of my family, that I never forget
what I have given, or what I have not given. If this trifle had
been settled against my will, there would soon have followed'
some other discord like it. In all particulars I will hold the
agreement between us; but in the same way we will have all that
belongs to us by that right." King Harald coolly replied, that
it is an old custom for the wisest to give way; and returned to
his ship. From such circumstances it was found difficult to
preserve good understanding between the kings. King Magnus's men
said he was in the right; but others, less wise, thought there
was some slight put upon Harald in the business. King Harald's
men, besides, insisted that the agreement was only that King
Magnus should have the preference of the harbour-ground when they
arrived together, but that King Harald was not bound to draw out
of his place when he came first. They observed, also, that King
Harald had conducted himself well and wisely in the matter.
Those who viewed the business in the worst light insisted that
King Magnus wanted to break the agreement, and that he had done
King Harald injustice, and put an affront on him. Such disputes
were talked over so long among foolish people, that the spirit of
disagreeing affected the kings themselves. Many other things
also occurred, in which the kings appeared determined to have
each his own way; but of these little will be set down here.
The kings, Magnus and Harald, sailed with their fleet south to
Denmark; and when Svein heard of their approach, he fled away
east to Scania. Magnus and Harald remained in Denmark late in
summer, and subdued the whole country. In autumn they were in
Jutland. One night, as King Magnus lay in his bed, it appeared
to him in a dream that he was in the same place as his father,
Saint Olaf, and that he spoke to him thus: "Wilt thou choose, my
son, to follow me, or to become a mighty king, and have long
life; but to commit a crime which thou wilt never be able to
expiate?" He thought he made the answer, "Do thou, father,
choose for me." Then the king thought the answer was, "Thou
shalt follow me." King Magnus told his men this dream. Soon
after he fell sick and lay at a place called Sudathorp. When he
was near his death he sent his brother, Thorer, with tokens to
Svein Ulfson, with the request to give Thorer the aid he might
require. In this message King Magnus also gave the Danish
dominions to Svein after his death; and said it was just that
Harald should rule over Norway and Svein over Denmark. Then King
Magnus the Good died (A.D. 1047), and great was the sorrow of all
the people at his death. So says Od Kikinaskald: --
"The tears o'er good King Magnus' bier,
The people's tears, were all sincere:
Even they to whom he riches gave
Carried him heavily to the grave.
All hearts were struck at the king's end;
His house-thralls wept as for a friend;
His court-men oft alone would muse,
As pondering o'er unthought of news."
After this event King Harald held a Thing of his men-at-arms, and
told them his intention to go with the army to Viborg Thing, and
make himself be proclaimed king over the whole Danish dominions,
to which, he said, he had hereditary right after his relation
Magnus, as well as to Norway. He therefore asked his men for
their aid, and said he thought the Norway man should show himself
always superior to the Dane. Then Einar Tambaskelfer replies
that he considered it a greater duty to bring his foster-son King
Magnus's corpse to the grave, and lay it beside his father, King
Olaf's, north in Throndhjem town, than to be fighting abroad and
taking another king's dominions and property. He ended his
speech with saying that he would rather follow King Magnus dead
than any other king alive. Thereupon he had the body adorned in
the most careful way, so that most magnificent preparations were
made in the king's ship. Then all the Throndhjem people and all
the Northmen made themselves ready to return home with the king's
body, and so the army was broken up. King Harald saw then that
it was better for him to return to Norway to secure that kingdom
first, and to assemble men anew; and so King Harald returned to
Norway with all his army. As soon as he came to Norway he held a
Thing with the people of the country, and had himself proclaimed
king everywhere. He proceeded thus from the East through Viken,
and in every district in Norway he was named king. Einar
Tambaskelfer, and with him all the Throndhjem troops, went with
King Magnus's body and transported it to the town of Nidaros,
where it was buried in St. Clement's church, where also was the
shrine of King Olaf the Saint. King Magnus was of middle size,
of long and clear-complexioned countenance, and light hair, spoke
well and hastily, was brisk in his actions, and extremely
generous. He was a great warrior, and remarkably bold in arms.
He was the most popular of kings, prized even by enemies as well
as friends.
Svein Ulfson remained that autumn in Scania (A.D. 1047), and was
making ready to travel eastward to Sweden, with the intention of
renouncing the title of king he had assumed in Denmark; but just
as he was mounting his horse some men came riding to him with the
first news that King Magnus was dead, and all the Northmen had
left Denmark. Svein answered in haste, "I call God to witness
that I shall never again fly from the Danish dominions as long as
I live." Then he got on his horse and rode south into Scania,
where immediately many people crowded to him. That winter he
brought under his power all the Danish dominions, and all the
Danes took him for their king. Thorer, King Magnus's brother,
came to Svein in autumn with the message of King Magnus, as
before related, and was well received; and Thorer remained long
with Svein and was well taken care of.
King Harald Sigurdson took the royal power over all Norway after
the death of King Magnus Olafson; and when he had reigned over
Norway one winter and spring was come (A.D. 1048), he ordered a
levy through all the land of one-half of all men and ships and
went south to Jutland. He herried and burned all summer wide
around in the land and came into Godnarfjord, where King Harald
made these verses: --
"While wives of husbands fondly dream,
Here let us anchor in the stream,
In Godnarfjord; we'll safely moor
Our sea-homes, and sleep quite secure."
Then he spoke to Thiodolf, the skald, and asked him to add to it
what it wanted, and he sang: --
"In the next summer, I foresee,
Our anchorage in the South will be;
To hold our sea-homes on the ground,
More cold-tongued anchors will be found."
To this Bolverk alludes in his song also, that Harald went to
Denmark the summer after King Magnus's death. Bolverk sings
thus: --
"Next summer thou the levy raised,
And seawards all the people gazed,
Where thy sea-steeds in sunshine glancing
Over the waves were gaily prancing;
While the deep ships that plunder bore
Seemed black specks from the distant shore.
The Danes, from banks or hillocks green,
Looked with dismay upon the scene."
Then they burned the house of Thorkel Geysa, who was a great
lord, and his daughters they carried off bound to their ships.
They had made a great mockery the winter before of King Harald's
coming with war-ships against Denmark; and they cut their cheese
into the shape of anchors, and said such anchors might hold all
the ships of the Norway king. Then this was composed: --
"The Island-girls, we were told,
Made anchors all our fleet to hold:
Their Danish jest cut out in cheese
Did not our stern king's fancy please.
Now many a maiden fair, may be,
Sees iron anchors splash the sea,
Who will not wake a maid next morn
To laugh at Norway's ships in scorn."
It is said that a spy who had seen the fleet of King Harald said
to Thorkel Geysa's daughters, "Ye said, Geysa's daughters, that
King Harald dared not come to Denmark." Dotta, Thorkel's
daughter, replied, "That was yesterday." Thorkel had to ransom
his daughters with a great sum. So says Grane: --
"The gold-adorned girl's eye
Through Hornskeg wood was never dry,
As down towards the sandy shore
The men their lovely prizes bore.
The Norway leader kept at bay
The foe who would contest the way,
And Dotta's father had to bring
Treasure to satisfy the king."
King Harald plundered in Denmark all that summer, and made
immense booty; but he had not any footing in the land that summer
in Denmark. He went to Norway again in autumn and remained there
all winter (A.D. 1049).
The winter after King Magnus the Good died, King Harald took
Thora, daughter of Thorberg Arnason, and they had two sons; the
oldest called Magnus, and the other Olaf. King Harald and Queen
Ellisif had two daughters; the one Maria, the other Ingegerd.
The spring after the foray which has just been related King
Harald ordered the people out and went with them to Denmark (A.D.
1049), and herried there, and did so summer after summer
thereafter. So says Stuf, the skald: --
"Falster lay waste, as people tell, --
The raven in other isles fared well.
The Danes were everywhere in fear,
For the dread foray every year."
King Svein ruled over all the Danish dominions after King
Magnus's death. He sat quiet all the winter; but in summer he
lay out in his ships with all his people and it was said he would
go north to Norway with the Danish army and make not less havoc
there than King Harald had made in Denmark. King Svein proposed
to King Harald in winter (A.D. 1049) to meet him the following
summer at the Gaut river and fight until in the battle-field
their differences were ended, or they were settled peacefully.
They made ready on both sides all winter with their ships, and
called out in summer one-half of all the fighting men. The same
summer came Thorleik the Fair out of Iceland, and composed a poem
about King Svein Ulfson. He heard, when he arrived in Norway,
that King Harald had sailed south to the Gaut river against King
Svein. Then Thorleik sang this: --
"The wily Svein, I think, will meet
These inland Norsemen fleet to fleet;
The arrow-storm, and heaving sea,
His vantage-fight and field will be.
God only knows the end of strife,
Or which shall have his land and life;
This strife must come to such an end,
For terms will never bind King Svein."
He also sang these verses: --
"Harald, whose red shield oft has shone
O'er herried coasts, and fields hard won,
Rides in hot wrath, and eager speeds
O'er the blue waves his ocean-steeds.
Svein, who in blood his arrows stains,
Brings o'er the ocean's heaving plains
His gold-beaked ships, which come in view
Out from the Sound with many a hue."
King Harald came with his forces to the appointed meeting-place;
but there he heard that King Svein was lying with his fleet at
the south side of Seeland. Then King Harald divided his forces;
let the greater part of the bonde-troops return home; and took
with him his court-men, his lendermen, the best men-at-arms, and
all the bonde-troops who lived nearest to the Danish land. They
sailed over to Jutland to the south of Vendilskage, and so south
to Thioda; and over all they carried fire and sword. So says
Stuf, the skald: --
"In haste the men of Thyland fly
From the great monarch's threat'ning eye;
At the stern Harald's angry look
The boldest hearts in Denmark shook."
They went forward all the way south to Heidaby, took the merchant
town and burnt it. Then one of Harald's men made the following
verses: --
"All Heidaby is burned down!
Strangers will ask where stood the town.
In our wild humour up it blazed,
And Svein looks round him all amazed.
All Heidaby is burned down!
From a far corner of the town
I saw, before the peep of morning,
Roofs, walls, and all in flame high burning."
To this also Thorleik alludes in his verses, when he heard there
had been no battle at the Gaut river: --
"The stranger-warrior may inquire
Of Harald's men, why in his ire
On Heidaby his wrath he turns,
And the fair town to ashes burns?
Would that the day had never come
When Harald's ships returned home
From the East Sea, since now the town,
Without his gain, is burned down!"
Then King Harald sailed north and had sixty ships and the most of
them large and heavily laden with the booty taken in summer; and
as they sailed north past Thioda King Svein came down from the
land with a great force and he challenged King Harald to land and
fight. King Harald had little more than half the force of King
Svein and therefore he challenged Svein to fight at sea. So says
Thorleik the Fair: --
"Svein, who of all men under heaven
Has had the luckiest birth-hour given,
Invites his foemen to the field,
There to contest with blood-stained shield.
The king, impatient of delay,
Harald, will with his sea-hawks stay;
On board will fight, and fate decide
If Svein shall by his land abide."
After that King Harald sailed north along Vendilskage; and the
wind then came against them, and they brought up under Hlesey,
where they lay all night. A thick fog lay upon the sea; and when
the morning came and the sun rose they saw upon the other side of
the sea as if many lights were burning. This was told to King
Harald; and he looked at it, and said immediately, "Strike the
tilts down on the ships and take to the oars. The Danish forces
are coming upon us, and the fog there where they are must have
cleared off, and the sun shines upon the dragon-heads of their
ships, which are gilded, and that is what we see." It was so as
he had said. Svein had come there with a prodigious armed force.
They rowed now on both sides all they could. The Danish ships
flew lighter before the oars; for the Northmen's ships were both
soaked with water and heavily laden, so that the Danes approached
nearer and nearer. Then Harald, whose own dragon-ship was the
last of the fleet, saw that he could not get away; so he ordered
his men to throw overboard some wood, and lay upon it clothes and
other good and valuable articles; and it was so perfectly calm
that these drove about with the tide. Now when the Danes saw
their own goods driving about on the sea, they who were in
advance turned about to save them; for they thought it was easier
to take what was floating freely about, than to go on board the
Northmen to take it. They dropped rowing and lost ground. Now
when King Svein came up to them with his ship, he urged them on,
saying it would be a great shame if they, with so great a force,
could not overtake and master so small a number. The Danes then
began again to stretch out lustily at their oars. When King
Harald saw that the Danish ships went faster he ordered his men
to lighten their ships, and cast overboard malt, wheat, bacon,
and to let their liquor run out, which helped a little. Then
Harald ordered the bulwarkscreens, the empty casks and puncheons
and the prisoners to be thrown overboard; and when all these were
driving about on the sea, Svein ordered help to be given to save
the men. This was done; but so much time was lost that they
separated from each other. The Danes turned back and the
Northmen proceeded on their way. So says Thorleik the Fair: --
"Svein drove his foes from Jutland's coast, --
The Norsemen's ships would have been lost,
But Harald all his vessels saves,
Throwing his booty on the waves.
The Jutlanders saw, as he threw,
Their own goods floating in their view;
His lighten'd ships fly o'er the main
While they pick up their own again."
King Svein returned southwards with his ships to Hlesey, where he
found seven ships of the Northmen, with bondes and men of the
levy. When King Svein came to them they begged for mercy, and
offered ransom for themselves. So says Thorleik the Fair: --
"The stern king's men good offers make,
If Svein will ransom for them take;
Too few to fight, they boldly say
Unequal force makes them give way.
The hasty bondes for a word
Would have betaken them to the sword,
And have prolonged a bloody strife --
Such men can give no price for life."
King Harald was a great man, who ruled his kingdom well in homeconcerns.
Very prudent was he, of good understanding; and it is
the universal opinion that no chief ever was in northern lands of
such deep judgment and ready counsel as Harald. He was a great
warrior; bold in arms; strong and expert in the use of his
weapons beyond any others, as has been before related, although
many of the feats of his manhood are not here written down. This
is owing partly to our uncertainty about them, partly to our wish
not to put stories into this book for which there is no
testimony. Although we have heard, many things talked about, and
even circumstantially related, yet we think it better that
something may be added to, than that it should be necessary to
take something away from our narrative. A great part of his
history is put in verse by Iceland men, which poems they
presented to him or his sons, and for which reason he was their
great friend. He was, indeed. a great friend to all the people
of that country; and once, when a very dear time set in, he
allowed four ships to transport meal to Iceland, and fixed that
the shippund should not be dearer than 100 ells of wadmal. He
permitted also all poor people, who could find provisions to keep
them on the voyage across the sea, to emigrate from Iceland to
Norway; and from that time there was better subsistence in the
country, and the seasons also turned out better. King Harold
also sent from Norway a bell for the church of which Olaf the
Saint had sent the timbers to Iceland, and which was erected on
the Thing-plain. Such remembrances of King Harald are found here
in the country, besides many great gifts which he presented to
those who visited him.
Haldor Snorrason and Ulf Uspakson, as before related, came to
Norway with King Harald. They were, in many respects, of
different dispositions. Haldor was very stout and strong, and
remarkably handsome in appearance. King Harald gave him this
testimony, that he, among all his men, cared least about doubtful
circumstances, whether they betokened danger or pleasure; for,
whatever turned up, he was never in higher nor in lower spirits,
never slept less nor more on account of them, nor ate or drank
but according to his custom. Haldor was not a man of many words,
but short in conversation, told his opinion bluntly and was
obstinate and hard; and this could not please the king, who had
many clever people about him zealous in his service. Haldor
remained a short time with the king; and then came to Iceland,
where he took up his abode in Hjardarholt, and dwelt in that farm
to a very advanced age.
Ulf Uspakson stood in great esteem with King Harald; for he was a
man of great understanding, clever in conversation, active and
brave, and withal true and sincere. King Harald made Ulf his
marshal, and married him to Jorun, Thorberg's daughter, a sister
of Harald's wife, Thora. Ulf and Jorun's children were Joan the
Strong of Rasvol, and Brigida, mother of Sauda-Ulf, who was
father of Peter Byrdar-Svein, father of Ulf Fly and Sigrid. Joan
the Strong's son was Erlend Himalde, father of Archbishop Eystein
and his brothers. King Harald gave Ulf the marshal the rights of
a lenderman and a fief of twelve marks income, besides a halfdistrict
in the Throndhjem land. Of this Stein Herdison speaks
in his song about Ulf.
King Magnus Olafson built Olaf's church in the town (Nidaros), on
the spot where Olaf's body was set down for the night, and which,
at that time, was above the town. He also had the king's house
built there. The church was not quite finished when the king
died; but King Harald had what was wanting completed. There,
beside the house, he began to construct a stone hall, but it was
not finished when he died. King Harald had the church called
Mary Church built from the foundations up, at the sandhill close
to the spot where the king's holy remains were concealed in the
earth the first winter after his fall. It was a large temple,
and so strongly built with lime that it was difficult to break it
when the Archbishop Eystein had it pulled down. Olaf's holy
remains were kept in Olaf's church while Mary Church was
building. King Harald had the king's house erected below Mary
Kirk, at the side of the river, where it now is; and he had the
house in which he had made the great hall consecrated and called
Gregorius Church.
There was a man called Ivar the White, who was a brave lenderman
dwelling in the Uplands, and was a daughter's son of Earl Hakon
the Great. Ivar was the handsomest man that could be seen.
Ivar's son was called Hakon; and of him it was said that he was
distinguished above all men then in Norway for beauty, strength
and perfection of figure. In his very youth he had been sent out
on war expeditions, where he acquired great honour and
consideration, and became afterwards one of the most celebrated
Einar Tambaskelfer was the most powerful lenderman in the
Throndhjem land. There was but little friendship between him and
King Harald, although Einar retained all the fiefs he had held
while Magnus the Good lived. Einar had many large estates, and
was married to Bergliot, a daughter of Earl Hakon, as related
above. Their son Eindride was grown up, and married to Sigrid, a
daughter of Ketil Kalf and Gunhild, King Harald's sister's
daughter. Eindride had inherited the beauty of his mother's
father, Earl Hakon, and his sons; and in size and strength he
took after his father, Einar, and also in all bodily perfections
by which Einar had been distinguished above other men. He was,
also, as well as his father, the most popular of men, which the
sagas, indeed, show sufficiently.
Orm was at that time earl in the Uplands. His mother was
Ragnhild, a daughter of Earl Hakon the Great, and Orm was a
remarkably clever man. Aslak Erlingson was then in Jadar at
Sole, and was married to Sigrid, a daughter of Earl Svein
Hakonson. Gunhild, Earl Svein's other daughter, was married to
the Danish king, Svein Ulfson. These were the descendants of
Earl Hakon at that time in Norway, besides many other
distinguished people; and the whole race was remarkable for their
very beautiful appearance, and the most of them were gifted with
great bodily perfection, and were all distinguished and important
King Harald was very proud, and his pride increased after he was
established in the country; and it came so far that at last it
was not good to speak against him, or to propose anything
different from what he desired. So says Thiodolf, the skald: --
"In arms 'tis right the common man
Should follow orders, one by one, --
Should stoop or rise, or run or stand,
As his war-leader may command;
But now to the king who feeds the ravens
The people bend like heartless cravens --
Nothing is left them, but consent
To what the king calls his intent."
Einar Tambaskelfer was the principal man among the bondes all
about Throndhjem, and answered for them at the Things even
against the king's men. Einar knew well the law, and did not
want boldness to bring forward his opinion at Things, even if the
king was present; and all the bondes stood by him. The king was
very angry at this, and it came so far that they disputed eagerly
against each other. Einar said that the bondes would not put up
with any unlawful proceedings from him if he broke through the
law of the land; and this occurred several times between them.
Einar then began to keep people about him at home, and he had
many more when he came into the town if the king was there. It
once happened that Einar came to the town with a great many men
and ships; he had with him eight or nine great war-ships and
nearly 500 men. When he came to the town he went up from the
strand with his attendants. King Harald was then in his house,
standing out in the gallery of the loft; and when he saw Einar's
people going on shore, it is said Harald composed these verses:
"I see great Tambaskelfer go,
With mighty pomp, and pride, and show,
Across the ebb-shore up the land, --
Before, behind, an armed band.
This bonde-leader thinks to rule,
And fill himself the royal stool.
A goodly earl I have known
With fewer followers of his own.
He who strikes fire from the shield,
Einar, may some day make us yield,
Unless our axe-edge quickly ends,
With sudden kiss, what he intends."
Einar remained several days in the town.
One day there was a meeting held in the town, at which the king
himself was present. A thief had been taken in the town, and he
was brought before the Thing. The man had before been in the
service of Einar, who had been very well satisfied with him.
This was told to Einar, and he well knew the king would not let
the man off, and more because he took an interest in the matter.
Einar, therefore, let his men get under arms, went to the Thing,
and took the man by force. The friends on both sides then came
between and endeavoured to effect a reconciliation; and they
succeeded so far that a meeting-place was appointed, to which
both should come. There was a Thing-room in the king's house at
the river Nid, and the king went into it with a few men, while
the most of his people were out in the yard. The king ordered
the shutters of the loft-opening to be turned, so that there was
but a little space left clear. When Einar came into the yard
with his people, he told his son Eindride to remain outside with
the men, "for there is no danger here for me." Eindride remained
standing outside at the room-door. When Einar came into the
Thing-room, he said, "It is dark in the king's Thing-room." At
that moment some men ran against him and assaulted him, some with
spears, some with swords. When Eindride heard this he drew his
sword and rushed into the room; but he was instantly killed along
with his father. The king's men then ran up and placed
themselves before the door, and the bondes lost courage, having
no leader. They urged each other on, indeed, and said it was a
shame they should not avenge their chief; but it came to nothing
with their attack. The king went out to his men, arrayed them in
battle order, and set up his standard: but the bondes did not
venture to assault. Then the king went with all his men on board
of his ships, rowed down the river, and then took his way out of
the fjord. When Einar's wife Bergliot, who was in the house
which Einar had possessed in the town, heard of Einar's fall, she
went immediately to the king's house where the bondes army was
and urged them to the attack; but at the same moment the king was
rowing out of the river. Then said Bergliot, "Now we want here
my relation, Hakon Ivarson: Einar's murderer would not be rowing
out of the river if Ivar stood here on the riverbank." Then
Bergliot adorned Einar's and Eindride's corpses and buried them
in Olaf's church, beside King Magnus Olafson's burial-place.
After Einar's murder the king was so much disliked for that deed
that there was nothing that prevented the lendermen and bondes
from attacking the king, and giving him battle, but the want of
some leader to raise the banner in the bonde army.
Fin Arnason dwelt at Austrat in Yrjar, and was King Harald's
lenderman there. Fin was married to Bergliot, a daughter of
Halfdan, who was a son of Sigurd Syr, and brother of Olaf the
Saint and of King Harald. Thora, King Harald's wife, was Fin
Arnason's brother's daughter: and Fin and all his brothers were
the king's dearest friends. Fin Arnason had been for some
summers on a viking cruise in the West sea; and Fin, Guthorm
Gunhildson and Hakon Ivarson had all been together on that
cruise. King Harald now proceeded out of Throndhjem fjord to
Austrat, where he was well received. Afterwards the king and Fin
conversed with each other about this new event of Einar's and his
son's death, and of the murmuring and threatening which the
bondes made against the king.
Fin took up the conversation briskly, and said, "Thou art
managing ill in two ways: first, in doing all manner of mischief;
and next, in being so afraid that thou knowest not what to do."
The king replied, laughing, "I will send thee, friend, into the
town to bring about a reconciliation with the bondes; and if that
will not do, thou must go to the Uplands and bring matters to
such an understanding with Hakon Ivarson that he shall not be my
Fin replies, "And how wilt thou reward me if I undertake this
dangerous errand; for both the people of Throndhjem and the
people of Upland are so great enemies to thee that it would not
be safe for any of thy messengers to come among them, unless he
were one who would be spared for his own sake?"
The king replies, "Go thou on this embassy, for I know thou wilt
succeed in it if any man can, and bring about a reconciliation;
and then choose whatever favour from us thou wilt."
Fin says, "Hold thou thy word, king, and I will choose my
petition. I will desire to have peace and safe residence in the
country for my brother Kalf, and all his estates restored; and
also that he receive all the dignity and power he had when he
left the country."
The king assented to all that Fin laid down, and it was confirmed
by witnesses and shake of hand.
Then said Fin, "What shall I offer Hakon, who rules most among
his relations in the land, to induce him to agree to a treaty and
reconciliation with thee?"
The king replies, "Thou shalt first hear what Hakon on his part
requires for making an agreement; then promote my interest as
thou art best able; and deny him nothing in the end short of the
Then King Harald proceeded southwards to More, and drew together
men in considerable numbers.
Fin Arnason proceeded to the town and had with him his houseservants,
nearly eighty men. When he came into the town he held
a Thing with the town's people. Fin spoke long and ably at the
Thing; and told the town's people, and bondes, above all things
not to have a hatred against their king, or to drive him away.
He reminded them of how much evil they had suffered by acting
thus against King Olaf the Saint; and added, that the king was
willing to pay penalty for this murder, according to the judgment
of understanding and good men. The effect of Fin's speech was
that the bondes promised to wait quietly until the messengers
came back whom Bergliot had sent to the Uplands to her relative,
Hakon Ivarson. Fin then went out to Orkadal with the men who had
accompanied him to the town. From thence he went up to
Dovrefield, and eastwards over the mountains. He went first to
his son-in-law, Earl Orm, who was married to Sigrid, Fin's
daughter, and told him his business.
Then Fin and Earl Orm appointed a meeting with Hakon Ivarson; and
when they met Fin explained his errand to Hakon, and the offer
which King Harald made him. It was soon seen, from Hakon's
speech, that he considered it to be his great duty to avenge the
death of his relative, Eindride; and added, that word was come to
him from Throndhjem, from which he might expect help in making
head against the king. Then Fin represented to Hakon how much
better it would be for him to accept of as high a dignity from
the king as he himself could desire, rather than to attempt
raising a strife against the king to whom he was owing service
and duty. He said if he came out of the conflict without
victory, he forfeited life and property: "And even if thou hast
the victory, thou wilt still be called a traitor to thy
sovereign." Earl Orm also supported Fin's speech. After Hakon
had reflected upon this he disclosed what lay on his mind, and
said, "I will be reconciled with King Harald if he will give me
in marriage his relation Ragnhild, King Magnus Olafson's
daughter, with such dower as is suitable to her and she will be
content with." Fin said he would agree to this on the king's
part; and thus it was settled among them. Fin then returned to
Throndhjem, and the disturbance and enmity was quashed, so that
the king could retain his kingdom in peace at home; and the
league was broken which Eindride's relations had made among
themselves for opposing King Harald.
When the day arrived for the meeting at which this agreement with
Harald should be finally concluded, Hakon went to King Harald;
and in their conference the king said that he, for his part,
would adhere to all that was settled in their agreement. "Thou
Hakon," says he, "must thyself settle that which concerns
Ragnhild, as to her accepting thee in marriage; for it would not
be advisable for thee, or for any one, to marry Ragnhild without
her consent." Then Hakon went to Ragnhild, and paid his
addresses to her. She answered him thus: "I have often to feel
that my father, King Magnus, is dead and gone from me, since I
must marry a bonde; although I acknowledge thou art a handsome
man, expert in all exercises. But if King Magnus had lived he
would not have married me to any man less than a king; so it is
not to be expected that I will take a man who has no dignity or
title." Then Hakon went to King Harald and told him his
conversation with Ragnhild, and also repeated the agreement which
was made between him and Fin, who was with him, together with
many others of the persons who had been present at the
conversation between him and Fin. Hakon takes them all to
witness that such was the agreement that the king should give
Ragnhild the dower she might desire. "And now since she will
have no man who has not a high dignity, thou must give me such a
title of honour; and, according to the opinion of the people, I
am of birth, family and other qualifications to be called earl."
The king replies, "When my brother, King Olaf, and his son, King
Magnus, ruled the kingdom, they allowed only one earl at a time
to be in the country, and I have done the same since I came to
the kingly title; and I will not take away from Orm the title of
honour I had before given him."
Hakon saw now that his business had not advanced, and was very
ill pleased; and Fin was outrageously angry. They said the king
had broken his word; and thus they all separated.
Hakon then went out of the country with a well-manned ship. When
he came to Denmark he went immediately to his relative, King
Svein, who received him honourably and gave him great fiefs.
Hakon became King Svein's commander of the coast defence against
the vikings, -- the Vindland people, Kurland people, and others
from the East countries, -- who infested the Danish dominions;
and he lay out with his ships of war both winter and summer.
There was a man called Asmund, who is said to have been King
Svein's sister's son, and his foster-son. This Asmund was
distinguished among all by his boldness and was much disliked by
the king. When Asmund came to years, and to age of discretion,
he became an ungovernable person given to murder and
manslaughter. The king was ill pleased at this, and sent him
away, giving him a good fief, which might keep him and his
followers well. As soon as Asmund had got this property from the
king he drew together a large troop of people; and as the estate
he had got from the king was not sufficient for his expenses he
took as his own much more which belonged to the king. When the
king heard this he summoned Asmund to him, and when they met the
king said that Asmund should remain with the court without
keeping any retinue of his own; and this took place as the king
desired. But when Asmund had been a little time in the king's
court he grew weary of being there, and escaped in the night,
returned to his former companions and did more mischief than
ever. Now when the king was riding through the country he came
to the neighbourhood where Asmund was, and he sent out men-atarms
to seize him. The king then had him laid in irons, and kept
him so for some time in hope he would reform; but no sooner did
Asmund get rid of his chains than he absconded again, gathered
together people and men-at-arms and betook himself to plunder,
both abroad and at home. Thus he made great forays, killing and
plundering all around. When the people who suffered under these
disturbances came to the king and complained to him of their
losses, he replied, "Why do ye tell me of this? Why don't you go
to Hakon Ivarson, who is my officer for the land-defence, placed
on purpose to keep the peace for you peasants, and to hold the
vikings in check? I was told that Hakon was a gallant and brave
man, but I think he is rather shy when any danger of life is in
the way." These words of the king were brought to Hakon, with
many additions. Then Hakon went with his men in search of
Asmund, and when their ships met Hakon gave battle immediately --
and the conflict was sharp, and many men were killed. Hakon
boarded Asmund's ship and cut down the men before his feet. At
last he and Asmund met and exchanged blows until Asmund fell.
Hakon cut off his head, went in all haste to King Svein and found
him just sitting down to the dinner-table. Hakon presented
himself before the table, laid Asmund's head upon the table
before the king, and asked if he knew it. The king made no
reply, but became as red as blood in the face. Soon after the
king sent him a message, ordering him to leave his service
immediately. "Tell him I will do him no harm; but I cannot keep
watch over all our relations (1).
(1) This incident shows how strong, in those ages, was the tie
of relationship, and the point of honour of avenging its
injuries -- the clanship spirit. -- L.
Hakon then left Denmark, and came north to his estates in Norway.
His relation Earl Orm was dead. Hakon's relations and friends
were glad to see Hakon, and many gallant men gave themselves much
trouble to bring about a reconciliation between King Harald and
Hakon. It was at last settled in this way, that Hakon got
Ragnhild, the king's daughter, and that King Harald gave Hakon
the earldom, with the same power Earl Orm had possessed. Hakon
swore to King Harald an oath of fidelity to all the services he
was liable to fulfill.
Kalf Arnason had been on a viking cruise to the Western countries
ever since he had left Norway; but in winter he was often in the
Orkney Islands with his relative, Earl Thorfin. Fin Arnason sent
a message to his brother Kalf, and told him the agreement which
he had made with King Harald, that Kalf should enjoy safety in
Norway, and his estates, and all the fiefs he had held from King
Magnus. When this message came to Kalf he immediately got ready
for his voyage, and went east to Norway to his brother Fin. Then
Fin obtained the king's peace for Kalf, and when Kalf and the
king met they went into the agreement which Fin and the king had
settled upon before. Kalf bound himself to the king in the same
way as he had bound himself to serve King Magnus, according to
which Kalf should do all that the king desired and considered of
advantage to his realm. Thereupon Kalf received all the estates
and fiefs he had before.
The summer following (A.D. 1050) King Harald ordered out a levy,
and went to Denmark, where he plundered during the summer; but
when he came south to Fyen he found a great force assembled
against him. Then the king prepared to land his men from the
ships and to engage in a land-fight. He drew up his men on board
in order of battle; set Kalf Arnason at the head of one division;
ordered him to make the first attack, and told him where they
should direct their assault, promising that he would soon make a
landing with the others, and come to their assistance. When Kalf
came to the land with his men a force came down immediately to
oppose them, and Kalf without delay engaged in battle, which,
however, did not last long; for Kalf was immediately overpowered
by numbers, and betook himself to flight with his men. The Danes
pursued them vigorously, and many of the Northmen fell, and among
them Kalf Arnason. Now King Harald landed with his array; and
they soon came on their way to the field of battle, where they
found Kalf's body, and bore it down to the ships. But the king
penetrated into the country, killing many people and destroying
much. So says Arnor: --
"His shining sword with blood he stains,
Upon Fyona's grassy plains;
And in the midst of fire and smoke,
The king Fyona's forces broke."
After this Fin Arnason thought he had cause to be an enemy of the
king upon account of his brother Kalf's death; and said the king
had betrayed Kalf to his fall, and had also deceived him by
making him entice his brother Kalf to come over from the West and
trust to King Harald's faith. When these speeches came out among
people, many said that it was very foolish in Fin to have ever
supposed that Kalf could obtain the king's sincere friendship and
favour; for they thought the king was the man to seek revenge for
smaller offences than Kalf had committed against the king. The
king let every one say what he chose, and he himself neither said
yes or no about the affair; but people perceived that the king
was very well pleased with what had happened. King Harald once
made these verses: --
"I have, in all, the death-stroke given
To foes of mine at least eleven;
Two more, perhaps, if I remember,
May yet be added to this number,
I prize myself upon these deeds,
My people such examples needs.
Bright gold itself they would despise,
Or healing leek-herb underprize,
If not still brought before their eyes."
Fin Arnason took the business so much to heart that he left the
country and went to Denmark to King Svein, where he met a
friendly reception. They spoke together in private for a long
time; and the end of the business was that Fin went into King
Svein's service, and became his man. King Svein then gave Fin an
earldom, and placed him in Halland, where he was long earl and
defended the country against the Northmen.
Ketil Kalf and Gunhild of Ringanes had a son called Guthorm, and
he was a sister's son to King Olaf and Harald Sigurdson. Guthorm
was a gallant man, early advanced to manhood. He was often with
King Harald, who loved him much, and asked his advice; for he was
of good understanding, and very popular. Guthorm had also been
engaged early in forays, and had marauded much in the Western
countries with a large force. Ireland was for him a land of
peace; and he had his winter quarters often in Dublin, and was in
great friendship with King Margad.
The summer after King Margad, and Guthorm with him, went out on
an expedition against Bretland, where they made immense booty.
But when the king saw the quantity of silver which was gathered
he wanted to have the whole booty, and regarded little his
friendship for Guthorm. Guthorm was ill pleased that he and his
men should be robbed of their share; but the king said, "Thou
must choose one of two things, -- either to be content with what
we determine, or to fight; and they shall have the booty who gain
the victory; and likewise thou must give up thy ships, for them I
will have." Guthorm thought there were great difficulties on
both sides; for it was disgraceful to give up ships and goods
without a stroke, and yet it was highly dangerous to fight the
king and his force, the king having sixteen ships and Guthorm
only five. Then Guthorm desired three days' time to consider the
matter with his people, thinking in that time to pacify the king,
and come to a better understanding with him through the mediation
of others; but he could not obtain from the king what he desired.
This was the day before St. Olaf's day. Guthorm chose the
condition that they would rather die or conquer like men, than
suffer disgrace, contempt and scorn, by submitting to so great a
loss. He called upon God, and his uncle Saint Olaf, and
entreated their help and aid; promising to give to the holy man's
house the tenth of all the booty that fell to their share, if
they gained the victory. Then he arranged his men, placed them
in battle order against the great force, prepared for battle, and
gave the assault. By the help of God, and the holy Saint Olaf,
Guthorm won the battle. King Margad fell, and every man, old and
young, who followed him; and after that great victor, Guthorm and
all his people returned home joyfully with all the booty they had
gained by the battle. Every tenth penny of the booty they had
made was taken, according to the vow, to King Olaf the Saint's
shrine; and there was so much silver that Guthorm had an image
made of it, with rays round the head, which was the size of his
own, or of his forecastle-man's head; and the image was seven
feet high. The image thus produced was given by Guthorm to King
Olaf of the Saint's temple, where it has since remained as a
memorial of Guthorm's victory and King Olaf the Saint's miracle.
There was a wicked, evil-minded count in Denmark who had a
Norwegian servant-girl whose family belonged to Throndhjem
district. She worshipped King Olaf the Saint, and believed
firmly in his sanctity. But the above mentioned count doubted
all that was told of the holy man's miracles, insisted that it
was nothing but nonsense and idle talk, and made a joke and scorn
of the esteem and honour which all the country people showed the
good king. Now when his holyday came, on which the mild monarch
ended his life, and which all Northmen kept sacred, this
unreasonable count would not observe it, but ordered his servantgirl
to bake and put fire in the oven that day. She knew well
the count's mad passion, and that he would revenge himself
severely on her if she refused doing as he ordered. She went,
therefore, of necessity, and baked in the oven, but wept much at
her work; and she threatened King Olaf that she never would
believe in him, if he did not avenge this misdeed by some
mischance or other. And now shall ye come to hear a welldeserved
vengeance, and a true miracle. It happened, namely, in
the same hour that the count became blind of both eyes, and the
bread which she had shoved into the oven was turned into stone!
Of these stones some are now in St. Olaf's temple, and in other
places; and since that time O1afsmas has been always held holy in
West in Valland, a man had such bad health that he became a
cripple, and went on his knees and elbows. One day he was upon
the road, and had fallen asleep. He dreamt that a gallant man
came up to him and asked him where he was going. When he named
the neighbouring town, the man said to him, "Go to Saint Olaf's
church that stands in London, and there thou shalt be cured."
There-upon he awoke, and went straightway to inquire the road to
Olaf's church in London. At last he came to London Bridge, and
asked the men of the castle if they could tell him where Olaf's
church was; but they replied, there were so many churches that
they could not tell to whom each of them was consecrated. Soon
after a man came up and asked him where he wanted to go, and he
answered to Olaf's church. Then said the man, "We shall both go
together to Olaf's church, for I know the way to it." Thereupon
they went over the bridge to the shrine where Olaf's church was;
and when they came to the gates of the churchyard the man mounted
over the half-door that was in the gate, but the cripple rolled
himself in, and rose up immediately sound and strong: when he
looked about him his conductor had vanished.
King Harald had built a merchant town in the East at Oslo, where
he often resided; for there was good supply from the extensive
cultivated district wide around. There also he had a convenient
station to defend the country against the Danes, or to make an
attack upon Denmark, which he was in the custom of doing often,
although he kept no great force on foot. One summer King Harald
went from thence with a few light ships and a few men. He
steered southwards out from Viken, and, when the wind served,
stood over to Jutland, and marauded; but the country people
collected and defended the country. Then King Harald steered to
Limfjord, and went into the fjord. Limfjord is so formed that
its entrance is like a narrow river; but when one gets farther
into the fjord it spreads out into a wide sea. King Harald
marauded on both sides of the land; and when the Danes gathered
together on every side to oppose him, he lay at a small island
which was uncultivated. They wanted drink on board his ships,
and went up into the island to seek water; but finding none, they
reported it to the king. He ordered them to look for some long
earthworms on the island, and when they found one they brought it
to the king. He ordered the people to bring the worm to a fire,
and bake it before it, so that it should be thirsty. Then he
ordered a thread to be tied round the tail of the worm, and to
let it loose. The worm crept away immediately, while thread
wound off from the clew as the worm took it away; and the people
followed the worm until it sought downwards in the earth. There
the king ordered them to dig for water, which they did, and found
so much water that they had no want of it. King Harald now heard
from his spies that King Svein was come with a large armament to
the mouth of the fjord; but that it was too late for him to come
into it, as only one ship at a time can come in. King Harald
then steered with his fleet in through the fjord to where it was
broadest to a place called Lusbreid. In the inmost bight, there
is but a narrow neck of land dividing the fjord from the West
sea. Thither King Harald rowed with his men towards evening; and
at night when it was dark he unloaded his ships, drew them over
the neck of land into the West sea, loaded them again, and was
ready with all this before day. He then steered northwards along
the Jutland coast. People then said that Harald had escaped from
the hands of the Danes. Harald said that he would come to
Denmark next time with more people and larger vessels. King
Harald then proceeded north to Throndhjem.
King Harald remained all winter at Nidaros (A.D. 1062) and had a
vessel built out upon the strand, and it was a buss. The ship
was built of the same size as the Long Serpent, and every part of
her was finished with the greatest care. On the stem was a
dragon-head, and on the stern a dragon-tail, and the sides of the
bows of the ship were gilt. The vessel was of thirty-five rowers
benches, and was large for that size, and was remarkably
handsome; for the king had everything belonging to the ship's
equipment of the best, both sails and rigging, anchors and
cables. King Harald sent a message in winter south to Denmark to
King Svein, that he should come northwards in spring; that they
should meet at the Gaut river and fight, and so settle the
division of the countries that the one who gained the victory
should have both kingdoms.
King Harald during this winter called out a general levy of all
the people of Norway, and assembled a great force towards spring.
Then Harald had his great ship drawn down and put into the river
Nid, and set up the dragon's head on her. Thiodolf, the skald,
sang about it thus: --
"My lovely girl! the sight was grand
When the great war-ships down the strand
Into the river gently slid,
And all below her sides was hid.
Come, lovely girl, and see the show! --
Her sides that on the water glow,
Her serpent-head with golden mane,
All shining back from the Nid again."
Then King Harald rigged out his ship, got ready for sea, and when
he had all in order went out of the river. His men rowed very
skilfully and beautifully. So says Thiodolf: --
"It was upon a Saturday,
Ship-tilts were struck and stowed away,
And past the town our dragon glides,
That girls might see our glancing sides.
Out from the Nid brave Harald steers;
Westward at first the dragon veers;
Our lads together down with oars,
The splash is echoed round the shores.
"Their oars our king's men handle well,
One stroke is all the eye can tell:
All level o'er the water rise;
The girls look on in sweet surprise.
Such things, they think, can ne'er give way;
The little know the battle day.
The Danish girls, who dread our shout,
Might wish our ship-gear not so stout.
"'Tis in the fight, not on the wave,
That oars may break and fail the brave.
At sea, beneath the ice-cold sky,
Safely our oars o'er ocean ply;
And when at Throndhjem's holy stream
Our seventy cars in distance gleam,
We seem, while rowing from the sea,
An erne with iron wings to be."
King Harald sailed south along the land, and called out the levy
everywhere of men and ships. When they came east to Viken they
got a strong wind against them and the forces lay dispersed about
in the harbour; some in the isles outside, and some in the
fjords. So says Thiodolf: --
"The cutters' sea-bleached bows scarce find
A shelter from the furious wind
Under the inland forests' side,
Where the fjord runs its farthest tide.
In all the isles and creeks around
The bondes' ships lie on the ground,
And ships with gunwales hung with shields
Seek the lee-side of the green fields."
In the heavy storm that raged for some time the great ship had
need of good ground tackle. So says Thiodolf: --
"With lofty bow above the seas,
Which curl and fly before the breeze,
The gallant vessel rides and reels,
And every plunge her cable feels.
The storm that tries the spar and mast
Tries the main-anchor at the last:
The storm above, below the rock,
Chafe the thick cable with each shock."
When the weather became favourable King Harald sailed eastwards
to the Gaut river with his fleet and arrived there in the
evening. So says Thiodolf: --
"The gallant Harald now has come
To Gaut, full half way from his home,
And on the river frontier stands,
To fight with Svein for life and lands.
The night passed o'er, the gallant king
Next day at Thumia calls a Thing,
Where Svein is challenged to appear --
A day which ravens wish were near."
When the Danes heard that the Northmen's army was come to the
Gaut river they all fled who had opportunity to get away. The
Northmen heard that the Danish king had also called out his
forces and lay in the south, partly at Fyen and partly about
Seeland. When King Harald found that King Svein would not hold a
meeting with him, or a fight, according to what had been agreed
upon between them, he took the same course as before -- letting
the bonde troops return home, but manning 150 ships, with which
he sailed southwards along Halland, where he herried all round,
and then brought up with his fleet in Lofufjord, and laid waste
the country. A little afterwards King Svein came upon them with
all the Danish fleet, consisting of 300 ships. When the Northmen
saw them King Harald ordered a general meeting of the fleet to be
called by sound of trumpet; and many there said it was better to
fly, as it was not now advisable to fight. The king replied,
"Sooner shall all lie dead one upon another than fly." So says
Stein Herdison: --
"With falcon eye, and courage bright,
Our king saw glory in the fight;
To fly, he saw, would ruin bring
On them and him -- the folk and king.
`Hands up the arms to one and all!'
Cries out the king; `we'll win or fall!
Sooner than fly, heaped on each other
Each man shall fall across his brother!'"
Then King Harald drew up his ships to attack, and brought forward
his great dragon in the middle of his fleet. So says Thiodolf:
"The brave king through his vessels' throng
His dragon war-ship moves along;
He runs her gaily to the front,
To meet the coming battle's brunt."
The ship was remarkably well equipt, and fully manned. So says
Thiodolf: --
"The king had got a chosen crew --
He told his brave lads to stand true.
The ring of shields seemed to enclose
The ship's deck from the boarding foes.
The dragon, on the Nis-river flood,
Beset with men, who thickly stood,
Shield touching shield, was something rare,
That seemed all force of man to dare."
Ulf, the marshal, laid his ship by the side of the king's and
ordered his men to bring her well forward. Stein Herdison, who
was himself in Ulf's ship, sings of it thus: --
"Our oars were stowed, our lances high,
As the ship moved swung in the sky.
The marshal Ulf went through our ranks,
Drawn up beside the rowers' banks:
The brave friend of our gallant king
Told us our ship well on to bring,
And fight like Norsemen in the cause --
Our Norsemen answered with huzzas."
Hakon Ivarson lay outside on the other wing, and had many ships
with him, all well equipt. At the extremity of the other side
lay the Throndhjem chiefs, who had also a great and strong force.
Svein, the Danish king, also drew up his fleet, and laid his ship
forward in the center against King Harald's ship, and Fin Arnason
laid his ship next; and then the Danes laid their ships,
according as they were bold or well-equipt. Then, on both sides,
they bound the ships together all through the middle of the
fleets; but as the fleets were so large, very many ships remained
loose, and each laid his ship forward according to his courage,
and that was very unequal. Although the difference among the men
was great, altogether there was a very great force on both sides.
King Svein had six earls among the people following him. So says
Stein Herdison: --
"Danger our chief would never shun,
With eight score ships he would not run:
The Danish fleet he would abide,
And give close battle side by side.
From Leire's coast the Danish king
Three hundred ocean steeds could bring,
And o'er the sea-weed plain in haste
Thought Harald's vessels would be chased."
As soon as King Harald was ready with his fleet, he orders the
war-blast to sound, and the men to row forward to the attack. So
says Stein Herdison: --
"Harald and Svein first met as foes,
Where the Nis in the ocean flows;
For Svein would not for peace entreat,
But, strong in ships, would Harald meet.
The Norsemen prove, with sword in hand,
That numbers cannot skill withstand.
Off Halland's coast the blood of Danes
The blue sea's calm smooth surface stains."
Soon the battle began, and became very sharp; both kings urging
on their men. So says Stein Herdison: --
"Our king, his broad shield disregarding,
More keen for striking than for warding,
Now tells his lads their spears to throw, --
Now shows them where to strike a blow.
From fleet to fleet so short the way,
That stones and arrows have full play;
And from the keen sword dropped the blood
Of short-lived seamen in the flood."
It was late in the day when the battle began, and it continued
the whole night. King Harald shot for a long time with his bow.
So says Thiodolf: --
"The Upland king was all the night
Speeding the arrows' deadly flight.
All in the dark his bow-string's twang
Was answered; for some white shield rang,
Or yelling shriek gave certain note
The shaft had pierced some ring-mail coat,
The foemen's shields and bulwarks bore
A Lapland arrow-scat(1) or more."
Earl Hakon, and the people who followed him, did not make fast
their ships in the fleet, but rowed against the Danish ships that
were loose, and slew the men of all the ships they came up with.
When the Danes observed this each drew his ship out of the way of
the earl; but he set upon those who were trying to escape, and
they were nearly driven to flight. Then a boat came rowing to
the earl's ship and hailed him and said that the other wing of
King Harald's fleet was giving way and many of their people had
fallen. Then the earl rowed thither and gave so severe an
assault that the Danes had to retreat before him. The earl went
on in this way all the night, coming forward where he was most
wanted, and wheresoever he came none could stand against him.
Hakon rowed outside around the battle. Towards the end of the
night the greatest part of the Danish fleet broke into flight,
for then King Harald with his men boarded the vessel of King
Svein; and it was so completely cleared that all the crew fell in
the ship, except those who sprang overboard. So says Arnor, the
earls' skald: --
"Brave Svein did not his vessel leave
Without good cause, as I believe:
Oft on his casque the sword-blade rang,
Before into the sea he sprang.
Upon the wave his vessel drives;
All his brave crew had lost their lives.
O'er dead courtmen into the sea
The Jutland king had now to flee."
And when King Svein's banner was cut down, and his ship cleared
of its crew, all his forces took to flight, and some were killed.
The ships which were bound together could not be cast loose, so
the people who were in them sprang overboard, and some got to the
other ships that were loose; and all King Svein's men who could
get off rowed away, but a great many of them were slain. Where
the king himself fought the ships were mostly bound together, and
there were more than seventy left behind of King Svein's vessels.
So says Thiodolf: --
"Svein's ships rode proudly o'er the deep,
When, by a single sudden sweep,
Full seventy sail, as we are told,
Were seized by Norway's monarch bold."
King Harald rowed after the Danes and pursued them; but that was
not easy, for the ships lay so thick together that they scarcely
could move. Earl Fin Arnason would not flee; and being also
shortsighted, was taken prisoner. So says Thiodolf: --
"To the six Danish earls who came
To aid his force, and raise his name,
No mighty thanks King Svein is owing
For mighty actions of their doing.
Fin Arnason, in battle known,
With a stout Norse heart of his own,
Would not take flight his life to gain,
And in the foremost ranks was ta'en."
(1) The Laplanders paid their seat, or yearly tax, in bows and
arrows; and the meaning of the skald appears to be, that as
many as were paid in a year were shot at the foe. -- L.
Earl Hakon lay behind with his ships, while the king and the rest
of the forces were pursuing the fugitives; for the earls' ships
could not get forward on account of the ships which lay in the
way before him. Then a man came rowing in a boat to the earl's
ship and lay at the bulwarks. The man was stout and had on a
white hat. He hailed the ship, "Where is the earl?" said he.
The earl was in the fore-hold, stopping a man's blood. The earl
cast a look at the man in the hat and asked what his name was.
He answered, "Here is Vandrad: speak to me, earl."
The earl leant over the ship's side to him. Then the man in the
boat said, "Earl, I will accept of my life from thee, if thou
wilt give it."
Then the earl raised himself up, called two men who were friends
dear to him, and said to them, "Go into the boat; bring Vandrad
to the land; attend him to my friend's Karl the bonde; and tell
Karl, as a token that these words come from me, that he let
Vandrad have the horse which I gave to him yesterday, and also
his saddle, and his son to attend him."
Thereupon they went into the boat and took the oars in hand,
while Vandrad steered. This took place just about daybreak,
while the vessels were in movement, some rowing towards the land,
some towards the sea, both small and great. Vandrad steered
where he thought there was most room between the vessels; and
when they came near to Norway's ships the earl's men gave their
names and then they all allowed them to go where they pleased.
Vandrad steered along the shore, and only set in towards the land
when they had come past the crowd of ships. They then went up to
Karl the bonde's farm, and it was then beginning to be light.
They went into the room where Karl had just put on his clothes.
The earl's men told him their message and Karl said they must
first take some food; and he set a table before them and gave
them water to wash with.
Then came the housewife into the room and said, "I wonder why we
could get no peace or rest all night with the shouting and
Karl replies, "Dost thou not know that the kings were fighting
all night?"
She asked which had the better of it.
Karl answered, "The Northmen gained."
"Then," said she, "our king will have taken flight."
"Nobody knows," says Karl, "whether he has fled or is fallen."
She says, "What a useless sort of king we have! He is both slow
and frightened."
Then said Vandrad, "Frightened he is not; but he is not lucky."
Then Vandrad washed his hands; but he took the towel and dried
them right in the middle of the cloth. The housewife snatched
the towel from him, and said, "Thou hast been taught little good;
it is wasteful to wet the whole cloth at one time.
Vandrad replies, "I may yet come so far forward in the world as
to be able to dry myself with the middle of the towel."
Thereupon Karl set a table before them and Vandrad sat down
between them. They ate for a while and then went out. The horse
was saddled and Karl's son ready to follow him with another
horse. They rode away to the forest; and the earl's men returned
to the boat, rowed to the earl's ship and told the success of
their expedition.
King Harald and his men followed the fugitives only a short way,
and rowed back to the place where the deserted ships lay. Then
the battle-place was ransacked, and in King Svein's ship was
found a heap of dead men; but the king's body was not found,
although people believed for certain that he had fallen. Then
King Harald had the greatest attention paid to the dead of his
men, and had the wounds of the living bound up. The dead bodies
of Svein's men were brought to the land, and he sent a message to
the peasants to come and bury them. Then he let the booty be
divided, and this took up some time. The news came now that King
Svein had come to Seeland, and that all who had escaped from the
battle had joined him, along with many more, and that he had a
great force.
Earl Fin Arnason was taken prisoner in the battle, as before
related; and when he was led before King Harald the king was very
merry, and said, "Fin, we meet here now, and we met last in
Norway. The Danish court has not stood very firmly by thee; and
it will be a troublesome business for Northmen to drag thee, a
blind old man, with them, and preserve thy life."
The earl replies, "The Northmen find it very difficult now to
conquer, and it is all the worse that thou hast the command of
Then said King Harald, "Wilt thou accept of life and safety,
although thou hast not deserved it?"
The earl replies, "Not from thee, thou dog."
The king: "Wilt thou, then, if thy relation Magnus gives thee
Magnus, King Harald's son, was then steering the ship.
The earl replies, "Can the whelp rule over life and quarter?"
The king laughed, as if he found amusement in vexing him. --
"Wilt thou accept thy life, then, from thy she-relation Thorer?"
The earl: "Is she here?"
"She is here," said the king.
Then Earl Fin broke out with the ugly expressions which since
have been preserved, as a proof that he was so mad with rage that
he could not govern his tongue: --
"No wonder thou hast bit so strongly, if the mare was with thee."
Earl Fin got life and quarter and the king kept him a while about
him. But Fin was rather melancholy and obstinate in
conversation; and King Harald said, "I see, Fin, that thou dost
not live willingly in company with me and thy relations; now I
will give thee leave to go to thy friend King Svein."
The earl said, "I accept of the offer willingly, and the more
gratefully the sooner I get away from hence."
The king afterwards let Earl Fin be landed and the traders going
to Halland received him well. King Harald sailed from thence to
Norway with his fleet; and went first to Oslo, where he gave all
his people leave to go home who wished to do so.
King Svein, it is told, sat in Denmark all that winter, and had
his kingdom as formerly. In winter he sent men north to Halland
for Karl the bonde and his wife. When Karl came the king called
him to him and asked him if he knew him, or thought he had ever
seen him before.
Karl replies, "I know thee, sire, and knew thee before, the
moment I saw thee; and God be praised if the small help I could
give was of any use to thee."
The king replies, "I have to reward thee for all the days I have
to live. And now, in the first place, I will give thee any farm
in Seeland thou wouldst desire to have; and, in the next place,
will make thee a great man, if thou knowest how to conduct
Karl thanked the king for his promise, and said he had now but
one thing to ask.
The king asked what that was.
Karl said that he would ask to take his wife with him.
The king said, "I will not let thee do that; but I will provide
thee a far better and more sensible wife. But thy wife can keep
the bonde-farm ye had before and she will have her living from
The king gave Karl a great and valuable farm, and provided him a
good marriage; and he became a considerable man. This was
reported far and wide and much praised; and thus it came to be
told in Norway.
King Harald stayed in Oslo the winter after the battle at Nisriver
(A.D. 1063). In autumn, when the men came from the south,
there was much talk and many stories about the battle which they
had fought at Nis-river, and every one who had been there thought
he could tell something about it. Once some of them sat in a
cellar and drank, and were very merry and talkative. They talked
about the Nis-river battle, and who had earne'd the greatest
praise and renown. They all agreed that no man there had been at
all equal to Earl Hakon. He was the boldest in arms, the
quickest, and the most lucky; what he did was of the greatest
help, and he won the battle. King Harald, in the meantime, was
out in the yard, and spoke with some people. He went then to the
room-door, and said, "Every one here would willingly be called
Hakon;" and then went his way.
Earl Hakon went in winter to the Uplands, and was all winter in
his domains. He was much beloved by all the Uplanders. It
happened, towards spring, that some men were sitting drinking in
the town, and the conversation turned, as usual, on the Nis-river
battle; and some praised Earl Hakon, and some thought others as
deserving of praise as he. When they had thus disputed a while,
one of them said, "It is possible that others fought as bravely
as the earl at Nis-river; but none, I think, has had such luck
with him as he."
The others replied, that his best luck was his driving so many
Danes to flight along with other men.
The same man replied, "It was greater luck that he gave King
Svein quarter."
One of the company said to him, "Thou dost not know what thou art
He replied, "I know it for certain, for the man told me himself
who brought the king to the land."
It went, according to the old proverb, that the king has many
ears. This was told the king, and he immediately ordered horses
to be gathered, and rode away directly with 900 men. He rode all
that night and the following day. Then some men met them who
were riding to the town with mead and malt. In the king's
retinue was a man called Gamal, who rode to one of these bondes
who was an acquaintance of his, and spoke to him privately. "I
will pay thee," said he, "to ride with the greatest speed, by the
shortest private paths that thou knowest, to Earl Hakon, and tell
him the king will kill him; for the king has got to the knowledge
that Earl Hakon set King Svein on shore at Nis-river." They
agreed on the payment. The bonde rode, and came to the earl just
as he was sitting drinking, and had not yet gone to bed. When
the bonde told his errand, the earl immediately stood up with all
his men, had all his loose property removed from the farm to the
forest, and all the people left the house in the night. When the
king came he halted there all night; but Hakon rode away, and
came east to Svithjod to King Steinkel and stayed with him all
summer. King Harald returned to the town, travelled northwards
to Throndhjem district, and remained there all summer; but in
autumn he returned eastwards to Viken.
As soon as Earl Hakon heard the king had gone north he returned
immediately in summer to the Uplands (A.D. 1063), and remained
there until the king had returned from the north. Then the earl
went east into Vermaland, where he remained during the winter,
and where the king, Steinkel, gave him fiefs. For a short time
in winter he went west to Raumarike with a great troop of men
from Gautland and Vermaland, and received the scat and duties
from the Upland people which belonged to him, and then returned
to Glutland, and remained there till spring. King Harald had his
seat in Oslo all winter (A.D. 1064), and sent his men to the
Uplands to demand the scat, together with the king's land dues,
and the mulcts of court; but the Uplanders said they would pay
all the scat and dues which they had to pay, to Earl Hakon as
long as he was in life, and had forfeited his life or his fief;
and the king got no dues that winter.
This winter messengers and ambassadors went between Norway and
Denmark, whose errand was that both Northmen and Danes should
make peace, and a league with each other. and to ask the kings to
agree to it. These messages gave favourable hopes of a peace;
and the matter proceeded so far that a meeting for peace was
appointed at the Gaut river between King Harald and King Svein.
When spring approached, both kings assembled many ships and
people for this meeting. So says a skald in a poem on this
expedition of the kings, which begins thus: --
"The king, who from the northern sound
His land with war-ships girds around,
The raven-feeder, filled the coast
With his proud ships, a gallant host!
The gold-tipped stems dash through the foam
That shakes the seamen's planked home;
The high wave breaks up to the mast,
As west of Halland on they passed,
"Harald whose word is fixed and sure,
Whose ships his land from foes secure,
And Svein, whose isles maintain is fleet,
Hasten as friends again to meet;
And every creek with vessels teems, --
All Denmark men and shipping seems;
And all rejoice that strife will cease,
And men meet now but to make peace."
Here it is told that the two kings held the meeting that was
agreed upon between them, and both came to the frontiers of their
kingdoms. So says the skald: --
"To meet (since peace the Dane now craves)
On to the south upon the waves
Sailed forth our gallant northern king,
Peace to the Danes with him to bring.
Svein northward to his frontier hies
To get the peace his people prize,
And meet King Harald, whom he finds
On land hard used by stormy winds."
When the kings found each other, people began at once to talk of
their being reconciled. But as soon as peace was proposed, many
began to complain of the damage they had sustained by harrying,
robbing and killing men; and for a long time it did not look very
like peace. It is here related: --
"Before this meeting of the kings
Each bende his own losses brings,
And loudly claims some recompense
From his king's foes, at their expense.
It is not easy to make peace,
Where noise and talking never cease:
The bondes' warmth may quickly spread,
And kings be by the people led.
"When kings are moved, no peace is sure;
For that peace only is secure
Which they who make it fairly make, --
To each side give, from each side take.
The kings will often rule but ill
Who listen to the people's will:
The people often have no view
But their own interests to pursue."
At last the best men, and those who were the wisest, came between
the kings, and settled the peace thus: -- that Harald should have
Norway, and Svein Denmark, according to the boundaries of old
established between Denmark and Norway; neither of them should
pay to the other for any damage sustained; the war should cease
as it now stood, each retaining what he had got; and this peace
should endure as long as they were kings. This peace was
confirmed by oath. Then the kings parted, having given each
other hostages, as is here related: --
"And I have heard that to set fast
The peace God brought about at last,
Svein and stern Harald pledges sent,
Who witnessed to their sworn intent;
And much I wish that they and all
In no such perjury may fall
That this peace ever should be broken,
And oaths should fail before God spoken."
King Harald with his people sailed northwards to Norway, and King
Svein southwards to Denmark.
King Harald was in Viken in the summer (A.D. 1064), and he sent
his men to the Uplands after the scat and duty which belonged to
him; but the bondes paid no attention to the demand, but said
they would hold all for Earl Hakon until he came for it. Earl
Hakon was then up in Gautland with a large armed force. When
summer was past King Harald went south to Konungahella. Then he
took all the light-sailing vessels he could get hold of and
steered up the river. He had the vessels drawn past all the
waterfalls and brought them thus into the Wener lake. Then he
rowed eastward across the lake to where he heard Earl Hakon was;
but when the earl got news of the king's expedition he retreated
down the country, and would not let the king plunder the land.
Earl Hakon had a large armed force which the Gautland people had
raised for him. King Harald lay with his ships up in a river,
and made a foray on land, but left some of his men behind to
protect the ships. The king himself rode up with a part of the
men, but the greater part were on foot. They had to cross a
forest, where they found a mire or lake, and close to it a wood;
and when they reached the wood they saw the earl's men, but the
mire was between them. They drew up their people now on both
sides. Then King Harald ordered his men to sit down on the
hillside. "We will first see if they will attack us. Earl Hakon
does not usually wait to talk." It was frosty weather, with some
snow-drift, and Harald's men sat down under their shields; but it
was cold for the Gautlanders, who had but little clothing with
them. The earl told them to wait until King Harald came nearer,
so that all would stand equally high on the ground. Earl Hakon
had the same banner which had belonged to King Magnus Olafson.
The lagman of the Gautland people, Thorvid, sat upon a horse, and
the bridle was fastened to a stake that stood in the mire. He
broke out with these words: "God knows we have many brave and
handsome fellows here, and we shall let King Steinkel hear that
we stood by the good earl bravely. I am sure of one thing: we
shall behave gallantly against these Northmen, if they attack us;
but if our young people give way, and should not stand to it, let
us not run farther than to that stream; but if they should give
way farther, which I am sure they will not do, let it not be
farther than to that hill." At that instant the Northmen sprang
up, raised the war-cry, and struck on their shields; and the
Gautland army began also to shout. The lagman's horse got shy
with the war-cry, and backed so hard that the stake flew up and
struck the lagman on the head. He said, "Ill luck to thee,
Northman, for that arrow!" and away fled the lagman. King Harald
had told his people, "If we do make a clash with the weapons, we
shall not however, go down from the hill until they come nearer
to us;" and they did so. When the war-cry was raised the earl
let his banner advance; but when they came under the hill the
king's army rushed down upon them, and killed some of the earl's
people, and the rest fled. The Northmen did not pursue the
fugitives long, for it was the fall of day; but they took Earl
Hakon's banner and all the arms and clothes they could get hold
of. King Harald had both the banners carried before him as they
marched away. They spoke among themselves that the earl had
probably fallen. As they were riding through the forest they
could only ride singly, one following the other. Suddenly a man
came full gallop across the path, struck his spear through him
who was carrying the earl's banner, seized the banner-staff, and
rode into the forest on the other side with the banner. When
this was told the king he said, "Bring me my armour, for the earl
is alive." Then the king rode to his ships in the night; and
many said that the earl had now taken his revenge. But Thiodolf
sang thus: --
"Steinkel's troops, who were so bold,
Who the Earl Hakon would uphold,
Were driven by our horsemen's power
To Hel, death goddess, in an hour;
And the great earl, so men say
Who won't admit he ran away,
Because his men fled from the ground,
Retired, and cannot now be found."
The rest of the night Harald passed in his ships; but in the
morning, when it was daylight, it was found that so thick ice had
gathered about the vessels that one could walk around them. The
king ordered his men to cut the ice from the ships all the way
out to the clear water; on which they all went to break the ice.
King Harald's son, Magnus, steered the vessel that lay lowest
down the river and nearest the water. When the people had
cleared the ice away almost entirely, a man ran out to the ice,
and began hewing away at it like a madman. Then said one of the
men, "It is going now as usual, that none can do so much as Hal
who killed Kodran, when once he lays himself to the work. See
how he is hewing away at the ice." There was a man in the crew
of Magnus, the king's son, who was called Thormod Eindridason;
and when he heard the name of Kodran's murderer he ran up to Hal,
and gave him a death-wound. Kodran was a son of Gudmund
Eyjolfson; and Valgerd, who was a sister of Gudmund, was the
mother of Jorun, and the grandmother by the mother's side of this
Thormod. Thormod was a year old when Kodran was killed, and had
never seen Hal Utrygson until now. When the ice was broken all
the way out to the water, Magnus drew his ship out, set sail
directly, and sailed westward across the lake; but the king's
ship, which lay farthest up the river, came out the last. Hal
had been in the king's retinue, and was very dear to him; so that
the king was enraged at his death. The king came the last into
the harbour, and Magnus had let the murderer escape into the
forest, and offered to pay the mulct for him; and the king had
very nearly attacked Magnus and his crew, but their friends came
up and reconciled them.
That winter (A.D. 1065) King Harald went up to Raumarike, and had
many people with him; and he accused the bondes there of having
kept from him his scat and duties, and of having aided his
enemies to raise disturbance against him. He seized on the
bondes and maimed some, killed others, and robbed many of all
their property. They who could do it fled from him. He burned
everything in the districts and laid them altogether waste. So
says Thiodolf: --
"He who the island-people drove,
When they against his power strove,
Now bridle's Raumarike's men,
Marching his forces through their glen.
To punish them the fire he lights
That shines afar off in dark nights
From house and yard, and, as he says,
Will warn the man who disobeys."
Thereafter the king went up to Hedemark, burnt the dwellings, and
made no less waste and havoc there than in Raumarike. From
thence he went to Hadeland and Ringerike, burning and ravaging
all the land. So says Thiodolf: --
"The bonde's household goods are seen
Before his door upon the green,
Smoking and singed: and sparks red hot
Glow in the thatched roof of his cot.
In Hedemark the bondes pray
The king his crushing hand to stay;
In Ringerike and Hadeland,
None 'gainst his fiery wrath can stand."
Then the bondes left all to the king's mercy. After the death of
King Magnus fifteen years had passed when the battle at Nis-river
took place, and afterwards two years elapsed before Harald and
Svein made peace. So says Thiodolf: --
"The Hordland king under the land
At anchor lay close to the strand,
At last, prepared with shield and spear
The peace was settled the third year."
After this peace the disturbances with the people of the Upland
districts lasted a year and a half. So says Thiodolf: --
"No easy task it is to say
How the king brought beneath his sway
The Upland bondes, and would give
Nought but their ploughs from which to live.
The king in eighteen months brought down
Their bonde power, and raised his own,
And the great honour he has gained
Will still in memory be retained."
Edward, Ethelred's son, was king of England after his brother
Hardacanute. He was called Edward the Good; and so he was. King
Edward's mother was Queen Emma, daughter of Richard, earl of
Rouen. Her brother was Earl Robert, whose son was William the
Bastard, who at that time was earl at Rouen in Normandy. King
Edward's queen was Gyda, a daughter of Earl Godwin, the son of
Ulfnad. Gyda's brothers were, Earl Toste, the eldest; Earl
Morukare the next; Earl Walter the third; Earl Svein the fourth;
and the fifth was Harald, who was the youngest, and he was
brought up at King Edward's court, and was his foster-son. The
king loved him very much, and kept him as his own son; for he had
no children.
One summer it happened that Harald, the son of Godwin, made an
expedition to Bretland with his ships, but when they got to sea
they met a contrary wind, and were driven off into the ocean.
They landed west in Normandy, after suffering from a dangerous
storm. They brought up at Rouen, where they met Earl William,
who received Harald and his company gladly. Harald remained
there late in harvest, and was hospitably entertained; for the
stormy weather continued, and there was no getting to sea, and
this continued until winter set in; so the earl and Harald agreed
that he should remain there all winter. Harald sat on the highseat
on one side of the earl; and on the other side sat the
earl's wife, one of the most beautiful women that could be seen.
They often talked together for amusement at the drinking-table;
and the earl went generally to bed, but Harald and the earl's
wife sat long in the evenings talking together, and so it went on
for a great part of the winter. In one of their conversations
she said to Harald, "The earl has asked me what it is we have to
talk about so much, for he is angry at it." Harald replies, "We
shall then at once let him know all our conversation." The
following day, Harald asked the earl to a conference, and they
went together into the conference-chamber; where also the queen
was, and some of the councillors. Then Harald began thus: -- "I
have to inform you, earl, that there lies more in my visit here
than I have let you know. I would ask your daughter in marriage,
and have often spoke over this matter with her mother, and she
has promised to support my suit with you." As soon as Harald had
made known this proposal of his, it was well received by all who
were present. They explained the case to the earl; and at last
it came so far that the earl was contracted to Harald, but as she
was very young, it was resolved that the wedding should be
deferred for some years.
When spring came Harald rigged his ships and set off; and he and
the earl parted with great friendship. Harald sailed over to
England to King Edward, but did not return to Valland to fulfill
the marriage agreement. Edward was king over England for twentythree
years and died on a bed of sickness in London on the 5th of
January, and was buried in Paul's church. Englishmen call him a
The sons of Earl Godwin were the most powerful men in England.
Toste was made chief of the English king's army, and was his
land-defence man when the king began to grow old; and he was also
placed above all the other earls. His brother Harald was always
with the court itself, and nearest to the king in all service,
and had the charge of the king's treasure-chamber. It is said
that when the king was approaching his last hour, Harald and a
few others were with him. Harald first leans down over the king,
and then said, "I take you all to witness that the king has now
given me the kingdom, and all the realm of England:" and then the
king was taken dead out of the bed. The same day there was a
meeting of the chiefs, at which there was some talk of choosing a
king; and then Harald brought forward his witnesses that King
Edward had given him the kingdom on his dying day. The meeting
ended by choosing Harald as king, and he was consecrated and
crowned the 13th day of Yule, in Paul's church. Then all the
chiefs and all the people submitted to him. Now when his
brother, Earl Toste, heard of this he took it very ill, as he
thought himself quite as well entitled to be king. "I want,"
said he, "that the principal men of the country choose him whom
they think best fitted for it." And sharp words passed between
the brothers. King Harald says he will not give up his kingly
dignity, for he is seated on the throne which kings sat upon, and
is anointed and consecrated a king. On his side also was the
strength of the people, for he had the king's whole treasure.
Now when King Harald perceived that his brother Toste wanted to
have him deprived of the kingdom he did not trust him; for Toste
was a clever man, and a great warrior, and was in friendship with
the principal men of the country. He therefore took the command
of the army from Toste, and also all the power he had beyond that
of the other earls of the country. Earl Toste, again, would not
submit to be his own brother's serving man; therefore he went
with his people over the sea to Flanders, and stayed there
awhile, then went to Friesland, and from thence to Denmark to his
relation King Svein. Earl Ulf, King Svein's father, and Gyda,
Earl Toste's mother, were brother's and sister's children. The
earl now asked King Svein for support and help of men; and King
Svein invited him to stay with him, with the promise that he
should get so large an earldom in Denmark that he would be an
important chief.
The earl replies, "My inclination is to go back to my estate in
England; but if I cannot get help from you for that purpose, I
will agree to help you with all the power I can command in
England, if you will go there with the Danish army, and win the
country, as Canute, your mother's brother, did."
The king replied, "So much smaller a man am I than Canute the
Great, that I can with difficulty defend my own Danish dominions
against the Northmen. King Canute, on the other hand, got the
Danish kingdom in heritage, took England by slash and blow, and
sometimes was near losing his life in the contest; and Norway he
took without slash or blow. Now it suits me much better to be
guided by my own slender ability than to imitate my relation,
King Canute's, lucky hits."
Then Earl Toste said, "The result of my errand here is less
fortunate than I expected of thee who art so gallant a man,
seeing that thy relative is in so great need. It may be that I
will seek friendly help where it could less be expected; and that
I may find a chief who is less afraid, king, than thou art of a
great enterprise."
Then the king and the earl parted, not just the best friends.
Earl Toste turned away then and went to Norway, where he
presented himself to King Harald, who was at that time in Viken.
When they met the earl explained his errand to the king. He told
him all his proceedings since he left England, and asked his aid
to recover his dominions in England.
The king replied that the Northmen had no great desire for a
campaign in England, and to have English chiefs over them there.
"People say," added he, "that the English are not to be trusted."
The earl replied, "Is it true what I have heard people tell in
England, that thy relative, King Magnus, sent men to King Edward
with the message that King Magnus had right to England as well as
to Denmark, and had got that heritage after Hardacanute, in
consequence of a regular agreement?"
The king replied, "How came it that he did not get it, if he had
a right to it?"
"Why," replied the earl, "hast thou not Denmark, as King Magnus,
thy predecessor, had it?"
The king replies, "The Danes have nothing to brag of over us
Northmen; for many a place have we laid in ashes to thy
Then said the earl, "If thou wilt not tell me, I will tell thee.
Magnus subdued Denmark, because all the chiefs of the country
helped him; and thou hast not done it, because all the people of
the country were against thee. Therefore, also, King Magnus did
not strive for England, because all the nation would have Edward
for king. Wilt thou take England now? I will bring the matter
so far that most of the principal men in England shall be thy
friends, and assist thee; for nothing is wanting to place me at
the side of my brother Harald but the king's name. All men allow
that there never was such a warrior in the northern lands as thou
art; and it appears to me extraordinary that thou hast been
fighting for fifteen years for Denmark, and wilt not take England
that lies open to thee."
King Harald weighed carefully the earl's words, and perceived at
once that there was truth in much of what he said; and he himself
had also a great desire to acquire dominions. Then King Harald
and the earl talked long and frequently together; and at last he
took the resolution to proceed in summer to England, and conquer
the country. King Harald sent a message-token through all Norway
and ordered out a levy of one-half of all the men in Norway able
to carry arms. When this became generally known, there were many
guesses about what might be the end of this expedition. Some
reckoned up King Harald's great achievements, and thought he was
also the man who could accomplish this. Others, again, said that
England was difficult to attack; that it was very full of people;
and the men-at-arms, who were called Thingmen, were so brave,
that one of them was better than two of Harald's best men. Then
said Ulf the marshal: --
"I am still ready gold to gain;
But truly it would be in vain,
And the king's marshal in the hall
Might leave his good post once for all,
If two of us in any strife
Must for one Thingman fly for life,
My lovely Norse maid, in my youth
We thought the opposite the truth."
Ulf the marshal died that spring (A.D. 1066). King Harald stood
over his grave, and said, as he was leaving it, "There lies now
the truest of men, and the most devoted to his king."
Earl Toste sailed in spring west to Flanders, to meet the people
who had left England with him, and others besides who had
gathered to him both out of England and Flanders.
King Harald's fleet assembled at the Solunds. When King Harald
was ready to leave Nidaros he went to King Olaf's shrine,
unlocked it, clipped his hair and nails, and locked the shrine
again, and threw the keys into the Nid. Some say he threw them
overboard outside of Agdanes; and since then the shrine of Saint
Olaf, the king, has never been opened. Thirty-five years had
passed since he was slain; and he lived thirty-five years here on
earth (A.D. 1080-1066). King Harald sailed with his ships he had
about him to the south to meet his people, and a great fleet was
collected; so that. according to the people's reckoning, King
Harald had nearly 200 ships beside provision-ships and small
While they lay at the Solunds a man called Gyrd, on board the
king's ship, had a dream. He thought he was standing in the
king's ship and saw a great witch-wife standing on the island,
with a fork in one hand and a trough in the other. He thought
also that he saw over all the fleet, and that a fowl was sitting
upon every ship's stern, and that these fowls were all ravens or
ernes; and the witch-wife sang this song: --
"From the east I'll 'tice the king,
To the west the king I'll bring;
Many a noble bone will be
Ravens o'er Giuke's ship are fitting,
Eyeing the prey they think most fitting.
Upon the stem I'll sail with them!
Upon the stem I'll sail with them!"
There was also a man called Thord, in a ship which lay not far
from the king's. He dreamt one night that he saw King Harald's
fleet coming to land, and he knew the land to be England. He saw
a great battle-array on the land; and he thought both sides began
to fight, and had many banners flapping in the air. And before
the army of the people of the country was riding a huge witchwife
upon a wolf; and the wolf had a man's carcass in his mouth,
and the blood was dropping from his jaws; and when he had eaten
up one body she threw another into his mouth, and so one after
another, and he swallowed them all. And she sang thus: --
"Skade's eagle eyes
The king's ill luck espies:
Though glancing shields
Hide the green fields,
The king's ill luck she spies.
To bode the doom of this great king,
The flesh of bleeding men I fling
To hairy jaw and hungry maw!
To hairy jaw and hungry maw!"
King Harald also dreamt one night that he was in Nidaros, and met
his brother, King Olaf, who sang to him these verses: --
"In many a fight
My name was bright;
Men weep, and tell
How Olaf fell.
Thy death is near;
Thy corpse, I fear,
The crow will feed,
The witch-wife's steed."
Many other dreams and forebodings were then told of, and most of
them gloomy. Before King Harald left Throndhjem, he let his son
Magnus be proclaimed king and set him as king over Norway while
he was absent. Thora, the daughter of Thorberg, also remained
behind; but he took with him Queen Ellisif and her two daughters,
Maria and Ingegerd. Olaf, King Harald's son, also accompanied
his father abroad.
When King Harald was clear for sea, and the wind became
favourable, he sailed out into the ocean; and he himself landed
in Shetland, but a part of his fleet in the Orkney Islands. King
Harald stopped but a short time in Shetland before sailing to
Orkney, from whence he took with him a great armed force, and the
earls Paul and Erlend, the sons of Earl Thorfin; but he left
behind him here the Queen Ellisif, and her daughters Maria and
Ingegerd. Then he sailed, leaving Scotland and England westward
of him, and landed at a place called Klifland. There he went on
shore and plundered, and brought the country in subjection to him
without opposition. Then he brought up at Skardaburg, and fought
with the people of the place. He went up a hill which is there,
and made a great pile upon it, which he set on fire; and when the
pile was in clear flame, his men took large forks and pitched the
burning wood down into the town, so that one house caught fire
after the other, and the town surrendered. The Northmen killed
many people there and took all the booty they could lay hold of.
There was nothing left for the Englishmen now, if they would
preserve their lives, but to submit to King Harald; and thus he
subdued the country wherever he came. Then the king proceeded
south along the land, and brought up at Hellornes, where there
came a force that had been assembled to oppose him, with which he
had a battle, and gained the victory.
Thereafter the king sailed to the Humber, and up along the river,
and then he landed. Up in Jorvik were two earls, Earl Morukare,
and his brother, Earl Valthiof, and they had an immense army.
While the army of the earls was coming down from the upper part
of the country, King Harald lay in the Usa. King Harald now went
on the land, and drew up his men. The one arm of this line stood
at the outer edge of the river, the other turned up towards the
land along a ditch; and there was also a morass, deep, broad, and
full of water. The earls let their army proceed slowly down
along the river, with all their troops in line. The king's
banner was next the river, where the line was thickest. It was
thinnest at the ditch, where also the weakest of the men were.
When the earls advanced downwards along the ditch, the arm of the
Northmen's line which was at the ditch gave way; and the
Englishmen followed, thinking the Northmen would fly. The banner
of Earl Morukare advanced then bravely.
When King Harald saw that the English array had come to the ditch
against him, he ordered the charge to be sounded, and urged on
his men. He ordered the banner which was called the Land-ravager
to be carried before him, and made so severe an assault that all
had to give way before it; and there was a great loss among the
men of the earls, and they soon broke into flight, some running
up the river, some down, and the most leaping into the ditch,
which was so filled with dead that the Norsemen could go dry-foot
over the fen. There Earl Morukare fell. So says Stein Herdison:
"The gallant Harald drove along,
Flying but fighting, the whole throng.
At last, confused, they could not fight,
And the whole body took to flight.
Up from the river's silent stream
At once rose desperate splash and scream;
But they who stood like men this fray
Round Morukare's body lay."
This song was composed by Stein Herdison about Olaf, son of King
Harald; and he speaks of Olaf being in this battle with King
Harald, his father. These things are also spoken of in the song
called "Harald's Stave": --
"Earl Valthiof's men
Lay in the fen,
By sword down hewed,
So thickly strewed,
That Norsemen say
They paved a way
Across the fen
For the brave Norsemen."
Earl Valthiof, and the people who escaped, fled up to the castle
of York; and there the greatest loss of men had been. This
battle took place upon the Wednesday next Mathias' day (A.D.
Earl Toste had come from Flanders to King Harald as soon as he
arrived in England, and the earl was present at all these
battles. It happened, as he had foretold the king at their first
meeting, that in England many people would flock to them, as
being friends and relations of Earl Toste, and thus the king's
forces were much strengthened. After the battle now told of, all
people in the nearest districts submitted to Harald, but some
fled. Then the king advanced to take the castle, and laid his
army at Stanforda-bryggiur (Stamford Bridge); and as King Harald
had gained so great a victory against so great chiefs and so
great an army, the people were dismayed, and doubted if they
could make any opposition. The men of the castle therefore
determined, in a council, to send a message to King Harald, and
deliver up the castle into his power. All this was soon settled;
so that on Sunday the king proceeded with the whole army to the
castle, and appointed a Thing of the people without the castle,
at which the people of the castle were to be present. At this
Thing all the people accepted the condition of submitting to
Harald, and gave him, as hostages, the children of the most
considerable persons; for Earl Toste was well acquainted with all
the people of that town. In the evening the king returned down
to his ships, after this victory achieved with his own force, and
was very merry. A Thing was appointed within the castle early on
Monday morning, and then King Harald was to name officers to rule
over the town, to give out laws, and bestow fiefs. The same
evening, after sunset, King Harald Godwinson came from the south
to the castle with a numerous army, and rode into the city with
the good-will and consent of the people of the castle. All the
gates and walls were beset so that the Northmen could receive no
intelligence, and the army remained all night in the town.
On Monday, when King Harald Sigurdson had taken breakfast, he
ordered the trumpets to sound for going on shore. The army
accordingly got ready, and he divided the men into the parties
who should go, and who should stay behind. In every division he
allowed two men to land, and one to remain behind. Earl Toste
and his retinue prepared to land with King Harald; and, for
watching the ships, remained behind the king's son Olaf; the
earls of Orkney, Paul and Erlend; and also Eystein Orre, a son of
Thorberg Arnason, who was the most able and best beloved by the
king of all the lendermen, and to whom the king had promised his
daughter Maria. The weather was uncommonly fine, and it was hot
sunshine. The men therefore laid aside their armour, and went on
the land only with their shields, helmets and spears, and girt
with swords; and many had also arrows and bows, and all were very
merry. Now as they came near the castle a great army seemed
coming against them, and they saw a cloud of dust as from horses'
feet, and under it shining shields and bright armour. The king
halted his people, and called to him Earl Toste, and asked him
what army this could be. The earl replied that he thought it
most likely to be a hostle army, but possibly it might be some of
his relations who were seeking for mercy and friendship, in order
to obtain certain peace and safety from the king. Then the king
said, "We must all halt, to discover what kind of a force this
is." They did so; and the nearer this force came the greater it
appeared, and their shining arms were to the sight like glancing
Then said King Harald, "Let us now fall upon some good sensible
counsel; for it is not to be concealed that this is an hostile
army and the king himself without doubt is here."
Then said the earl, "The first counsel is to turn about as fast
as we can to our ships to get our men and our weapons, and then
we will make a defence according to our ability; or otherwise let
our ships defend us, for there these horsemen have no power over
Then King Harald said, "I have another counsel. Put three of our
best horses under three of our briskest lads and let them ride
with all speed to tell our people to come quickly to our relief.
The Englishmen shall have a hard fray of it before we give
ourselves up for lost."
The earl said the king must order in this, as in all things, as
he thought best; adding, at the same time, it was by no means his
wish to fly. Then King Harald ordered his banner Land-ravager to
be set up; and Frirek was the name of him who bore the banner.
Then King Harald arranged his army, and made the line of battle
long, but not deep. He bent both wings of it back, so that they
met together; and formed a wide ring equally thick all round,
shield to shield, both in the front and rear ranks. The king
himself and his retinue were within the circle; and there was the
banner, and a body of chosen men. Earl Toste, with his retinue,
was at another place, and had a different banner. The army was
arranged in this way, because the king knew that horsemen were
accustomed to ride forwards with great vigour, but to turn back
immediately. Now the king ordered that his own and the earl's
attendants should ride forwards where it was most required. "And
our bowmen," said he, "shall be near to us; and they who stand in
the first rank shall set the spear-shaft on the ground, and the
spear-point against the horseman's breast, if he rides at them;
and those who stand in the second rank shall set the spear-point
against the horse's breast."
King Harald Godwinson had come with an immense army, both of
cavalry and infantry. Now King Harald Sigurdson rode around his
array, to see how every part was drawn up. He was upon a black
horse, and the horse stumbled under him, so that the king fell
off. He got up in haste and said, "A fall is lucky for a
The English king Harald said to the Northmen who were with him,
"Do ye know the stout man who fell from his horse, with the blue
kirtle and the beautiful helmet?"
"That is the king himself." said they.
The English king said, "A great man, and of stately appearance is
he; but I think his luck has left him."
Twenty horsemen rode forward from the Thing-men's troops against
the Northmen's array; and all of them, and likewise their horses,
were clothed in armour.
One of the horsemen said, "Is Earl Toste in this army?"
The earl answered, "It is not to be denied that ye will find him
The horseman says, "Thy brother, King Harald, sends thee
salutation, with the message that thou shalt have the whole of
Northumberland; and rather than thou shouldst not submit to him,
he will give thee the third part of his kingdom to rule over
along with himself."
The earl replies, "This is something different from the enmity
and scorn he offered last winter; and if this had been offered
then it would have saved many a man's life who now is dead, and
it would have been better for the kingdom of England. But if I
accept of this offer, what will he give King Harald Sigurdson
for his trouble?"
The horseman replied, "He has also spoken of this; and will give
him seven feet of English ground, or as much more as he may be
taller than other men."
"Then," said the earl, "go now and tell King Harald to get ready
for battle; for never shall the Northmen say with truth that Earl
Toste left King Harald Sigurdson to join his enemy's troops, when
he came to fight west here in England. We shall rather all take
the resolution to die with honour, or to gain England by a
Then the horseman rode back.
King Harald Sigurdson said to the earl, "Who was the man who
spoke so well?"
The earl replied, "That was King Harald Godwinson."
Then, said King Harald Sigurdson, "That was by far too long
concealed from me; for they had come so near to our army, that
this Harald should never have carried back the tidings of our
men's slaughter."
Then said the earl, "It was certainly imprudent for such chiefs,
and it may be as you say; but I saw he was going to offer me
peace and a great dominion, and that, on the other hand, I would
be his murderer if I betrayed him; and I would rather he should
be my murderer than I his, if one of two be to die."
King Harald Sigurdson observed to his men, "That was but a little
man, yet he sat firmly in his stirrups."
It is said that Harald made these verses at this time: --
"Advance! advance!
No helmets glance,
But blue swords play
In our array.
Advance! advance!
No mail-coats glance,
But hearts are here
That ne'er knew fear."
His coat of mail was called Emma; and it was so long that it
reached almost to the middle of his leg, and so strong that no
weapon ever pierced it. Then said King Harald Sigurdson, "These
verses are but ill composed; I must try to make better;" and he
composed the following: --
"In battle storm we seek no lee,
With skulking head, and bending knee,
Behind the hollow shield.
With eye and hand we fend the head;
Courage and skill stand in the stead
Of panzer, helm, and shield,
In hild's bloody field."
Thereupon Thiodolf sang: --
"And should our king in battle fall, --
A fate that God may give to all, --
His sons will vengeance take;
And never shone the sun upon
Two nobler eaglet; in his run,
And them we'll never forsake."
Now the battle began. The Englishmen made a hot assault upon the
Northmen, who sustained it bravely. It was no easy matter for
the English to ride against the Northmen on account of their
spears; therefore they rode in a circle around them. And the
fight at first was but loose and light, as long as the Northmen
kept their order of battle; for although the English rode hard
against the Northmen, they gave way again immediately, as they
could do nothing against them. Now when the Northmen thought
they perceived that the enemy were making but weak assaults, they
set after them, and would drive them into flight; but when they
had broken their shield-rampart the Englishmen rode up from all
sides, and threw arrows and spears on them. Now when King Harald
Sigurdson saw this, he went into the fray where the greatest
crash of weapons was, and there was a sharp conflict, in which
many people fell on both sides. King Harald then was in a rage,
and ran out in front of the array, and hewed down with both
hands; so that neither helmet nor armour could withstand him, and
all who were nearest gave way before him. It was then very near
with the English that they had taken to flight. So says Arnor,
the earls' skald: --
"Where battle-storm was ringing,
Where arrow-cloud was singing,
Harald stood there,
Of armour bare,
His deadly sword still swinging.
The foeman feel its bite;
His Norsemen rush to fight,
Danger to share,
With Harald there,
Where steel on steel was ringing."
King Harald Sigurdson was hit by an arrow in the windpipe, and
that was his death-wound. He fell, and all who had advanced with
him, except those who retired with the banner. There was
afterwards the warmest conflict, and Earl Toste had taken charge
of the king's banner. They began on both sides to form their
array again, and for a long time there was a pause in fighting.
Then Thiodolf sang these verses: --
"The army stands in hushed dismay;
Stilled is the clamour of the fray.
Harald is dead, and with him goes
The spirit to withstand our foes.
A bloody scat the folk must pay
For their king's folly on this day.
He fell; and now, without disguise,
We say this business was not wise."
But before the battle began again Harald Godwinson offered his
brother, Earl Toste, peace, and also quarter to the Northmen who
were still alive; but the Northmen called out, all of them
together, that they would rather fall, one across the other, than
accept of quarter from the Englishmen. Then each side set up a
war-shout, and the battle began again. So says Arnor, the earls'
skald: --
"The king, whose name would ill-doers scare,
The gold-tipped arrow would not spare.
Unhelmed, unpanzered, without shield,
He fell among us in the field.
The gallant men who saw him fall
Would take no quarter; one and all
Resolved to die with their loved king,
Around his corpse in a corpse-ring."
Eystein Orre came up at this moment from the ships with the men
who followed him, and all were clad in armour. Then Eystein got
King Harald's banner Land-ravager; and now was, for the third
time, one of the sharpest of conflicts, in which many Englishmen
fell, and they were near to taking flight. This conflict is
called Orre's storm. Eystein and his men had hastened so fast
from the ships that they were quite exhausted, and scarcely fit
to fight before they came into the battle; but afterwards they
became so furious, that they did not guard themselves with their
shields as long as they could stand upright. At last they threw
off their coats of ringmail, and then the Englishmen could easily
lay their blows at them; and many fell from weariness, and died
without a wound. Thus almost all the chief men fell among the
Norway people. This happened towards evening; and then it went,
as one might expect, that all had not the same fate, for many
fled, and were lucky enough to escape in various ways; and
darkness fell before the slaughter was altogether ended.
Styrkar, King Harald Sigurdson's marshal, a gallant man, escaped
upon a horse, on which he rode away in the evening. It was
blowing a cold wind, and Styrkar had not much other clothing upon
him but his shirt, and had a helmet on his head, and a drawn
sword in his hand. As soon as his weariness was over, he began
to feel cold. A waggoner met him in a lined skin-coat. Styrkar
asks him, "Wilt thou sell thy coat, friend?"
"Not to thee," says the peasant: "thou art a Northman; that I
can hear by thy tongue."
Styrkar replies, "If I were a Northman, what wouldst thou do?"
"I would kill thee," replied the peasant; "but as ill luck would
have it, I have no weapon just now by me that would do it."
Then Styrkar says, "As you can't kill me, friend, I shall try if
I can't kill you." And with that he swung his sword, and struck
him on the neck, so that his head came off. He then took the
skin-coat, sprang on his horse, and rode down to the strand.
Olaf Haraldson had not gone on land with the others, and when he
heard of his father's fall he made ready to sail away with the
men who remained.
When the Earl of Rouen, William the Bastard, heard of his
relation, King Edward's, death, and also that Harald Godwinson
was chosen, crowned, and consecrated king of England, it appeared
to him that he had a better right to the kingdom of England than
Harald, by reason of the relationship between him and King
Edward. He thought, also, that he had grounds for avenging the
affront that Harald had put upon him with respect to his
daughter. From all these grounds William gathered together a
great army in Normandy, and had many men, and sufficient
transport-shipping. The day that he rode out of the castle to
his ships, and had mounted his horse, his wife came to him, and
wanted to speak with him; but when he saw her he struck at her
with his heel, and set his spurs so deep into her breast that she
fell down dead; and the earl rode on to his ships, and went with
his ships over to England. His brother, Archbishop Otto, was
with him; and when the earl came to England he began to plunder,
and take possession of the land as he came along. Earl William
was stouter and stronger than other men; a great horseman and
warrior, but somewhat stern; and a very sensible man, but not
considered a man to be relied on.
King Harald Godwinson gave King Harald Sigurdson's son Olaf leave
to go away, with the men who had followed him and had not fallen
in battle; but he himself turned round with his army to go south,
for he had heard that William the Bastard was overwhelming the
south of England with a vast army, and was subduing the country
for himself. With King Harald went his brothers Svein and Gyrd,
and Earl Valthiof. King Harald and Earl William met each other
south in England at Helsingja-port (Hastings). There was a great
battle in which King Harald and his brother Earl Gyrd and a great
part of his men fell. This was the nineteenth day after the fall
of King Harald Sigurdson. Harald's brother, Earl Valthiof,
escaped by flight, and towards evening fell in with a division of
William's people, consisting of 100 men; and when they saw Earl
Valthiof's troop they fled to a wood. Earl Valthiof set fire to
the wood, and they were all burnt. So says Thorkel Skallason in
Valthiof's ballad: --
"Earl Valthiof the brave
His foes a warming gave:
Within the blazing grove
A hundred men he drove.
The wolf will soon return,
And the witch's horse will burn
Her sharp claws in the ash,
To taste the Frenchman's flesh."
William was proclaimed king of England. He sent a message to
Earl Valthiof that they should be reconciled, and gave him
assurance of safety to come to the place of meeting. The earl
set out with a few men; but when he came to a heath north of
Kastala-bryggia, there met him two officers of King William, with
many followers, who took him prisoner, put him in fetters, and
afterwards he was beheaded; and the English call him a saint.
Thorkel tells of this: --
"William came o'er the sea,
With bloody sword came he:
Cold heart and bloody hand
Now rule the English land.
Earl Valthiof he slew, --
Valthiof the brave and true.
Cold heart and bloody hand
Now rule the English land."
William was after this king of England for twenty-one years, and
his descendants have been so ever since.
Olaf, the son of King Harald Sigurdson, sailed with his fleet
from England from Hrafnseyr, and came in autumn to the Orkney
Isles, where the event had happened that Maria, a daughter of
Harald Sigurdson, died a sudden death the very day and hour her
father, King Harald, fell. Olaf remained there all winter; but
the summer after he proceeded east to Norway, where he was
proclaimed king along with his brother Magnus. Queen Ellisif
came from the West, along with her stepson Olaf and her daughter

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